7:00pm Nov 27 2010
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[[ lol I believe you XD And sorry for my late posts X3 roasting marshmallows and eating left over turkey lol ]] Andrew raised his eyebrows at her, a smile on his face as Danielle disappeared into Alex's office. "Nothing inappropriate Alex!" He barked, half meaning it half joking. He didn't seriously think that Alex would do anything to Danielle as he went to work and started to get everything ready to open the club. - Alex's ear twitched irritably at Andrew's little comment from the other room before he closed his office door. "You can sit." He told Danielle and sat at his own desk and faced her. He thought for a few seconds before he spoke. "Why don't you tell me what you can do, and I'll ask questions from there." He told her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:38pm Nov 27 2010
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Danielle couldn't help but smirk at Andrew's comment before sitting and actually crossing her legs getting comofortable. "Well I can do a lot. I have lots of quialities and skills but the ones that would pertain to a bar job. I can clean. I've been a professional maid for the up town people for around four-five years. I've catored lots of parties for them mixing their drinks and giving them what they want. I have people skills and do know how to be polite when a drunk guy hits on me. I've had it a lot at my old job" she said with a light nod before curling her tail behind her and perking her ears forward just a little bit. "I can also be a waiter. Serving people on the floor if you need one of those. I don't mind walking around or even cleaning tables" She added seeming to lean back in her chair. She brought her hand up moving her hair out of her face once more a little annoyed it chose today to mess up and be a pain in her as$.
8:20pm Nov 27 2010
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[[ YAAY! >O< I've finally saved up 50 mil :3 Stocks have been mean so it's been hard but I did it! haha ]] Alex nodded, "You've answered my questions before I could ask them." He told her then went over everything that she'd said in his mind. there were plenty of waitresses that walked around and took orders on the dance floor. He didn't need someone else doing it. "You sound like you would be an excellent bar tender, like Andrew. But do you have a license to serve? I can't have under aged bar tenders." He told her, she looked about the same age as Andrew and he was a bar tender. But Andrew looked really young to be one and he had a hunch that Andrew was lying to get the job. Alex could care less as long as Andrew could stay under the radar and act like a 22 year old bar tender.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:29pm Nov 27 2010
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{ I barely have 2 million. lol. } Danielle gave a slight laugh as she sat quietly listening to him. Her ears perked forward slightly listening to him ask her if she had the license to serve. She nodded lightly and handed over the fake ID to him that Andrew had gotten her the day prior. "Honestly, the houses I worked for in the upper part of town wouldn't have let me anywhere near alcohol if I was underage. The last thing they need is a run in with the law" she smiled warmly awaiting his verdict. { Oh Danielle. >.< Lying comes easy doesn't it? lol }
8:50pm Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Nov 27 2010)
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[[ Ugh, TU is hard to come by lately XD ]] Alex took her ID and looked it over. All of her information printed clearly and without any immediate signs of being a fake. He sighed silently through his nose and handed the ID back. Stevie was wonderful. "Everything seems to be in order." He told Danielle, "You've got the job." He said. [[ Its bad when it gets easy XD lol And I realize that that was quick ; But now she has a job XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:01pm Nov 27 2010
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{ Yes it is. And again...Yes it is. lol. Oh awsome. I replied to both your comments with one saying. ^.^ Sorry. That was cool } "Thank you so much, Alex. I won't let you down" Danielle smiled warmly. She uncrossed her legs before pausing. "There's another matter I would like to discuss with you. It's about Andrew..." She trailed off for a moment glancing at the door before turning back to Alex. "Would it be okay if he took an hour off work tomorrow. Just at the beginning. My sister is throwing a party for her birthday and my parents want me invite him and I told them it would be hard seeing he did work but they seem relentless. You see, my sister has a major crush on him and I guess my parents birthday present to her is him which is odd, but I never understood them" she laughed lightly glancing at the floor. "Only for an hour, him and I will come straight here after" She explained placing her hands in her lap. "If you want I can actually work really late tonight to make up for that hour for Andrew and I. I wouldn't mind at all" She shrugged lightly. { Cronic liar! Lord, Danielle. Oh also when does she start? lol }

9:35pm Nov 27 2010
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[[ lol I guess it is awesome XD ]] Alex listened intently to his new employee, surprised that anyone could like a kid like Andrew. A stubborn, hot-tempered, trouble maker. He frowned, thinking about it for a moment. "Thats fine, but I do expect you to stay for an extra hour tonight." Alex said, "And Andrew. Tell Andrew that he can come in an hour late tomorrow, as long as he stays an hour late tonight." He said, then stood up. [[ lol XD Tonight? She can start tonight and Andrew can be all tired tomorrow and Seth can cause problems :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:57pm Nov 27 2010
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{ Then again i'm just weird. lol. Plus Beauty and the Beast is on and i'm all happy and excited cause I havn't seen that movie since I was a little, little girl. >.< } "Thank you so much, Sir. We'll stay an extra hour and we won't be late tomorrow when we do come in" She grinned standing up. Her tail flopping happily behind her. Her ears were perked forward wanting to hug him but decided that wasn't the mature thing to do. "I shall tell Andrew and get to work immediatly. Again, thank you" She said bowing politly before turning and exiting out the door. She stepped out into the bar glancing around before spotting Andrew behind the counter of the bar. "In order for you to get off an hour early we kind of have to work an hour late. Is that okay with you? I mean...you don't have to if you don't want to. It's only my sister's birthday party. I don't want to go alone but if I must I will. I wouldn't want to keep you from your daily activites" She said slipping next to him behind the bar curling her tail behind her.

