1:15pm Dec 17 2010
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Oh! Edited :3 Its very long now XDD lol
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:35pm Dec 17 2010
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{ I don't think i've ever had a normal boy/girl relationship that has lasted. I always killed the girl off by making her depressed and not comfortable with her life/realtionship. hehe. Oh people HATED me when I did that. Playing girls irritate me even though I am one. ^.^ Oh my boys. I love them all in their own ways. Lucca is my pure gay character. He's all that from rainbows to his hot pink guitar and convertable his uncle bought for him. I've never played him on here. He's very touchy so you better like affection. Matthew, he's the reserved type but loves to cook. He's the type that everyone can tell he's gay but he doesn't act it. He also has a purity ring (my only character that does). That back story is kinda funny even though he's not a virgin. His father doesn't know he's gay. Strify...heh. He was my baby for the longest time even thoug he's a child molester. He raped his brother which is the reason he got kicked out of the house. I play him threw Rmail and other methods instead of on the boards. He's sort of phyco. He has like two personalities. His sweet side then his rapo side or that's what DevilAngelKia calls it. Hehe. 'Rapo' side. Damien is my baby though now. I've always loved him. He has so much pain in his life yet he finds somehow to look past it and move on. He has a strong heart but that heart is easily broken for him so he has troubles comitting to any realationship whether it be freindship or love. Katsudo, my japanese dude, he changes a lot so I don't really know where he falls. He's human now and he was a sweetheart, he's that....he has a host personality. He'll do anything for others and nothing for himself. So yeah. Onto posting! Now that I just bored you with my characters in one huge paragraph. >.< } Eric frowned putting out his cigarette and heading back inside the hospital. He couldn't stand outside all night groveling. He took a deep beath shoving his hands into his pockets as he stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to the floor Andrew was on. He watched the numbers light up before hearing the ding indicating he was there. Slowly the doors opened and he stepped out nonchalauntly (sp) walking towards Andrew's room. His feet stopped though as soon as he layed eyes on Seth. What was he doing there? Eric removed his hands from his pockets as he stepped forward near his newere student. "Seth" He called perking his ears a little bit. "Hey, you just finish visiting Andrew? or heading to see him?" He asked curiously stopping near the boy. Honestly he didn't even want the boy near Andrew but he had rights to vist just like everyone else. Hell he was happy they were actually letting him stay with Andrew. { Fail. Sorry. I got distracted. >.< Poor Andrew. Eric is oblivious to the pain he's in that Seth had caused. }

2:08pm Dec 17 2010
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[[ You didn't bore me! xD I love when I find people that put thought into their character like I do XD Makes me not feel like a total looser XDD ]] Seth perked his ears, hearing his name and looked up to see Eric. Oh yeah, he'd gotten to ride with Aiden and Andrew here from the school. "Actually," Seth answered, stopped and turning to him. "I'm getting him more pain meds... then I'm done visiting." He said, his tail sweeping back and forth close to the ground. "He kinda needs that right now so.. later?" Seth asked and continued his search for a nurse. You'd think they they would be crawling all over the hospital but who can find one when you need one? - Andrew tried his best to concentrate on breathing and not the fact that the stupid kid had came in here and messed him up. Or that his monitor was going crazy OR that that guy's... tongue.... had been... in... his mouth. The thought made him feel sudden;y sick.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:29pm Dec 17 2010
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{ I love putting thought into my characters and giving them a background. Although, their back stories are always sad and full of pain but that doesn't mean they are going to be all emo and 'look at me'-ish. hehe. They are all happy and bubbly when their not alone. >.< *snicker* I think the amount of happiness Lucca has can make up for a whole mall full of very pissed off people. He...lord I dont know where that kid gets his energy. } Eric's ears fell as he listened to Seth before nodding and making a quick retreat to Andrew's room. He wasn't going to interegate Seth when he was on a mission to get Andrew some more pain medication. That meant his student was having trouble and he wanted to be near him to show him he wasn't just going to leave him. "Andrew. I ran into Seth in the hall, he's going to get you pain medicaiton. The nurses seem to have disapeared" He frowned stepping near his bed. "They should be in here soon" He nodded not really sure what to say to Andrew or how he could comfort him. Just a few minutes ago when he left Andrew as fine and goin to go to sleep but now that Seth just left he was in pain. Eric's tail flopped agrivated behind him wishing he hadn't left Andrew alone but he couldn't stay with him all the time. {Yeah...and no one remembers that Eric punched another teacher. lol }

