12:18am Dec 15 2010
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[[ With long posts o3o I like it so far >3< ]] Andrew spun around, looking for the dead man that had thrown the snowball when he heard his name being called and focusing his brown eyes on his teacher. Seth, on the other hand, was upset. "Damn it! Stop it with them snow!" He pouted, getting to his feet, hands out to keep himself steady. Andrew's eyes lit up. No more detention! He was free! Finally! Seth wasn't as happy as Andrew. he wanted that time alone with him without worrying about him falling for some girl after school or something. he almost slipped again and grabbed onto Andrew's wrist quickly. He was clearly making process with Andrew though. He could physically and freely touch Andrew at any time he wanted and Andrew wouldn't shy away like he used to. It was normal. [[ Hmmm.... Here comes the car crash >.< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:33am Dec 15 2010
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{ I loved that Rp. I had/have so many ideas for it. And names can be subject to change, although I woud prefer to keep Bryan's as is. The originial name of his best friend/love was Tyler Bengamin { totally spelled his last name wrong} and Bryan called him Benny, but Spiffeh changed his name to Landon and I'm okay with that. ^.^ } "Calm down Seth. I threw it to get your attention. It's snow, it will melt and you'll dry off" Eric laughed shoving his hand into his pocket before focusing on Andrew. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it in his hand as he watched his students. He was actualy happy for once and didn't care that it was cold and miserable outside. Andrew was happy now and verythin seemed to be going well. He wondered how exactly Andrew would act in clas$ now that he wasn't stuck in detention every day after it. His eyes focused on Seth before sighing. "Don't you like snow, Seth?" He asked his eyes drifting to where he was holding onto Andrew at. His ears twitched slightly before pressing the cigarette back to his lips and inhaling for a moment before speaking up again. "That's actually a pitty. Snow's good for you. Helps you stay young beleive it or not" he grinned. Sure it sounded stupid but it was true in it's own little way. Everytime it snowed adults turned into kids and had snowball fights and bilt snow mans no matter how old they were.

12:56am Dec 15 2010
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Seth frowned, his ears laying back. "No, I don't like the snow. The cold. Or getting wet." Seth grouched, still clinging to Andrew for dear life. Andrew rolled his eyes, taking his wrist back and stuffing it into his jacket pocket. "I love snow, winter's my favorite time of the year." Aiden admitted happily on the other side of Andrew. Andrew agreed with him. "And you gotta love the snobos." Aiden chuckled, making Andrew laugh too. They made up that word when they were little. "Uh, snobos?" Seth asked, interested in whatever was so funny. "Well, you know those big snow men that everyone builds when it snows?" Aiden explained, "They never look like the snow men in cartoons. They're all brown and just... nasty. They look hobos." He smiled, "Rocks for eyes, pots on their head, random clothes..." "Snobos." Andrew repeated. Seth didn't get what was so funny about that but ok. [[thats what I call them XDD]] Seth shivered, "Ok. I'm going home. You guys... have fun catching colds..." he grumbled, his tail curling around his waist as he walked slowly toward his car. "Kill joy..." Aiden murmured. Sseth had been getting on his nerves, alway butting into his and Andrew's activities. "But... you gotta go to work Andrew..." Andrew growled quietly. "I know." He replied, shifting his weight from one side of his body to the other. "See ya tomorrow Mr. Dashaniel." Aiden said, nudging Andrew to move.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:29am Dec 15 2010
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Eric couldn't help but laugh as they spoke. Snobos? He had never heard that word before but it did mane sense. His ears perked listening and watching Seth slink off all upset and agrivated. So, the kid didn't like getting wet or being cold? A smirk came to his face as he thought of a way to keep him away from Andrew but his idea was risky and well, not worth it. His tail flopped behind him as he nodded lightly waving to his students. "See you Aiden, Andrew. Be careful" He called stepping out into the snow heading towards his own car to go home. He wanted to get home and out of the cold. He didn't hate it, he just wasn't a fan of it. Sure he could have fun but at the moment curling up with a blanket and hot chocolate sounded like a good idea to him.
