6:15pm Dec 10 2010
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{ Okay...Hmm. Any ideas? lol. I'm on pain medication so if pink elephants somehow come up in the conversation, I apologize. ^.^ }
6:29pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 6:34pm Dec 10 2010)
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[[ Haha! Pink elephants >3< OK :D Well, Andrew still has to go to Danielle's party thing :3 So I was thinking he skips detention today and theres of course consequences for that but Seth shows up 83 And by now you know Seth thinks of Andrew as an animal >3< And thank you for celebrating my insanity with me :D /late reply/ ]] EDIT: And Eric realizes that Seth is one of those people that WILL use Andrew's trust and if Seth's way of force is the right way to Andrew then he might never ever trust again :O Thus making Eric know he can't sit back and watch and tries to protect Andrew anyways :D Because Andrew will only be a play thing to Seth. Something to mess with and study for his writing
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:43pm Dec 10 2010
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{ Awww. That's good. How would Eric protect Andrew though? Keep putting him in detention to get him away from Seth? That would be a sucky way. What if like, Eric overheard Seth talking about Andrew to someone else or like even himself plotting or Seth could come clean to Eric. And maybe with that, Seth tries to purposly make it look like Eric was up to no good with Andrew thus trying to get Andrew to loose any or all hope in Eric and despising him so he could 'trust' Seth. That would put even more strain on Andrew and Eric's realtionship cause anything Eric would say Andrew would just turn away. Did that make any sense? lol. I felt like I was rambling. >.< Psh. I'm insane too so it's cool. ^.^ }
7:03pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ Ah... I like I got it >.> Let me read that again What I was saying is that when only Seth shows up to detention today he and Eric start talking and the way Seth talks about Andrew just gives it away that he doesn't care about him at all. Just research. But Seth isn't going to come right out with his evil little plans to Eric XD lol He's evil not dumb. And I think with eric trying to back off of Andrew because of what he said will give Seth Total access to his new plaything {Andrew} And the purpose of me bringing in Seth in the first place was to just get Andrew used to gay people o.o so that when Seth is out of the picture Andrew isn't all skittish around Eric :3 Does that make sense? XD It does to me LOL And I was gonna make Aiden die soon ._. {Evil to her charras} ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:10pm Dec 10 2010
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{ That makes perfect sense versus what I said in my previous post. lol. I'm on drugs, I apologize. ^.^ Drugs + hot chocolate = very weird personality. I see what your saying. I like it. Poor Eric though. It's goin to be hard to protect Andrew when he promised to stay away from him. Plus I don't think warning him about Seth would do anything. He's gonna have to sit back and pray things don't get out of hand or like...hmm. I lost my train of thought. Umm. Maybe with this Aiden thing and Seth not being supportive Andrew goes to Eric? lol. Okay so we both know that's not gonna happen. lol. }
7:17pm Dec 10 2010
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{ Ewwww! There were coffee grounds in my hot chocolate. T.T Last time I make hot chocolate with the coffee maker. >.< }
7:24pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ .... They just REPLACED my cat!!!!!! Brought a stupid little kitten in and is getting it used to the other two we have like she didn't even matter! It hasn't even been 24 hours damn it!! ;~~~; Its a girl and everything and they're all like: "LOOK! A KITTEN!! <33 Isn't it cute? Look, the other cats like her! Aw! Wanna hold her?" NO I don't f-ing wanna hold my cat's replacement D'8< - - - -sorry- Yeah, he might go to Eric with all the stress... I don't even know what I was gonna say now ,__, ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:27pm Dec 10 2010
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{ Oh my god. O.o That is ....wrong. You don't just replace a beloved pet. My god. Although don't hate the kitten. It wasn't the kitten's fault that your parents bought it and brought it home. So don't hate the kitten, hate your parents. ....Okay that's bad advice. -__- Umm. Yeah I don't know what to say now either. }
7:36pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ I dont hate her I just... dont want to hold her > > So... start from there? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:39pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 7:42pm Dec 10 2010)
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{ Sure. ^.^ Start from the detention. *nods* Do you start or I? }
8:54pm Dec 10 2010
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Andrew looked down at his phone at the time that it displayed, school was out in 2 minutes. He'd skipped all of his clas$es today, the whole school had shown him being walked through the school by his wrist. And he was going to have to deal with skipping the cl*censored*es... and detention. He wasn't going to detention today. He'd promised that he was going to that party of Danielle's and he was going to keep that promise. -- Seth stayed where he was when the clas$ bell rang for the end of the day. His last cl*censored* was Mr. Dashaniel and he also had him for detention. He sighed, looked like it was only going to be him and the teacher seeing as Andrew had skipped out on cl*censored* today. He didn't think that he would skip clas$ and then come to detention. [[I think that the school {going behind Eric's back} tells Andrew that he has to clean up the clas$room]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:51pm Dec 10 2010
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{ Sorry! I fell asleep. Ugh. Okay. Im awake...sorta. Since it is nearly past 10 i have to take more medication. >.< Oh and you said you had a plot you wanted to do? Sorry, I seen that boared all lonely making its way down on the list of Rps and thought it was quite sad but figured I'd ask you here. } Danielle was pacing back and fourth at the house waiting for Andrew to get out of school. She paused in mid step when an idrea struck her. "I can go there and wait!" She nearly yelled quickly running out of the door. School wasn't to far from the house and with her luck she might run into Andrew on the way there. Her tail flopped happily behind her as she made her way to the school, waiting outside on the side walk. Her ears were perked forward as she focused on the large building watching the students come out of it indicatin school had ended. ---------- Mr. Dashaniel sighed pulling his ears back focusing on Seth. "Looks like your alone today in detention" he spoke before clearing his throat. "And with you being alone I have decided that we shall work on detention in the teacher's lounge. My clas$room is a mess and there is no way I can work in there....now. Follow me" He spoke very clearly to Seth as his ears fell flat against his head and he picked up his breifcase walking towards the teacher's lounge.

