9:27pm Dec 20 2010
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Seth frowned, his mother? "When he talked about his mother she sounded like a round of the mill prostitute, excuse my french." He wondered how long Eric was going to keep this going. He wanted to help but it seemed like they had everything under control or somewhat under control. - Andrew, relaxed and just about to drift to sleep, flinched visibly, reaching up to touch his ribs. What was that? That had been a way sudden lash of pain. He exhaled slowly, and breathed in short breaths. every time he breathed in it would set his ribs on fire. He grunted lightly when he figured he wasn't going to be able to control the pain. "Mom." He said, "Did you get my meds by chance?" He asked, looking over at her. "Meds? No, I didn't know you had any. Why?" She asked, looking over at him in a skittish way. "...'cause I broke my ribs mom, I need those pain killers or- !!" He sighed, deciding not to get worked up just yet. He sat back and relaxed, keeping a steady but light pressure on his ribs. It seemed to help. He knew why the pain was starting. Just about this time a nurse would come in and give him his pain medication. His body was on a schedule and it was time. He looked back out the window at the p*censored*ing scenery, wondering were they were running off to. "i'm sure you'll be fine Andy." His mom replied and turned the music up.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:50pm Dec 20 2010
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Eric sighed actually nodding not that Seth could really see. "Yeah, his mother wasn't a fighter...I sort of told her and her boyfriend off earlier. So the first place i'm sending the police is to the boyfriends house. I will keep in touch Seth but right now I have to go yell at a few people" he spoke before hanging up and shoving his phone in his pocket. He walked up to a police officer and displayed the news causing him to leave immediatly before a random nurse walked in and glanced over at Eric. "He won't last long, Mr. Dashaniel. He doesn't have any pain medication. There's a chance he'll have to go to a clinic or another hospital to calm his pain" she spoke frowning only causing Eric's distress level to rise. So Andrew was going to be in tremendous pain while with his mother. What a great combination.
10:47pm Dec 20 2010
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A few hours pas$ed and Andrew's mother still refused to turn back or stop. Andrew and dealt with his pain quietly in hopes that it would fade, go away, or he would pas$ out but none of those thing happened to him. And he found himself wishing for Eric to be there, though he didn't know why. And soon Andrew's mother was pas$ing over the city line of Vegas. The lights and sounds of the city surrounded the two of them but none of this excited Andrew the way it would have if he wasn't about to puke from being in so much pain. [[sorry, went to eat]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:08pm Dec 20 2010
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Eric was actually sitting in his appartment beside his home phone waiting for the cops to call telling him that they had found Andrew and that he was safe, but it didn't come. He growled slightly getting up pacing his eyes glued to a bottle of pain medication on the counter the nurses had given him if Andrew did randomly show up. He strongly doubted that would happen which made the black neko sigh and focs out the window. "Where are you?" he asked allowing his tail to drop as his ears drooped forward slightly. He didn't want to beleive Andrew was gone, especially not with his mother. She was so careless. She didn't know how to take care of a kid propperly, or at least to him she didnt.
11:15pm Dec 20 2010
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[[Skip to morning? When Andrew is delirious and his mother can't help?]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:17pm Dec 20 2010
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{ Sure. But dang. All night in pain. O.o Ooooh. Eric is going to have LOTS of words for her when he sees her. }
11:54pm Dec 20 2010
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[[ He should ask her for him to live with him <33 And yes, Andrew is going to love Eric for that medicine XD ]] Andrew couldn't do anything but scream with all of the pain he was in, his ribs had the rest of his mid section feel like it was one fire and he couldn't breath without it hurting. This had started at midnight and hadn't stopped. his mother had gotten a hotel room and had given him his own bed. She was looking on sadly at her son. He was nearly soaked in sweat now and he'd thrown up multiple times. She's had bring a trash can to his bed. Not he couldn't throw up anymore, he didn't have anything left and could keep anything down. He was nearly convulsing. He went to him. "Tell me what to do Andrew! Please I can't... I don't know what to do!" She cried. "Eric!!" Andrew panted, "Call!! Eric!!" He barked, moaning. She reaches into Andrew's pocket and pulled out his phone and walked to the other end of the room as far away as she could get and looked through the phone frantically until she saw the name, "Eric". He hit it and put it to her ear, Andrew going wild in the background. "Eric...?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:11am Dec 21 2010
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{ Awww. He should cause obviously his mom is incapable of taking care of him. lol } Eric had fallen asleep on the couch but it was an extremly light sleep. He was having issues getting his mind to rest with Andrew missing. He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone rang. He pulled it out, answering it. Eric? Eric's ears perked hearing Andrew in the background. "Yes this is Eric. Is Andrew okay? He's in pain isn't he?" he asked frowning into the phone rushing to the counter grabbing the pain medication. "Where are you? He needs his medication" he sighed curling his tail around himself wincing as he heard Andrew in teh background. He sounded horrible.
