3:07pm Jan 2 2011
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Sorry! Urgh. This is going to have to be put on hold. My computer broke and is being fixed. I'm leaching off neighbors Internet on iPod but my parents would kill me if they found out sooo. Sorry. I'll continue when my computer gets fixed.
3:19pm Jan 2 2011
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Thats ok ^ ^ Just bumping :3 Didn't want for it to die yet <3 I was moping around for days neglecting RPs so you take as long as you need XD
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:25pm Jan 3 2011
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Extremly bad news. My computer is going to take 2 weeks to fix. So. I won't be on for two weeks. I am really sad. But maybe good ideas will pop into our minds for this roleplay while I get my forced two week break. >.< *sigh*
4:04pm Jan 3 2011
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XD; omai~ 2 weeks xD Well, I'll try and come up with ideas for the RP :3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:10pm Jan 12 2011
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Posts: 1,825
(( *Is slowly dying inside* I still do not have my laptop but I snuck on the home computer. Oh the wonders of college when your parents think your doing homework but your really not. ^.^ Okay....Lets see. I'm totally going to guess what we do now because Andrew is being stupid and not wanting to have fun. hehe. It should soo snow. Only because i'm tired of snow here and well...it's fun to slide across the ice but only.....nevermind. That's what caused the wreck in the first place. Andrew may hate snow forever. >.< } Eric's ears flicked back as a small sigh escaped him. He glanced to the side noticing the waitress looking at them funny before he gave a slight smirk as his gaze fell back to the food in front of him. "You are absolutly no fun, Andrew. Wallow in your misery while I consume my food" he spoke not lifting his blue eyes from the chicken he so happily placed in his mouth. (Fail Sorry! *dies* . Remember that best friend idea I rped out with Spiffle? And you read some of it. (Donno if you read all of it) but do you kinda want to redo that type of thing? We'll all have more than one character because it's impossible to play out with only two. It may be a while though....computer is still MIA. )

5:56pm Jan 12 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:17pm Jan 12 2011
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[[ It should snow! ^.^ If you want it to~ Sure Andrew's gonna be sore about it but hes sore about everything lol And a drunk driver caused the wreck remember? Snow was just to have something fun there and fill the post up XD lol ]] Andrew laid his ears down quickly. "Fine." He snapped back, leaning into his seat and scanning the rest of the restaurant. He wasn't interested in eating anymore, it was a good thing that his soup was small so that he wasn't wasting too much money. He wondered what was going to happen after they got to where ever they were going. Andrew really had no idea where he was right now, some Chinese food restaurant in the middle of friggin' no where with his Literature teacher. He side ways glanced at said man for a second before returning his gaze out over the rest of the restaurant. [[ Sure, I'd like to kinda redo that kind of thing ;D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:25pm Jan 12 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( Grrrr. I'm 1 Mil short to buy an Aerix. lol. Oh well. I'm being stupid anyway. My main goal is an Omni. Aaaanyway. Yay. Now..would you like to redo that with me? I think that person like quit or disapeared on me. >.< The Neko slave rp i'm attatched to is slowly going but that's okay cause I'll wait. Loki has life to attend to. I dont'. lol. Psh. We need to figure out a way to make Andrew happy. To savor what he's got. Instead of thinking about all the bad things and everything he lost. hehe. Eric should have a head doctor as a friend. (donno how to spell that Pshy...word plus i'm to lazy to do spell check) ) Eric was just about to speak up and say something back to Andrew when his phone began to ring. He sighed digging it out of his pocket only to let a deep frown take over his facial ex pression when he realized who was calling. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts as he placed his ears back and distress took over his movments. He blue eyes layed on Andrew for a moment before he spoke beginning to climb out of the booth. "Andrew...can you ask for the check while I take this? I'll pay when I get back and we'll be on our way" He said before heading towards the bathroom as he flipped open his phone and answered it with an obviously reluctant hello.

10:02pm Jan 12 2011
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Andrew looked up to his teacher, he'd heard the ringing but figured that he could talk on his phone in front of him. Apparently not. He watched as Eric made a quick getaway toward the mens room on the other end of the noisy restaurant. He huffed, narrowed his eyes suspiciously after him for a few moments before focusing on getting someone's attention for the check. Turns out he didn't have to look long because the waitress that had been serving them came over. "Are we doing ok?" He asked, "Yeah, can I get the check?" He asked, "Sure! I'll be right back with that sir!" She skittered away to get the check and left stubborn Andrew alone to view his situation. He looked at the way he was sitting, and the way the table and chair were together and wondered if he could get out without hurting himself and without help. He seriously didn't want to be picked up in this restaurant in front of everyone. The waitress came back with the check and Andrew didn't even wait around for Eric to come back when he fished his back pocket and paid the 42.57 owed and watched her leave. Once she was gone he focused on pulling himself toward the edge of the seat and sitting there for a moment.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:44pm Jan 12 2011
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Eric came back minutes later and glanced at Andrew for a moment before at the table. "I was going to pay that" he frowned holding out his hand to help Andrew out of the table. "Don't worry... I won't do anything stupid. We just need to get back as soon as possible" he spoke shaking his head a little bit. "It was my mistake of stopping" he added focusing on Andrew not wanting him to hurt himself. He was a little edgy and obviously slightly agrivated. How could he be so stupid and stop in the middle of no where to eat? Well off the high way that was. They wern't exactly in the middle of no where. "Oh...I talked to the principle earlier this morning and he said that you were excused from school. That the *censored*ignments wouldn't count against you if you wanted to stay out for a few more days. He doesn't know anything just knows that your still injured and thinks we're still at the hospital. Idiot" he mumbled the last word to himself shaking his head from side to side. It was funny how little the man knew but yet how he likes to think he knows everything.

