10:34pm Dec 22 2010
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Eric raised his brow watching Andrew and actually busting out laughing. " that poor shrimp! What did he do to you and your chop stick?" he asked shaking his head. " you want me to teach you how to use it properly?" he asked curiously bringing his own sticks up and grabbing another shrimp. He held it up to show Andrew before popping it in his mouth.
" I learned while I was young. Mother worked in a restraint like this" he shrugged watching his chop sticks for a moment thinking about the past for a few moments before glancing over at his student.
( sorry. On my iPod hiding at home )
10:48pm Dec 22 2010
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Andrew actually jumped and looked around when Eric laughed, it was almost foreign to him now. There had been so much sadness and stress. He looked back to his teacher. He didn't really want to learn how to hold a chop stick. When was the next time he was going to be in an actual chinese restaurant? It would be a waste of knowledge. "Must be nice..." He replied, half paying attention to Eric and half trying to figure out the mystery of the chop stick on his own. His mother probably went out to chinese restaurants all the time with those guys she brought home but he wouldn't know. He never asked his mom how to use chop sticks. [[its ok <3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:14pm Dec 22 2010
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Eric's ear twitched before he shook his head. "It wasn't nice. It sucked... but we are dwelling on the past. We'll focus on now and the fact that you are killing innocent shrimpies with a deadly stick" he smirked innerly hating himself for not using proper english but he was trying to get his point across. He sighed and went to say something else but the waitress came back and delivered Andrew his soup and Eric his plate of pasta and chicken. "Why thank you miss" He smiled using his chop sticks to actually twirl the noodles and take a bite. Once he swollowed he glanced over at Andrew shaking his head. "Looks like your chopstick fun has run out. You ordered soup" he smirked curling his tail around himself.
11:46pm Dec 22 2010
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"You did too! You-.... what am I saying there were already dead." Andrew sighed, he'd almost slipped in that one. He kinda did but he wasn't going to admit that to himself. He fiddled with the two strips of wood for a few more moment before the waitress came back and he could finally give up with good reason. "Don't be so smug~ Its not that big a deal." Andrew replied, focusing on his soup now. It looked pretty good. "I'm never going to be in a Chinese restaurant again anyway." Andrew replied nonchalantly, looking at Eric. [fail Dx]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:00am Dec 23 2010
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{ Do you want a natural Uilus named 'Casara'? She needs a home and honestly....I thought about giving her away in like a hat pulling thing but...*shrugs* I have failed to come up with a proper contest thing or what not that doesnt' involve giving me things. Plus there's to many 'tell me what you'll do with them' things up. } "Ah...but I didn't stab the dead shrimp. Your breaking their heart by stabing that stick threw it" Eric commented in a 'mater of fact' tone. He twirled a few strands of pasta befoe shaking his head. "Don't be too sure on that restraunt thing. Your counting your horses before you buy them" he said leaning back in the booth stairing at his food. "I just can't make you happy can I?" Eric asked allowing his ears to droop a little bit. What was wth this kid. Normally he would have them laughing at this point but Andrew wasn't budging. He was simply so...depressed and irriated all the time. Did he not know how to have fun?
12:23am Dec 23 2010
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"You still ate them... I refuse to play your Chinese food mind games." Andrew stated, eating some of his soup. And who says that? Counting horses before you buy them? Maybe a cowboy? He'd never heard that one before. He sighed, "Probably not." He replied. He knew that that might be a little mean to say but he knew that it was probably true. "At least... not yet..." He added. He had only found out that his friend died yesterday and who knows when.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:35am Dec 23 2010
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"Chinese food mind games?" Eric asked pulling his ears back. He didn't know he was playing mind games, he just thought he was picking on Andrew. He let out a sigh taking another bite of the noodles using the chop sticks before just stairing at them. "Well... I guess I'll be quiet and let you wallow in your past and everything that's happened to you and let the numness take over. Who am I to try to stop you from falling into a rut?" he asked flopping his chopsticks on accident sending one of his noodles flying Andrew's way. "Oh..." he muttered his ears perking and facial ex pression dropping. He did not mean to just do that. Hand guestures were something he always did while talking but had managed to forget he had deadly chopsticks in his hand not to mention food on them.
