9:08am Nov 24 2010
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Danielle jumped slightly spinning around focusing on Andrew. " that's great!" she smiled putting down a rag she was holding to walk forward and take the ID. " it looks great... You heading to work now?" she asked curiously bringing her tail around herself. " and well...I was wondering about tomorrow. Like what time you worked and if you could possibly take an hour off and come with me somewhere" she said nervously focusing her gaze on the floor.
( stupid iPod )
1:15pm Nov 24 2010
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Andrew rested his hands on his hips as she took the ID. "Yeah, I'm on the verge of being late." He informed he. His own tail was swinging lazily behind him. "A hour?" Andrew asked, "I might be able to but no promises." He replied, "I've been late a lot lately and Alex is getting kinda peeved about it." He said with a shrug. "But I'll ask."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:41pm Nov 24 2010
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Danielle smiled with a light nod watching him for a moment. "Well lets get you out of this house. You dont' want to be late" She sighed placing her hands on his shoulders attempting to push him out the door. "Hey...how about I talk to Alex? That's your boss right? Seeing I am trying to get a job but maybe I can put a little....charm to it or do you think he'll see right threw it?" she asked with a half laugh kind of figuring it was a stupid idea. Just because she was a girl didn't mean she could easily breeze threw life with her witty charm or looks, not that she really thought she had all that. Her mom on the other hand, did act like that so it wasn't really hard to pull off. { Fail and I was totally ranting. lol }
1:41pm Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Nov 24 2010)
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2:17pm Nov 24 2010
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[[ Sorry, had to sneak back on >.< ]] Andrew started to back out of the house, only vaguely hoping that he didn't trip over something while she was doing this. He could only imagine what would happen as a result of that. "I guess you can try talking to him, you'll have to talk to him at some point to see if you can get that job you know." Andrew replied. [[ ranting? XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:29pm Nov 24 2010
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{ Is your birthday written on your license? *feels stupid and is way to lazy to check* I just found a flaw in my plan. lol. } "True...so why not tonight?" Danielle asked with a slight shrug releasing him and seeming to prance past him. Once she was past him a small frown tugged at her lips as she quickly exited the house before he could catch her look. This was going to be a tough one. She cleared her throat before spinning around and giving off a small, fake laugh. "So you comming or what? I hate for you to be late on my behalf." {Bleh! Sorry. Your sneaking on and i'm in the middle of packing. lol }
3:00pm Nov 24 2010
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[[ Yeah. Your birthday, weight, height, age ^.^ But hers is fake so the info is probably fake too :) ]] Andrew turned and followed her out the door, closing it behind them and leading her quickly down to Aiden's car and opened the door for her and got in himself. He was pushing it with the time already so he had to move fast. [failpost] [oh yeah, you're leaving *sadfais*]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:43pm Nov 24 2010
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{ I'll be here for a few more days. Like...till sunday. Then I won't be on. Unless I get online time at the airport on my ipod. >.< } Danielle jumped into Aiden's car nodding lightly at Andrew as to thank him. She shut her door her door rather quickly noticing Andrew's quick movements. Now she felt a little bad for making him wait or well stop and give her her ID. A slight frown fell upon her face as she buckled up and glanced down at the fake ID. Yep everything was all wrong but she'd have to remember all of it in a matter of time anyway. Her eyes traveled down to the like that revealed her birthday. Of course that peice of information was wrong as well so her little plan to get Andrew off just for an hour seemed to fail automatically but then another one formed just as quickly as the other idea was pushed out of her head. { somehow I don't think that sentence made sense. >.< Or it just sounds wrong to me. But im on my ipod so screw it. I hate when my grammar is wrong. I think it's a run-on sentence }

11:27pm Nov 24 2010
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[[ Yay! :D *happyfais* I've been reading Loveless <33 My brain is trying to pull ideas out of that for this RP xD ]] Aiden knew that Andrew would be late soon and that he needed to hurry and drop him off or he wasn't going to be of any help at all. He pulled away from the curve in front of the house and headed down the road, as fast as he could without actually going over the speed limit. *lazy* Aiden pulled off to the side of the road and stopped, figuring that Andrew had enough time to get there as long as he didn't stop to tie his shoes on th way. "Don't be late Andrew." Aiden told him as he got out, taking his things with him and closing the door behind him and waited for Danielle to come. [[ I got it ^ ^ I hate doing run on sentences but I was never really good with grammar -_-;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:35am Nov 25 2010
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{ I've never seen/read that. So please tell me if it is any good. } Once the car stopped Danielle seemed to jump out and lightly nudge Andrew. "Don't wait for me. I know where you work. You need to get going before your late" She frowned passing him. She walked down the side walk flopping her tail behind her heading towards the bar. "Again, don't wait for me" she said glancing back at Andrew.