10:25pm Nov 27 2010
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Andrew looked up from his work of wiping down the surface of the bar. He chuckled, "Daily activities." It was nearly time to open the doors. "I don't have daily activities, I'm a sad and lonely teenager." He joked. "You really want me to come?" He asked, surprised that she would. They hardly knew each other and he personally didn't think that he was all that interesting at all. He leaned down and grabbed another rag from beneath the counter and dipping it into the hot soapy water that he was using. "So did you get the job?" He asked. [[ I was watching that movie the other day XD Now I'm watching princess diaries <3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:50pm Nov 27 2010
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{ I was watching it but I seem to be distracted by all of my Roleplays. lol. } "Well, yeah I want you to come. There's free food" She smiled warmly grabbing anouther rag dipping it into the water he had in the bucket beforw wipping down her side of the counter. "And did you not hear when I said we both had to work tonight?" She asked with a smirk upon her face. "I must thank your friend later for work" she laughed lightly flickering her tail behind her. She let her mind wander to the real reason she was asking him to come with her her. In all reality she was lying to him right now but didn't wnat the chance of Alex to over hear their conversation not that she thought he would be listening anyway.
11:12pm Nov 27 2010
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Andrew smiled, "You got the job." He stated, "Congratulations." He said and continued to wipe down the table in front of him. He thought about what she had said and couldn't help but smile at the mention of free food. If she thought that was a winning argument for Andrew she was mistaken. He hardly ate anything at all. "Ok." He answered, "I'll go to your sister's birthday party with you." He told her. [[ lol Its distracting me from my RPs XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:20pm Nov 27 2010
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"No thanks to you" Danielle said refuring to the reason she got the job. "If i'm lucky I can work all day now. Houses in the morning and the bar at night. It will be a full load yes, but i'll live" She smiled getting to work but pausing hearing his answer. Her ears perked forward a little suprised by his answer. "You will? Thank you. Thank you so much" She grinned turning and hugging him from behind before quickly letting go and getting back to work. Her smile seemed to fade as soon as her back was to him. Did he really think she had a sister if she lived in a foster home all her life? A light sigh escaped her wondering how suprised Andrew would be tomorrow to find out it was really her birthday and not some made up girl she said just to let him off for an hour. {lol. I seem to be the other way around. lol }
11:40pm Nov 27 2010
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Andrew was surprised by the hug but sighed when she let go. Working another hour tonight, that wasn't going to be easy and then he had school tomorrow and now a party to attend. He was running himself into the ground. He also had to do all of that homework he had tonight and get together with Aiden at some point to do that project that Eric had as$igned. Sometimes he thought that Eric as$igned these things just to see if Andrew could manage it along with everything else he had to deal with. He wondered what it must be like to live in a normal family where he didn't have to make ends meet and keep himself alive all on his own. Where he didn't flinch if his parent's hands moved or think that screaming was completely normal. [[ lucky XD lol I'm easily distracted it seems ; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:55am Nov 28 2010
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{ Sorry. I fell asleep last night. lol. 3 hour drive back to my home from my sisters. Bleh } Danielle kept quiet as she worked making sure all the glasses were clean and positioned for easy access. Her tail flopped behind her as she tried focusing on the job versus how tomorrow would play out. Andrew was going to leave for school and she'd head to uptown to work on families houses making sure they were clean and if she had to would run to the store for them if they asked. There would be a time somewhere in there where she'd have to make sure she was at the house before Andrew so she could walk him to Martha's home, spend an hour celebrating she didn't even care about then leave extra early so they could get to the bar in time just to start all over again the next day. A sigh escaped her as her ears pulled back. This was going to be extremly hard. There was always the option to quit cleaning houses and just do the bar job but then again what exactly would she do during the day? Sit around and stare at walls? No. That wouldn't be making good use of her time.

7:54pm Nov 28 2010
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{ Okay. I am off to Mexico. Keep the board up and please don't let it die. I promise you I will be back. lol. I'm not leaving you guys forever. ^.^ Although I did manage to get sick BEFORE I went. >.< I'm not allowed to tell anyone though. lol. It's just a head cold. My throat hurts though so I don't know. *shrugs* I'll be fine. }
8:53pm Nov 28 2010
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[[ Aw~ Have fun in Mexico! =D I'll bump everyday <33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:39pm Nov 29 2010
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Time pas$ed and the front doors were opened to the customers and the empty building by day had successfully turned into a writhing, jumble of different sounds, bodies, and smells by night. And Andrew was busy right away with men and women coming to escape the real world for a few hours. He juggled getting drinks and mixing them and pas$ing them back out all at the same time while being a charming and charismatic as he could possibly be to the irritable people that had had long days and had decided to take it out on the bar tender at the club tonight. But the good thing about busy night was good tips and tonight he was staying an hour late which meant more tips. Maybe the extra money would make up for having to do all the homework and everything that would eventually come crashing down on him when he left the club tonight. Whenever that was.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:54am Nov 30 2010
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bump ;3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:41am Dec 1 2010
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Bump :3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:46pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Now that I paid 15 dollars for the internet for one day and I come on here to do my HW and check up on everything....I don't know what to post. lol.