5:19pm Dec 15 2010
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"Wanna drive?"Aiden asked, pulling his car keys out of his jacket pocket as he and Andrew came up to his small white Prism. Said teen looked over at him and chuckled, pushing his hands into his own pockets. "Nah, man." He responded, "I don't wanna total your car." He said this as if that had been the question asked. "Why not?" Aiden asked, the two separating momentarily to get into the car. He unlocked it for his friend and climbed inside, closing the door. Andrew got in next to him and set his things into the floor like he usually did. "I just don't feel like driving." He answered with a shrug. "Fine by me." Aiden replied, pulling his seatbelt around him and buckling it. Andrew didn't bother, he never did, he knew that Aiden was an excellent driver. Besides, he was only taking him to the house to pick up Danielle. Andrew watched his friend silently as he went thorough his usual routine, amusement growing steadily. " think you're the only teenager that I know that spends 5 minutes in the car getting ready to drive before you even start the thing." He finally spoke, making Aiden laugh shortly in embarr*censored*ment. "I know I am.'' He replied and finally started the car. Andrew sat back in his seat with a smile and a shake of the head. Aiden put the car in reverse and backed out of his parking space slowly, looking in the mirror as he did so. He made sure that no one was behind him before he actually started moving. But there was no way for him to have been able to see the drunk driver swirv off of the main highway and come barreling down the isle he was pulling out into. Andrew did, he sat up quickly and threw his arm out to point at the rouge truck coming their way. Eyes wide, ears perked, and heart climbing its way up his throat in panic. "AIDEN!!" He yelled,finally able to form words. His natural reaction was to press himself against his door, farthest he could get from the other car. The car was coning at them on Aiden's side, the driver making no attempts to stop the vehicle. Aiden snapped his head up to see the truck too but it was entirely too late to be able to do anything about stopping what was about to happen. It was to close, too fast, and too late... ---- Seth had watched the whole thing from his rear view mirror, frozen in place. He jumped out of his car to watch in horror.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:37pm Dec 15 2010
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Eric's eyes widened as the scene unfolded in front of him. For a moment he didn't know what to do but as his mind slowly began thinking the first think that came to his mind was 911. He let his cigarette drop to the snow as he quickly pulled out his phone dialing the police. On the other end the opperator answered only to get Eric's franctic yet demanding voice. "There's been a wreck in front of the high school! Hurry there are students involved!" he yelled into the phone actually leaving it open and tossing it on his car not really caring about it. His tail was twice it's original size as his ears perked forward. He balled his fists and actually ran towards the wreck. "Mr. Dashaniel!" A teacher yelled but he ignored the other as he shoved a few students aside. "Mr. Dashaniel let the police take care of it!" the teacher that yelled at him apeared and stepped in front of him holding him back. "Move!" He barked anger washing over his face. "If they are injured we need to get them out of the car! Now get out of my way!" Eric snapped actually punching hte other teacher causing him to stumble back away from Mr. Dashaniel. "I'm not loosing another one" He growled cautiously aproaching the wreck. His biggest fear was to see his two students dead. Blood wasn't an issue for him but death was. "Aiden! Andrew!" He yelled ears pulling back slightly. { Fail cause I donno hwo the cars are laying. lol }

5:54pm Dec 15 2010
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The two vehicles had made contact. The sound of crunching metal and shatter gl*censored* combined had been a terrifying one and had seemed to last forever.The whole school was in a state of shock it seemed. No one moved except for one frantic teacher. Everyone was quiet. This snow day wasn't a happy one anymore. The impact had actually stopped the truck but had sent the Prism flying. Gl*censored* was everywhere, small pieces of the once whole white car were scattered all over. And then it had been over, fast as it happened. On the outside there didn't seem to be anyway that anyone could have made that crash and live to tell the tale. The