9:21am Dec 16 2010
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{ I hate you! I was so upset this morning because my cat or one of our cats soiled my pillow thus making me not able to go back to bed. I had to steam clean my bed and now i'm washing all my blankets and crap. I'm pissed but then I come on here only to read about a dead teen. Now im crying. >.< It's probably a mix of anger and well....reliving my high school senior year when one of our clas$mates got into a serious wreck to the point he was hospitalized and his little brother died in the wreck. T.T Anyway. I shall post now. I am very sad, but I guess it's only gonna be worse. Something tells me today is going to suck } Eric's ears perked when the nurse came into the waiting room to tell him what all exactly happened. He had been a nervous wreck the whole intire time but the news only made things worse. He pinned his ears against his skull as his tail fell behind him. So Aiden had died shortly after the car accident within the hospital and Andrew was seriously injured and there was a chance that he wouldnt' wake up. He felt his heart sink even further as he thanked the nurse and proceded to sit back down for a moment to gather his emotions. Eric brought up a hand and wipped away the tears falling steadily down his cheeks. If Andrew did wake up how would he tell him that his best friend in the whole wide world had died? Maybe the doctors could tell him the news but that would be a little evil of him. Then again there was a strong chance that Andrew wouldn't even wake up so he wouldn't have to know, but that was another bad thing. "This day can only get worse" He sighed to himself standing up and managing to pull himself together. He walked down the hall slowly and found the room number for Andrew's room. Slowly Mr. Dashaniel walked into the room his eyes immediatly falling upon the unconcous Andrew. The sound of the moniter was sort of ominous to him but that moniter was the only thing telling him that his student was still alive. He walked to the edge of Andrew's bed glancing at the monter for a breif moment before bringing his hand up to Andrew's face. He gently ran his fingers acrossed the bandage around his head messing with a strand of hair. "Oh Andrew....You have extremly bad luck" Eric spoke moving his hand from Andrew's face to his good arm not really wanting to hurt him even though he knew pain medication had been perscriped and was dripping in the IV. Mr. Dashaniel took a deep breath focusing down on his hand which was resting softly on Andrew's right arm. "I need you to wake up Andrew. Not now but...I can't have you dying on me aswell" He frowned running his thumb gently on the exposed skin of Andrew's arm. Eric actually pulled up a chair and sat down staying close to his student's side a little hesitant to leave him. At the moment, uncioncious or not, he needed someone to keep him company. He wasn't about to leave Andrew all alone so if he did wake up that would be the first thing he would take notice to. { Ooh. You know, with broken ribs and well, Andrew's condition. When he gets out of the hospital he'll need to be watched and like taken care of. Maybe he movies in with Eric? They could get closer but it's up to you if Seth finds out or not. Plus i'm waiting to bring in a very frantic Danielle. hehe. She has to walk to the hospital so...it may be a while before I bring her in. ^.^ }

1:33pm Dec 16 2010
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[[ D: I didn't mean to make you upset! I wrote this out a school a few weeks back and I actually started crying in Math cl*censored* ._. My teachers were like: Circles are.... o_O are you crying? whole cl*censored*: *turns to look at crying gurl in the back* LOL But yes, Im sorry ._. ]] Andrew was unaware of his teacher's arrival or the death of his best friend, but right now, he didn't need to know these things. They would only be painful for him. But he did react to Eric talking to him and touching him, a small sigh escaped his lips. A few hours later~* Wanna drive? You're the only teenager I know that sends 5 minutes in the car getting ready to drive before you even start the thing. I know I am. AIDEN!! Andrew was dreaming. Images playing around in his head that were only meant to hurt him at this point. That truck coming at them from Aiden's side and his screaming filling his nightmare and making his heart monitor speed up along with his heart.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:26pm Dec 16 2010
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( your fine. This post might suck cause im on my iPod due to my house loosing power. So forgive me for my suckish post )
Eric had settled down in the chair just focusing on Andrew. He let his mind roam back to the events That had played out today. The whole day had went fine but somehow everything spiraled out of control. His ears lay flat allowing the teachers face he had punched come into his mind. He shouldn't have gotten in the way. If the school wanted to fire him or press charges so be it.
The heart monitors seemed to snap Eric out of his thoughtful state. He quickly jumped to his feet and was at Andrews side in a second. " Andrew!" mr. Dashaniel called lightly touching his arm. His own heart sped up a litle scared Andrews heart would give out right there. "Andrew!" he repeated glancing over at the door wondering if a nurse or doctor was going to come on and check on him.
