9:56pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 10:00pm Dec 17 2010)
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"I refuse because I don't need it. I don't. Really. Whether you want to believe me or not~ I've always been able to take care of myself. I make money, I can keep a job and I go to school I make good grades and I have a plan for when I get out of High School." Andrew explained. "And no I don't know anything about you. Do you know I only recently learned you first name? And thats only because that crazy sub teacher thought I was seeing you after school." Andrew replied flatly. "you're my teacher. Thats all I know." Andrew replied. "And that kid? I only hear about him because one of your buddies came to the club one night and told me about him."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:14pm Dec 17 2010
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Eric sighed pulling his ears back looking down at the floor. "Eh your right on that. I don't beleive you and you can bet i'll be checking up on you at that abandoned house. You may have plans but you still have quite a bit of school left over. I'm proud of you that you have a steady job, that you know how to keep your money versus spend it on drugs. I am....so keep doing what your doing but i'll always be there if you need to fall back on someone" He spoke before clearing his throat. His ears perked a little before he went onto his next little rant/conversational peice he had brought up. "That's all you need to know about me. I used to run the correctional center and was in charge of a few of the kids. I slipped up and quit and they all lost their lives or were sold into coruption. I moved on to teaching but had no clue what happened at my old job. Not till Danielle came and told me that one day. You know I live in an appartment but that's all you need to know. Nothing else matters unless you fall in love with me then we'll talk. Other than that....That's all" He replied, his tail curling even more around is waist tightly. He let out a low sigh shaking his head. "I'm going out for a cigarette" he said actually leaving and not giving Andrew time to answer him. Andrew didn't need to answer him. There was nothing to answer to. It was random facts that he already knew.

10:41pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 10:45pm Dec 17 2010)
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Andrew couldn't believe what he had just said to him! And for some reason it pissed him off! How dare he say that! Fall in love him him! As if! "Enjoy your cigarette... jerk." Andrew replied sullenly, pouting and closing his eyes again. Fine. If he didn't want to tell him anything then... that was fine! He didn't care. His monitor became the only noise in the room again until Andrew reached over and turned the stupid thing off. "Annoy me now." He challenged the machine in a growl. He rolled over onto his side, ignoring the small bit of pain and tried to go back to sleep. But all he ended up thinking about was his father, thanks to Jared. He breathed slowly, letting his ears droop and pulling his hands up to his face. He also thought about what Eric was saying. He didn't want to except help. He only wanted help from his father, that stupid b***** that had promised to come for him on his 18th birthday. He swallowed, a lump in his throat and his eyes bright, threatening to tear up. "Who are you kidding?" Andrew mumbled to himself, then blinked. "He's not coming back. You doesn't want you." He told himself quietly. Hide behind you're precious education and the idea your daddy's gonna save you. Thats not gonna happen, he doesn't want or care about you either. Andrew pulled his tail closer to himself. Don't come back when you find that the world isn't as pretty as you thought it was. [[ Aw. Poor Andrew. He was waiting for Eric to leave before he got upset XD I have something I was thinking about a minute ago O.o I read some fanfic a while back about nekos and it said that when they choose mates they bite each other's ears and it leaves their scent forever XD *random* Thats cute though <33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:52pm Dec 17 2010
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OMG 8D Eric should so freak out because Andrews machine isn't doing anything XDDDDDDDD
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:18pm Dec 17 2010
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{ Oh he will when he notices it. Right now he's a little pissed at himself not Andrew. lol. And he did admit what he was there for...Andrew just took it the wrong way. lol And awww. If Seth bites Andrew's ear Eric is going to knock him out. >.< } Eric went outside and pulled a cigarette from his jean pocket. He quickly lit it and pressed the cancer stick to his lips. "I swear i'm going to die from this one day" He muttered to himself exhauling hte smoke and leaning against the hospital building wall. He began to htink back to Andrew and immediatly got pissed. "Why the hell did I just do that?" he asked as he began pacing near the doors. "Confess your love why don't you?" He growled glaring at the side walk as he moved back and fourth. "Stupid kid. Worming his way into places he shouldn't be." Eric rolled his eyes focusing on an old woman leaving the hospital. He couldn't let Andrew be alone all his life. Yes he was proud that he had plans after school but it sort of hurt him as well. He knew those plans would be leaving thus Eric having to stay behind. Then what owuld he do? Follow his student and possibly love around the world? No. That was stalkerish and he wasn't about to sink that low, but wasnt' that what he was doing now? Stalking Andrew to make sure he was okay? "Crap..." he frowned slippin down the hospital wall and just watching the cars on the road trying to clear his head and finish up his cigarette. He would have to wait a few minutes before goign back up figuring Andrew was still pissed off at him. He prayed he didn't get the last part about him falling in love with him, if he had he'd just ignore it or find a way to dance around that question as well.

