10:26pm Dec 18 2010
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"Don't" Andrew answered, "Be... sorry because you left. Damn. You should be able to leave. Don't think you have to stay in this room and try to make me feel all warm and fuzzy." He said, still not looking at his teacher. "Theres a Starbucks down the road, go get a coffee there." He.... was having a hard time not being mean. And Eric had just helped him again and again and then he turned around and yells. He sighed, calming himself down. "Just don't think you have to be here." He added, much calmer and more relaxed than before.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:40pm Dec 18 2010
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Eric sighed and actually stood up but didn't move from the spot near the window. "I knew about Seth being up to no good ever since he showed up for that very first detention. I didn't tell you but I sure of hell didn't think he'd go this far. For that, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'll be back in a while. Seth is at school or should be so..." Eric wanted to say 'you should be fine' but refused to. He knew Andrew oculd get on on his own and now would be the time to proove it. He had to get some coffee and probably call work and tell him he was going to be out for a while and see how things played out from there. He wanted to stay he really did, but he made himself move forwrd out of the room. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't stay. Not now. Calming down and relaxing away from all the stress and emotions would be good for him. ------- A figure watched Eric leave Andrew's room before she smirked sneaking down the hall and into his room, hidding behind a boquet of flowers. "Andrew!" Danielle grinned peeking around the yellow and orange flowers. "How are you today?" She asked curiously setting the flowers on the desk near his bed before stepping beside him, her tail flopping behind her randomly. "Martha let me off today so...I thought I would come keep you company I mean...if you want it. I can always go if you wanted sleep or food or something" She ranted pulling her ears back. She didn't want to over stay her welcome when Andrew had been nothing but help to her.

11:52pm Dec 18 2010
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Getting away from all of the stress and emotions would be good for Andrew too, but he couldn't. Movement was simply impossible at the moment what with his ribs and all. He kept his eyes closed through Eric's speech. He didn't care about his apology, there was nothing he could do about the Seth problem now. He looked up at his new visitor with a smile. "Better i guess." He responded, he had put himself in pain more often than not since the last time she was here. "No, you can stay." He responded, "Or you can go, either way it wont hurt my feelings." He smiled, "As long as you're sure you want to spend your day off in the hospital."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:52pm Dec 18 2010
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[[ My internet sucks and now Im afraid to post a big post -_-;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:51am Dec 19 2010
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{ It's okay. I just boutht the movie 'Avatar' and i'm watching it and multi tasking. lol } "You need to make up your mind, Andrew. It's not about what I want. It's about what you want. You gotta start...being more as$ertive" Danielle said loosing her smile a little bit. "I've never been in the hospital before your accident. It scares me a little knowing somewhere within these walls someone is dieing as we speak" She frowned pulling her ears back. "But...That's not important right now....It's you and working on getting you better so we can work together again" She smiled warmly her tail twitchin behind her. "It's no fun without you. Did you know girls hit on me yesterday? Girls! My lord...It was scary. I got threw it though" She sighed actually sitting down near his bed. "I thought about somehow buying a game and playing it with you but...nothing really sparked my interest. They were all boring to me. Nothing of interest" She shruged leaning on her hands watching him. "you need something fun to do. Are you allowed to watch Tv? Hook up games?" she asked curiously looking around the room.