12:50am Dec 23 2010
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Andrew knew he wouldn't get that one, but that was fine. He didn't want to look like a dork anyways. "Yes! Let me wallow in my self pity... Just for a little while because damn it I never do." He growled back. Yes there were whiny people that went around whining about what they had to go through a regular basis but no one could say that Andrew was one of those people. he had been about to say something else but a random attack noodle came flying and hit him in the side of the face. He frowned and flicked the noodle back, he hadn't been paying attention so he didn't know it was an accident.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:00am Dec 23 2010
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Eric flinched slightly at the snap from Andew lowering his ears slightly. Well this was a fail lunch/breakfast. "Andew...I didn't mea--" His words were cut off when his noodle that had escaped his chopsticks came back and landed directly on his nose causing him to twitch it and go cross eyed looking at the floppy food. He brought up his free hand wipping the noodle off before raising his eye brow and picking up yet another noodle tossing it at him. He wasn't in the mood for this and had no clue on how exactly to cheer this kid up. He didn't want to smile, he didn't want to laugh, he just wanted to dwell on his thoughts and be all gloomy and Eric Dashaniel does not do gloomy very well.
1:49am Dec 23 2010
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Andrew flinched when it hit him in almost the exact same place on the side of his face. Did Eric seriously have that good of an aim? Or was he just lucky? And Andrew didn't want noodles on his face either. He flicked it back, wishing he had his own food to throw. He narrowed his eyes at Eric, ears laying down slowly. Did he seriously wanna start a food fight? He was quiet because he couldn't think of anything to say. [[ internet fail -_-;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:27pm Dec 23 2010
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{ This will be my fail } Eric pulled his own ears back as the noodle came flying back at him once again. Without moving he allowed the floppy food to hit his cheek. He brushed it off and raised his eyebrow at Andrew. "I bet you wish you had your own food to throw now, don't you?" He asked turning his gaze back to his food and took yet another bite. Who said he couldn't wat the food while he was pelting it at Andrew?
3:52pm Dec 23 2010
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[[ lol XD He teased him <33 ]] Andrew watched him, sure he had food but he didn't think he wanted to scald his teacher for being immature and starting a food fight with him. He waited silently for a few second before he dared try and eat his soup again. Any previous thoughts forgotten for now. [I was thinking about Andrew chucking a Shrimp at him XDD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:23pm Dec 23 2010
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{ There's still some, plus Eric has chicken. lol. Kinda be amusing if he took food from Eric's plate and threw it at him. lol. } Eric's ear twitched as he kept focusing on his food and not up at Andrew. He twirled some more noodles on his plate and palced them in his mouth ignoring the chicken on the side. His ears perked though noticing Andrew eatin befor ehe focused down on the noodles, slinging one without even looking at his student. He placed a peice of chicken in his mouth, eating it acting like he didn't do anything. {Whooo. My laptop battery came in! }
1:58pm Dec 26 2010
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[[ Sorry i was away so long ;~; Siggie should explain.... Hope you had a good Christmas? :3 ]] Andrew blinked when Eric's noodle came across the table and landed in his soup. His ears laid back once again, it was a wonder they weren't stuck that way by now. He was planning on eating that soup. But now all he wanted to do was get up and slap him with the stupid noodle! He stuck one of his chops sticks into the soup and scooped it up and flicked it back with a little more force than needed to get it where it was going. "Stop throwing food!" He hissed to the other across the table. He scanned the table quickly for foor of his own. He couldn't believe that Eric was acting this childish! Throwing food. "And don't!!-" He flipped one of the shrimp out at him "Act like you didn't do anything." He said, not wanting to draw any more attention than they already
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:40am Dec 28 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:31pm Dec 29 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:15am Dec 30 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:08pm Dec 31 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:33am Jan 1 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:39am Jan 2 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~