11:21pm Dec 21 2010
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Andrew sighed again, a little louder. "You sound like a fortune cookie." He replied, thumping his tail. He didn't know how to make a brighter future for himself. Whenever he tried it didn't work or wouldn't last and then crumble. He wasn't sure if he wanted to make something good and then watch it crumble like it always did. And he wasn't sure how going into the army to kill people was going to be a bright future either. He was probably going to grow into a crabby old man that hates everything and die alone. Thats what he was for his future. [[ Idk what they should talk about either >3< But Andrew is in the mood to talk ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:35pm Dec 21 2010
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Eric laughed slightly shaking his head. "I'm a lit teacher....I always sound like a fortune cookie" he grinned shaking his head. "I'm always stuck sounding like fortune cookies" he sighed shaking his head. "Are you hungry? All this talk of fortune cookies makes me what chinese food" he laughed lightly his tail flopping a little bit. { Fail. I was going to have him sing christmas carols or something. lol, but another thought was a food fight at a restraunt}
11:59pm Dec 21 2010
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[[ lol food fight XD <33 Then they get thrown out lol ]] Andrew never sounded like a fortune cookie. Ugh. The very thought of food made Andrew feel sick to his stomach and he wanted to throw up again. "No. But you get something." He told Eric, closing his eyes once again. He wasn't sure if he could make himself walk either that that was an all around problem in itself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:04am Dec 22 2010
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{ Exactly. Make Andrew laugh and have fun then get kicked out and laugh about that as they head home. ^.^ } "Fine....but you are going to need to eat soon though. Your body needs it and you sort of emptied it out last night" Eric frowned paying attention to the road signs before pulling off at an exit and pulled into one of the restraunts he seen first hand. "Okay..." he muttered parking the car and perking his ears slightly. "Would you like to walk inside? Or do you need me to carry you again?" he asked, a smirk tugging on his lips.
12:11am Dec 22 2010
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[[ lol XD Ok :3 ]] Andrew frowned, he knew that he needed to eat something again at some point but he was suddenly feeling sick again. He looked up when Eric parking the car, looking at the restaurant curiously. But as soon as Eric suggested that he should be carried he growled, "Don't even think about it." He replied, looking back at his teacher. He never wanted to be carried again, he was too old for it and he wasn't a girl either.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:23am Dec 22 2010
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{ It's all I can think of to brighten things up } Eric laughed his eyes shinning. He climbed out of the car and walked around to the pas$enger side and opened the door. He held out his hand and smirked down at him. "come on i'll help you inside. I promise I won't carry you. I know how much it embaras$es you" he chuckled his ears perked and tail swishing back and fourth from amusment. Sure it was fun but he knew eventually it would only upset Andrew so he wasn't goin to push it that far. Just enough to poke fun of him then drop it.
1:58pm Dec 22 2010
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"Yeah? It should embarras$ you too." Andrew replied, ears back. He maneuvered her way until he could get out and glared looked at Eric's hand for a moment, pissed that he needed help to walk. He could walk when he was two, no problem. But now... He couldn't do anything anymore. His face fell and he sighed, reaching out to take his hand. He stood up, his ribs hurt and he felt very weak. Oh, was this gonna be fun. [[ I just had this vision XD Eric and Andrew in the restaurant and Eric can use the chopsticks ;3 And Andrew just stabbed the food and goes: Ha! >:) LOL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:17pm Dec 22 2010
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{ lol. I"ve actually done that before I knew how to use chopsticks. lol. Awww. Cuteness. <3 They need some fun. I know how the food fight can start! O.o You know how you first use chopsticks and you 'accidently' sling the food acrossed the table? Or well...I did, but I swear it was an aiccdent at first then you do it on purpose when the person acrossed you insults you or something. I know what i'm going to do to Andrew with Eric to first start everything or maybe ruffle Andrew's feathers. It involves a straw. ^.^ } "It doesn't....Not really. In fact it's sort of fun to carry you" Eric smiled taking his hand and helping him out of the car. He held his hand and used his other free arm to wrap around Andrew's lower back being careful not to go up higher and hit his ribs. He used that arm to brace him as he lead him towards the restraunt. "You know...carrying you would be easier" he admitted his tail still flopping behind him. "And don't worry. When we get in the restraunt i'll give you your medication. It's about time and you don't want that shot to wear off and you to be like you were yesterday. Plus pills take longer to break up versus a straight shot" He explained pulling his ears back.

