8:48pm Dec 7 2010
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{ Ugh! I have a fricken cold! I keep coughing and my chest hurts so bad. >.< I want to lay down and die but I have exams tomorrow. Tsunade....can you shoot me? *sniffles* I hate feeling like this. I hate winter because my stupid finger disease compromises everything. I used to be able to enjoy the freezing cold without being effected. Now I can hardly go outside without being a penguin wapped up in a million coats and gloves*cries* } Eric sighed continuing to clean up. He glanced out the window to see Seth and Andrew sitting outside. Almost instantly he felt his gut tightened making him turn away trying not to pay attention to what was going on outside. He didn't understand why he felt this way he just...did. He let out a low growl flipping more desks over and just stairing at them. "The janitor is finishing this. I've had enough" he huffed actually exiting his room and heading towards teh teacher's lounge. At least there he can relax some. ---- Danielle continued to walk on the side walk. Her tail flopping behind her as she went. She paused though hearing something in a nearby alley way. Her ears darted forward causing her to freeze. Her tail bristled behind her as a slight growl came from her as if warning whomever was there to stay back. A meow came from near the dumpster causing Danielle to relax and smile lightly. An orange kitten came peeking around the corner making the female neko grin. "Come here kitty. You alone too?" She asked holding out her hand watching the kitten walk slowly to her. She scratched it's ear listening to the purrs escaping it causing her to laugh softly. "Awww. Your adorable!" Danielle cooed picking up the kitten and just cuddling with it for a few minutes. {Haha. If Andrew wants to he could use Danielle as a front and pretend she is his girlfriend to get Seth off his tail. But knowing Seth that would make him even more persistant }

10:28pm Dec 7 2010
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[[ I'm sorry you feel bad D: But... I can't shoot you >.< Even if I physically could XD ]] Seth was determined to get Andrew to like him. More than a friend. He was determined to have Andrew to himself. He leaned forward and touched Andrew's face gently, "Whats the bruise from?" He asked, making Andrew jump and smack in hand away. "None of your business." He replied, pulling his hood down over his eyes. Seth smiled. "A fight?" "No sh!t Sherlock." Andrew sighed. "And what about your back?" Seth asked, "Mr. Dashaniel touched you and it hurt. What happened there?" Andrew sighed, his tail thumping regularly beside him. Annoyed. "If I tell you will you shut up?" Andrew asked. "Sure." Seth replied. "My mom's boyfriend... punched me... when I came home one night because I smarted off." He said, then paused. Had he told anyone this yet? "And he slammed me against the wall." Seth was quiet. "Do you have a bruise on your back too?" Andrew huffed. "I don't know! I can't see my back! How many times do I have to say that....?" "Sorry." Seth replied. "Whatever. It doesn't matter and I don't need you feeling bad for me just because I told you. Got it? Thats why I don't want around crying to everybody about how bad my life is. cause it doesn't matter." Andrew said, still hiding under his hoody. "You're a good person." Seth said, "And you're hiding under a tough guys appearance." Andrew frown, "Don't say stupid stuff to me." He said. Seth took this opportunity to lean over Andrew and steal a kiss. Andrew froze for a moment before trying to escape. The only problem being Seth was in the way. So instead of getting away be shot up into the kiss, making it a horrible experience for him and an excellent one for Seth. [[ Thats a good idea o3o lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:29pm Dec 7 2010
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[[ My internet fails for hours D: It might only be up for a few minutes ;~; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:26pm Dec 8 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:20pm Dec 8 2010
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Eric sighed walking donw the hall. He happened to glance out of one of the hall windows only to freeze at the sight. There a little ways off from view he reconized the shape of Andrew and the clothes of Seth. They were awfully close and....were they kissing? His tail dropped as ears pulled back quickly turning and continuing downt he hall. Since when was Andrew gay? Since when did he kiss guys? When he found out he was gay, Andrew seemed grossed out by the thought. Hell he ran out of the bar before his shift was over! { I fail. Sorry }
9:37pm Dec 8 2010