car was totaled and upside down, both teens inside. Andrew had been flung violently around the car when it had started rolling, his seatbelt wasn't there to keep him strapped down. Aiden, on the other hand, had stayed put. Andrew was currently laying on his side on what used to the the ceiling of the car and Aiden strapped in above him. Pain didn't register, nothing registered he was barely conscious. He'd hit his head. Aiden was very conscious and the pain hit him then all at once. Sending the boy into a fit of struggling screams, delirious with pain. Andrew could see out of the car, but his vision was doubled and fuzzy. He heard his name being called but it sounded far away, he could also hear screaming.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:23pm Dec 15 2010
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{ I feel as if I ruined the crash. >.< } Eric seemed to freeze as the screams reached his ears. His breathing increased as adrinaline ran threw his veins. He couldn't stand around and look like an idiot not helping his students. The screams though, they seemed to get into his head momentarily stopping him from moving. The screaming wasn't from Andrew, Eric could tell that. They were from Aiden. It was Andrew's friend who was in pain. Finially seeming to snap out of his moment of fear he ran to the side of the Prism. His ears remained flat against his head as he fell to his knees at the upside down car. He didn't care that glas$ was everywhere and so was metal. He wasn't worried about himself. He was more worried about his students. "Aiden! Andrew!" Eric called into the crushed metal vehicle. He pulled at the pa$senger door seeing that's the side he was near but it wouldn't budge. Growling to himself lowered himself looking threw the shattered window. He reached in and touched Andrew's arm frowning at the sight of his students injured. "Aiden! Please, help is on their way! What hurts? Are you pinned?" Eric asked, gently nudging the nearly unconcious Andrew. "I need you two to stay with me. Cops are on their way" He frowned not really wanting to cut Aiden down afraid that he was pinned. He didn't know how to help. All he could do was talk to his students and be there. In the distance Sirens sounded causing Mr. Dashaniel to glance behind him but quickly turn his attention back to his students. "Only a matter of time" he sighed to himself reaching up and touching Aiden's face trying to ignore the screams of pain. { Totally fail because if it were me, i'd be yanking the boys out of the vehicle and yet Eric just comforts them trying to figue out what hurts and to see if Andrew is even alive. >.< Stupid teacher }

10:04pm Dec 15 2010
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Adrenaline and shock was the only thing that was keeping Andrew awake, it was also numbing him from any and all pain that would be bothering him. It simply hadn't taken effect for Aiden. The truck had crushed him between his door and the arm rest and underneath the driving wheel. Eric being there didn't seem to register. Andrew looked at Eric, recognizing him through his Adrenaline high and glanced down at his hand on his arm. That was nice. His ears lowered close to his head as he started to slip and lose consciousness. An ambulance pulled into the parking lot along with a fire truck and a few cop cars. Student's were pushed back and set behind an imaginary line and a couple of fire fighters came over and with a small machine to cut off the doors that were imprisoning the two teens. One of the men from the ambulance came over to check Aiden's vital signs before anything else was done that could harm him any further. Finally, a decision on how to remove Aiden safely was made the came and removed the pieces of the car that had crushed him away without hurting him and strapped him into a stretcher. He had gotten gravely quiet over the minutes that it had taken to remove him. He was loaded onto the ambulance and as they prepared another one from Andrew and checked on the drunk driver. [[ lol I'd be doing what Eric is doing because you're not supposed to do anything >.< And I wouldn't want to hurt them ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:35pm Dec 15 2010
