11:13pm Dec 13 2010
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[[ I was planning on Andrew being in the car o.o But him not getting all that hurt and he walks away ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:17pm Dec 13 2010
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{ That brings in more drama. If he actually did get hurt. Andrew would feel bad of course but it wouldn't be his fault. Eric would visit him. ^.^ }
11:21pm Dec 13 2010
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[[ Hmm... I wanted him to be in the hospital for a few days xD LOL I wanna start the wreck now XD But its too soon lol So :3 Lets start with Eric asking about Andrew and then if we're still brain dead we can fast forward a few weeks and Andrew is getting more used to Seth and him being all... "hands on" and then the wreck can happen XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:39pm Dec 13 2010
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{ Ugh. I want to quit doing this powerpoint but I have to finish it or i'm in deep trouble. >.< } Eric kept quiet observing Seth before sighing. "So...Have you made any progress with Andrew? When you talked with me earlier you were trying to make friends. How's that going for you?" He asked curiously his tail flopping out of curiosity. { Fail. Sorry }
11:53pm Dec 13 2010
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[[ lol You can do it :3 ]] Seth thought the conversation had ended for a moment there, but had a feeling that Eris just wasn't voicing what was making him so anxious. But he continued, not that it surprised Seth. "Ah..." Seth replied, then smirked. "I think you heard him tell me to hug a rainbow earlier?" He said, still focusing on papers. He didn't want to grade papers the whole time he was in detention with his teacher and Andrew. He wanted that time to make progress with Andrew. His tail swayed along the floor beside his chair lazily. "But people that build walls like Andy does usually don't build them strong. Just a bunch of small, tedious ones..." He explained, meaning that he would eventually have a breakthrough if he kept at it diligently and didn't give Andrew enough to rebuild those walls. Seth was obviously a visual person, and his thought process included lots of pictures. He flipped the page he was working on over to continue marking answers with his red pen. [[ Hope I gave you something to work with xD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:08am Dec 14 2010
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{ I'm over 15 slides and havn't even covered why there are worms in taquilla. lol } Eric smirked and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Yes, I did hear him tell you to hug a rainbow and in all my years of teaching, I have never heard a student say that. My apologies for finding it funny" he sighed pulling his ears back but listening to what else he had to say. "Andrew does have quite a few walls up. I've noticed that in clas$ threw his school work and his attitude" he spoke but put more thought behind his words. Why would Seth be so focused on Andrew's walls? Sure there was one with the whole homosexual vibe that he knew for a fact that Andrew found uncomfortable. That was one wall but what others was he talking about? "Andrew has a tendency to speak out and be the center of attention in clas$ when he's not sleeping out of pure exaustion. A person like that can't really have to many walls up" he frowned watching Seth grade a few more papers with the red pen. {Semi...none fail-ish-ly fail. lol So not a word but oh well. }

1:01am Dec 14 2010
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[[ Worms? o.o ]]
"No, it was funny." Seth replied, he'd gotten a kick out of that one. He'd never been told to huge a rainbow. He'd ask Andrew about that one later on. He pushed the paper he was working on to the side and started on another one. "Actually, the way he talked about his mother's boyfriend earlier... sounds like he doesn't get attention at home. That or when he does get attention its negative and physical." Seth replied, frowning at the paper in front of him. It was nearly blank. He marked what he could and set it to the side. That was a sad grade. "So he makes up for his lack of attention at home with attention at school and surrounds himself with people that are willing to get into trouble for him. Artificial family..." Seth said. He didn't even think about why Eric would be asking these questions. [[sorry, my internet connection went out DX ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:18am Dec 14 2010
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{ Yeah. Long story. } Eric's ears perked a little bit as he listened to Seth talk about Andrew. Had he really learned all that just by hanging around him for less than a few minutes? Plus why would he be trying to analize Andrew when all he wanted was to be his friend? He did want to be his friend right? All this slightly alarmed Eric but he didn't allow that to show in his facial expession. He placed his elbow on the table and leaned his chin on his hand watching Seth but glancing at the papers he was putting to the side every now and then. "You are a very observant boy arn't you?" He asked his tail slightly flopping behind him. "Well lets hope that with all this knoweledge it will help you make friends. I would hate to hear anouther outburst of him telling you to hug a rainbow" He said taking a deep breath before straighening up. He looked down at his watch. Had it been almost an hour already? He would have to wrap this up soon. { Totally big flag from Seth. lol. }