11:56pm Jan 12 2011
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"Doesn't matter.." Andrew replied to him paying, he wasn't going to get that apartment or the car. He was going to have to pay his medical bills. He rolled his eyes, barely listening to Eric at the moment. As soon as he mentioned school he had tuned out, he might not even go back to school. He didn't care about that right now. He reached up and took Eric's hand without even thinking about it and braced his other hand on the edge of the table and pulled himself up, raven colored hair falling into his face and ears laying back in concentration. His pride was about dead. [[Sorry, I keep going over to deviantart thinking that youre not on and I come check over here and you've posted Dx ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:13am Jan 13 2011
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Eric's ears fell slightly watching Andrew. A small smile crept upon his face when he took his hand but it fell almost immedaly realizing now was not the time to be overjoyed about something so little as to helping him out of a booth. "I'm glad I parked near the front" He spoke randomly mainly talking to himself as he kept a firm hold on Andrew's hand but not too tightly that he couldnt' take it back at any second. In Eric's mind he began to go over things that Andrew would need if he was staying with him in his appartment. Clothes, Toothbrush, and basicly everything except food, a room, and a roof. "When we get back to my place and your feeling better. I'm gonna take you out to get a few new things. Unless you want to brave your old house?" He questioned not really sure what Andrew would find there. His mother had gone to make a life for herself and her abusive boyfriend was out of th epicture but who said he wasn't still living in that home? (Yeah. I get my computer back tomorrow afternoon. I"m killing time on the home computer cause my parents are dead asleep. ^.^ )

12:41am Jan 13 2011
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Andrew flicked his raven ears, secretly relieved that Eric had parked close now that he was standing and pain was starting to come back into the picture. He grimaced, wishing that it would just go away. But it wouldn't, not even his pain meds were going to make the pain go away. Just make it not so severe like it had been back in the hotel room and on the drive up here with his mom. He nearly lost his balance just from Eric mentioning going back to 'his place'. But he didn't. He just looked like he fumbled or something, to his relief. He couldn't understand why Eric saying that had thrown him off enough to make him loose his concentration. And he didn't want to think about going go to his house. "Can we just... focus on getting to the door first?" Andrew asked, wasn't it about time he took more meds or was he just in more pain than normal? [[My parents are just about there XD]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:19pm Jan 13 2011
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( Haha! I have my laptop back! ^.^ ) Eric tightened his grip on Andrew's hand noticing the fumble before sighing. "Your right. One step at a time" He spoke not really focusing on how exactly that phrase could be used in both situations. Irony wasn't something he was looking for at the moment. "I'm sorry" He spoke not really clarifying why he was sorry but truth be told there was so many reasons why he was sorry. Within the past few days Andrew's life had been turned completly upside down. He took a deep breath smiling as they made it to the door which Eric happily pushed and held open for Andrew. He looked over at his car before using his back to keep the door open and reaching into his pocket with his free hand for the keys. He pulled them out and clicked his car unlocked therefore Andrew could just climb in without having to stnad and wait for him to unlock the car.
2:21pm Jan 14 2011
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[[ lol Yay! ;D ]] Andrew narrowed his eyes, ears flicking back and forth. Was Eric playing with words, messing with him or was he seriously clueless as to what Andrew was thinking? Andrew hoped for the second but couldn't help but wonder... And he also wanted to know who Eric had been talking to for him to have to run off to the restroom to talk to them and then come back and rush out of the restaurant. Out of the restaurant and across the parking lot to Eric car. Andrew was thankful that he could manage the distance a little on his own without too much help from Eric. And though it was painful he tried his damnedest not to complain about it or make any noises to give away such feelings.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:12am Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 3,557
Bumpage. Stalker lesbo back in biz.
Isn't this fun?
11:05am Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 11:16pm Jan 15 2011)
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lol Omg. You Stalker You~<3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:16pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:20pm Jan 15 2011
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( Gah! Wedding stuff have taken up my whole weekend, but! I have NO school Monday so i'll catch up on posts. I'm soooooo sorry. Ewww. It's wifey! >.< Naw, I love you. ^.^ }
11:22pm Jan 15 2011
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[[ Oh, thats fine. I dont have any school Monday wither ^_^ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~