1:39am Dec 19 2010
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[[ *watches "If I Had You"* o3o My friend is over so... yeah shes helping with my distraction and the person is coming out tomorrow to fix the internet connection so ^O^ ]] Andrew scoffed, waving the comment off. "I know what I want and Im way too *censored*ertive. I'm just nice to you." He smiled, but soon lost it when she mentioned people dying around them. Yeah, he didn't want to talk about that right now. "I know the feeling." Andrew responded, "Except it just pissed me off. Did they kiss you? God, this kid at school has kissed me like... three times I think." Andrew said, he'd never actually counted how many times the kid had kissed him. Whatever. He looked up at the TV provided in his room. "They should let you have video games, and theres already a TV so...?" He shrugged.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:45am Dec 19 2010
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[[ Ok, I was thinking that Andrew should be told that Aiden died around the time that he's goning to be checked out or should be checked out and since he refused to live with Eric before... just because? This time he doesn't care what happens or where he goes and thats how he ends up living with Eric :3 Or it could happen another way, thats just an idea that popped into my mind XD Also, I think that Seth is going to come back one more time to the hospital and theres going to be another kiss >3< But~~ Seth is riding on the fact that Andrew is depressed So Yeah! :D we also need to know about kisses between the Eric and the Andrew T`T LOL Andrew's kissed Seth already :O Heck! They even french kissed -not really- And Eric and Andrew... nothing T.T;; Not even and accidental one XD :O Nothing has happened between Eric and Andrew yet o.o Except for his touching his chin and back.... Which.... doesn't really count for anything XD Plus him touching his back hurt so that really doesn't count ^ _ ^;; And they have to fall in love before Andrew goes into the Army :3 I know that Eric has some feelings for him other than being his teacher and Andrew doesn't hate Eric lol :O Should Andrew go into the army? They could write letter <333 Aw~ Thats so sweet :3 And Andrew gets hurt and sent back and they can see each other for a few weeks :D I'm getting a little ahead of myself here LOL And Eric has to find out about him going into the Army too I forget XD Maybe Seth tells him? And he goes to confront him? 8O Drama. And I think that Andrew is gonna his Aiden's guitar too |3 Andy play guitar <33 And Violin O.O But not much violin lol I think he should have tattoos :3 What do you think? lol Nothing huge or weird of course ANYWAY XDDDD And "he" being Andrew ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:45am Dec 19 2010
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{ Wow you really did get ahead of the game but I love all those ideas. ^.^ Hmm. Well Eric can't just kiss Andrew off a random whim. Not without just....killing everything he worked so hard to create. Or he could. They could get in another argument this time pissin both of them off and maybe to shut Andrew's ranting and angry yells at him up he just leans forward kissing him to shut him up? Hmm. I don't know. Yes I think Andrew going into the military is a good idea and no Eric doesn't know about it. Oooh! What if like...like you know Seth was comming back to the hospital and he heard Eric and Andrew yelling from outside the door. And he figured if Eric stormed out he could sneak in and be with Andrew without the teacher knowing but when things get quiet he peeks inside instead of just litening and see's them kissing? Then maybe Seth gets jealous and decides to take a diferent aproach which wuld be telling Eric everything. About Andrew planning to leave and all this stuff upsetting the teacher because he knows he can't follow him .....but that would ruin things. >.< Cause Eric would kind of be withdrawn from Andrew if he heard that. Why fall in love with someone who's just going to turn around and leave? Unless, Eric keeps on and thinks that maybe since Andrew is moving away that maybe i they get close enough Andrew won't want to break that bond and stay? But he wont. lol. Hmm. And yes Andrew can have tattoos. ^.^ I'm okay with that. I don't now where though. lol. }

12:27pm Dec 19 2010
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[[ O: I like that!! The part that Eric and Andrew are fighting and Eric kisses him and Seth is outside listening and everything XD lol What should they fight about? With Andrew it'll be easy making up some sort of fight ^ 0 ^ And lets just say that Andrew told Seth everything during the weeks of detention. And Andrew is sooo gonna get swept away and kiss Eric back. Maybe Eric could withdraw and then realize that he's doing what he said all along that he wouldn't? And thats when he decides that he can try and change Andrew's mind about leaving. I was thinking about a star :3 On his hip bone <33 Usually James has that but-- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3549/3350723440_c07cdb19cc.jpg ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:47pm Dec 19 2010
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{ THat's bill Kaulitz's star. lol. Or well, he has one there. Right hip. ^.^ I know cuase he's my playby for Radulf. Hehe. I like it. Umm. They could fight about anything. It's easy to upset Andrew. Maybe....Hmm. Aaah. Andrew could hear Eric maybe talking on the phone outside of the door with his job being on the line and all staying with Andrew and maybe Andrew tells hiim to go to work that he doesn't need him. And maybe Eric begs to differ being all "Anyone can just walk in here and do what ever they please! I'm not taking that risk...blah blah" and a fight errupts? Eric could have an alturnative with the kiss but it ends up meaning something to Andrew? And he was doing it to proove his point maybe? }