1:36am Dec 14 2010
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[[ lol Ok XD ]] Seth sighed, another paper finished and another started. This was boring. He didn't want to be a teacher, ever. "I try." He responded in reference to being observant. He came across another of Andrew's papers. He glanced up for the first time in a while after grading his teacher's student's papers. And hopefully Andrew would warm up to him soon and not make him work so hard o gain his trust. [[ I know :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:59pm Dec 14 2010
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"You seem like you don't have to try" Eric spoke before clearing his throat once more. "Well. It was nice doing detention with you but I think it is time for us to wrap it up. Thank you for gradding my papers. It gave me time to enter all my missing grades" He said actually standing up and placing his bag on the table putting his laptop into it. "So I guess you are free to go and i'll see you next time with Andrew." { Fail }
4:57pm Dec 14 2010
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Seth stood up as well and gathered the two stacks of paper together into neater piles before sliding them across the top of the table toward his teacher. He bent and picked up his shoulder bag. "Yeah," He responded, "It's been fun." He said with a small smirk. [[ more fail to add to yours? o3o why... yes ^ ^]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:43pm Dec 14 2010
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{ I want to crawl up and die. >.< I hate being sick. Being sick is painful. } "Thank you" Eric said grabbing the stacks of papers and placing them gently in his bag. He closed the bag and slung it over his shoulder glancing at Seth for a moment. "Come on. It's afterschool and everyone else fled so i'll walk you out so your not actually....here alone after hours" he said walking out of the teacher's lounge holding the door open for Seth. He used his free hand to reach in his pocket pulling out his cigarettes and tapped the box lightly waiting for Seth.
7:12pm Dec 14 2010
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[[ Aw. Sorry you feel bad ): ]] Seth followed Eric out of the room and into the hall, readjusting his shoulder strap into a more comfortable position. He was disappointed that Andrew hadn't shown up for detention. He had been looking forward to that time. He wondered what had been so important anyway. He sighed quietly, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his keys. [[ My internet connection is being sucky so my replies will be delayed ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:23pm Dec 14 2010
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{ I can't really reply right now. Mom gave me some drugs that sort of...make me dizzy and nausiated so. I will reply to this when I wake up or stop feeling so dizzy and sickened by the bright light the coputer is letting off. Just thought you should know so your not waiting for a crappy reply so soon. It might be tomorrow when I reply. Who kows what momma's drugs will do. >.< They've never made me feel like this before. :( }
8:31pm Dec 14 2010
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[[ lol XD Ok :3 I thought you had gotten off anyway. So... tomorrow maybe? ^3^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:03pm Dec 14 2010
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{ Okay, i'm better-ish. An hour nap got rid of the sickened feeling and dizzyness although it did leave me with dancing purple penguins. >.< My god I swear that is the last time I trust mom and her medication. Anyway. Ummm. After my post...skip? maybe. } Eric watched set leave the room and pull out his car keys. He shut the door and followed along side his student towards the door. He focused on the box of cigarettes in his hand before pulling one out and placing the box back into his pocket. Eric reached back into his pocket pulling out a lighter and lighting the cigarette before he even could make it down the hallway and out the double doors. He didn't care if he was smoking in school. Sure it was illegal and he could be fined but it was after hours, no one was around. Plus it wasn't the first time he had done it. He placed the cancer stick to his lips and inhauled enjoying the sweet intoxication. "So, Seth. I shall see you next time with Andrew. Then you two won't be gradding papers. In fact i'll have to think of something else. But until then I suggest you stay out of trouble. I already saved Andrew from expellsion I don't want to have to save you too" he breathed letting out a puff of smoke as he spoke. { Hey. I did...a roleplay with a friend whos name I can't remember right now. And it was about a jock who kind of fell in love with his best friend but his best friend was straight. And I don't know if you've seen it on the boards a while back, but my friend seemed to have....left and has been gone for countless weeks. I was wondering if you wanted to kind of...redo it and continue it. If you want to know more i'll be more than happy to Rmail you explaining what the plot is or I could give you the link to the board but it's sort of like pages and pages long so...yeah }