10:27pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ Thats ok :3 I tried to get a little nap but... I kinda slept all day and it didn't work XD You saw my Thread? XD lol Yeah, I had a plat > < Its obviously Shounen Ai. They've been in a relationship for a year right? Except one has an accident, I was thinking a fire or something along the lines of getting hit in the head and forgets everything. Including the other guy {long story short} ]] Andrew loped out onto the lawn in the front of the school and spotted Danielle. He was surprised to see her here but didn't complain as he went up to her. "Hey." He greeted, ears and tail perked happily. -- Seth sighed and stood up to follow his teacher to the lounge, pulling his bag with him. "You seem disappointed..." He said absentmindedly as he watched the 'free' students getting into their cars and onto the buses to go home.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:36pm Dec 10 2010
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{ I remember doing one of those. It was sad. >.< Lover forgot his partner, but his partner dedicated his life to his love so he was there for him. He tried to jog his memory by showing him photo albums and stuff but he just didn't remember. They ended up living together, the partner just took care of him and was there for him. He wasn't all "You love me!" or anything. It sucked cause the guy who lost his memory ended up dating other guys and stuff. Eventually he got his memory back but it wasn't until way later when he started having dreams of him and his partner even though he can't remember it happening. He finially realized everything and apologized but things still wern't normal on account he was still skeptic a little bit } "Hey!" Danielle grinned hugging him. "You ready? Fair warning though, Martha is sort of...loving" she giggled releasing him and heading towards the gated comunity. "She means well though" she spoke glancing at him as she walked. "So...how was school?" She asked curiously flopping one ear to the side. ----- Eric glanced at Seth before shaking his head. "A little but it's to be expected of Andrew. He's just making things worse for himself" He said simply pushing open the lounge door, holding it open for Seth. "Table" he pointed waiting for him to go inside and sit down.

10:46pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 10:49pm Dec 10 2010)
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[[ You've done one of those? o.o And here I was hoping that my cool plot was all original and stuff XD lol ]] Andrew smiled, feeling a bit better around Danielle. But as he realized this he also remembered what he had said to Eric earlier today. She was just another attachment wasn't she? "Yeah, I think I can handle it." He said with a grin, how 'loving' could one person be? "Ah... school... well... Lets see. Mr. Dashaniel's room was destroyed and they automatically blamed it on me." He said, frowned instantly. "So now I have detention until he feels good about it and I had to change my shift at the bar to match the rest of my schedule..." He told her. "What about you?" -- Seth followed Eric, "He seems like the kind of person to do that..." He went into the room and set his stuff down and sat at the table obediently. "So, what are we doing today?" He asked, looking around a little before settling.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:53pm Dec 10 2010
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{ It is original. I just done it on a side note to one of my bigger yaoi rps. lol. So it is original. ^.^ I'm just weird and have done a lot of stuff before comming here. } "They blamed you! You wern't even there. You were workin" Danielle frowned her ears automatically dropping along with her tail. "That seems unfair. Can't you proove it to them?" She asked focusing on the side walk in front of her. Her day hadn't been so intersting. "Umm. I found a kitten. He's orange and lives in one of the alleys I walk by every day" She told him turning to focusing on him. "And my other job employers decided to be real jerks and work me extra hard but i'm used to it. I did a lot of running around town for them. Picking up dry cleaning, taking trash to the dump...that kind of stuff. So... I guess you could say the highlight of my day is actually now, talking to you" She smiled her ears perking up a little bit. ---- "He does" Eric responded before closing the door. He sat down acrossed the table and set his breifcase down upon it, pulling out some stack of papers. He slid the towards Seth before sghing. "Grading. I've been out for a while and i'm behind so you will be helping me catch up" he spoke handing Seth the answer sheet. "And for me. I am going to be imputing the grades I have managed to get." He pulled out his laptop setting it on the table and opening it to turn it on. "Any comments and questions just ask" he told Seth pulling his ears back watching his laptop screen light up and pull up his homepage so he could go to his grade book.