12:24am Dec 21 2010
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Andrew's mother, Nicole, let a few tears roll down her face. "No! He's not ok... He's been in pain and he hasn't stopped screaming for at least 12 hours now.." He whimpered, "None of the hospitals have his meds. He told me to call you... we're in Vegas." She answered, blocking out Andrew's pitiful wails in the background.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:24am Dec 21 2010
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[[ Shes doesn't know how to be a mommy :( ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:32am Dec 21 2010
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{ Crap. I have to find a christmas present for my friend before wednesday which means tomorrow. >.< Well thank you bank and my cards not working on Amazon. *grumbles* } Eric sighed into the phone actually heading out in his car. "Give me where you are staying there and i'll be there as quick as I can. You shouldn't have taken him out of the hospital! He was schedualed to leave in two days you couldn't have waited till then!?"he snapped but figured that would get him no where. He hopped into his car and put the pills in the p*censored*enger seat before startin the car and speeding towards Vegas. { I'm totally skipping after you rpost unless you want to, to make it sooner }
12:46am Dec 21 2010
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[[ Ah, thats gonna be hard >o<; Good luck :3 ]] Nicole sniffled a little. "I didn't want Jared to get him... We're staying at "The Purple Dragon" [totally random rofl] and we're in room number 124 A" She responded, turning to look at her son and closing the phone to go help him as his body tried to throw up, once again, something that wasn't there. [[ Skip away <3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:05am Dec 21 2010
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A few hours later of speeding and actually getting a ticket he pulled up to the hotel and knocked on the door twice. "It's Eric i'm comming in" he called opening the door frowning as he shut it. He quickly made his way to Andrew's side putting the pills on the table. "I went to the hospital before I left and they gave me an injection...instant releif" he promised touching Andrew's arm before actually grabbing it and making sure he wasn't struggling.
"I'm sorry" He apologized sticking the needle into his skin and injecting the medication into his arm before pulling the needle back out. He placed the needle on the table by the bed and placed his hand on Andrew's cheek. He frowned standing up and turning towards his mother.
"I can't beleive you would steal your own child from teh hospital. I understand getting away from your boyfriend but he's been in pain hours..." he growled his eaars pinned against his skull.
1:14am Dec 21 2010
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Andrew stopped struggling, recognizing Eric, but he couldn't focus on much more. AS soon as the meds were in his blood stream Andrew could feel it taking effect. Soon he was numb and the pain was finally gone. He panted, dark circles under his eyes and skin clammy. He was practically soaked through and he was trembling like a leave. A combination of relief and being cold. Nicole acted like she was afraid of Eric hitting he and flinch when he turned to her. "I didn't know... I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to make sure he was ok and Jared didn't get him but..." She trailed off. Looking of at her son as he simply stared up at the ceiling of the room.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:23am Dec 21 2010
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Eric frowned shaking his head turning back to Andrew. He sighed going into the bathroom turning the warm water on and putting it on a towel. He came back out and sat on the edge of Andrew's bed gently applying the towel to his forehead. He sighed placing his free hand on Andrew's cheek. "You need a shower and serious rest, Andrew" he spoke softly moving his hair out of his face as he wipped his face with the warm towel. "This is not a way to protect your son. You could have killed him. That much pain on the body...it's not good" he spoke not looking back at her. "Andrew...now will you concider my offer?" he asked softly wanting to pull the blanket up around him but he was all sweaty and wasn't sure he wanted him to feel all sticky.
1:42am Dec 21 2010
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Andrew, still shivering and making small noises as he did so, looked at Eric, eyes only half open. He was already starting to black out, he had been through way too much lately it was a wonder he hadn't already died or something. He was so exhausted he could make himself form words and it was hard for him to open his eyes after closing them. He simply nodded. He didn't care about living with Eric anymore. Why not? He would only bug him for the rest of the year if he didn't. And besides, he would only be there for the rest of the school year anyway then he was gone for 6 months.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:55am Dec 21 2010
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Eric nodded lightly actually pulling a blanket up to try to stop the shivering. "Rest for now Andrew" he spoke softly pulling the towel away and tucking him in a little bit trying to allow the blanket to give him what heat he needed so his body could do it's own thing and warm him up. "Sleep" He stood up and looked back over at his mother, actually calming down a little bit. "He's comming to live with me until he can go and live on his own. He's old enough to do that and make his own dicisions. He's no longer a child and doesn't need to be treated like one and especially kidnapped" he spoke not erally knowing what else he could do. Andrew was suffering because of his mother and his body was beyond exausted not to mention freezing. { I am so debating Eric climbing in bed and pulling Andrew in his lap all huggling him so he gets warm. lol }
2:01am Dec 21 2010
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[[ is sitting outside in the middle of winter like an idiot watching the moon /butt freezes and falls off/ o.o;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:12am Dec 21 2010
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[[ didn't mean to post just that >.<;; ]] Andrew continued to shiver, though he was watching Eric, barely managing to focus. He blinked slowly, closeing them finally and curling up into the blanket that Eric had given him to get warm. He wanted to tell Eric he was sorry about what he had said earlier and then he was thankful ful the shot. "Pkease, take him. You obviously know how to take care of him. Better than I can." Nicole said, not wanting to give away her son but wanting better for him. "Take good care of him?" He said to him. [[ Oh you so should!! ^O^ Sorry for any typos. hands are falling off O.O ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:27am Dec 21 2010
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{ At least you get to see it. Mine is covered with clouds and an owl is terrorizing me. My parents were fighting so I can't really go out of the house without the stupid door creaking and waking them up. I am officially mad everything right now and will just camp out in June to watch the two that's suposed to happen. Tell me if it's pretty tonight? take pictures and send em to me? lol. } "He won't leave my sight" Eric spoke glancing back at Andrew. "I'll do my best and trust me. He won't get hurt in my care" Eric promised actually walking around Andrew's bed sitting on it leaning back against the headboard. He wrapped his arms aorund Andrew gently before pulling him in his lap slightly keeping his arms around him tightenin the blanket so he was warm. He wanted to give him more body heat than what the blanket could give off. If he wanted to complain he could save it till morning. Right now he was focused on getting Andrew to stop shaking and rest.