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{ I would be freaking out and probably running around the car like an idiot being all "Answer me! Are you alive?" being to chicken to look into the car to see the whole involvement. I would be scared i'd see my loved ones dead hanging or mutulated. >.< Though that was Eric's biggest fear. } Upon seeing the cops and ambulance arrive, Eric removed his hand from Andrew standing up and stepping aside allowing them to do their jobs. He sighed just watching oblivious to the clear salty tears falling down his cheeks. His ears perked though as he noticed there was no more screaming. No more tention in the air from Aiden's painful wails. His tail fell slightly glancing towards the ambulance. He prayed Aiden was okay and that he had just fallen unconcious. His gaze focused on the paramedics working on getting a stretcher for Andrew. His tail rose slightly as he stepped forward but an officer grabbed his arm pulling him aside. "Sir, I need a statement from you. When we got here you were by the wre---" the officer was cut off by Eric who wasn't in the mood to answer the questions. "They are my students. I was with them right before this happened. That driver over there swurved and hit their car dead on. I hope that bas--" Eric stopped himself as the officer gave him a questionative glance. "Sir you hope that what?" He asked but Eric shook his head. "Nothing. I'm upset all I want is to go with them to the hospital, May I?" Mr. Dashaniel asked but the police officer shook his head. "No sir you can not. Family only" He said beginning to walk away but Eric grabbed his arm. "One of them doesn't have any family. I can't seriously let him sit in the hospital alone. He can't be alone" Eric frowned just now noticing the cold air on his cheeks. He brought his hand up and found the skin there wet. He growled slightly wipping away the tears before releasing the officer's arm. "Nevermind. I'll find my own way there." Eric growled stepping back waiting to see Andrew be pulled out of the car. He was alive but to him it seemed like it was just barely. He hadn't been responsive when he spoke to him but then again neither was Aiden. They both were exremly banged up and that alone nearly killed Eric. { Once again. I'm watching Titanic. >.< }

11:11pm Dec 15 2010
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The man that had checked Aiden came back and crawled onto his stomach to check Andrew. The fact that he hadn't made a sound wasn't good, the other was nearly screaming his head off. He noticed that his head was bleeding and the teen had a dazed, far off look in his eyes. "I need a neck brace!" He called, noticing Andrew perk his ears when he raised his voice. A brace was handed to him soon after and he wrapped it gently around Andrew's neck. Andrew was pulled out of the car and a light shined into his eyes. His pupils didn't react normally and staying large, concussion. "Hey kid... bl ink if you can hear me." The guy said. Andrew blinked slowly, he could hear. "Don't move that one. He's got a bad concussion." He told the people with the stretcher and walked over to Eric. Andrew was put onto a stretcher, both boys had gas masks with pure oxygen put over their faces. "You're their teacher?" He asked, but didn't give him enough time to answer. "They need to get to the hospital fast so if you're going with them I suggest you get in there now because I'm closing the doors." He stated. He obviously didn't care about what the police officer had said. He walked away to check on the other driver really quick.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:30pm Dec 15 2010
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Eric's ears perked when being addressed. He listened to waht the man said before he nodded spinning around immediatly facing the back of the ambulance. His eyes focused on both of his students before sighing and climbing in the back of the ambulance sitting on the small little bench beside the two boys. He actually reached up and placed his hand on Andrew's arm, pulling his ears back watching his students. "You'll be okay" He whispered running his thumb gently over Andrew's arm before glancing over at Aiden. He felt his stomach drop to his toes as he observed the two. They were the best of friends and he would hate for anything to happen to them. Aiden was all Andrew had not to mention Danielle. He didn't even think the boy had anyone else. Sure the other students at school were his friends but they were mere aquaintences. None of them would last outside of school. One of his ears flopped to the side as he remembered the fun Aiden and Andrew were having just moments before all this happened. He sighed actually pulling his hand back and setting them in his lap as he watched his students a little scared. Yes he wanted to be with them, but he didn't know what he could do. All he could really do was sit and be there for the two. To bid them comfort and to let them know that they wern't alone. That someone was watching out for them.