1:32pm Dec 19 2010
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[[ Yeah, thats his star xD I fell in love with it and had to have my charries have one too lol Perfect :3 LOL And Andrew is going to deny that it meant anything so ya know XD Because he's Andrew ^3^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:39pm Dec 19 2010
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{ Oh yes...It's so going to mean something. Hehe. Of course he wont' admit it....but you know he'll be dwelling on it. Why do I see Andrew telling him to go home that night (it happenin close to night) and the next day Eric comes back all perky and himself happy and Andrew's sitting in bed all >.> "why are you happy? Wait...I don't want to know" Oookay. So. Skip to phone ranting and the fight? Wait how long should this be in though. Hes gonna be in the hospital a whie...so how far into his stay? Like now at the beginning....towards the end? Plus am I starting since I get to rant to myself on the phone? ^.^ }
2:10pm Dec 19 2010
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[[ Oh yes ^O^ Its gonna be different from Seth's kisses :3 And we could skip if you want it a little later in the RP :D Like Eric has been laying out of work so much his boss is starting to get mad. But Im not sure you really stay in the hospital for a bunch of broken bones and concussion. 0.0 And yes, please start with your rant >//3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:26pm Dec 19 2010
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{ Psh. We'll pretend you do...Cause we have a few more things in the hospital before he goes home I think. If i'm remembering correctly. >.< He should have a cast on by now. lol} It was later in the afternoon and Eric was pacing out side of Andrew's room talking on his cell phone to an unkown person on the other end. He had stepped outside because he had beleived Andrew was asleep so he didn't want to disturb him, especially with a loud phone call. The boy needed his rest and strenght. "No he's not dying. Yes he's alive...yes. I'm not leaving him!" Eric spoke into the phone leaning against the wall outside the door. "I have enough vacation days, take those. Take days without pay...I'm not leaving. To much has gone on here and I can't" Eric frowned sighing. The faint hint of an angry voice sounded from the other side of the phone causing Eric to shake his head. "I'm sorry I punched him...Yes i'll pay for the stitches in his lip. I didn't know his tooth would go threw his lip! I was in a hurry...Yes i'll clean, yes i'll take care of grading his test. Yes...just let me stay till he's out. It won't be to long no---" Eric stopped talking urruptly before growling. "Yes sir. I'm fully aware I need this job and I am also fully aware Nakata could easily take it from me. Yes sir. I will get back to you yes. No I won't keep you waiting. Thank you" He spoke into the phone his ears pulled back and tail lowered to the ground. "Crap..." He growled to himself not liking the fact that his boss just gave him 24 hours to decide if he was going to come back to work or he'll be fired. Why couldn't he understand he needed to be here? Frowning Eric shoved his phone back into his pocket and walked back into Andrew's room feeling a little defeated. How could they make him choose? Yes he needed his job, hell he worked two just to pay his bills but now his boss was threatening to take one away if he didn't show up tomorrow. { Failed phone argument with myself. >.< }

3:00pm Dec 19 2010
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Andrew had been sleeping but the argument had woke him up, it was something about yelling that did that to him now. Would wake him up or distract him, it was probably because when there was yelling around it was usually at him. He glanced tiredly over at the door, listening the best he could. The hospital was built so that the rooms didn't let in all that much noise from in the halls. But managed and was awake soon so that when Eric came back in Andrew was staring at Eric. He couldn't believe that this idiot was loosing his job over him! "What in the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, but didn't wait for an answer. "Whatever it is you need to get it fixed and go back to work." Andrew stated. "I'm 18! I don't need you to sit here with me!" He growled, ear flat against his head. This stupid trying to be nice thing wasn't working, Eric needed to go home. Back to his own life and his own job and if Andrew was going to die then let him do it in private at least!
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:10pm Dec 19 2010
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Eric was busy in his own thoughts but seemed to jump at the sudden snap of Andrew. Hadn't he been sleeping? His ears pressed more against his skull as he was scolded at by his own student. It took him a moment to actually cather what happened before he sighed shaking his head. "Absolutly not" Eric spoke his tail twitching behind him. "Do you think i'm going to let you sit here all alone and fare with these idiots and the pervs who walk around at night?" he asked shaking his head. That was one reason but the other one was he couldn't really bring himself to leave Andrew. If he left then all he would do was think about Andrew and that was something that would distract him all day. He wouldn't be able to actually focus on work unless he knew Andrew was safe or peacefully asleep.