11:40pm Dec 17 2010
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[[[[ Of course he would. Andrew is Andrew but he was still mad because hes broken and cant do anything and knows that Eric is right XD And I was SO gonna make Seth try to bike Andrew's ears XDDD Eric would be like D8 *No monitor sounds* I killed him DX lol Nu XD but Andrew is gonna is gonna be all misty eyes <33 ]]]] Andrew wasn't thinking about Eric saying to confess his love for him. He was thinking about trusting the guy first and h figured that if he was going to trust him then he should talk about himself at least if Eric wasn't going to tell about himself. He blinked, his eyes still bright and misty from thinking about his dad. But he couldn't cry over this now, he'd wait for that. He didn't cry. [[fail DX I lost my train of thought XDD Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKRP7iY8_jQ The girl at 2:00 made me cry <333 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:54pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 12:01am Dec 18 2010)
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{ If Seth does that while Eric is there. Seth would be on flat on his butt in two seconds and Andrew would be threatning to kill him. lol Here comes the fireworks....} Eric took a deep breath of clean air before letting it out watching an girl with a baby climb into their car and leave the hospital. "Must be nice" he spoke frowning as he inhaled one last time of his cigarette before putting it out in the sand next to him. He stood up blowing out the smoke before making his way back into the hospital. He was going to stay with Andrew tonight and call into work sick tomorrow. At the moment he couldn't just leave the boy alone even though they had just gotten into a fight. He took the elevator to Andrew's floor and slowly walked out going back into his room. At first he thought Andrew was just sleeping but his ears twitched noticing an unusual silence in the room. He paused for a moment at the door tryin to figure out what was wrong before it occured to him. Andrew's heart monitor. His eyes widened as he rushed to Andrew's side. "Oh sh!t. I killed him!" he frowned looking at the moniter placing his arm gently. "Andrew! God please don't be dead. Fudge!" He growled to himself pulling his ears back. "I only yelled at the boy! It's not like I hit him! He's been hit enough today" He frowned looking at the machine trying to figure out if it was lyin ot him or if Andrew was really dead. {Eric is an idiot. >.< Aww are you tryin to make me cry? My dad is in the military but he's retired so he's home now. <3 *sigh* I really, really, really, really hate Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana or whoever the hell she wants to be. Buuut you didn't know so I forgive you. But I really do hate her with all my heart.}

1:02am Dec 18 2010 (last edited on 1:20am Dec 18 2010)
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[[ Omg. Poor Eric and Andrew i going to be all: o.o Wtf? XD LOL And Andrew doesnt know about that so he probably wouldn't understand XDDHe'd be all: ;O; My ear ;~; LOL]] Andrew looked up at his teacher, eyes showing that he was concerned for the poor man's sanity. "You didn't kill anyway! Calm down, you're in a hospital..." He said flatly. He reached up and quickly wiped his eyes. He hadn't meant for Eric to come back so soon or for him to freak out over nothing. He glanced over at the blank monitor. "It was annoying to I pulling it out of the wall." He explained. "Sit the f*** down and let me get some sleep will you?" He rolled back over and look toward the window. He scoffed, "If I was dead then the monitor would have gone crazy and there would be a flat line on it. It wouldn't be black." He added. [[ No I don't wanna upset you xD My uncle was in the army but this was before I was born and he and my aunt was still young and dating ^.^ So yeah XD lol Sorry for the late response. I laid down because I felt bad and I think I fell asleep DX ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:18am Dec 18 2010
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{ Your fine. I made a mistake on my part though. When I said "Andrew would be threatning him" I meant Eric. lol. You can tell what I was thinking. ^.^ Oh Eric would know what it meant. He'd tell Andrew too after Seth was flat on his butt or pinned in his arms.} Eric perked his ears before stepping back listening to Andrew. A sight of releif left him before shaking his head. "Shut up" he muttered clearly embaras$ed and walked over to the weird chair like thingy and sat in it. He let out a light sigh leaning back in it and watching out the window at the sky. He did as he was told and kept quiet so Andrew could get some well disurved sleep. Although oddly, Eric didn't know how tired he was until he sat down. He felt his body sink into the chair as his muscles relaxed. How long had he went without actually resting and calming down? Today had been an extremly stressful day for them all and it had taken a toll on them all to. { Fail....You could skip to the next day if you want. Maybe do that little scene? I donno. *Shrugs* Eric doesn't have much to maul over } { I'm just mad because she knows nothing about the military yet she has the balls to sing about it! My father served and he was nearly killed twice. He also was in charge of bringing the bodies back and tagging them. I've heard him at night crying and screamin waking himself up at night. He'll never be the same as before he left so she can't really sing about something she doesn't know about. She doesn't know the pain that is involved with not knowing if your father or loved one is going to come home or if that officer will show up at your door in that black car with the american flag telling you your loved one died. *sigh* Sorry. That's something I feel strongly about. The military and of course homosexuals. Those are my very thin lines. So...yeah. Sorry. >.< }