3:40pm Dec 16 2010
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Andrew's nightmare continued, though Eric's frantic voice beside him was added. A few nurses did come in to check on Andrew, responding to Eric's raised voice. "He's fine, Mr. Dashaniel," One as$ured him after checking Andrew and uping his oxygen levels to keep his body running the way it was supposed to. "You'll only need to worry when the machine starts detecting heart failure." She explained, pointing at the levels on the screen. "He's probably having a nightmare is all." She said, patients got them all the time and they did make your heart rate increase as you sleep. "The monitor just shows how fast his heart is going like its supposed to." she smiled warmly. "Are you a family member?" She asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:41pm Dec 16 2010
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[[Your post is fine ^0^]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:54pm Dec 16 2010
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( still no power in my house! It's been all day! It's so cold in here. *sigh* )
Eric looked at the nurses and sighed. " thank you and I'm sorry. I'm a little worried and stressed myself" he frowned focusing on the nurse that was talking to him. Was he family? Her question was a simple one but the most hardest one to answer. He took in a breath before shaking his head. "no I'm not family. Just his teacher. I've looked out for him though. He is having problems with his mothers boyfriend and is sort of staying with me, kinda to get away from all that" he told the nurse.
It all wasn't a lie. Just the part about Andrew staying with him. He had figured Andrew hadn't went back home yet seeing he was wearing the same outfit for a while. He only guessed that aiden had taken him in but when he saw Danielle hanging out with him he didn't know what to think. Danielle didn't have a home or at least one that he knew of.
5:23pm Dec 16 2010 (last edited on 5:23pm Dec 16 2010)
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The nurse frowned, "Oh, thats very kind of you then..." He answered him a nod. It was always sad to hear about a kid that was having problems with his home life. Especially if they were in the hospital. "Well... then, since he's staying with you he should be able to recognize your voice and coma patients do much better when someone talks to them. Its actually been proven that they have a better chance of waking up if they have something to wake up to." He explained, resting her hand on his forearm as she spoke. Andrew monitor had gone back to normal by then. "He might not actually hear what your saying, but he should respond. Meanwhile, I should probably check for some of his reecords and get a hold of his parents." She said and walked out of the room to do do just that. [[ fail -_- Sorry And hes been changing his clothes but it doesnt matter LOL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:25pm Dec 16 2010
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[[ Oh, as a late response XD Andrew should so stay with Eric ^.^ Hey~! :3 Eric feel liked meeting parents? :O lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:59pm Dec 16 2010
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Eric frowned lightly but nodded at the nurses words. He would talk to Andrew no matter what. Although he was slightly worried about them contacting his parents. They did have to know though. They couldn't keep it from them that he was in a wreck.
He let out a huff walking over to andrews side laying his hand on his arm. "hey Andrew. The nurse said talking would help. Maybe if your parents allow me I can stay and read to him if his voice did help. He might look like an idiot but he just wanted to help and for Andrew to be ok.
8:15pm Dec 16 2010
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Andrew's ear twitched, responding to his name. He hadn't fallen into a coma, and he wasn't going to. He was just exhausted. Everything that had happened to him lately had just put so much strain on the kid and now the wreck. It gave him what he needed to just sleep and not have to deal with reality for now. But he would have to wake up eventually and face the world on his own. Deal with the weight of loosing his one true friend.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:35pm Dec 16 2010
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{ Skip to when his parents come? God knows how that's going to go }
8:36pm Dec 16 2010
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[[ lol Chaos. And he's going to wake up in the middle of it xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:56pm Dec 16 2010
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( oh lord. Andrew gets to hear/see a protective side of Eric. Maybe now Andrew will understand Erica not the type to abandon you. And can you start? My electricity went out again. )
10:00pm Dec 16 2010
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[[ my internet failed. Sorry. ]] Andrew’s mother were reached, though the nurse had a hard time about it since Andrew didn’t have that many records of ever being in the hospital. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing since it usually meant that there was no reason for him to come in. Either way, his mother showed up not too long after, frantic to see her ‘missing baby’. She was directed to the room that he was staying in, her boyfriend right behind her. She poked her head inside. As soon as she spotted Andrew and actually recognized him, she came in quickly. Her boy friend hung back by the door, leaning against it with his hands in his pocket looking over at Andrew. He didn’t like this kid. His mother was hot and all but he shouldn’t have to deal with some kid that obviously wanted to get himself killed. What kind of idiot gets into a wreck in a high school parking lot? Andrew’s mother was what you would consider pretty, but they looked nothing alike the two of them. Andrew looked more like his father. The only thing that the two of them had in common was their hair color. Her boyfriend, Jared, was clean cut and looked like he had money. The only reason he had that money was because he had inherited his father’s business. You’d think that him and Andrew’s mother would be in totally different worlds and shouldn’t have met and as soon as Jared saw Andrew’s mother he knew that she’s do anything for the money that he had plenty of. As soon as Andrew’s mother came in all hell broke loose and she was loud. She had clearly been drinking though she wasn’t wasted. She kept repeating ‘don’t die’. Loudly. Andrew was being forced from his resting, peaceful stage and his heart monitor was immediately going faster. It was a wonder that he hadn’t gone completely bonkers while living with this woman since you could immediately tell that she was like this all the time. Andrew opened his eyes, only a little, too little for anyone to be able to tell they were open. All he could see was white. He blinked, it was too bright for him to open his eyes completely and it was all pretty fuzzy. He tried opening them again, his hearing was starting to get clear and he laid his ears against his head against his mothers loud voice. He finally opened his eyes completely, a frown on his face and a very far off look in his eyes. Oh yeah, he was in the hospital. His mother saw that he was awake and came up and threw her arms around his neck. The action made him bark in pain and grit his teeth. “I’m so happy you’re alive! I’m sorry… so sorry sorry.” She cried. Andrew looked blankly down at him mother, she only made him sad. “I didn’t mean what I said. When they called today I was so scared.” She said. Andrew didn’t see Eric sitting beside him, and obviously neither had his mother. “what didn’t you mean?” He replied, his voice wasn’t loud and it was flat and hoarse. “I don’t wish it had been you! You’re my child. I love you.” she responded. “you did.” he said simply. He knew that she had meant it that day, Alex was her favorite. He always had been. The perfect child that make dope cookies with his stoner mommy. His mother pushed away from him, even through his morphine high that hurt and made him whimper quietly. “O-of course I didn’t! How could you say that to your mother?” Andrew sighed quietly, getting ready for her to start yelling like she always did and looked over to where Eric was. At first, he didn’t recognize him. Simply because he didn’t expect him to be there. But when he did recognize him his eyes widened. “What’re you doing here?” He asked. He was instantly ashamed that his teacher knew what kind of person his mother was. “That’s what I want to know.” Jared spoke up from the door. Andrew’s mother was still glared at Andrew though he wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. Not only was Eric here, witnessing this crap, but his mother’s b****** boyfriend was here too. [[ Ah~ fail ^.^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:07pm Dec 16 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:37pm Dec 16 2010
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Eric's ears were pulled back immediatly at the loud intrusion of his mother. He was suprised yes that she was obnoxious and loud but he really wasn't paying attention to the loudness. His only worry was Andrew's mother's boyfriend that had stopped by the door obviously not happy the kid was in the hospital. His ears perked noticing Andrew wake up and speak but remained in his spot awaiting to be addressed or noticed, boy did he wish he was invisible now though. As soon as Andrew asked him that question he smirked only to loose it when Jared spoke up by the door. "Honestly, Ma'am. You should be greatful he's even alive and I would appriciate it if you didn't hug him so tightly to the point your bringing him pain" Eric spoke lowly actually standing up and focusing on Andrew, gently laying his hand on his leg seeing he was near the foot of the bed. "I stayed with you at the wreck, I stayed with you in the ambulance, did you not think I'd stay with you in the hospital till I knew you were better? Your my student and I felt bad that all the other idiots at school just stopped and staired. I'm glad your awake Andrew" He spoke before turning towards Jared, anger shinning in his eyes. "I should ask the same to you sir. You don't even care about her son so why are you here? Are you just her ride? And yes I mean that in more ways than one" He spoke a slight hiss to his voice. "Ma'am. If you cared about your son you wouldn't let him be injured by your boyfriend and you would have left your boyfriend a long time ago from the very first signs of aggression. I am sorry that your son is in the hospital but it is under my knowledge that you have not actually been living with your underaged son. I don't interfear with family affairs but when one of my studens comes in bruised and clearly in pain only to find out what happened behind his families doors, that's where I draw the line. I do not know where Andrew has been staying but I do know it was not with you nor do I think he should ever be with you" His blue gaze turned cold before shaking his head. "I know he is your son and all but you do not have his intentions in mind. It seems to me you care more for your own wellbeing and boyfriend more than you do your own son" He spoke up clearing his own throat before glancing at Andrew with a slightly apologetic look. He wanted to punch Jared just for the pain he had caused the kid during those few days he was visibly injured in his clas$room but couldn't without being charged. He had to get Jared angry enough to leave or punch him first then could he claim self defence, not that he really was lookin forward to a fight. He just had a feeling things wouldn't be pretty if he continued to talk to his mom and her boyfriend. { Go Eric! but bad Eric. It wasn't your place to speak like that! Although poor Andrew. Seeing a protective side of him and slightly pissed off one. hehe }