3:44pm Dec 19 2010 (last edited on 3:51pm Dec 19 2010)
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Andrew sighed, "I don't care about being alone." Yes he did. "And I can beat the *censored* out of anyone that comes in here!" He lifted his arm to emphasize his cement enforced cast. He glared, putting hi arm back down, "And it's obviously not night out yet." He added, it was still the afternoon. "The freaks down come out for a while more." He said with a smirk and perked his ears. "I'm not going to sit here and be the reason you're not going to work! I wish I could go to work! Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to sit here everyday? I can't move, damn it. I used to be able to walk anywhere and everywhere I went but if I do that now I might trip wover my luck and fall down some god forsaken hole somewhere..." He wasn't really talking to Eric anymore, more lie ranting to himself about how bad his luck was lately. A nurse had come in the other day and scolded Andrew for unplugging his heart monitor and had plugged it back in, threatening to give him a shot if he did it again. So now the room was filled with the annoying sound of his heart monitor once again. "At least I got some kind of music at work, not here! Just this damned heart monitor!" [[ Andy went crazy there for a second <3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:05pm Dec 19 2010
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{ O.o Oooh Andy. You have no clue what your getting yourself into. ^.^ So he doesn't have to go crazy anymore. Not after this post... keke. And Seth's supposed to be outside the room. Oh lord. *shakes head* I guess this further emphasizes the reason Eric is so protective of him. } Eric rolled his eyes listening to Andrew. This was exactly why he couldn't leave him. "Your luck is horrible and knowing you, some freak would walk off the street and find your room in two seconds flat! Your not helping your case Andrew" He snapped actually stepping beside his bed and glaring down at him. "If you wanted something to do you could have asked! I'd leave you to go get you something to entertain you so you didn't have to listen to the heart moniter! What happened to asking? Are you to proud to admit you need help? You need something so your not dying of boredom?" He growled. "Plus you you wouldn't be able to think if something happened while I was gone. You wouldn't use your cast to beat up anyone who came into this room. You would be tramatized or in shock to even move until after the fact. He said his tail flickering in annoyance. Just then a random thought crossed his mind to further emphasize what he was saying and he decided to act upon it. For the first time ever Eric reached forward, his blue eyes locked on Andrew, and grabbed his chin gently. It wasn't even two seconds that Eric leaned down and pressed his lips firmly against Andrews. Sure there was a big risk of Andrew getting all pissed and hitting him in the head with the cast but then again he was prooving a point. He wanted to show Andrew that anything could happen and the fact that it would be suprising and unplanned that Andrew wouldn't have time to react. This was an argument that Eric was deturmined to win. { Urgh. Stupid Kir! I need a blonde uilus to even start his quest. >.< I have 0 poitns and he gives me this as his first quest. I hate him and I only need like a million more points. *sigh* }

5:46pm Dec 19 2010
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"I'm not-!" He was stopped in the middle of telling his teacher that he didn't need him running around and doing things for him. He was thrown way off by the kiss, he would have never excepted for him to kiss him. Ever. Once this was gone through his mind he could actually deal with it. Stared up at an eye color far prettier and more sought after than his own. It was different from Seth kissing him, even if it wasn't all that different. Both from other men and both unwanted and unexpected. And the whole thing made his heart skip a beat, thus shown on the monitor next to him. Seth, speaking of the devil, was standing just outside waiting for Eric to leave so that he could visit Andrew. He knew that he would, they were fighting only a few moments ago. But now it was completely quiet in the room. He leaned around the corner and peeked inside. What he saw took his breath away. [[ Ok, I'm going to make it so that Seth really does have feelings for Andrew X3 Eric can just realize he wants Andrew to himself XD lol ]] Andrew had delayed it long enough and reached up to collect as much of Eric's hair into his hand as he could and pulled back firmly. His averted his gaze, "I don't care where you go or what you do... I don't want you here anymore." He said sullenly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:27pm Dec 19 2010
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{ Awww. You have to make things more difficult. Oh lord. My dad just came in here and he is vacuuming my room. My mom came with him. >.< But he didn't put my room back the way it was. Urgh.} Eric pulled away when Andrew had and focused on the kid a little suprised he had done that himself. Even though he was suprised he knew Andrew wouldnt' have went threw with hitting him, and he didnt. He actually got away with it and all Andrew wanted....was him to leave. Well that was unexpected. "Fine...but I prooved my point. You didn't attack like you said you would" Eric spoke shoving his hands in his pockets and actually spinning around walking towards the door. "I won't come back tonight...get some rest and try to relax. As you said... your luck sucks" He frowned actually walking out of the hospital room. {Fail}