9:48pm Oct 29 2010
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Andrew, not exactly paying attention, jumped at the sound of his teachers voice and spilled the drink that he had been making. "Shhhhh-!" He jumped back, the foul smelling liquid dripping to the floor. He looked at it for a fraction of a second before he glared up at the familiar face. "Look what you made me do!" He hissed, his pupils narrowing into slits. " That is going to come out of my paycheck." He growled, more to himself but loud enough for Eric to hear him. He shook of his hands, the alcohol having gotten onto them. "And what? What, you followed me here? What kind of creeper are you?! Do you know that they have an entire devision specially trained to look for guys like you?" He grumbled, not even looking at him as he cleaned the table. "And besides," He said, throwing the rag onto the floor and finally looking at Eric. "Its none of your business, so stay out of it!" He dropped down behind the counter to clean the rest off of the floor. Maybe if he was fast enough Alex would see the mess and he wouldn't have to pay for the spilled drink. After he was done he dropped the soiled rag into the washer and got another, turning back to start a replica of the first. [[ Thats fine -^_^- And poor guy D: ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:05pm Oct 29 2010
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Eric sighed and shook his head. "I'll pay for it kid. It won't come out of yor pay check" he said simply and seemed to roll his eyes at the whole little speech the kid had given off. "I didn't follow you here, so don't flatter yourself" he growled slightly, his black ears pressing firmly against his blonde hair. His tail flicked out of annoyance as he watched him. "Well someone is a tad bit cranky. I'm not here to pick a fight or lecture you. I simply came to have a social life. What? A teacher such as myself can't have his own free time outside of the clas$room?" he asked with a slight hint of hurt to his voice. "Teacher's arn't some hobit hiding in their home figuring out how to torture their students. They have social lives to, Andrew" he spoke letting out a sigh. He went to say something else but another male stepped up behind Eric, wrapping his arms around the black neko's waist, kissing his cheek. Eric smirked glancing back at the male giving off a slight nod. The male was wearing a button up black shirt and jeans. He had brown hair with brown wolf ears to match and light green eyes. Behind him his fluffy brown and black spotted tail flopped happily behind him as he focused on the kid. "Cheating Eric?" The wolf laughed only to get a glare from the Neko. "No...He's...a friend" Eric smiled before shrugging out of the wolf's grip. "Plus we arn't going out. We've been split up for six months and that still stands" he frowned only to hear the wolf huff. "Sure sure. That's what you think" he laughed turning to face the crowd as if spotting someone to steal away from whomever they were dancing with.

10:37pm Oct 29 2010
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Andrew flicked his ear, as if flicking off Eric' comment, "I wouldn't flatter myself with thoughts of you following me around, believe you me." He responded, handing the grumbling customer his drink. By the time he had turned back another guy was getting a little too friendly with his teacher. Surprised he was to say the least, nearly tripping over himself at the sight. His whole body was that of shock, his ears flatten and tail stuck straight up and even puffed out a little. His eyes were probably the size of saucer plated and his pupils the size of pin needles. /He's Gay?!/ Andrew screamed in his head. His ears flicked to pick up another order and he whirled around to fix it. His hands weren't working right! He ended up having to pour some out he had put too much in, everything that he had to done him in clas$ today suddenly screamed at him, coming together and making sense to him. He handed the customer his drink and and reluctantly turned back to Eric. "I am not your friend! Far... far from it." He said threateningly before he went to find Alex. He could think straight, he had to leave and leave now. He was an extreme homophobic. "Alex" He yelled accidentally, making his boss jump. "For god's sakes kid! What?" He asked, whirled around. "I'm sick, I have to leave." Andrew told him, he didn't wait for a reply. He knew that if an employee was sick they had to leave immediately. He scooped up his pack from under the bar and swept away from the bar. He realized her was running away. Literally, he was pushing people out of the way as he made a made dash for the exit. But he really did feel like he was going to be sick. when he reached the outside it was dark and the cool air hit him like a wave or pure refreshment. He stopped and breathed for a moment, letting the cold air clear his head. "No, no, no, no, nooooo," He said to himself, shaking his hands. That didn't just happen, he had inhaled too much alcoholic fumes or something and his teacher did not just get buddy buddy with another guy right in front of him. Once he was ok he swallowed and started walking. He had a long way to go. When he left school and turned right to get to work, he would have to turn left to get home. He wished he had brought a jacket but couldn't do anything about it now and shoved his hands into his pockets, laying his ears down and curling his tail around his waist as he walked home. He pulled out his phone, his friends wouldn't come pick him up at this time. Their parents actually cared if they were at home by 11.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:57pm Oct 29 2010