2:46pm Dec 17 2010
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[[ lol Yeah xD All my charries have something wrong with them and i think the only ones that have taken it with them is Alex and Andrew XD ]] Andrew growled, "He better... that stupid little *censored*..." He couldn't even think of a word bad enough to call Seth at this point. 'Stupid' didn't work for Andrew but that was all that he could say. While he was out of pain meds, he could finally feel the extent to which he had been broken in that wreck. A coma sounded really nice right then. He had to calm down, "I'll kill him later..." after he could move without having an agonizing pain holding him back. He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, his eyes closed. A nurse finally came in after Andrew had managed to start breathing normally again with a pretty needle in his hand. At this point a little more pain wouldn't bother Andrew but she stuck in into his drip bag instead of him. He was secretly revealed; and sweet Jesus that medication was nearly instant and Andrew was numb once again. [[ Nope XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:09pm Dec 17 2010
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{ hehe. Oh Eric. He's going to get into trouble when he does manage to go back to school to teach. >.< I was goin to make it the principle but then he would have been fired and well...yeah, that wouldn't have been good } Eric's ears flattened listeing to Andrew. What had Seth done to piss him off and hurt him this badly? He cleared his throat going to speak but the nurse came in and he closed his mouth allowing the nurse to give him pain medication. He let out a soft sigh glancing out the window for a moment. "What did he do to you?" Eric asked his ears perking a little bit. "I leave and your going to sleep and finially relaxing but when I get back your in pain and obviously pissed" He spoke is tail curling around his own leg. "Was it something he said?" he asked but immediatly seemed to sigh and sit down. "Nevermind... you dont' have te tell me" he muttered seeming to babble to himself as he stepped away from Andrew's bed and sat down on the window bench. He glanced out the window for a few moments. He needed to get off the 'father' wagon and stop acting like he was there to protect Andrew. Sure he was there to make sure he was okay but that was all he was there to do in the first place. Stay by him and make sure he was okay. He had to draw a line for himself to follow or he would start acting protective like earlier.

3:32pm Dec 17 2010
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[[ No >_< That wouldn't have Dx ]] "No." Andrew replied, he needed a personal preion of whatever was in his drip bag. Then he wouldn't have to worry about anything when he got hurt. These were just some of the thoughts that the medication brought and now that Seth was gone and the nurse was gone and the room was quiet he could try to relax again. "It was something he did." He stated. If he didn't have to tell him then he wasn't about to. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "Why are you still here?" He asked, glancing over at him. There was no anger or any other emotion behind his question. He didn't want to sound rude either, he remembered Eric in the ambulance and standing up for him little under and hour ago. But he didn't have to stay.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:00pm Dec 17 2010
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{ It would be funny though or well to me. Principle: "Eric! Your fired" Eric: "Why?" Principle: "You punched me!" Eric: "Opps. Sorry" } Eric's ear swivled back listening to Andrew. This indicated he was listening to him and had heard his question. Why was he still here? The question had been constantly ringing in his own mind even before Andrew had took not to him even there. He let out a low sigh avering his gaze down to the bench he was sitting on. "I'm not interly sure myself" he said very softly not sure if Andrew heard it or not. "Actually..." Eric spoke up turning his blue gaze on his student. "At first I wanted to make sure you were okay. That you hadn't died which is the freak out at the scene which you will probably hear about later. Then in the ambulance, you needed me. The man was having issues tending to you both so, I kept you awake so you didn't slip into a coma while he tended to Aiden. Then with your mother and her very obnoxious boyfriend...I wasn't going to have them degrade you when you had no chance to fight back, not now at least" he spoke very carefully not really sure where he was going with this. "I guess the answer to that is, I want to show you that you can trust me. I'll always be here for you when you need me. I also want to make sure you are okay and to make sure you are not alone in your greatest time of need."