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Andrew barked in surprise, having cracked his skull on Seth's brick hard one. He pushed the blonde away and sat up quickly, burying his head in his face. "that hurt....." he whined quietly, he could already feel the headache forming behind his eyes. He stagger to his feet and touched his lip. "You dumb f***!! You busted ly lip!! Don't ever EVER touch me EVER again!! DO you understand?" He spun around and headed away back toward the school, hand over his mouth and tail three sizes the usual and ears flat against he skull. Seth, dazed from getting hit in the head, followed soon after. "Hey, wait!" He called, as if none of that even happened. Andrew had already made it into the school before Seth had caught up. "..... WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I HATE YOU!!" Andrew yelled through his hand. That sutpid kid had razors for teeth he could swear! Seth laughed, running after him. "Its wasn't that bad..." Seth said, "was't that..... Go hug a rainbow or something! Stop following me you little creep!" He Andrew was nearly hysterical. He'd never... ever... in his entire life... had he ever told anyone to hug a rainbow.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:49pm Dec 8 2010
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Eric hadn't made his way down the hall that far when his ears twitched hearing the yelling. He stopped once again turning. So Andrew wasn't gay and clearly upset. Not to mention he was being extremly loud. He rolled his eyes spinning around and walking towrads teh direction of the yelling. Did Andrew seriously go tell Seth to go hug a rainbow? What kind of insult was that? He couldn't help but chuckle quitetly to himself as he rounded the corner to focus on the two. "I think it's about time you went to class Seth" Mr. Dashaniel frowned calling out to the boy. "It is quite obvious to the whole school Andrew doesn't wish to be in your pressence" he called acting professional and walking forward. His ears pulled back and him standing in teacher stature.
10:47pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 10:48pm Dec 8 2010)
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Andrew stormed up to Eric, "Yeah, f**king hilarious Eric! He can split your lips next time! See how f-ing hilarious it is then..." He didn't stop nor slow down while he rounded the corner and went into the boy's bathroom to clean himself up. Oh!! He was so mad right now, that kid better not be alone next time he saw him. Andrew didn't care if that guy was gay or not but he was definitely going to regret kissing him out in front of the school. Seth on the other hand, flicked his left ear and went to clas$ like he had been told. Andrew leaned over the sink and washed his hand first, the water turning a pale pink color before disappearing down the drain. "Damn." Andrew said, cheek hurt, his back hurt. Now he had a headache and two busted lips. "I wish the world would just finished me off instead of killing me slowly..." He grumbled to himself, now working on his lips. He flicked his tail out behind him angrily. "Need my own personal morphine drip. That'd be nice, carry it around in my backpack. Then I'd be just fine." He continued to grumble, his lip would quit bleeding! [[ My cat got hit by a van ;C ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:42am Dec 9 2010
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{ Oh my god! That is so sad. >.< Is your cat alright or did it die? I remember the day I found my cat Lucy on the road. I was going to school and just burst into tears. I miss him. } Eric pulld his ears back and let his tail fall a little bit listening to Andrew yell at him. He felt as he did nothing wrong but then why did it hurt a little bit? He sighed watching Andrew round the corner before drawing his eyes back to Seth who had actually listened and left. Eric rolled his eyes tring to ignore the fact that Andrew had one, called him by his first name, and two, just flat out yelled at him. He lazily walked into the bathroom and leaned against the wall watching Andrew. "I apologize" he said simply before observing his lip before shaking his head. "It was just I have never heard one of my kids yell at another telling them to hug a rainbow" he admitted stepping forward but not really getting to close to Andrew. He was pissed right now and Eric was pretty sure that he wanted nothing to do with gay guys. "When someone kisses you it's not in your attempt to head butt them with your lips to get away. You normally go backwards or punch them" he sighed tilting his head a little bit watching his student check out the extend of the damage in the mirror.