1:36am Dec 18 2010
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[ lol I didn't notice because Andrew would want to beak the crap out of him after he found out XD lol So you're fine too. The BAD thing was I laid down after reading your post like: I'll just lay down and think of a post... soft pillow... Zzzz XD ] Andrew laid hi ears back slightly and tried to relax. Not talking for now. Just sleep. No thinking about his f***** father or mother or anything else upsetting. He pulled his blanket up a little, snuggling it. And whether he would admit it, the bed was nice. He sighed, actually letting go and feeling his body relax. "Its gonna take..." He yawned, "Just a little more than yelling at me if you really want to kill me though..." He replied, a slight smile on his face as he thought about Eric freaking out over nothing. He finally fell asleep, leaving Eris and that room alone for now. But his dreams haunted him that night. Sadness and pain filled them. The fear of the truck coming at him and the thought that he was going to die. If you've ever felt like that, then you'd understand why the dreams haunted Andrew and why he scared himself awake with heavy breathing and sweats. Horror in his eyes until he realized that he was safe and in the hospital and not in that car again. He couldn't go back to sleep for a while, his dream of a flat line on and Aiden being covered up with a thin white sheet. It scared him and, unknowingly, was telling him what had happened to his friend today. "A dream..." he whispered to himself. [[I understand what you're saying. I do. She doesn't know what its like to live in fear that your friend or family member or lover won't come home. I do. My Aunt would tell about that, though I've never gone through it so I actually dont know too much. Dx]] The night day Andrew did wake up, so he had apparently fallen asleep. The light from his window was streaming in and bugging him, not letting his sleep anymore when he clearly wanted to. [[Eric should leave for a moment to come back and Find Seth and Andrew XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:48am Dec 18 2010 (last edited on 1:49am Dec 18 2010)
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{Awww. Lord. Andrew can't move so why do I see Eric dragging Seth over and holding him in place so Andrew could hit him with all he had with his good arm and hand? lol. That would be a nice bonding moment but child abuse none the less. >.< } Eric couldn't help but smile at Andrew's comment. He wasn't mad at him anymore and with tha the breathed a sigh of releif not bothering to say another word. He just allowed Andrew to fall into his slumber. It wasn't long before Eric too dozed off in the very comfortable chair at the time. He slept soundly and oddly his dreams were non-existant. His mind seemed to stay black and emtpy threw out the night. Darkness just engulfed him until morning. Oddly, Eric had been up early that morning. The now uncomfortable chair waking him up with pain in his joints. He let out a very soft groan as he stood up streaching, a rather large frown on his face. He hurt and was actually pretty upset that the hospital didn't have comfortable beds to sleep on. How did parents do this with their kids when they got hurt? Without a sound he glanced over at Andrew not noticing him away and still thinkig he was asleep. He snuck out of the room quietly and made his way down the hall to either find coffee or go outside to smoke another cigarette. Either one would start his day off and either one would satisfy his need early that morning. He stiffled a yawn rubbing his eyes slightly as he detoured into the cafeteria to order his coffee. He figured he'd call into work later today. He had first period off so he wasn't in demand for about another two hours or so. { Exactly. *nods* }

2:06am Dec 18 2010
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[[ lol >3< child abuse <33 Andrew: HOLD HIM STILL!! D8< Eric: OK! )8< Andrew: *fist flies, misses, lands on floor* Eric:.... o.o;; ]] Andrew didn't hear Eric get up and leave, nor did he hear the one person he hated the most in the world right now slip in. He was still stubbornly clinging to sleep with all he had left and so far he was winning until.... he moved? To the right, his body sank into the bed. He opened his eyes to see Seth. He sighed, sleep deprivation keeping him from remember what this kid had done to his the previous day. "What're you... doing here?" Andrew asked groggily, looking up at the blonde. he frowned, was there a halo around his head? No.... "Its... he looked around, no clock, no way to tell what time it was. ".... Early." he finished and yawned up at the boy. "Yeah, about thirty minutes before school starts." Seth answered, Andrew yawned again and blinked. "And you're here... why?" He asked. Closing