7:29pm Oct 24 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:47pm Oct 26 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:45am Oct 27 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:39am Oct 27 2010
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Ooc:// I have my reply written out but it's in my car. >.< I'll reply when I get home after biology clas$ today. Sorry. Sooo many things. DX
3:40pm Oct 27 2010
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[[ Ok :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:02pm Oct 27 2010
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[bump ;P]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:39am Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{[ Gah! I'm sorry. Lord I hate this week. I am replying now but please no cursing me out because it sucks. Not much to really put for my teacher dude....}] Bic:// Eric sighed glancing up fom his desk noticing Andrew sittin there. He frowned just watching the kid before getting up himself and walking over to him glancing down at the desk seeing all the work done. He let out an impressed "hmph" as he made his way over to another student who had raised her hand to ask for help. Once he was finished with the student he slowly walked back to Andrew and placed his hand on his back before leaning down, whispering in the kid's ear. "I would like to speak with you after clas$." With that Eric straightened up going back to his desk letting his mind race with ideas on how exactly to make Andrew behave. Sure challenging him shut him up but that didn't mean he was one hundred percent fixed or if it was even possible to fix him.
4:33pm Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 4:40pm Oct 28 2010)
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[[ LOL Thats fine! >3< ]] Eric didn't react to Eric's disdain, but instead continued to stare out of the window. If he wanted to walk around and try to start something again, fine by him. he wasn't about to respond though, especially not to him. He had already knocked him off of his mental pedestal, now what? He wants to kick him around too? Nope, he didn't react until Eric put his hand on his back, and he automatically arched his back and shied away from the physical contact. Making a small noise as he did so. He didn't want him touching him anymore today, even if he only touched his back this time. He didn't want to stay after either, he couldn't stay after! He'd be late for work! He laid his head down and quietly awaited the end of cla.ss. Soon, the bell rang and the sound of students slamming their books shut and the rustle of papers shuffling and being stuffed into backpacks, clanks of desks coming together and sliding across the floor sounded. Instant chatter as well. Andrew stood up while everyone was turning in their work to the desk at the front and filing out, it was the end of the school day after all. He took his time getting his things together, putting them away and what not. The teacher wanted to see him anyway. His mind traveled back a few minutes to when he had told him to stay after. Why did he have to whisper? Why not just say it out loud? And why whisper into his ear? Weird. His ear flicked at the very thought and he frowned. Soon he was alone and he walked up and added his paper to the pile and sat down in the first seat in the front and leaned back in it. "Whatever you want, can you make it quick? I kinda gotta be somewhere." He said thickly. [[I was thinking of ways that these two could spend more time together :3 Since, ya know, you really only see your teachers a t school? He could stay after school to clean the erasers. O: Or he could do something that would cause he to have detention for a while :3 Like... vandalizing something XD Haha~]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:18pm Oct 28 2010
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{[ You know I totally forgot what I wanted Eric to say....-_-' }] Eric watched all the students evacuate the room quickly before sighing and focusing on Andrew who came up and sit in front of him. He listened to what he was saying before sighing. "Is everything quick with you?" he asked placing his hands on his desk and leaning forward. "That's besides the point here..." he frowned before clearing his throat. "Andrew. Your smart and I can see it but you slacking off like this in clas$ is really starting to hurt you. You being a cla$s clown is not going to get you anywhere. Anyway...I would like you to enter that compitition. I think you could benefit from it" he said letting out a huff. "Just try it...what's the worst that can happen? You'll be seen for your smart brain instead of your as$ that you show all the time?" He asked with a slight smirk. Of course he was metephorically talking with that last comment. {[ Yeah he could vanalize something and be sent to detention or something like that leaving him with Eric. Boy wouldn't it suck if he had to go to summer school and he was the only one and whatya know...Eric would be his teacher. lol. I hate summer school....lol. }]

9:07pm Oct 28 2010
