8:37pm Dec 19 2010
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Andrew lowered his ears angrily and glared after him, he wanted him to hit him with the cast? Of course he wasn't going to hit him!! ... Why didn't he hit him? He kissed him for heaven sakes! "Don't come back at all!!!" He yelled after him, wished he could run after him and show him that he could beat the crap put of him if he wanted. "...you b******..." He finished quietly, ears drooped. Of course he didn't expect that from him, he had trusted him enough to let his guard down and not expect him to try and kiss him. Of course he would wait until his guard was down. Damn, he wanted his trust so bad and as soon as Andrew gave it to him, whether he said it out loud or not, he used it against him. Seth peeked back in at the sagged Andrew before he turned and went after his teacher. "So it's ok for you to kiss Andrew against his will but I can't?" He asked, outraged. "At least it means something to me!" He said angrily. He didn't give him enough time to answer but he didn't get loud not wanting Andrew to hear. "You just hurt him and I bet that you didn't even notice." Why doesn't he look like that when I leave him? He scoffed, deciding to leave it at that. He didn't want to talk to him anymore after what he just said either. "I guess it doesn't matter since he's leaving off to the military at the end of the year..." He said quietly to himself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:38pm Dec 19 2010
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[[ Fail. Sorry, my friend is still over and I don't want to upset her by not paying attention to her and playing on here XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:02pm Dec 19 2010
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Eric's own ears dropped slighlty hearing Andrew as he walked away. Wasn't he just trying to teach him a lesson? Something inside told him that he just dug himself a bigger hole than he had in the first place. He let out a sigh but was stopped when a familar voice hit his ears causing them to perk. He spun around focusing on Seth, his blue gaze narrowing as he spoke. A soft growl escaped Eric as he shook his head. "How do you know he doesn't mean something to me? How can you stand there and tell me that I don't care about him. Yes I know I just hurt him and yes I regret saying what I said but I will never take back what I did. I saw my chance and I went for it. You...I don't want you near him because your a caniving little backstaber. I've listened to you talk to Andrew, study him, memorize him. How can you care about someone when your doing nothing but memorizing their life like their some...experament?" he asked his tail flickering in aggrivation. The last comment though, even though it might not have been spoken straight to him, it still hurt. Andrew was going into the military? Why hadn't he talked about it? Then again half the time he was yelling or in detention. That wasn't any help. His ears fell slighlty at the thought of Andrew leaving to go off fighting and yet leaving him behind. Though at the moment he was simply just Andrew's teacher and nothing more. That had to change. He had to somehow become more to Andrew. { Your fine. ^.^ }

10:46pm Dec 19 2010
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[[ Now Im brain-dead XD ]] Andrew rolled over in his hospital bed, ignoring the stupid pain that shot through his sides. He needed and wanted sleep and even Eric wasn't there to bug him about it anyway. But he couldn't get himself to calm down, his whole body was like a live wire and all because of Eric. Just another reason to resent him he guessed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:55pm Dec 19 2010
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{ What about Seth? Eric was talking to him. O.o Cause I have no clue what to say. lol }
11:43pm Dec 19 2010
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[[ Hmmm... XD ]] Seth laid his ears back, "At least this way I know something about him. You didn't even know he's going off to Iraq at the end of the year." He replied hotly, flicking his tail behind him. "And if you really care about him you'd tell him that his best friend died soon. Or I will. He might actually want to go to his funeral." With that Seth turned and went to the elevator. He would have gone to see Andrew's room but figured he would be in a bad mood already.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:54pm Dec 19 2010
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{ Do you want me to break the news this soon? O.o Oh lord. Yes, Andrew is upset about the kiss and now right after he finds out his best friend died...} Eric sighed watching Seth leave. He was pissed at him yes, but more mad at himself more than anything. How could he not know Andrew was leaving for war? Also how could he with hold information about Aiden from Andrew. Honestly he hadn't even thought of Aiden, he was more focused on Andrew being alright. The thought was sort of selfish which only caused him to beat himself up inside even more. "Crap...." He frowned balling his fist but shaking his head allowing his ears to fall. He did have to tell Andrew and needed to give him time to adjust to the information before the funneral or well, hopefully need someone to lean on so he could fix the giant hole he created for himself. Without a sound Eric turned around and actually re-entered Andrew's room even though he had been told to leave and he didn't want to see him. "Andrew..." Eric called softly walking forward slowly. "There's....something extremly important we need to talk about. I need you to listen without hostility" he sighed reaching his bed side.