11:12pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ lol You're not weird XD ]] Andrew shrugged, "Theres really no way I can proof that i wasn't the on who did it unless they call Alex and ask where I was last night. And then he'd know that I wasn't really 21 and it would only be a matter of seconds before he put 2 and 2 together and figured you're not that old either." He said, a frown on his face. "A cat is pretty cool. I like animal more than I like school..." Andrew replied. -- Seth took the papers and looked down at them. "Papers..." He said quietly to himself as he went over the answers, every once in a while marking one wrong. The room was soon oddly quiet which wasn't all that good when Seth needed to concentrate.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:27pm Dec 10 2010
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"Yeah. It was cute" Danielle commented walking into the gated community and headed towards a rather large cream house near the end. "I like animals more than I like other people in general. They are nicer" She said smiling warmly walking up the door knocking. "Prepare yourself" Danielle laughed softly only to jump when teh door swung open and a rather old lady answered the door. "Danielle!" she chimmed pulling her into a gigantic hug. "Martha your squishing me" she sighed only to be released. "Oh. And who is this young handsome fellow? Your boyfriend?" Martha asked smiling and placing her hand under his chin to get a better look at his face. "He's adorabe" Martha grinned only for Danielle's ears to drop. "No, Ma'am. He's a friend. I thought he'd like to celebrate with us" Danielle answered only to be ushered inside by the older lady. "Come on children. I have chocolate cake! Your favorite, Dani. Come inside dear, make yourself at home" She grinned down at Andrew leaving the door open as he lead Danielle off by the arm towards the kitchen. "Come on Andrew!" Danielle laughed stoping at the counter to look at the rather large chocolate cake. -------- Eric kept quiet as he pecked away at his computer entering the grades. He occationally glanced up at Seth making sure he was working. He let out a light sigh thinking about earlier today with the discussion with Andrew. It sort of still tugged at his heart in a way. The kid made sense but in a way he was wrong at the same time. Mr. Dashaniel moved a few of the papers to the side bitting his bottom lip as he began to sort out the papers acording to student so he didn't have to go all over the grade book to enter the grades. {Fail on Eric's part}

11:57pm Dec 10 2010
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Andrew raised his eyebrows at the little old... rather enthusiastic woman answered the door and proceeded to squeeze the life out of poor Danielle. He couldn't help but to allow one small grin to pull at the edges of his lips, that was until she turned to him. An uncharacteristic blush covered Andrew's cheeks as she grabbed him by the chin and inspected him. After that Andrew was a little reluctant to follow Danielle into the house but wasn't sure if he could find his way back home from here. He went into the house. It was one of the biggest, wealthiest looking houses that he had ever been in. The house he and Danielle were living in paled in comparison. -- With all of the quiet around, or the occasional shuffle of papers, it was driving Seth crazy when Eric started to get antsy in front of him. "Could you... sit still Mr. Dashaniel?" He asked, laying his ears against his skull as he concentrated on... Andrew's paper? He likes poetry...he thought to himself, looking over the paper. He added that to the steadily growing mental list he had going of him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:07am Dec 11 2010
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Danielle sighed letting her ears flop to the side as she looked back at Andrew. She mouthed the words 'sorry' to him before being drawn into the conversation by Martha. "So, Danielle. Why arn't you with your family today?" She asked causing Danielle's ears to perk forward. "They are out this morning and i'm going back tonight to celebrate. They wanted me out all day and I think it's a suprise party" She lied to her a soft smile on her face. "Oh that's nice dear...well let me cut the cake. I can't have the birthday girl and her hansome guest to starve now can I?" Martha said outloud going off in the kitchen. Danielle sighed as soon as Martha was out of ear shot and turned to Andrew. "I told you. Be thankful she didn't squish you or pinch your cheeks. She...does that" she sighed curling her tail around herself. "Thanks...for comming, Andrew. It means a lot" Dnielle smiled weakly focusing on him. -------- "Huh?" Eric looked up focusing on Seth before sighing. "Sorry. I guess i'm not much of a quiet person myself. Sitting still bothers me" he admitted puttng the paper's aside. "So. How are the grades comming?" He asked looking up focusing on Seth once more.