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[[ lol AS soon as I get off you post <3 ]] Andrew didn't know what that was supposed to mean. He'd never sat back and thought about how fast he went before nor was he going to. And like Eric, he made himself more comfortable;e by resting his jaw on his fist to listen to this guy's ramble. After everything that Eric had to say seemed to be out and in the open Andrew shrugged, a look of boredom or maybe agitation on his face. He had been planning on entering anyway, but now that Eric had suggested it it would only look like he was doing it because his teacher told him to. He wouldn't do that. "Seriously? I don't care about my grades." He lied, he tried as hard as he could and since that was getting him no where he tried to make it up for it by acting out. "And I don't care about that writing contest or whatever it is." He told the teacher. He didn't get why his grades were suddenly oh so important to him anyway. "Can I go?" He asked. [[ Ohh.. :3 Summer school X3 I've never been to summer school :O ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:18am Oct 29 2010
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{[ hehe. Opps. ^.^ But summer school is for people who fail a test or something. I went because I had to pas$ my math EOC. Oh my god it was fun and boring. I got to jump off desks in my favorite history teacher's clas$ and we played a lot of games. It was amazing minus how hot it was. Lord you could fry eggs in one of those rooms. -_-' But alas.... Andrew's smart so he doesn't really have any reason...plus we'd have to skip to summer. lol. That's....stupid. >.< }] Eric sighed rolling his eyes and leaned back in his rolley chair. "Kid...Today's not the last day you have to deal with me. We can go in circles with these pesky battles and I garentee you I will win them. My advice to you is start behaving or the same thing that happened today, will happen again" Eric frowned flattening his ears against his skull. "I'm not afraid of getting in trouble so know that. Now go. Your in a hurry and i'm waisting your time obviously" he huffed standing up, his hands still firmly resting on his desk. "Get out of here kid and don't forget your poem to recite. I won't hesitate to dock your grade which just might hurt you or it may not...." He said nonchalauntly turning his back on Andrew and begin cleaning the board with the eraser. It was the end of the day after all so thecnically he didn't need it anymore for today although tomorrow was a different story.

4:32pm Oct 29 2010
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[[ lol XD Summer school is out ]] As soon as a=Andrew was allowed to leave he stood up, grabbed his pack and slung it over his shoulder. He then walked leisurely away, not looking like he was in a hurry at all. That was until he stepped out of the cla.ssroom and was out of sight before he took off. He wen as fast as he could, it he was late one more time he was going to get fired. He needed that job! Stupid teacher!! Telling him everything that he had already heard a hundred times before. He reached the door to the outside of the school and barreled through it, the sound of metal from slamming into the door sounded down the empty halls and echoed oddly back. If he got fired he was going to make sure Mr. Dashaniel was gonna hear about it. He didn't have a car, and usually one of his friends would at least take him most of the way there on his way home but he had already left the school so he was forced to run. But he couldn't run the whole way and slowed down over time to a slow jog. He was supposed to be there in 15 minutes! There was no way he was going to make it on time. The was the worst day ever. Ever! well, maybe not ever but it was certainly up there on the list. He worked at a club on the outskirts of the town. He wasn't old enough to swerve drinks there but he didn't care. A fake ID was cheap and easy to get and a well planned lie could fool anyone. And he was a good liar. "STUPID TEACHER!" He barked to himself when he finally slowed to a walk. He was going to get fired. He breathed heavily, he was almost there, but he couldn't keep going. He decided to just walk the rest of the way and if he was late he would beg if he had to. He was already down so why not get dirty?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:18pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Eric sighed glancing to the side watching Andrew leave the clas$room. He gave a slight shrug shoving papers in his brief case to be graded tonight that would be a fun thing to do. He bit his lip opening one of his desk drawers pulling out a pack of cigarettes and shoving them in his pocket. Oh he was he thrilled he got to smoke now. There wasn't time between his breaks to go out for a smoke when in fact the campus was a smoke free zone. He'd have to wait till he hit the parking lot. With a slight groan he grabbed the brief case and exited his room, turning off the light and closing his door in the process. He made his way down the hall spotting a few of his fellow teachers. He simply nodded with a polite smile, a few giving off scoffs as they pas$ed him. A frown fell upon Eric's face as he shoved his hand in his pocket pulling out a cigarette from the pack. Did they have to be so rude? I mean they all knew that he was gay so why was it a big deal? It didn't make him less of a person or less of a teacher. It just meant he had a different private life style then them and that's what it was...a private home life. He didn't bring that to school. At school he was professional and would do nothing that he did in his private life. He reached the parking lot placing the cigarette in his mouth pulling out car keys and clicking open his black BMW's doors. He tossed his briefcase in the back before lighting his cigarette and just standing near his car to smoke. His mind traveld back to Andrew which brought a slight smirk to his face. It amused him at how pissed off he had got over him just grabbing his jaw. It wasn't like he was going to kiss the kid, although he couldn't help but wonder what he would have done if he did. "Probably got hit" He laughed outloud shrugging the thought.