12:31am Dec 20 2010
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[[ Its up to you ^.^ Seth is just upset that he saw Eric and Andrew kissing. Right after Eric said there was nothing going on between them other than a Teacher-Student thing ]] Andrew sighed quietly, closing his ears and laying his ears back. "Thats not possible. You said you weren't coming back. Or did you want me to prove to you that I can't beat you into a bloody pulp if I wanted?" He replied, his tail thumping loudly underneath his blankets making a 'thwap' 'thwap' noise as it went, showing just annoyed he was. "I don't want to talk to you right not in case you didn't notice.... or if you care." He added. He kept his eyes closed. [fail]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:38am Dec 20 2010
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Eric sighed and actually reached forward placing his hand on Andrew's right cheek. "This isn't about me prooving anything, and about that I seriously apologize for those words. That's...half the reason I kissed you but it was wrong of me. Although this isn't about the kiss. It's not about feelings and I really don't want you angry with me when I tell you this but I guess I have no choice seeing you won't calm down" He frowned curling his tail around himself a little hesiatant to tell him but it had to be done. "Andrew...the car wreck..." He trailed off closing his own eyes and droping his hand from his cheek. He felt his chest tighten but had to ignore it and push on. "They pulled you and Aiden out alive and got you here. Aiden was in critical condition but so were you" he added taking a deep breath and holding it for a moment before opening his blue eyes letting a tear fall unexpectedly. "Aiden pa$sed away, Andrew. They tried to save him but his injuries were to much. They tried, they really did but he ended up pas$ing away anyway" He frowned laying his hand on his good arm. "I'm sorry, I really am. I'm not going to lie, I don't know how it feels to loose a best friend but I do know how it feels to loose a loved one. If there is anythin I can do...please, please don't hesitate to ask, hell you can even yell at me to vent your anger and i'll take it."

1:54am Dec 20 2010
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Andrew's opened his eyes at the news. It took him a moment to fully understand what Eric had just told him. Aiden.... couldn't be dead! He'd... just been here! There was no way... He blinked. If Aiden was dead then... why was he still alive? He didn't want to be alive if Aiden wasn't there too. "I don't care if you know about loosing a loved one. I don't care about you or anyone else anymore. So please leave. Before I have someone come in here and make you leave because you can't do anything for me." He said. He knew he was crying and he was doing a good job of not letting his voice get effected. He let his hair fall into his face. He wanted to get up and ask when he died and why they didn't try harder because they obviously hadn't tried hard enough. He wanted to go back and say that he would drive! That he would drive for his friend, then he'd been here. If he'd been sitting in that driver's seat then Aiden would have Eric bugging him and he, himself, would be lying somewhere with a sheet over his face. He'd be here and on his way to being a surgeon and helping people. [[ Aw, that made me cry X'D Sorry lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:12am Dec 20 2010
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{Awww. Crap. Depressed Andrew. >.< } Eric frowned figuring that he would take it hard. Loosing loved ones really did hurt but it didn't hurt nearly as Andrew's words. He was upset he couldn't possibly mean them, could he? His black ears fell slightly drawing back his hand and backing up. Andrew didn't want him and he was going to respect that. "I really am sorry Andrew..." He spoke not knowing what to do. He moved back and turned around to leave Andrew to his thoughts and emotions. Like he had said, he couldn't help him. Not right now. He would have to come back later though to check up on him and make sure he didn't fall into depression. That was the last thing he needed to happen but Andrew was strong. He wouldn't allow himself to go that far...would he? Sighing Eric left the room, his ears seeming to droop further as his tail hung behind him nearly dragging the floor as he walked into the elevator. He watched the door close but stopped it quickly. His ears perked slightly as he glanced at the waiting room chairs debating whether or not to actually stay or go home like he had been told. It wouldn't kill him to stay the night would it? No but his boss might. Growling softly he let go of the doors and wached them closed before taking him to the bottom floor. He had no choice. Eric was forced to go back to his job and teach and leave Andrew here alone for the day until he got off. He would deffinatly visit him after school. To check up on him and make sure everythin was alright. ( fail )

2:57am Dec 20 2010
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[[NOOOOOOOOOO MY POST IS GONE D; The page did something stupid while I was typing and its all gone!!!!!]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:28am Dec 20 2010 (last edited on 9:30pm Jan 31 2011)
