4:33pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ O @ O His mom!! His mom could come and kidnap him and take him with her 'cause she left Jared oOo YUS And she could forget his medications and everything and he'd be in horrible pain >3 HAHA]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:37pm Dec 20 2010
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{ hehe. Eric would be soooo mad. Awww, Poor Andrew. Why forget his medication? That's mean. He's already in lots of pain. Hmmm. There goes living with Eric if his mom kidnaps him. lol. }
4:41pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ lol I know XD They could go far out.... V~E~G~A~S~ :D Anyway. They go out and when his mom can't get the pain to go away she calls Eric <33 Because Andrew secretly had his number on his phone :O ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:47pm Dec 20 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{ Awww. Vegas. lol. Talk about a bad mother. Steals her own child and gambles. Oooh! Would this be Andrew admitting to help or his mother admitting to help? Andrew better miss Eric. >.<' Him and his suprising kiss and emotions. ^.^ Okay Sorry. Hmmm. }
4:52pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ Yup, yup. Baaaad mommy. XD Both. Andrew begging his mom to take him back cause he can't stand the pain and his mom wanted help for her son. And Andrew is soooo gonna be missing Eric CX Thats fine :D Sound good? O3O ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:56pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Sounds perfect. I guess you start? ^.^ Since you are kidnapping yourself. *snicker* Jk. Okay *runs off to listen to music and plan* Oooh When Eric finds out he's missing he's going to be mad but when he see's Andrew is all "See! You tell me to go back to work and you get kidnapped. Never woulda happened if I was there" *rantrant*
5:03pm Dec 20 2010
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[[Kidnapping myself >3< harder than arguing with yourself over the phone XD Yep. Eric is always right XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:09pm Dec 20 2010
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{ I've actually argued with myself over the phone. I was put on hold and I was talkign to myself then got mad at myself and...yeah. Lets just say the guy on the other end picked up and didn't tell me he was there until after I was done and he started laughing. >.>' I was embaras$ed. }
5:48pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ ROFL I've sung along with the call back song and the other person would answer and hear me XD Id be all O/////O Oh. I skipped through Danielle's visit ]] It had been a few hours since Danielle had left him and Andrew was still refraining from falling asleep. It was getting dark out and he was also dreading Eric's return. What did it take for him to leave him alone? He'd been loud, he'd been unreasonable, he'd been mean. But he just kept coming back. So when his mother came in he was surprised. He thought that his mother didn't care about him anymore when she had gone back with Jared and hadn't said anything when he had put Andrew down like he had. "Mom, what are you doing here?" He asked. She looked frantic and clearly scared. "I left Jared. And we're leaving. Both of us." She said, helping Andrew out of bed. He was weak and this was his mother and his didn't understand what was wrong. He gasped here and there, grunting as pain shot through him. His mother helped him out of the hospital room and into the elevator and the car waiting just outside. He laid down in the p*censored*enger side seat and she closed the door and hurried around to the other side of the care and got in herself. "Where are we going?" Andrew asked. "Vegas." [fail :D]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:08pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Your fine. I felt so horrible when that guy was laughing at me. I was calling about my bank card too so..yeah. I was mad at them. >.< Oh is Seth's number still on the floor? O.o } Eric leaned against his counter in his appartment grabbing a bottle full of tyenol. Oh how the princple gave him a headache today. Yes he went back to work and taught his students, no he didn't get anything done because all day words ran threw his mind. Andrew's words to be exact. 'Don't come back at all!' The words still stung slightly even though he knew Andrew had yelled them out of anger or did he actually mean them? He let out a huff taking a few of the pills before grabbing his car keys and heading out of his appartment. He wasn't going to stay away like he was told. Like Andrew he was stubborn. { Fail. My next post he'll freak out. I'm giving Andrew and his mother time to run away. Hehe. And if Seth's phone number is here why do I see Eric calling all "Where is he! Tell me now you rat!" }
6:45pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ Yes T3T His number is there ^ ^ ]] Andrew watched the scenery go by in the darkness. The moon seemed really close today, making everything outside look creamy and silvery. Kinda pretty actually. It took his mind off of the hospital and his friend and that perverted kid and literature teacher. He sighed, leaned back into the seat and looked up at the sky, watching the stars. His mother was blaring some kind of music from the radio but he wasn't listening to it or the words or anything else. [Sorry, I found my dad on Facebook. dealing with that >.<]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:08pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Facebook won't let my dad on it. lol. Its funny and hilarious. Dad tried, I tried, mom tried and he still can't get an account. ^.^ Woooo! Red moon tonight! Lunar eclipse } Eric had pulled up to the hospital and was already upstairs walking down the hall into Andrew's room. He froze though as soon as his eyes focused on the empty bed. His ears fell as did his tail as he spun out of the room quickly grabbing a nurse. "The boy in that room.....Did he go for tests? Something?" he asked causing her to stammer. "N-no sir. He's schedualed for dismissal in two days" she spoke pulling Andrew's chart. "He's missing!" he snapped which alerted he nurse calling security. Eric spun around going back into the room to find anything. He found the peice of paper he had noticed earlier this morning and picked it up. He gave a low growl as he immediatly pulled out his cell phone and began dialing the number. He pressed the phone to his ear and paced around the empty room watching a police officer walk into the room. "Hang on a moment..." Eric told the officer who nodded and stepped out of the room to guard the door while Eric waited for his student to pick up. "Pick up Seth!" he frowned balling his fist. If Seth did take Andrew or had anything to do with this, he was dead. He knew he shouldn't have listened to Andrew. This is what happens when he wasn't around to watch him. Someone comes in and just kidnaps him. "I'm never listening to you again" he frowned talking out loud to himself.