11:55pm Dec 15 2010
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Andrew glanced over at his teacher, and down at the hand on his arm, why was he here with them? And whether he would ever admit this, his presence gave Andrew comfort. He was strapped down and couldn't see or hear Aiden. The lights above him were far too bright and he could feel pain starting. He blinked slowly, once, before he didn't open his eyes again. Aiden was still, but was breathing slowly beside Andrew. He was loosing blood and was still in pain but couldn't even force himself to make noise anymore. Another man climbed into the back and closed the door and the emergency vehicle started moving. He checked Aiden's vital signs again, holding his wrist and counting before doing the same to Andrew. "Hey kid, no slipping into comas..." He said, moving Andrew's hair out of his face and making his open his eyes. "Keep your eyes open." The man said to Andrew before tending to Aiden some more. Andrew swiveled his ears, listening to the man and for his friend. His tail was responding so he curled it in close to himself. He couldn't move anything else, he was strapped down. The man continued to speak to Aiden, covering him up when he started to shiver visibly. Andrew closed his eyes again. He was so tired, sleep tugging forcibly at him and making his eyes heavy. "Kid. You gotta stay awake." Andrew growled slightly, a good sign for him. Oh how he hated to be called 'kid'.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:04am Dec 16 2010
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[[ Have you ever been in an ambulance? o.o Scary situation right there, to be strapped down and not able to move... ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:07am Dec 16 2010
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Eric watched the other man for a few minutes before frowning focusing on Andrew. A smirk played at his lips when he growled at being called kid. Same old Andrew. "Hey...Andrew" Eric spoke, softly rubbing his hand on his arm. "You heard the man. You have to stay awake. We need you to stay awake no matter how much you want to sleep" he spoke in a soft tone for once showing his vulnerable side. His ears flopped forward as his own talk curled around his own waist as he focused down on his student. The other man was tending to Aiden and if he could do anything, he would help Andrew stay awake. He brought his hand free hand up and moved a strand of Andrew's hair out of his face that the other man had missed before sighing. "You'll be okay. They are going to take care of you both. You can trust them and you can trust I won't leave. Not for a moment" he frowned looking over Andrew before focusing his gaze down on Andrew's arm making little circles on it with his thumb. "It won't be long before we are at the hospital..." he spoke focusing his blue eyes up on Andrew once more.

12:34am Dec 16 2010
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Andrew opened his eyes to look up at his teacher, his eyes showing just how tired he was. each time he blinked it got a little harder to open his eyes again. He swiveled his ears to listen to Eric and what he was saying. Eric touching his arm made goosebumps rise along his arms, but he didn't notice that slight change along with the other things going on with him. Like the pain was steadily growing as the adrenaline wore off and he calmed down. His breathing had increased slightly and he closed his eyes again. Fine, fine. Stay... Andrew thought. Hospital... Pain. Just let me sleep. He was so tired, didn't they understand? It was just sleep, it couldn't be so bad. To sleep. But Eric being here calmed him, made him feel... not so alone strapped to that bed. His tail came up and rested on Eric's wrist, that was the only way to thank Eric at this point.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:45am Dec 16 2010
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Eric couldn't help but smile softly at the action, Andrew took. His eyes focused on his tail that was now resting on his wrist but frowned when noticing him close his eyes. "Andrew... Andrew we need you to stay awake. You have to. We can't have you slipping away from us" Eric called moving his hand back up to Andrew's face and rubbing his cheek slightly. "Andrew...Open your eyes. Focus on me, please. I know your tired but you can't go to sleep. You have to stay awake" he sighed focusing on his students face. "Please, Andrew" he called not really sure what else to say. He figured the pain would be taking over soon but it really wasn't long until they got to the hospital. They seemed to come to the wreck pretty quickly so why was it taking so long to get to the hospital? Or did it just seem like that cause his focus was on Andrew? ( Only so much he can do. lol. And I just scared myself half to death. I began one of my stupid coughing fits to the point where I couldn't really take a breath. When I pulled my hand away I saw small droplets of blood. I ran to teh bathroom to make sure I wasn't coughing up blood only to discover that my nose was bleeding. >.< I really, really hate my body. My body and winter. }

1:05am Dec 16 2010