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Andrew made sure that Eric was out of the room before he buried his face into his pillow, pulling himself tighter. Pain. Who cares? Guys weren't supposed to cry. Especially tough guys. Tough guys that claimed that they didn't care about anyone anymore definitely didn't care. But what are you supposed to do when your best friend of eleven years dies? When your friend is stolen from you so suddenly that it feels as if the floor went with them and you fall? And you keep falling. What are you supposed to do when you can't breath anymore? Andrew felt as if his world had crumbled around him. And after Eric was gone Andrew felt numb, empty. He simply didn't feel anything. He just couldn't believe that Aiden was gone. - Seth decided to go back up and check on Andrew once he had cooled off. He rode up in the elevator silently. Once on Andrew's floor he walked to and he hung around and listened as Eric told Andrew the news and left. He went to Andrew's room and leaned on the door frame and knocked on the open door. Andrew didn't react, which Seth had expected. "It's me." Seth called to him quietly. "I'm coming in~" He said and came to sit on the side of the bed that Andrew was facing. Andrew's face was hidden behind his hair and pillows. "Andrew?" Seth asked, moving the raven colored hair out of the depressed teen's face. Andrew looked up to him. "I want to help you." Andrew closed his eyes, a dull flatness filling them. Seth sighed, "I can talk to you. You can talk to me about anything you want. About you, your home, your favorite song, Aiden, anything..." Seth told him. "I don't need to talk about anything." Andrew replied. Seth nodded and reached into his bag and looks for a pen. "Maybe not now, but you'll have to talk to someone. Heres my number kay?" Andrew didn't respond. "I want you to have it. Here." He said, handing it out to Andrew. He took the piece of paper and looked down at the numbers, at how neat Seth's handwriting. "Don't throw it away ok?" Seth asked and stood up. "Call. Anytime and I'll come running." He smiled, and turned to leave. "Keeping everything bottled up will only makes things worse." He said before he left and headed off to get to the rest of school. He missed most of it already. Andrew looked at the paper for a while before he finally allowed himself to sleep, still holding that paper with the number and Seth's name. He might call. He didn't know.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:39am Dec 20 2010
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{ He keps Seths' but throws Eric's back at him. >.> Hope you don't mind but I skipped to morning. } Eric pulled up to the hospital glancing down at the clock. He had about an hour before he had to leave and go to work. He sighed turning off his car and getting out heading towards the enterance. He took deep small breaths not really sure what shape to find Andrew in. Normally when someone breaks bad news you have someone to lean on, except Andrew didn't want anyone which he expected. He made his way to the elevator going to Andrew's floor. What if he really didn't want to see him? He had kissed the kid, hurt him, just to turn around and hurt him more by giving him the information about Aiden. Although he had to know or else he would be blamed for keeping it a 'secret'. He let out a huff before walking into Andrew's room quietly. He leaned against the door keeping quiet and just watching him not sure if he was asleep or not. If he was he didn't want to disturb him or manage to hurt him more somehow. ( Fail )

1:19pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ lol Confusing~ But he did keep Eric's for a while ~.^ ]] A while after Seth had left Andrew had woke back up and fallen back to see. Here and there falling in and out of sleep but not by choice. He was exhausted and his dreams kept forcing him awake. He kept dreaming of the accident. Wanna drive? No. The sound of crunching metal and breaking glas$ filled his dream, screams from Aiden and the slow beat of a heart monitor until it finally went out. Flat line. Please drive, Andrew, I don't want to die yet~ Andrew woke up suddenly. He was in the hospital room again. He lowered his ears. He look down at the piece of paper before he let it fall to the floor. He didn't want to look at it right now. He didn't need to talk to anyone and he didn't need to be fixed, he wasn't broken. Just... alone. He closed his eyes, desperate for a dreamless, black sleep.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:03pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Urgh! *curses computer* I posted then when I went to submit it it wouldn't connect to Res. It was long! *dies* I don't want to post again but here it goes. It's a crappy version but it's...the jist of it. Oh and I was saying before it so rudely deleted my post....I was going to have Eric start dreaming abut that kid that died on his watch when Andrew moved into his house. Though his dreams are a little more...aggressive. } Eric sighed shaking hsi head watching Andrew sleep or well wake up from his sleep. He noticed the peice of paper fall and curiosity struck him but he stayed put. He shook his head once moe and spun around exiting the room. He didn't need to bother Andrew especially when he was sleeping, or trying