11:26pm Dec 16 2010
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Andrew was beside himself with surprise, Eric standing up for him wasn't something he would have expected from his teacher at all. No one stood up for him. Not even his mother. "I love my son! You have no right to tell me that I don't!" Andrew's mother replied. Andrew watched Eric get defensive. "Andrew needs to know that he is not the boss! Jared was just telling him that. And Andrew left on his own and didn't come back." His mother defended herself. Jared stepped in then, "But hey. If you want to run away and act like a spoiled brat? Go ahead. Don't come back when you find that the world isn't as pretty as you thought it was." James said, talking directly to Andrew now. Andrew glared back at him, defiance still in his eyes though he clearly coudn't fight back if anything happened. "Hide behind you're precious education and the idea your daddy's gonna save you. Thats not gonna happen, he doesn't want or care about you either." Andrew flinched visibly and lowered his eyes and ears, making Jared smirk. He looked to Andrew's mother, "I'm sick of this. Let's go." He said and left the room, it was as if Eric hadn't said a thing. Andrew's mother looked like she couldn't believe what had just happen. She lowered her ears and followed Jared quickly, leaving Andrew and his teacher alone. [[Aw. Poor Andrew .~. But I like Eric EVEN MORE NOW 8D]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:44pm Dec 16 2010
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Eric's ears flattened even more against his skull as he listened to Andrew's mother. His anger rising even more. Showing him he's not th boss? Hitting him and nearly killing him was Jared's way of just 'showing him he wasn't the boss'? A low growl came from him as he listened to jared talk to Andrew like that. He wasn't even in this! It was him agains this parents, Andrew had no part in this discussion. That was the last straw for Eric. He watched the two leave before sucking in a breath and quickly following the two out. "Hey!" He yelled at them once outside of Andrew's room. "Jared, is it?" Mr. Dashaniel asked stepping forward his tail twice it's orriginal size. "I swear to god if you ever touch one hair on Andrew's head again I will have you thrown in jail for child abuse. I will not put up with it nor will I put up with your back talk when he did nothing to you! You, his own mother! You allow this to go on under your own nose! Showing him he's not the boss. That's a load of bull and you know it. Who almost kills a child to show them they have no right to speak their mind? If I were you I wouldn't come near him unless you two want to be in jail. I have the authority and I know the judges so back off. Obviously he doesn't feel safe or even comfortable in your home. If I see you even within ten feet of Andrew the cops will be called. You have my word" He snapped at them in the hall way his cold blue eyes showing any mercy or sympany for them. They didn't desurve a kid such as Andrew. He was a good boy, a smart boy and he was only treated like dirt. Well he wasn't going to have it nor was he going to allow such a thing to happen in front of him. ---- A black figure ran down the hallway and darted into Andrew's room obviosly ignoring the yelling from Mr. Dashaniel and the two people that it darted by. Almost immidiatly gentle hands sprung around Andrew as the female lightly hugged him. "Oh Andrew! I came as fast as I heard. It's not easy running all the way to the hospital!" Danielle breathed pulling away and focusing on him. "Are you okay? There was talk about an accident and once you didn't show up! Oh I was soo worried. I hope they are taking good care of you. If not I swear i'm going to---" She stopped ranting glancing at the door seeming to just now notice Mr. Dashaniel. "Hey his face is red...what's wrong?" She asked a little confused focusin back on Andrew.

11:56pm Dec 16 2010
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Andrew turned his head away from the door, away from his teacher as he chased his mom and her boyfriend out. He wasn't paying attention or he would have stopped Eric, he didn't want his teacher fighting his battles for him. Jared stopped and looked back at Eric, amusement on his face. "No problem." He responded, wrapping his arm around Andrew' mother and pulled her into him. "You can have him. Have fun." He left after that. Andrew lifting his good arm and rested it on Danielle's back, her hug didn't hurt like his mother's had. "I'm fine." He replied, he didn't look fine. "Nothings wrong. But Im pretty sure I don't have to worry about my mother looking for me anymore." He said with a fake smile at her. "You're missing your shift." He changed the subject. "Alex is gonna be pissed you know." He told her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:01am Dec 17 2010
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Danielle's ears perked slightly and frowned at him. "Alex can kiss my furry tail" She frowned glancing back at Eric before focusing her full attention on Andrew. "Alex will get over it and technically your missing work to so...Once he finds out what happened i'm sure he'll be a little leinient on things, plus. Having a girl bartender kind of knocks up buisness" She grinned stupidly before sighing. "Oh, did you want something to eat? I'll be happy and run out to get you something. Steak? Chicken? Anything?" She asked a little too eager to help him in some sort of way. ---- Jared's comment seemed to raise Eric's anger more but he simply walked back into the room holding the bridge of his nose. "So be it" He muttered under his breath sinking back into the chair allowing Danielle to have her moments with Andrew. He made a mental note to ask her later how exactly they met. He was genuinly curious now seeing she had apeared out of no where. { Fail and I was so on a roll before. *cries* }