4:25pm Dec 17 2010
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Andrew listened to his teacher, different emotions swirling around inside of him. 'Greatest time of need.' What was that supposed to mean? 'Greatest time of need.' He thought it over in his head. "I know I can trust you..." He replied, looking away from his teacher. The problem with that was actually letting himself trust him. Maybe he could? He was still here, he'd stood up for him against his mother's boyfriend when no one else had. He'd stayed with him in the ambulance, talked to him, kept him from falling into a coma. The guy refused to just let him deal with his problems on his own. Andrew sighed, he was going to have to think about it before he actually made that decision.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:27pm Dec 17 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:51pm Dec 17 2010
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{ I should do chores but i'm lazy and don't want to. >.< } Eric's ears lowered a little bit before he glanced back out the window. "You know. All you need to do is tell me to get lost and I will. It's really your call" he spoke pulling his legs up and leaning against the window. "but if you do....You will be alone and that's what I was tring to avoid" he sighed glancing back over at him. "Seth and the other students have school to attend during the day. Danielle has work and her own home to go to, so...That leaves you and your nurses."
5:11pm Dec 17 2010
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Andrew lowered his ears close to his head. He was facing the other way so that he couldn't see his teacher. "I'm used to it..." he replied. He was used to it, but he didn't like being by himself all the time. "Stay... go. Do what you want. It's not up to we." He replied. He didn't see the point in Eric staying when he was probably just going to sleep the whole time. Thats not something that Andrew would want to sit around all day. He would just leave, what was wrong with Eric? Or was it him that had the problem. "What I want to know is what you get out of me trusting you. I want to know what you want from me. And don't say 'nothing' because thats bull, don't say that you just want to help because no one helps anyone else for no reason." He glanced back at his teacher. "And if you seriously think that you don't want anything from me then I suggest you leave and figure out whatever that is. Then you can come back if you still want to." He said, dead serious. He was tired of playing games and running around and walking on eggshells. If Eric would tell him what he wanted then he could decide whether he could give that to him or not.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:43pm Dec 17 2010
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{ Oh wow. Andrew just put it all out didn't he? Hehe. Crap. To admit the truth in him liking him or to leave it alone and lie? Hmmmm } Eric stayed quiet listeing to Andrew speak. He averted his gaze though when he was sort of attacking him about what he wanted. He honestly didn't know or did he? He frowned glancing back out the window. "You said in the restroom that everyone you trusted turned their back on you. Stone faces. I wanted to proove to you not everyone is like that. Not everyone is out to hurt you. I guess it's part of my profession. Teach my students a lesson and that was yours, but after a while....I started beleiving your words. Everywhere you turned it seemed as though things were getting worse for you" he spoke looking back at Andrew. "Even today....thing are still getting worse. I want to help you and I know you tell me it's bull but you can beleive what you want. No one has this much horrible luck but obviously you prooved me wrong. I want to help you break that bad luck streak to somehow help you. I say somehow cause I honestly don't know how" he admitted. Those facts were true. He did want to help Andrew but there was such a wide variety of things he could do but yet he couldn't because of Andrew's personality. "Are you going back to that abandoned house after this? You do know that you can't keep staying there" He spoke really wanting to change the subject but not knowing how and figuring this was the best way he could. "In due time you'll be let out of teh hospital before your ribs are fully healed so you'll still be in pain. Medication will be perscribed and you can't stay in a house with no electricity or water for that matter. By then it will be dead middle of winter and you'll freeze" He sighed messing with his own tail.