9:20pm Nov 26 2010
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Andrew frowned, "Don't wait for you?" He asked, repeated what she had just told him. "What do you mean?" He smirked, "Don't wait for you, I can't leave you out here in the dark with no one to protect you either, now, can I?" He asked, walking beside her now. "Besides, I'm going to have to introduce you to Alex aren't I?" He reminded her. [[Its wonderful :3 Confusing/interesting/addicting <333]] http://www.mangafox.com/manga/loveless/v01/c001/
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:01pm Nov 26 2010
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Danielle looked at him before letting out a small huff. "Psh. You protect me? From what? The boogyman?" She asked with a slight laugh before shrugging. "What I meant was don't let me walking slow make you late. That's all. I tend to...observe my surroundings a lot" she smiled warmly letting her tail flop behind her. "And yes you will have to introduce me to Alex. That should be intersting." { Sorry. I was watching 'How to train your Dragon' for the third time }
10:53pm Nov 26 2010
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"The boogyman isn't the only monster you need to worry about~" Andrew replied with a flick of his tail. "And you can't enjoy the sights in the dark, so theres no reason for you to go slow or for me to leave you for the boogyman." Andrew smiled. [fail :C I LOVE that movie :D]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:33am Nov 27 2010
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Danielle laughed lightly shaking her head. "The boogyman isn't the only thing I have to worry about? Theives won't bother because I own nothing and i'm sure I can fight tooth and nail with anyone else who tries to come around looking for no good" She smiled warmly wrapping her tail around herself and giving off a slight laugh. "I don't think you need to worry, Andrew. I'm a clutz sure, but i'm not as fragil as I may seem." { It's such an adorable moving! Toothless. <3 Did you know the twins names were 'roughnut' and 'toughnut' ? I just learned that on the 3rd time of watching it. lol. }
3:47pm Nov 27 2010
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"Fine fine." Andrew chuckled, figuring that he wasn't going to win this battle and knew that Danielle was probably right when she said that she could take care of herself when and if it came down to that. Andrew just didn't want to be responsible in letting her get hurt. He didn't need or want to have that kind of guilt over his head. [[I love that movie XDDD <333 Yeah, I knew their names were roughnut and toughnut but I had to stop and rewind the movie XD Pissed everyone off too lol they were all into it and --Stop... Rewind... Play... Pause... Rewind... Play-- LOL XD]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:14pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 4:15pm Nov 27 2010)
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{ Bleh! What were we going to do? lol. We need to go ahead and bring something in. Wait, when will Seth act out against Mr. Dashaniel's room? After tomorrow? Maybe he spends more time with Andrew in class versus Seth? Or maybe Seth tries to speak up but because Andrew is supposed to be talking or was talking Eric shot him down and told him to be quiet? I donno. >.< } It wasn't long that the club was in sight. Danielle seemed to perk up letting her tail unwravel around her. "So...You find Alex, i'll tag along and then I guess you get to work while I speak with him for a few moments. Then we'll see where things go from there" She said with a light nod as if trying to talk herself into it more than Andrew. { Ya see. With her I don't know if I should make her popular cause she is a chick or be treated the same as Andrew. I'm sure he gets hit on by chicks...That only means bigger tips. lol And Awwww. Me and my friend were arguing about the name of hiccup. lol. At first my friend thought they said something else. I had to keep telling her it was hiccup.}

5:06pm Nov 27 2010