5:40pm Oct 29 2010
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Andrew could finally see the club and decided to start running again. When he finally did reach it he had just made it on time, good. "Andrew! You're late!" Someone called when they spotted him coming through the door. "No I'm not! I right on time!" He replied and made his way to the bar. It was his boss, Alex. "Yeah well... don't be 'just on time' again. You need to be here earlier or next time don't bother coming in at all." Alex replied, flicking his tail angrily. Andrew did what he was told without a comment, this job paid good and he could afford to lose it. Soon they would open and everything was going to get really hectic, really fast. He knew he was going to have to stay late, just because he pissed off Mr. Bossman. He sighed and got everything ready. According to his ID, he was turning 23, and according to his lie he had experience mixing drinks in planty of other bars across the area. That wasn't exactly a lie, he knew how to mix drink, but it was usually only at home.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:47pm Oct 29 2010
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[[ Hm. Should I skip to the end of his shift and have him go home? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:51pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{ GAH! >.< I posted but it signed me out of the website! It was awsome too because I was going to have Eric come into the bar with his ex and hang out, talk to the kid....all that good crap and yeah. I was going to post it but it signed me out! Loosing EVERYTHING. *Cries* }
7:54pm Oct 29 2010
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[[[ Ahhhhrrrrgh DX I hate when that happens ;~; ]]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:46pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{[ I do to...Now I don't even want to retype it. >.< And honestly....I think Eric is just a big kid. lol. He know's no boundaries. }] Eric sighed tossing his case into the pas$enger seat starting his vehicle and pulling out of the parking lot letting the cirgarette hang out of his mouth slightly. He knew he was going to either die of cancer or getting in a car wreck. This thought made him smirk. He always went way over the legal speed limit. To him it was super boring to follow the stupid white signs on the side of the road. Glancing over at his breif case. He so did not want to immediatly go home and grade over five hundred papers. He let out a frustrated sigh before a random idea came to his mind. He steadied the wheel pulling out his cell phone and texting someone only to smirk and place the phone in his cup holder. With that he headed towards a nearby club that he knew he could hang out at for a while before actually cracking down and getting to work later in the night.
9:17pm Oct 29 2010
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Andrew, having found himself a sucker, was way too busy to think about anything else besides all of the drinks he was mixing up. And the customers were no where near appealing to him, but whatever. If he was charming he got bigger tips. The sucker did something, because as soon as he started chewing on the thing he got more tips. Tip to himself: Bring suckers to work. {{ The sucker in his pic. O: Thats a big arse freakin sucker man! XD Where did he find it? :3 JK }} Not only that, but they were playing good songs tonight, he could actually stand these! Usually they were the sang annoying songs over and over again. "Love Game" By LadyGaga came on then. His book bag was stashed safely under the bar, his tail flicking here and there showing his slight agitation but other than that he was pleasant enough. [[ Had a brain fail in the middle of that post D: ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:34pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 1,825
[{ I've seen bigger suckers and yes... If a cute bartender was sucking on a sucker and serving drinks...I'd totally give him a bigger tip too. lol. }] Eric pulled into the club parking lot stepping out of his car and dropping his cigarette, stomping it into the ground. He glanced around for a blue car but not noticing he frowned and pushed his way into the club figuring his friend would show up soon. He sighed glancing around the club feeling a little out there. God he couldn't wait until his friend showed up. Clubbing alone was not something he normally did. He sighed making his way to the bar sort of freezing noticing a familure face behind the counter. Andrew. He smirked walking over to the bar leaning on it and focusing on the kid for a few minutes. "Sooo. This is where you were in a hurry to get to?" He asked glancing around before focusing on the kid. He was way to young to work in a club. Hell he was in high school and his student. He knew how old Andrew was and if he was old enough to work here legaly he wouldn't be in high school, the system would have already dropped him. {Sorry. I'm watching "what would you do" and there are a group of guys slandering and shoving a gay guy picking on him. I'm sort of yelling at the stupid people who are pas$ing by not doing anything. Loooots of people are just walking away. *tear* Stupid people. >.<}