9:29pm Dec 9 2010
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Andrew shook his head, continuing to clean his lips. "Yeah, I don;t think I've ever told anymore to hug a rainbow before,,,, glad it amused you." Andrew replied. He didn't react to Eric getting any closer either because he didn't care or didn't notice. Looks like what Seth said about being forced was looking like it was working. "And thanks for the advice." He scoffed. Next time he wouldn't go into shock and panic and butt the other guy in the head. His tail was still flicking angrily behind him and his ears were still facing the other direction. Seth was going to stay close to Andrew and always make sure he touched him and got him used to the idea of being gay. Seth had a hunch about Andrw anyway. [[She died instantly ;~; Which I am so grateful for]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:39pm Dec 9 2010
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{ I am so sorry. I know it's bad to say, but it's good she died instantly. She wasn't in any pain. Did you burry her? That's what we do. We burry our cats when they die in their favorite spot in the woods. } Eric sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. It took me off guard, that's all" He shrugged placing a hand on Andrew's shoulder. "Hey...let me see that" he said placing his hand on Andrew's chin so he could see the wound better. "Don't pull away because i'm not trying anything so just...relax" he sighed grabbing one of the paper towels and putting a little water on it. "Can I help you? or are you goin to freak out?" He asked curiously frowning. "And if your worried about me not having any exprence with wounds...don't be. I've had kids who came in with gashes and I fixed them. Being a foster guardian for mostly all boys has it's moments when they come home from fights" he sighed pulling his ears back and allowing his tail to drop behind him.
10:02pm Dec 9 2010
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Andrew glared at the sink as his eyes shifted suddenly to Eri his teacher inspected his lips. This was embarr*censored*ing and Andrew hated getting help from people but he could't just walk around dripping blood everywhere. And he obviously couldn't get them to stop bleeding. His eyes shifted suddenly up from the sink and to Eric, studying his face. "I wasn't thinking about you trying anything until you said something..." he admitted and now he wanted to freak out. He thought about it for a moment before answering. ''Fine." he said stubbornly. "Don't do anything else." [[I know, thats why im glad it was instant and my step dad buried her beside Shigure ;u;]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:18pm Dec 9 2010
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"Boy...I won't. You always had a way of freaking out with even the slightest touch of mine" Eric sighed pressing the wet cloth to his lip getting some of the blood off. "With a little bit of warm water and some pressure this wound should clot in no time so you won't be dripping blood everywhere" he spoke soaking the paper towel and pressing it gently against his lips. "You know Andrew....What you saw with Danielle, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her or scare her. It's hard remembering my boy. You remind me of him. Even in this incident" he sighed focusing on Andrew's lip trying to clean it up fully but gently so he didn't hurt him. "He was stubborn, a trouble maker, he wanted to be left alone nearly all the time. He hated to get help but at times like your in now, when he was hurt. He refused to open up and accept help. Although...in his one time of greatest need...." He stopped himself before shaking his head. "Sorry..." he said clearing his throat and seeming to clear everything out of his head. "Didn't mean to dump that on you" he sighed.

7:47am Dec 10 2010
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Andrew didn't want to know about this. He didn't want to talk about it or be a part of it in any way. But it seemed that whenever he was on his own with Mr. Dashaniel this is the conversational topic that would come up. "Look, I'm sorry about the kid." Andrew said, in all of the times that this story had come up he hadn't even learned the guy's name. "But I'm not him and I can't nor do I want to replace him." Andrew said this as nicely as he could because it seemed that whenever he tried to yell at Eric he just shut it down. "I don't need your help... but thanks for trying. You don't want to get involved with me."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:57pm Dec 10 2010
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{ Sorry. I'm sick and I have been. Bloody noses...coughing...bruised ribs. Ugh. It sucks } "No i'm sorry. I'm not looking for you to replace him. I just want you know know i'm here like I said eariler" Eric said pulling the wet paper towel away studying his lip before sighing. "It just seems that wherever you turn you get hurt. I don't like seeing kids in pain or bloody or briused" He frowned stepping away. "I'm old enough to decide who I get involved wth and who I shold stay away from" He sighed tilting his head a little bit. "Why do you think your not worthy of help? Why do you keep saying that? I understand pride and not wanting help...but what is it? It's not just your pride keeping you back. What is it?" He asked curling his tail behind him watching Andrew.