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Eric's eyes widened at the kid's perfomance watching him leave the club. His ear twitched lightly before sighing. Well there goes that little talk. He couldn't help but laugh though at his reaction. It was a typical reaction he had gotten from some of his fellow teachers when they found out. "What's up with the guy?" The wolf asked, breaking Eric's thought process. "He said he wasn't you friend...." He trailed off only to watch Eric push by the wolf. "He's a student. I said that so his boss or a random worker wouldn't over hear and get him fired. He's nothing more than a troublesome clas$ clown. I'm sure you have your fair share of those" Eric said flopping his tail now suddenly bored of the club atmosphere. "My students are in college and if they act out they get kicked out" The other male frowned glancing towards the exit. "If this is his job..." the male trailed off before Eric stopped him. "Quit pushing it. He's a kid like we all were once. We arn't in school therefore what he does is none of my concern. If he wants to run off and abandon his job then so be it" the neko shrugged not sure what he wanted to do now. The mood was sort of ruined the minute he spotted Andrew. "You okay?" The wolf asked noticing the change in the neko's attitude. "Hmm? Yeah. Fine. Focusing on the crowd that's all. Why don't you do the same. Find someone you can relate to" Eric smirked bringing up his tail flickering it, slightly taunting the wolf. "After all....your single too you know" Eric laughed shrugging having the strong urge to smoke. "Eh, i'm going outside to smoke" The neko said walking out of the exit and immediatly lighting a cigarette and pressing the cancer stick between his lips intaking the sweet toxication. {[ Wow...Andrew. lol. Now i'm at a loss. What to doo.....Hmmm. I really could have Eric stalk the kid. lol. You know...the whole long walk home and all. ^.^ }]

11:11pm Oct 29 2010
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[[ lol Yea xD I was almost about to have him be cool with it but whuts the fun in that? ;3 ]] Andrew hadn't even thought that his teacher could be... gay. That thought had never even thought about crossing his mind. It was almost alien to him. Did they allow gay teachers? Or did the school even know? And was he going to tell and get him thrown out of school? For working at the bar? Or get fired because he's under aged? He stopped, suddenly not wanting to go home and wishing that his teacher had never walked through those doors. Ugh, he had acted to childish! He knew he had! But that was way too much, to have him look like a fool in front of cla.ss, find out where he works, and then reveal he was gay. He whimpered and continued walking, allowing himself this moment to be sad while no one else was around to see it. How could everything just flip over and turn inside out so fast? Mr. Dashaniel probably only thought of Andrew as some clown that acted out to get what he wanted. Wasn't he just that? Or a child that couldn't handle himself. He definitely wasn't that, when you're in the situation that Andrew was in now, you don't have a childhood and you hit adulthood head on. Perhaps he thought that Andrew was... nothing? Just a kid that wouldn't make it, and fall behind and get left there. Without even realizing it, his neko features had shifted to match his emotions. Eras handing low and tail limp and nearly dragging the ground. He didn't even notice his pink-ish nose or the fact that he could see his breath in the dark. [[Sure :D Then he can see where he lives too X3 Find out he gave the school a fake address because he lived out of district >;3]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:31pm Oct 29 2010
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{[ Awww. Andrew is adorable in my head! He's definatly going after him. lol }] Eric puffed awa yon the cancer stick now just resting in his mouth as his hands were shoved in his pockets. His mind ventured back to Andrew at his display in both the cas$room and at the bar. He let out a deep sigh not really understanding the kid. Sure he knew his type. He was one as a kid. A trouble maker, loved the attention because he didn't get it at home. It was all to familar to him. He growled slightly flicking the cigarette in the designated bin, making sure it was out before he walked to his car seeing if he could spot him. The kid was young which means he didn't drive yet so he had to be walking. He grumbled wondering exactly in what direction. All he knew was that the kid was walking somewhere. A slight shiver went down his spine as the cold air seemed to get threw his rather weak brown jacket. He must be crazy to walk in this weather but then again it was Andrew. The center of attention during clas$. He quickly climbed into his car not thinking twice about the wolf inside he had texted to join him tonight. Plans changed and he knew that so he wouldn't be mad at him. If he was lucky enough though, the other would find a friend to spend the night with and forget about Eric. It didn't take long for Eric to pull out of the club parking lot and down the street, looking for Andrew. For some he couldn't get that stupid kid out of his head. He just didn't understand him but in a way he did. It was all to confusing. Eric's gaze spotted the neko's back as he made his way down the side walk. He looked...sad? A confused look crossed the black neko's face before sighing. Thankfully for him the traffic was slow so he easily pulled up next to the kid following him slowly with the window rolled down. "Andrew...." Eric called out rather softly not really wanting to scare him. "I'll take you home. It's too cold for you to walk out here, especially without a coat" he frowned.