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Andrew opened his eyes again, frowning a the pain that seemed to make his ears sing. Why stay awake when sleep can take the pain away? The man was half listening listening to Andrew and Eric. Andrew whimpered, adrenaline gone. There was no way for him to sleep now, no worries. All in good time as well. The emergency vehicle rocked slightly as it pulled into the hospital parking lot. "We're here." The man taking care of Aiden announced and reached down and wrapped the strap connected to his oxygen mask around his head so that it wouldn't come off. He did the same with Andrew, it had been merely sitting over their mouths. The vehicle stopped and everything got crazy fast. The doors were flung open and doctors helped pull the stretchers down and out of the back of the ambulances. "Whats up?" Asked a doctor. "Car wreck. Drunk driver came off of the highway and collided with their car. This one is gonna need some blood and IVs fast. He was uncontrollable at the scene but he isn't doing so good now. Pain killers. He's probably paralyzed, see to that." The man that had been tending to Aiden listed off what was wrong with him. He pointed to Andrew, "Serious concussion. Check for internal bleeding or brain damage, he didn't respond to the crash but it looks lke the shock is wearing off. I'm pretty sure he's got some breaks as well but I couldn't tell. He was basically unconscious. Pain killers before he goes into a tizzy like the other did." The two stretches were being pushed down the hall and Andrew finally glimpsed Aiden. [[ wow o.o I'd be scared XD earlier when I didn't reply for lyke... 3 hours... we went out to eat :3 And we all come out of the restaurant and walk up to the car but it wouldn't unlock o.o We were all standing there and trying to get in when the car behind us honked >.< We... were trying to get into someone elses car while OURS was right behind us <3 Kodac Moment. ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:24am Dec 16 2010
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{ Sorry! Loki was on and I had to catch up on our Neko roleplay cause he posted and...yeah. >.< Sorry. I shall post then go to bed because it's nearly 3 in the morning. Hehe. Fair wanring, not much I can do so this post is going to be short and suck } Eric let go of Andrew almost immediatly when the back doors of the ambulance were opened. He let the doctors and nurses do as they were trained just listening to their conversation. Aiden was in serious condition and that was not good. He felt his heart drop listening to all the things wrong with him. He was thankful he was able to at least distract Andrew while the other man focused on Aiden. He seemed like he was way more injured than Andrew, but a serious concussion did sound bad as well. He frowned stepping out of the vehicle once the stretchers were pulled out. His ears pulled back and his tail slightly dropped watching them being pushed down the hallway. He seemed to follow behind them before a nurse grabbed his arm stopping him. "I'll be waiting for you two!" Eric called after Aiden and Andrew before focusing on teh nurse. "Waiting room?" Eric asked only to have her nod and lead him out of the emergancy enterance into a small side waiting room full of old people. He frowned sinking down into a chair and just waiting for news about his two students. Worry tugged at his heart. All he could do now was pray that they would be okay and nothing to serious would happen. They were good kids, bright kids. They had their whole future ahead of them and he couldn't even fathom them loosing that all because of some drunk driver. { Haha. That sounds like something I would do. ^.^ }

2:54am Dec 16 2010 (last edited on 3:00am Dec 16 2010)
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Andrew gritted his teeth. He was in pain and all he wanted was to be able to move his arms. He wanted to see Aiden, he knew that he was hurt bad and he was afraid that the last time he was going to see his friend was a accidental glance while he was being rolled down the hall. Soon a nurse came to Andrew and hooked him up to a more permanent oxygen unit and IVs. "Can you hear me Andrew?" She asked as she stuck a needle into his drip bag. Andrew made some kind of small noise. Without Eric talking to him he had nothing to focus on, to listen to so that he wouldn't p*censored* out. He blinked, a blackness starting at the edges of his vision. Somewhere else in the hospital Aiden had been hooked up to a couple of his own machines. One of which was a heart monitor and and it showed just how Aiden was declining fast and nothing any of the doctors could do would get it any better and soon a flat, toneless line ran across the screen. Andrew, now without his best friend, was put into a room of his own. He looked troubled and tense even when he was p*censored*ed out and in the most laid back state you could get. New bruises littered his body, both uncovered and not. He had been deemed with a broken left arm, five broken ribss, two bruised ones, and a broken collar bone. His head had been bandaged since he had busted it in the wreck. A lone, melancholy 'beep' 'beep' beep' was the only other noise in the room excepts for the steady sound of Andrew breathing. Every once in a while he would murmur something unintelligible and the drugs kept him painless. A nurse was sent to Eric with the news of Aiden's p*censored*ing and Andrew's critical condition. They even gave Eric Andrew's room number if he wanted to go see him. "He blacked out soon after arriving... so theres the strong chance that he might not wake up." The nurse admitted sadly before moving away, no one wanted to be the one to bring the bad news.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~