7:28pm Dec 20 2010
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"Never gonna listen to who?" Seth asked, confused as to who the hell was calling him this late at night. "Who is this?" He asked, music in the background as he studied for one of the tests he had the following morning. He drummed his pencil on the blank piece of paper in front of him, he hadn't had that much time to do anything before his cell had gone off loudly. [[ cant do much XD and yes! its cool XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:36pm Dec 20 2010
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"Okay you little rat where is Andrew? Did you talk him out of leaving the hospital? Cause he's not here" Eric growled into the phone not even answering who he was. He would know who he was like now. "The police are here searching his hospital room it seems as though he is missing and your number was the only thing left behind indicating you were the last person to see him" he spoke into the phone leaning against the far wall glaring over at Andrew's bed as if he would randomly apear. { I know. lol }
7:56pm Dec 20 2010
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Seth knew who it was then and he had a good comeback until he realized what he'd said over the phone to him. He had been laying on his back waiting for an answer and then rolled over to talk. "Andrew's missing?" He asked, suddenly upset. "I thought you said that you were going to stay with him! You lost him?!" Seth asked, upset.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:07pm Dec 20 2010
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"I didn't loose him! He told me to go so I left. I figured you would stop by and annoy the crap out of him plus I put Danielle in charge for him. She probably had to go to work so I didn't loose him" Eric growled into the phone. He sighed and motioned to the officer to come in and look around the room. "I left this morning so I don't know how long he's been gone" he spoke to the officer before stepping outside of the room to talk. "Do you know...or have any knowledge where he could have gone?" He asked Seth not really wanting to work with him but figured since Seth studied the boy he may have some clues on where exactly he went.
8:24pm Dec 20 2010
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Seth rolled back over onto his back and tried to think of something that Andrew would do. "Well, he can't get far on his own. Obviously. Check in the halls, he might just be taking a walk to clear his head. I'd check the roof, just because that sounds like somewhere he'd go and make sure they check the security cameras too. I know the hospital has them I saw some." Seth answered.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:31pm Dec 20 2010
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Eric's ears flattened against his skull. Did Seth think he was stupid? The hospital was already getting the camera tapes, the hospital was currently on lock down. "I'll look on the roof because honestly he's not in the halls. And currently the hospital is on lock down. The police are searching every floor just in case he has fallen down somewhere and is in pain. Why would he do this when he was schedualed to leave in two days?" he asked frowning walking down the hall and taking the stairs towards the roof. "I swear once I find that boy he's getting a peice of my mind" He growled to himself as he quickly ran up the stairs. "I hope your right Seth, I really do."
8:54pm Dec 20 2010
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"He just found out that the only and last person he trusted and loved died. He might be in denial or crazy about loosing his friend as is searching for him. A symptom that comes along with this is fear. He might be afraid of something and is running away from it. I don't know. But before you freak out and make things worse try to think of anyone that would want to hurt Andrew or have him for themselves." He said, then rolled back over onto his stomach once more.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:04pm Dec 20 2010
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Eric's ear twitched slightly when hearing what Seth had to say. Think of someone who would might want to hurt him...Jared. Who would want them to themselves...Seth and himself. But he knew he didn't steal Andrew and Seth seemed to be in the clearing so his immediatly thought went to Jared. "I know who could easily kill Andrew, but he didn't really show interest in him the last time I saw him" he spoke making it up to the roof and looking around. "Roofs a negitive" he frowned only to jump when the roof doors opened and a nurse called him over. "Sir...a woman helped him leave the hospital. He's no longer with us" She spoke sort of dumfounding Eric for a moment. "Woman? Danielle's to young...His mother." The nurse seemed to nod and disapear back into the hospital causing the neko to sigh. "Well he's no longer in the hospital. We don't have to worry about him going crazy or being depressed...his mother took him. For what reason I have no clue but I know where i'm sending the police" he spoke into the phone running back into the hospital and working on goin down teh stairs towards Andrew's floor once more to talk to the police.