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[[ I was just trying to figure that out >.< And Seth is going to be close to Andrew after and before clas$ and its gonna start to annoy Aiden a little too XD Especially Andrew >3 Ohh... poor Andrew lol I got some plans *evil cackle* Ku ku ku >:3 Yeah, guess we can do that :3 Or Seth starts to talk to Andrew in the middle of clas$ again and Eric can tell him to shut up XD lol ]] "Ok." Andrew replied, coming up to the front of the building. "don't get nervous, Alex isn't all that bad. Just annoying." Andrew said as they walked through the front door. "You're late Andrew!" Came Alex's voice front the bar in his office. "No I'm not!" Andrew called back. Alex poped out of his office. "You're close. I told you not to get so close." He said and came out to meet the two of them. [[ I think shes gonna be more popular because shes a girl and there are typically more men at a bar than there are women :3 But however popular you want her to be lol When I watched the Trailers on TV I would get confused XD They'd say "Hiccup", "Toothless", and "Night Fury" and I'm like: ...Which ones which? XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:18pm Nov 27 2010
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{ Oh lord. lol. Oooh! I found this threw google! It was creepy. >.< Now i'm googling my own name. Obviously i'm a prostitute and a child molester. X.x I hate googling my name although something new pops up EVERY time.
It would probably be Seth trying to talk to Andrew during clas$ and Eric telling him to save his little 'love fest' for after clas$ or something. I'm sure that would piss of Andrew as well if he called it that. lol. }
Danielle nodded lightly to Andrew's words before following him into the bar. She brought her hand up to the side of her face allowing her to brush a few stands out from in front of her eyes so she could see better. Her ears pulled back when Andrew got yelled at before out of curtosy stepping forward a tad bit. "I'm sorry sir, You can blame me for that one. I walk slow" She smiled warmly tilting her head to the side just a tiny bit. "I'm Danielle, i've come to see if you might have any more openings here. I heard Andrew worked down here and thought that maybe there would be just one small opening for me. I don't even care if it's cleaning the restrooms" She shrugged lightly, her smile not fadding as she held out her hand for him to shake. "My name's Danielle by the way."
{Suck up. lol }

5:57pm Nov 27 2010
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[[ You googled your name? XD I've never done that before lol And yes, that would seriously upset Andrew XDD but I don't think Seth would mind at all XD 'Is it that obvious?' lol ]] Alex looked from Andrew to Danielle, as if he hadn't noticed her standing there before. His ears perked slightly as he took her hand and shook it. "No, I'm sure it wan't just you. Andrew tends to walk slow himself." He said, though not disrespectfully, and glanced over and Andrew for a second. "So you want a job? I might be able to arrange something." He said, "Step into my office?" He said. - Andrew raised his eyebrows at the two of them, Alex was in a really good mood today. His own ears perked curiously and his tail curled behind him. Looked like Danielle had goos chances of getting a good job instead of cleaning up the bathrooms like she had suggested. [[ Thats the way to get a job XD I almost wrote something about Seth ; But I don't know what to say for him lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:20pm Nov 27 2010
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{ It's werid. I can promise you that i'm not that prostitute or the 27 year old child molester who phone rapes boys. lol. I think she's in jail. >.< And it might just be Alex and Danielle for a few conversations. lol } Danielle seemed to nod lightly glancing back at Andrew with a rather happy smile. "See you soon, Andrew" She said softly turing and making her way towards the door he had came out of. "I'm sure you want a list of my skills right or should I let you ask the questions?" she asked curiously glancing over her shoulder as she entered his office and spun around not really sure if she should sit down or not. It was uncomfortable a little bit but it wasn't nothing big. She always had pre employment jitters. Hell she was terrified when she found out she was goin to be working for rich people at their own houses. It always creeped her out that she had a 50/50 chance of being kidnapped but that was a house and this was a bar. There would be plenty of people to be a witness versus an empty house. Then again that was always an old fear of hers, ever since childhood. It seemed sort of inconsistant now.