6:33pm Dec 17 2010
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Andrew narrowed his eyes at his teacher, the tip of his tail flicking in annoyance, Did he just dance around that question? It didn't make any sense at all. What Eric would get out of him trusting him would be... to prove him wrong? "fine. Just think about that one." He responded, his answer hadn't been god enough. "Where else am I going to go? I can't go back home, obviously." Andrew replied, he would be fine! He had been fine in that house for nearly two months now and he would continue to be fine there. [fail DX]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:38pm Dec 17 2010
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Andrew narrowed his eyes at his teacher, the tip of his tail flicking in annoyance, Did he just dance around that question? It didn't make any sense at all. What Eric would get out of him trusting him would be... to prove him wrong? "fine. Just think about that one." He responded, his answer hadn't been good enough. "Where else am I going to go? I can't go back home, obviously." Andrew replied, he would be fine! He had been fine in that house for nearly two months now and he would continue to be fine there. [fail DX]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:51pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{ Yes, Eric did dance around that question and it was a very good dance to. Bow down to his dancing skills. lol } Eric perked his ears and seemed to let out yet another sigh. "Well, you are going to strongly apose the idea but my appartment is always open. It's rather large and you'll have your own room. It's a guest room now anyway. I wouldn't be any bother since i'm always out and never home" He said pulling his ears back awaiting instant rejection nd possible yelling from Andrew. It was like he could see the argument now but he refused for there to be any argument, heck there wasn't a need for one. "What you don't know is I work two jobs so after clas$ I am home for an hour before heading out for my next one so you'll be alone there since you are probably repulsed by even the idea" he shrugged leaning back against the window once again. "So go ahead...tell me no, call me lots of colorful words. Tell me to go hug a rainbow...but in all honesty. You are going to need help when you leave the hospital and you are going to need a place to stay and I would rather you not go home" He admitted focusin back on his student awaiting what he had to stay.

7:40pm Dec 17 2010
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[[ Yes, his skills are impressive but Andrew saw through his dance of deception XD ]] Andrew's frowned, his ears pulling back close to his. "I... I can't stay with you." He said, and he thought that he was surprised when Eric had stood up for him with his mother and her boyfriend. No. He couldn't stay with his teacher, out of the question. "Thats too much." He said flatly. He wasn't going to accept that much help. Ever. A jacket and money were two totally different thing, him standing up to his mom for him was no where near actually staying with him. This wasn't a small subject either and it irked him that Eric would mention hugging rainbows at a time like this.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:01pm Dec 17 2010
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{ Hehe. Oh lord. It just made me giggle when you were all "Did he just dance around that question?" I havn't heard that saying in FOREVER. ^.^ Poor Eric. He's getting cast down so many ways and he's just walking more into it. Although i'm waiting for Andrew to snap and be all "Stop treating me like that boy you couldn't save!" or what ever cause that right there would be the end of it. The end of everything. } "Nothing is to much, Andrew" Eric said flatly aswell watching his student. "My offer stands for how ever long it takes for you to give in. You'll find out it isn't going to be as easy as you may think it is. Do you honestly think you'll be able to just walk around without being in pain? You broke ribs, your arm, and sure the bruises may be gone but you'll still be in pain" He spoke actually clearing his throat finding it a little hard to speak at the moment. "I don't mean to turn down your strenght or stamina but even a grown male adult would need help. You broke bones and yes bones heal but ribs. No...Your goin to need help and at the moment not to crush your little alone dreams, but you have no one. I can't go home to an appartment knowing I could help" He told him honestly shifting so he was sitting up straight, his tail wrapping around is waist. This was a seriosu subject and Andrew needed to think before he turned down the offer even though it was a lasting offer.

8:42pm Dec 17 2010
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Andrew glared at his teacher, "My little alone dreams? what the f*** is that supposed to mean?" He asked, his voice only a little higher than a growl. "You don't know anything about me. So don't sit there and patronize me like you do." He had never, not once, acted like he knew about Eric. He might be a spoiled brat but at least he had the decency not to play god. "And to tell you the truth... I don't know anything about you either." Andrew said flatly. God! He wanted to keep this fight going, he didn't want to look weaker than he already was but he was already exhausted. That just pissed him off more.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:34pm Dec 17 2010
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"Well i'm sorry you think i'm patronizing you. "I don't mean to, I really don't. I guess it's a habit from working at the correctional center. I have done it in clas$ before aswell" he apologized leaning back against the window. "I don't know Andrew. I've had kids in the correctional center and none of them acted like you. They at least admitted they needed help but you...you refuse it by all means" he frowned lightly. "I don't mean to upset you" he spoke coughing slightly. "You know enough about me to know my life. So in all reality you do know me" he said actually standing up and putting his hands in his pockets not really sure what else to do.