his eyes for a moment to try to get rid of the halo behind Seth's head. That shouldn't be there. More like two red horns and a swishing sharp tail. "I wanted to give you something." Seth replied, resting one hand on one side of Andrew's body and the other on the other side to brace himself up. Andrew sighed, "Just... leave it or come back later. Im tired...." He said, closing his eyes. "Fine. Stay still." Seth replied and leaned down to lick Andrew's ear. Andrew flicked it off, waiting for the little perv to leave him alone so he could sleep. "It'll only hurt for a second." He added, putting his lips around Andrew's ear. "... wait." Andrew replied, waking up now. Pain was not something he wanted right now. He was finally... not in pain and this kid was going to add more. "Hurt?" he asked, opening his eyes. "... for a second." Seth replied and got ready to make breakfast out of Andrew's right ear. [[ Eric!! D8 Andrew's ear is about to be lunch-meat DX lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:16am Dec 18 2010
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{ lol. Oh god. that made me laugh so hard! Poor Andrew. Eric would lock Seth in the closet then help him back into bed. ^.^ Then probably forget about Seth for a while or just refuse to let him out till they came up with a proper punishment } Eric grumped to himself as he walked back down the hallway. Obviously the cafeteria only served to those who were pateints in the hosptial and they didnt' serve coffee. What kind of hospital didn't have coffee? This early in the morning and there was nothing to wake him up or relax him. He rounded the corner into Andrew's room and his blue eyes fell upon Seth and Anddrew. The sight waking him up but not relaxing him. "The hell!" He snapped actually running forward and wrapping his right hand around Seth's neck and yanked him backwards with all his strenght. His blue eyes were glaring daggers at the boy as he attempted to slam him into the cold tile floor beneith them. The last thing he was goin to do was let Seth bite on Andrew's ear claiming him. Andrew's was no ones and he was going to stay that way until he decided for himself he was someones. "What do you think your doing! I don't think Andrew has accepted you for you to go nibbling on his ear!" Mr. Dashaniel actually yelled, anger clearly showing everywhere on him. "You insignificant little.....rat!" Eric snapped his grip seeming to tighten. "Touch him again and watch what happens to your furry tail. When I get threw with you, you might not have a tail!" He snarled his tail bristling up. "You'll become a bobcat" He huffed seeming to take not of his anger level and lower it about twenty notches. The last thing he wanted to do was make a rucus and get kicked out of the hospital, then where would he be? He wouldn't be able to protect Andrew from this little rat nor would he be able to help him if he needed it during the night or any time. { Hehe. Oh Eric. *tsk tsk* Wait till Andrew finds out what Seth was about to do }

4:26pm Dec 18 2010
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[[Not sure if Eric is choking him or if he landed on the floor either XD So.... o3o]] Seth had been about to make the mark when a random hand wound around his neck and flung him back and away from Andrew and onto the floor of the hospital room. His breath was knocked out of him and whatever was holding him was much stronger than he was anyway. White dots covered his vision as he fought to get his breath back. But when he could see and somewhat breath his recognized Eric and the fact that he was screaming at him. He focused on the words. "Jealous?... Mr. Dashaniel?" He asked, laying his ears back and reaching up to grab the hand that was attempting to squeeze the life out of him with both of his. "Why... do you care?" - If the thought of Seth hurting him hadn't woke him up, then him suddenly flying away did. He sat up quickly, forgetting about his ribs, and groaned before laying back down. "Damn it!" He growled then settled for just looking at Eric from where he was laying. "What the hell is going on?" He asked, completely unaware of what they were talking about. He was so far out of the loop he didn't know there was a loop. Accepting Seth? For what? The creep that he was? Yes, Andrew had accepted him for that already.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:33pm Dec 18 2010
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{ I don't know either. lol. We'll say he still has a grip on him. lol } Seth's words just seemed to urk him more allowing a very low hiss to escape him. "He's hurt and dosed up on pain medication. I doubt Andrew is even thinking to accept you so I suggest you shut up! I'm no where near jealous because you didn't go threw with it, if you had you would have been dead and not just by me." He frowned taking his hand off Seith's neck and catching his wrists that were on his own arm. He pulled Seth forward in attempt to get him back to his feet and next to Andrew's bed so he could explain what they were talking about and what Seth had almost done to him. "Andrew....You may not know this but Seth...what he was just about to do, was claim you as his mate. He was going to bite your ear forever leaving his scent with you therefore claiming you! Do you honestly want him for the rest of your life?" he asked glaring daggers at Seth daring him to speak.