11:48pm Oct 29 2010
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Andrew heard the car coming, could see the area around him slowly growing lighter. He had even moved off of the road some more to make sure that he didn't get hit. Let's just say that that wouldn't feel good in the morning. But the car never pa.ssed, something that didn't exactly register to Andrew for some reason until he could see the car out of the corner of his eye. Wonderful. Not only as he having one of the worst days that he could possibly imagine, but he was about to get abducted as well? It was the sort of thing that would put the puffy, icing on top of Andrew's cake. He only hesitated when a too familiar voice called to him from the car, the pause wasn't long and he continued walking. "Thanks." He said, tired and cold and not up for smart remarks and comments at this point. His brain was probably frozen anyway. "But no." He refused to get into the car with him. He might freeze his tail off, but if he did he was going to do it stubbornly. He was instantly back to the everyday, hot headed Andre that he had been this morning, not the weak little kitten he had been a few moments ago. "Besides... its not that far." He lied flatly through his teeth, readjusting his shoulder strap.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:09am Oct 30 2010
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Eric seemed to growl to himself. "I hope you know your job is safe. Did it ever register through your thick skull why I called you a friend and not my student?" He asked with a little annoyance to his voice. "Will you relax...it's just a ride. If I was a threat I wouldn't be your teacher, kid" Eric sighed wondering why Andrew chose now to be a pain in the as$. It was freezing outside and thanks to the kid all the hot air was leaking out of his car. "Come on...If I beleived it was close I would leave you alone but I don't. You don't tell me the truth in clas$ so why start now, hmmm?" he asked rather amused but the fact that the kid was almost turning white irritated him. Would he seriously rather freeze to death than get in the car with him? Sure the whole 'don't get in the car with stranger's' was the rule taught by everyone but he didn't think Andrew was one to follow the rules. {Fail...Sorry! }
3:16pm Oct 30 2010
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Andrew's attention, which used to be on how much this day sucked, was quickly switched to how cold it was. "I don't really care about my job right now, in case you haven't noticed." Andrew replied, still walking and refusing to look at the driver of the car. Now that Eric explained why he had said that it made since, and he was glad he hadn't said student. But he still didn't want to be known as a friend of this guy. "You don't care if I lie or not in cla.ss, so why start now?" He echoed, switching the words around a bit. Seriously. Why did he care if Andrew froze to death or not. Especially since they hated each other in cla.ss! It didn't make any sense. He stopped and glanced over at Eric, laying down his ears. He wasn't going to take the ride because then he'd learn where he lived. And if the school found out then he could bbe kicked out and sent to the school he was supposed to be going to now. "I'm fine." He said before he continued. He'd just bring a jacket tomorrow and solve this problem of freezing walking from work home.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:22pm Oct 30 2010
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[ bump ;P ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:00pm Oct 30 2010
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{[ This is actually going to be a fail post I see it now. -_-' I is running out of ideas. lol. Now I have the strong urge to do a tragic love story. lol. Thank you Titanic and the song "Whiskey Lulaby" }] Eric gave a slight hiss, his ears flat against his head. He just watched Andrew for a few moments before he rolled up the pas$enger window and drove off, rounding the courner up ahead. Once his car disapeared out of sight he parked it on the side of the street and climbing out. He stepped onto the side walk and headed back to where Andrew was. If the kid was going to be stubborn than he would be too. There was no way he was going to let the kid feeze to death out here even if it meant him walking with him all the way to his home although he would prefer the car. Eric shoved his hands into his pockets as he rounded the corner and leaned against the building focusing his eyes on the kid heading towards him. A shiver slipped down his spine as he cursed under his breath, realizing just how cold it was. Eric's black tail curled around himself as his ears flattened trying to keep them as close to his body as possible. He did have a coat on but sadly it was a very thin thing he had for years which was no help now. He was so going to look into a new one tomorrow evening.

11:17pm Oct 30 2010
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Andrew 'hmphed' at the car as it drove away, and pulled out his phone again. It was still late, duh, but he knew that he was going to hear about it when he got home. He sighed, his breath coming out as a silver smoke in the night, and slowly closed the phone. He had no idea that Eric was waiting on him, if he had known then he would probably avoid the building that he was currently leaning against. "I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow." He sighed, trying to walked a little faster. Moving warmed you up but this simply wasn't working. He reached and slowly began to pa.ss the building, still not seeing his teacher. Simply because he was looking down and not around.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:23pm Oct 30 2010
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Eric seemed to smirk noticing the kid start to walk past him as he leaned against the building. "Sooo, kid. Where we walking to?" he asked managing to pull out a cigerette from his pocket and loosely place it between his lips digging for his lighter. He gave a slight growl not being able to find it but figured that his stupid friend swiped it earlier. "Well damn" he cursed taking the cigarette from his lips and just holding the cancer stick. He made a mental note to curse out his friend later. "To answer your earlier question. I care because I would feel bad for running you out of your job only to let you freeze to death on the way home. Don't you have someone to come pick you up? Or do they not know about your little job?" He asked rather curiously. He wouldn't be trailing the kid if he didn't protest to getting in the car so he could simply drive him home. It's not like he was going to rape him or anything. He was just tryin to be a gentlemen.