2:44pm Dec 22 2010
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Andrew didn't answer, afraid of what would come out of his mouth if he opened it to reply. This hurt, granted, not as much as it had last night, but it did hurt. He didn't want to be carried and he didn't care if it would be easier. At least Eric wasn't in pain, but he had a little dignity left and he was going to hold onto it no matter what. At least it was cold, it made it easier to breath and soon the smell of food drifted over. [fail lol A straw XDD Ok o3o I can't wait to see that XD Yeah, I did fling some chicken across the table while I was learning to use chopsticks XD It was fun and yes I did it again on purpose because throwing food around is fun >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:59pm Dec 22 2010
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{ Ugh. I hate this but I had to get them inside the restraunt and sat down or talking slowly would go on for five pages. lol } Eric made his way into the restraunt greeting the waitress watching her lead them to the nearest booth. "Thank you" He called his tail twitching as he stood beside the table and showed Andrew to one side of the booth. "Use the table to get in. I won't let go of you till your settled" he as$ured with a slight nod before notiing their waitress come over and give off an odd look. "Umm...Heh. He has broken ribs...kinda a hospital break no worries, he's fine. I would like...Water please, Andrew? Drink? Alcohol, soda...water?" He asked, his ears perked forward slightly. {Fail }
3:54pm Dec 22 2010
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Andrew went along with it, lowering himself don into the seat using the table as leverage. This was a lot harder than he would have expected. And definitely a lot harder than it sounded. "Water~" He answered, concentrated on not taking out the rest of his ribs on this restaurant table. They should really provide a little more room between the seat and the table anyway, how were the bigger people supposed to fit into these things? Once he was settled he huffed in both relief and agitation. "It would have been easier to wait for you in the car." He grumbled, forget carrying him! He looked up as the waitress took their drink orders, he wondered what she thought of the two of them but couldn't do anything about it. He waited for Eric to sit down then, not wanting him worrying over him. Besides, it was his idea that they come here.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:55pm Dec 22 2010
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[[ my internet is messing up again and its making me mad because the guy was supposed to come out here and look at it and they never did ):< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:12pm Dec 22 2010
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Eric smiled at the waitress as she left the menus before shuffling off to go get the drinks. Eric walked around the table and slid into his side of the booth. "That would be boring for you..." he spoke folding his ears back as he opened the menu. "Do you really not feel like eating. Your stomach has got to be telling you otherwise..." He spoke softly shifting his gaze to Andrew acrossed the table. He went to say something else but the waitress came back with both their waters and placed teh straws on the table. "Ready to order or do you need a few more moments?" She asked also placing chopsticks on the table by their drinks. "A shrip cocktail would be nice...the medium sized one. I'm going to share" he smiled with a slight nod of his head. "Alright, i'll bring it out and give you time to look at the menus" She smiled walking away causing Eric to chuckle. He slid his chopsticks towards him and picked up the straw tearing off the top. He left the bottom section of the paper still on as he pressed his lips to the edge of the straw and blew. Sending the paper directly at Andrew's head. A low chuckle came from him as he placed his elbows on the table setting his straw into his drink. "Cheer up, Andrew. Have some fun" he spoke resting his chin on his hands focusing on his student acrossed from him. { I'm sorry. I hate when they don't show up. >.< }

4:40pm Dec 22 2010