5:13pm Dec 18 2010
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{ That post sucked. >.< }
5:32pm Dec 18 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm Dec 18 2010)
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[[ lol ok XD ]] Seth was forced up and back over to Andrew's bed like some two year old being scolded. Andrew looked up at Eric, horrified. He was going to bite his ear? Like tagging some animal? His gaze flicked from Eric down to the slightly shorter Seth, his own eyes like daggers. He sat up and suddenly reached out, too fast for Seth to react, and grabbed whatever part of him he could grab; which just so happened to be the collar of the other boy's shirt. He didn't care about his ribs , which were screaming protest, or his throbing arm. He pulled him forward roughly and down over the railing on the side of his hospital bed. "You are so lucky you didn't get to go through with it you little b******!!" Andrew growled. He could do anything to him because he was so screwed up and that only made him angrier. Seth put his hand over Andrew's nonchalantly on his shirt collar. "Andy, if you wanted me in bed with you, all you had to do was ask." He said, his eyes holding a special smug look in them. That threw Andrew off and he was quiet for just a second too long. "But I think you should tell Eric to leave first 'cause I doubt you want your first time to be in front of your lit teacher..." Andrew's ears flew back flat against his skull and his face got hot. he remembered that he had the kid by his shirt and jerked him around. "I guess I didn't hit you hard enough yesterday! I don't want you anywhere near me ever again!!" Andrew growled, suddenly wishing he had a cast to knock this perv out with. "So you can keep your lips and your tongue and every other part of your body to yourself and away from me!!" He couldn't believe this guy had said that to him! In front of someone else too! He pushed him away from him, "Got it?" [[[[ GRRRRRRRR D8<< My internet keeps going out ;~; ]]]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:58pm Dec 18 2010
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{ This is going to be quick cause mom has me on the floor wrapping presents. lol. I have two left but I don't want to wrap them right now... ^.^ } Eric snarled from behind Seth holding back from knocking him out. He released Seth though when Andrew grabbed him to do whatever damage he could before sighing when Andew pushed him away in which Eric regrabbed him, except this time on his shoulder blade. His ears were already pinned against his skull and his tail was already twice it's orriginal size. He lett out a huff tightening his grip on Seth's shoulder before tossing him towards the door, releasing the boy when his arm was fully extended. "Get out of here. I don't want to see you back in this room or even remotly near it. I won't hesitate to have a police officer standing at the door at all times on guard for you" He said oddly calm though his facial ex pression clearly showed how pissed he was. His mind played out what Andrew had said. Tongue? When had that happened? Just then reality hit as he realized just yesterday when Andrew was so upset and in pain. Had Seth came in here and....french kissed him? Another low growl escaped him as he focused back on Seth. "Out!" He snarled his showing slighlty as his lip pulled up in a snarl. He wanted to kill the kid but had to hold back on account he didn't wnat to be charged on child abuse. { Guess it's nto smart to tell him to transfer out of his clas$ huh? lol. Almost did }

9:02pm Dec 18 2010
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Seth left, as he had been told. He had school to go to after all and this had been a big delay. - Andrew laid back down and dealt with the pain that he had caused for himself by sitting up silently. It had been worth and it would only be worse for that kid after he got out of the hospital. He couldn't wait and he was going to have a word with the nurse about why the hell he didn't have a cast on his arm. He could have used that just now. He closed his eyes, he was beyond embarr*censored*ed. That kid was... way too brash! No he didn't want to be claimed. Ever. And he didn't want him in bed either. And never anything remotly close to that subject in front of or around Eric. Just... no. [[ That wouldn't be good >3< Sorry, went to the store -_-;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:38pm Dec 18 2010
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{ Your fine. ^.^ I went to the store too and...got pissed but that's besides the fact. *shrugs* } Eric's ears were still layed back and his tail was still bristled but he managed to walk over to the window and sit down ignoring Andrew for a few moments. He wanted to get his thoughts in order and wanted to get himself calm before he spoke. The last thing he needed to do was take out his anger on the very kid he had saved from Seth. With a few more deep breaths and his focus on a blue bird in a nearby tree he finially spoke up. "I'm now sorry I left you alone" he frowned looking over at Andrew. "It was for nothin because this hospital doesn't have coffee." His frown deepened as his ear twitched even though it was still laying against his skull.