to. He walked down the hallway and accidently ran into someone. "I'm so--Danielle?" he asked a little shocked and taken back. "Mr. Dasha--what's wrong? Oh no, it isn't Andrew is it. He isn't--" she was quickly cut off by Eric who shook his head. "No, Andrew is fine. He's depressed but he's fine. He found out Aiden has pas$ed away" he spoke watching Danielle's ex pression sadden and her ears and tail fall. "He died?" She asked, tears filling her eyes. "Shhh. Don't cry. I need you to stay here with Andrew. Comfort him if he needs it. I can't stay here today. I have to work and...my job is sort of on the line" he spoke. "Your job is more important than being here with Andrew in his time of need?" Danielle asked her ears falling forward. "No! I didn't say that. I want to be here more than anything. Andrew told me to go and my boss is down my back...I planned on sending something this afternoon and comming back tonight. It would be late, late tonight but I am comming back" Eric spoke. "Sure...fine"Danielle agreed but let out a squeek of suprise when Eric hugged her. He kissed her cheek before walking off. She managed to pull herself together and wipe away any unwanted tears. She couldn't be weak right now or cry and wake Andrew up. He needed his sleep but the news was extremly sad. Andrew and Aiden had been extremly close. She too even liked Aiden. He was always nice and never complained when he drove him and her back and fourth from the house to the bar. Andrew didn't even tell Aiden where he worked and Aiden was cool with that. Her ears fell some more as she walked quietly into Andrew's room and made her way over to the empty chair and curled up. She stayed quite dwelling on the fact that Aiden had pas$ed away. She liked him, she really did. He was a good boy and had a good heart.

2:28pm Dec 20 2010
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Andrew managed to fall asleep once again, but again it was only for a few minutes before he was awake again. He heard someone in the cair behind him and his halfway sat up and looked to see who it was. He was surprised to see Danielle there instead of Eric. But he didn't want Eric there anyways so he didn't care. He sighed inwardly before trying his best to smile, though he didn't know if that worked or not. "Whats up, Danielle?" He asked. He didn't want to see anybody or talk so he hoped that she had to work today. "Its kinda early..." Andrew said, cocking his head to the side. [[ugh that happened to me ._. *sniffle*]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:46pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Yeah... I was sooo upset. I yelled at my computer but my computer didn't do it. I blame res. lol. } Danielle's ears perked slightly hearing Andrew before sighing. "I'm...Well I needed to get away. The house is lonely without you so I thought I would hide here for a while. I'm sorry if I woke you" she frowned not really in the mood to smile or be her normal perky self. Aiden had died and even though that hurt her she dind't want to bring it up and hurt Andrew even more. So she stuck with semi lying. She did want to get away, plus it was her day off. She had all day to kill and really didn't want to be alone in the abandoned house. She reached up messing with the necklace Martha had given her before sighing and focusing on the ground. "You should go back to sleep...I really didn't mean to wake you" she frowned looking back up at him. { fail }
3:47pm Dec 20 2010
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Looks like she wasn't leaving. "I can't sleep." Andrew replied, he didn't want to see it again. Not even once more. Every time he saw it he recalled one more thing that he could have done differently so that Aiden could still be alive. One more reason that he was the cause of it all. He swallowed and turned around to face Danielle. "Too much sleep isn't good for you anyway." He said quietly. He laid down facing her though he wasn't staring at her. [[ im braindead D; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:15pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Hmmm. Haha. Wow. Okay so...I just found out typing for countless years causes your fingers to be weird. My pinky has a large gap from the next finger from streaching it out and pressing the enter button on my keybaord. O.o Sory. That was random but it's dark and the computer screen is shinning making me notice my fingers. >.<' Anyway....Something should happen. Kidnapping! Or not....Hmm. Who would take Andrew though. Now's perfect. No one would notice...he's in the hospital...and i've been watching way to many crime drama's this morning. >.< } Danielle looked up at Andrew before giving off a weak smile. "Yeah, I guess it's not" she spoke shifting her weight in the chair so she was at least a little bit comfortable. "I ran into Mr. Dashaniel this morning and I do mean that literly. He said he'd come back tonight that he was going to work then home for a bit to rest" She spoke randomly displaying facts. She didn't know what else to do or say. "He told me you were sleeping which was why I was trying to be quiet but I guess I failed" She shrugged. "Do you know when you'll be allowed out of here?" she asked curiously. "You've been in here quite a while. You feeling better?" she asked her ears flickering slightly.