11:33pm Oct 30 2010
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"Oh my god." Andrew sighed, this guy was... so annoying! He continued walking, it he was going to come then he wasn't going to slow him down. "My names not kid and I'm going home. I have absolutely no idea where you're going. You might wanna figure that one out on your own." Andrew replied, stepping over as a nother car came around the turn. "No one knows about my job, and I don't have anyone to drive me home." He answered, "They only take me halfway there after school. Whats with the sudden interest anyway?" He asked, readjusting his shoulder strap one more time. They were getting close to the school now.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:45pm Oct 30 2010
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"I am following you making sure you get home. I offered you a ride, a warm ride so you didn't freeze your tail off, but alas. You don't listen just like in clas$" Eric said simply keeping up with Andrew's pace. He slightly wished Andrew would change his mind about the car but just kepd following beside him. "I'm trying to learn a bit more about my student that's all" Eric said bluntly glancing up at the sky for a moment and exhaling. He seemed to glare at his own breath that was visible but just focused on walking. "I want to know the kid behind the clas$ clown and jerk" he said simply kind of smirking at the fact him calling Andrew 'kid' got on his nerves.
11:55pm Oct 30 2010
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"Is that all you ever think about? Clas$?" Andrew asked, speaking of clas$. they were pas$ing the school now. Then again the guy was a teacher, he didn't know what else a teacher would think about. CLas$, school work, students.... pencils? He didn't know. And like every other studer, Andrew though it extremely odd to see his teachers outside of school. And so far, he's senn this one all day long. Andrew scoffed, "What is I don't want you to know more about me? Why don't you go find someone else to bug the sh!t out of?" He asked, glancing over at him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:06am Oct 31 2010
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"No it's not all I think about. I have a life too...." He sighed watching Andrew out of the corner of his eye. "Although that life is very small when you are a teacher. Papers to grade. lesson plans to set out. Homework and test to make. It gives you just a few hours to be yorueslf before you engulf yourself into teaching the young" he shrugged tapping the unlit cigerette in his fingers. Damn that wolf. His gaze focused on his student before laughing lightly. "Don't I wish I had someone else to bug but I still refuse to leave you to freeze on the side walk...." he said simply with a light shrug. "I thought we understood that...." His mind wandered back the club which brought up quite a few questions. "So...if you don't mind me asking. What made you flee the club? Was your shift over or something?" he asked curiously seeming to clench his jaw not really noticing it. It was a habit of his when nicotine was hard to come by.
12:19am Oct 31 2010
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Andrew listened to his teacher, figuring that everyone had some kind of life even if it was as boring as his. He knew that he didn't want to be a teacher. Who actually wanted to torture students for eight hours of the day? Not him. "Lucky me." He responded, wishing that he had someone else to bug too. Him bringing up the bar again reminded Andrew that the guy he was walking with... in the dark with no one else around... was gay. He started to walked a couple of feet farther from him. "Sure." He responded, he didn't want to even think about this, let alone talk about it with the very person that was the cause of him running out on work. Oh, that was going to be taken out of his paycheck... He sighed, seeing the house with the address that he had used to give to the school. No one lived there, so he didn't have to worry about someone freaking out about him walking up to it in the middle of the night.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:37am Oct 31 2010
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"Sure?" Eric seemed to repeat the kid's words before shrugging. He watched Andrew slightly speed up his pace. His suspicions starting to turn into facts as he sort of put two and two together. A hiss escaped his lips as he watched Andrew for a few moments. "Your a homophobe arn't you?" he asked, his voice dropping just above a whisper. His gaze focused on the ground in front of him. This was nothing new to him. He worked with them everyday. The comments they whisper behind his back, the old tricks they used to try to get him fired. Nothing was new but somehow...the thought of Andrew falling in line with the rest of them hit a certain spot, which he didn't quite understand.
12:57am Oct 31 2010
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Andrew didn't notice his teacher breaking everything down and watching him, he was trying desperately not to shiver in front of hi, That would be great, having him comment on that. His concentration was broken, however, when he heard him hiss next to him. He jumped slightly, not expecting such an outburst. "Extremely." He responded, figuring that he might as well get it over with now. Maybe if he knew this then he would leave him alone in clas$ tomorrow. But why did admitting that make him feel bad? He's teased plenty of people that were gay before, enough so that he really didn't car about it. He stopped in front of the house that was supposedly his. "Thanks for walking me home I guess." He told him. He was starting to shiver now but still managed to somewhat hide it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~