3:30pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 3:32pm Dec 10 2010)
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[[ Im sick too -_- I keep throwing up. Its sucks.... ]] Andrew took Eric stepping back as a sign that his lip wasn't bleeding anymore and looked into the mirror. This was just like it was with Stevie and his father and his brother. "It's not just help." He said, "Help turns into trust and trust turns into love and you get attached... and then it dies." He said, he would never ever say this again so he might as well get it over with now. He turned away from the mirror and back to his teacher. "It. Dies. It holds you in its arms and smiles down at you and makes you the center of it's world until you can't remember when it wasn't there." Andrew didn't like to cry, he never did. Especially not in front of others because it shows just how human you are. But Andrew felt like crying then; his chest hurt. "And then it dies. It leaves you there in the dust like you're nothing. And when you look around for something to grab onto... to ease the pain of this desertion!.. You see only stone faces that turn away from you as though you were so foolish to be so trusting. As though... you should have know better." He stopped, realizing that he was getting to emotional, and straightened up. "So I know better..." He added simply. "I'm... suffering... because of the attachments I've made. And of all people you should know or be able to somewhat image what I'm talking about. And you'd think that you'd be able to respect that and leave me alone... I'm not some stupid little kid whose pride won't let them accept help. I'm old enough, too, to decide who I should get involved with and who I should stay away from." Andrew explained, hoping that Eric would get it. "I'll do anything you want if you'll just leave me alone and stop trying to save me. I'll- I'll clean up your god forsaken clas$room! Take the blame for destroying it! I'll shut up in clas$.. Try to get off work early enough to finish everything and get enough sleep so I don't sleep in your cla$s~ I'd let that stupid Seth kid hang around me for the rest of my life..." He didn't understand what Eric wanted from him to say anything else and he knew that he was making a complete and total fool of himself right now.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:09pm Dec 10 2010
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As Andrew spoke, Eric's ears fell and his tail hung behind him instantly feeling like complete crap. He had and etremly valid point and had no clue he had felt that way. He sighed glancing at the ground before shaking his head. "I don't want any of that" He spoke lowly lifting his blue gaze back to his student. "I don't want you to clean my clas$room, or not go to sleep in clas$. It would be nice yes but..." He sighed once more bitting his botton lip. "Fine..." He spoke straightening up. "I'll leave you alone if that's what you really want. I just wanted to proove to you that not every attachment you make dies. Not everyone lets you down in a sense where your falling apart" He explained glancing at the mirror for a moment. He perked his ears forward watching the blank surface. He wanted to tell Andrew that those stone faces turning away were only him critisizing himself for actually alowing himself to trust someone. He wanted to tell him that he was using his heart and with doing that there was always a chance it would be broken. People have a tendency to let you down, and hurt you...but he didn't need that. Not now and probably not ever. "Just...don't do anything stupid. Your life doesn't suck as much as you think it does. You have people in your life now that care about you, whether you see it or not. Hell, you may not even know it" He said looking back at Andrew before lightly gripping his chin looking at his lip before dropping his hand. "I'd go to the nurse and see if she can't put butterfly stiches on it...other than that. Your good. I'll see you in clas$ Andrew" He spoke turning away and heading out of the bathroom.

4:57pm Dec 10 2010
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Andrew lowered his ears sadly for a few seconds before he left the bathroom too, pulling out his phone. "Hey, Alex? It's Andrew..." He began, walking over to a random window in the hall to get better perception. "Something's come up and I was wondering if I could change my shift to a later time?" He looked out over the lawn in front of the school. Detention.... until Eric felt like letting him go. This was going to be fun. "Thank you. Yes, and extra hour... No thats fine... Ok. Bye." He closed his phone and looked down at it in his hand. A later shift after detention plus and extra hour. He was in so much trouble.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:17pm Dec 10 2010
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{ I'll celebrate yoru insanity with you! ^.^ } Once Eric left the bathroom he walked back into his room and focused out the window. His ears were still flat against his head and tail slightly hung. If Andrew didn't want his help and to be left alone then that's what he was going to do. He cleared his throat turning back to his room and grabbed a broom the janitor had dropped off and began sweeping all the left over shredded paper into a pile. He hummed a soft song in the process to keep himself intertained. His radio was in his desk that was currently upside down and he was not about to dig and try to fix that problem just to look for it. { Fail...Skip? Maybe... or we can plot some more. lol }
5:48pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ Lets plot some more >3< lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~