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Andrew knew that it would have been boring... and cold. But he could have saved himself and Eric the trouble of having to drag himself in here. "My stomach tells me that I'm going to to be sick again." Andrew said flatly, leaning against the back of his seat as the waitress came back with their drinks. He didn't know, he might eat. But the problem was... he'd never actually been to a Chinese Food restaurant before. Growing up the way he did, the closest thing he'd ever had to Chinese food was Ramen noodles you heat up in a microwave. So he didn't know if he was going to like any of the food or be allergic to it or whatever simply because he'd never been. He laid his ears back and blinked as the white strip of paper came and his him in the forehead. He opened his eyes, "You're such a kid." He replied, he couldn't believe he just blew his straw paper at him! Aiden used to do that at lunch at school. He picked up his own straw on did the same thing back. Then put the straw into his water glas$ where it was meant to be. "I don't feel like 'having fun'." He said, his fail thumping in the leather seat beside him once, loudly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:33pm Dec 22 2010
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{ My parents are being retarded and not talkin to eachother. Playing the silence card. >.< I'm going to go insane if this lasts any longer. I'm sorry. I have to post later. I can't listen to them argue. I'm gonna head out to someone's house. I think they are going to get a divorce after I leave for college outta state. }
6:36pm Dec 22 2010
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[[ Aw. Ok. :) Hope things works out for you ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:38pm Dec 22 2010
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{ I'm at a friends and she's letting me use her computer. Donno how long i'll be here, but yeah. }
Eric flinched slightly when the straw paper hit his ear causing it to twitch a few times but laughed. "Come on...If your gloomy all the time you'll attract more bad luck" he sighed and grinned at the waitress who came back and dropped off the shrimp cocktail. "Have you decided to order?" she asked. Eric nodded but looked over at Andrew. "I will have the teriyaki chicken on noodles with a side of rice please" He grinned before sighing when the waitress turned towards Andrew.
"And for you sir?" she asked curiously her ears perked forward slighlty. "You have to eat something...please?" Eric asked from the other side of the table curling his own tail beside him. "It can be small... soup maybe to calm your stomach?"
{ I just invisioned Andrew dumping soup on Eric's head as a joke. O.o }
9:18pm Dec 22 2010
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[[ Oh, you're fine ^ ^ I didn't even know you were going to post so I got off Res XD ]] Andrew leaned back into his seat, "Yeah, and its also worse when bad luck finally does come along." He responded but stopped when the waitress came back with Eric's cocktail and asked for orders. Again, he didn't know what to order and of course Eric looked like he was going to bug him if he didn't get something. He laid his ears back in agitation, narrowing his eyes at Eric. ...Soup...? He flipped the menu over quickly and looked as the soups quickly. He spotted something that looked good and closed it once again. "Just the Egg Drop Soup." he replied, side-ways glancing at Eric. He hoped he pest was happy with himself!
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:54pm Dec 22 2010
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Eric smiled at the waitress as she left before nodding. "good. The soups good. Now share the shrimp with me" he said unwrapping the chop sticks. He broke them apart and began rubbing them together to get rid of and splinters. " last thing we need is splinters in your mouth" he chuckled.
He placed the sticks between his fingers like you should and picked up a shrimp before eating it. " I love chop stick. Their fun to use. Do you know how to use em?" Eric asked curiously watching Andrew.
10:23pm Dec 22 2010
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Andrew watched the waitress go before he turned back to Eric and the shrimp. He wasn't sure he wanted to be sick again that the thought of food.... He watched Eric with his chop sticks. He laid his ears back. No, of course not. What trailer yard junkie kid knew how to use chop sticks? But he picked up his own and took the wrapper off. "Sure" he replied, breaking them and stabbing a defenseless shrimp and putting it into his mouth. He raised his eye brows at the other male, a small smirk on his face and ears perked. He dared him to say something about his methods. [[No, I don't think Andrew would dump soup on anyone unless they were trying to hurt him or something. XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~