10:47pm Dec 14 2010
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[[ I'm glad you're feeling better. Not to mention you get to see all sorts of randomness :D lol Imma skip :D ]] It had been a couple of weeks of detention already and Andrew had made up for not coming in on the first day. Seth had bugged him and bugged him to tell where he had been but Andrew didn't want to look at the guy, let along talk about what he had done in his own personal time. Today would be the thirteenth detention and it has actually started snowing it was so cold. [[sorry, wanting snow and not getting any ):]] Andrew had snuck out with Andrew at the end of the day instead of staying in clas$ for detention. He didn't care right now! Besides, the rest off the school was out enjoying the weather including a few teachers as well. Andrew smirked and bent to scoop a fist full of puffy whiteness into his palm, ball it up, and chuck it at the back of Aiden's head. It slid down his jacket and caused him to do quite the interesting dance. Of course Aiden had to get back, and of course Andrew wasn't going to stand still and get hit by a snow ball. He dodged and instead the ball of snow hit a random teacher. Sending Andrew into a fit and the rest of the school into a snowball fight. [[ :O Sure, give the me link ^0^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:09pm Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{ Okay I lied. I was feeling better but the feeling is back. Ugh. How long doe smedicine last? I took it around 7. It needs to go away. Oh and Andrew snuck out with Andrew? lol } Eric paused glancing out the window watching the students and a few teachers playing in the snow. He let out a deep sigh pulling his ears back spotting Andrew having fun. A smirk pulled at his lips as he shrugged grabbing his coat and putting it on. Was he mad at Andrew for skiping detention? No not really. He disurved time off and some fun. He cleared his throat before walking out of his clas$room and outside. He stayed under the little onning watching the students and a few select teachers having fun in the snow. He actually smiled noticing Andrew having fun. He laughed softly leaning against the wall not really wanting to get out in the snow but staying where it was dry. { http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/make-or-break-spiffeh-and-immortal-/~page/1/ }
11:40pm Dec 14 2010
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[[ Op! Yeah :D Andrew is a wizard and snuck out with himself XD Sorry, it was like the 4th time i wrote it cause everytime i tried to post I wold have lost internet connection DX lol so i was like: SCREW IT *typetypetypetype... post* ]] Seth didn't want to get into this, he didn't like the snow, he didn't like the cold, he didn't like being wet and cold after being in the snow. No. He moved across lawn to a save place, doing good about now being hit until Andrew spotted him. He hit him with a snow ball, causing the blonde to lose focus and slip in the snow. Andrew sighed and went to see if he was still alive and offered a hand to help him up. He wasn't about to apologize though, thats what he got for kissing him and busting his lips. Seth took his hand and started to get up, this was when Andrew slipped and fell. It knocked the breath out of him while Seth and Aiden laughed, he grimaced. It hurt his slightly sensitive back, but he wasn't letting that get to him now. He stood up, letting Seth get up on his own after making him fall. The snow ball fight was still going on around them and the three just seemed to be oblivious to it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:55pm Dec 14 2010
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{ Haha. Okay. So the other Rp that I want to redo is like only 9 pages. hehe. } Mr. Dashaniel watched from the side lines laughing slightly at the three troublesome students that he delt with on a daily basis. He sighed walking forward and actually made two snowballs. He tossed one at Andrew and the other at Seth aiming almost perfectly. He smirked watching the snowballs do their damage before stepping forward lighting a cigarette. "Andrew, Seth...." He called out feeling a little in the spirit standing at the very edge of the snow still not stepping out in it. He wanted to stay where it was dry. "You two are done. I don't see any need to hold you in contempt any longer. Enjoy your freedom" he smiled puffing out a small cloud of smoke before sighing. He hopped that Andrew could redeem his shift at work and get his after school life back together after he had messed it up. Yeah he felt bad but then again now he could hang out at the bar and watch Andrew making sure Seth still was oblivous to his secret job. Something about Seth made Eric nervous. He wasn't sure on why exactly Seth choose Andrew but he had a feeling in his heart that he wasn't the kid to be trusting to befriend someone. He seemed like the type of person to betray someone and Andrew didn't need anymore of that. He was just now having fun and relaxing. Eric didn't need Seth stepping up and ruining every possible thing happy in Andrew's life. Eric was trying to teach Andrew not everyone runs away and hurts him but if Seth really was the type that he thought he was, then he would ruin all of that in just a few seconds.
