1:09am Oct 31 2010
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"Fair enough" Eric said stopping and glancing over at the house Andrew said was his. His eyes flickered to the address not really remembering what exactly he gave the school. He let out a slight chuckle slipping out of his light jacket and handing it to Andrew. "Put this on and really go home. I won't follow you" He said taking a deep breath. "There's a fifty in the jacket pocket. Take it for that drink caused you to spill at the bar. You know so you can keep your money instead of your manager docking you for it...." he trailed off looking up at the sky for a brief moment before turning his focus back on Andrew.
1:26am Oct 31 2010 (last edited on 1:32am Oct 31 2010)
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Andrew frowned, How the hell did he know this wasn't my house? He thought, then looked down at the jacket. "Keep it." He said, nodding at the jacket. "I don't need your money either." He added. "I'm not some charity case! Got it? Leave me alone!" He barked before backing up. "I don't care about my grades, I don't want you to get to know me, I don't need clothes or money. I can take care of myself." He turned then and left both the empty house and Eric behind. "And if you do follow me its not my fault if you get shot!" He warned, his neighborhood wasn't well known for being friendly to guests. "I don't need this." He said to himself as he went. There weren't any street lights where he was walking and it was pretty dark were he was going. So he didn't have to worry about anyone spotting the beginning of tears in the sides of his eyes either.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:38am Oct 31 2010
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Eric seemed to pull his jacket back and toss it lightly over one of his shoulders not bothering to put it back on no matter how cold it was outside. Andrew's words stung a little bit as he seemed to snap. What the hell did he do? All he was trying to do was be nice to the kid, avoid getting him in trouble. He kept quiet watching Andrew's form disapear in the darkness before spinning around heading back to his car. His finger's twitched lightly as they messed with the unlit cigarette, his nicotine hitting him dead on. Andrew's words seemed to swim around in his mind trying to understand what exactly it was that he did. He was nothing but friendly but then again wasn't he always? It wasn't his fault everyone turned their backs and walked away when he greeted them. It was a tradition, a daily routine. Oh how tomorrow would be interesting. He didnt' know if he should act towards Andrew like he did today or just leave the kid alone letting him do his own thing. It sort of all depended on the kid though. It depended on how he acted. If he was going to be a pain in the as$ then he'd deal with it like he did today but if not then he'd leave him alone. Just because strange events happened outside of the school that didn't mean that he had to carry the issue into the cas$room with them. A good teacher knew how to seperate after work and during work, which is exactly what he was going to do. He was going to act like none of this ever happened although the more he seemed to plot in his head the harder it hit him. { the whole "I dont need clothes" part made me laugh really hard. lol }

2:07am Oct 31 2010
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Andrew got to his house and every light in the place was on. He sighed and walked onto the front porch. He took out his keys and stuck then into the know, having to jungle them a little to go in since the knob was messed up. But he finally got in to find his mom on the couch making out with her new boyfriend. He grimaced, laying his ears back. "Mom!" He called, making her look at him. "Oh~ Hey, Andy~ I was wondering when you was going to come back home." She slurred, she drunk. Andy closed the door behind him and looked at the guy on the couch. "What?" He asked Andrew, "Couldn't you guys do that in the bedroom?" He asked. "Hey! Don't talk to me that way! I pay for the two of you to stay here comfortably! You disrespectful, ungrateful brat!" While he had been yelling at him, he had been getting closer to him. Andrew glared, he was a lot older than he was and he was actually an inch taller. "You pay for us to live here? I pay for this place! And go to school at the same time! You sit around on your lazy as$ and mooch off!" Andrew growled, "You!!" He replied and pushed Andrew back and into the wall behind him and hold him there and punch him. Andrew's, unfortunate, but natural response was to cower. His mom's boyfriend backed off and Andrew escaped, grabbing his thick jacket off of the coat rack next to the door as he wrenched it open. The coat rack fell over but he didn't stop as he fled back into the cold darkness. He didn't know where he was going, he was just running. Tthere was really no where he could go. He pulled on the jacket and headed back to the empty house. Maybe if he was lucky he could get into it. [[Really? xD I thought it was ironic because in his pic he has nice clothes XD]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:31am Oct 31 2010
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Eric managed to make his way back to his car slipping into th driver's seat with ease. He placed the key in the engine starting it so it would be nice a toasty when he actually began to drive. For a few moments he dug around looking for the extra lighter he normall stashed. "Ah ha" he grinned flipping open the lighter and lighting the cigarette he'd been playing with for how ever long he was with Andrew. He pressed the cancer stick to his lips and took in a deep breath of sweet nicotine. God he swore he was going to die by these things. His car warmed up allowing the black neko to smirk tossing everything, including his jacket in the back seat as he pulled away from the corner. He drove down the street heading in the direction of the abandon house that he had left Andrew at. It was only a few miles from there that he lived in his appartment complex. Sighing he glanced at the clock and frowned. So the papers were not goin to be graded tonight. There was no way in hell he was goin to stay up till three in the morning to grade stupid papers that could easily wait. It wasn't like they were important or anything or not to him anyway. { What to doo....haha. I have an idea}

2:47am Oct 31 2010
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Andrew slowed down to walk, allowing his head to clear. He wasn't going to go back, he refused. He would rather sleep out on the streets than go back to that house tonight. He had done it before, he could do it again if he needed to and couldn't get into this stupid house. He could already feel his cheek beginning to swell, right below his eye and on his cheek bone. What was he going to say about it at school tomorrow? He was going to have to come up with a good one that would explain why he was going to be wearing the same clothes that he had worn today too. He reached the street lights once again and pulled the hood up over his face and zipped the jacket. That felt nice, the warmth after who knows how long he was out in the cold. He was even starting to get the feeling back in his fingers again. He went up to the house and looked around before he tried the door knob. No, it was locked, it didn't surprise him even though he had hoped it would be. For him. It wasn't. He sighed and rested his head against the door, jingling the knob now. Still nothing. He wondered if some kind of alarm would go off if he somehow managed to get inside. This house had been vacant for a while now so he didn't know. "Come on..." He said quietly, giving up easily and turning toward the road with a sigh. He was too tired, and now in pain, to deal with trying to breaking into a house. At least not this exact moment. Why was he so desperate to get in here? He could easily hike it over to a friends house and sneak in. They'd welcome him he knew, maybe it was because he didn't want to deal with questions about his face yet. He hadn't come up with a story for it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:49am Oct 31 2010
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[[ What Idea Is That? :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:59am Oct 31 2010
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{[ I donno. lol. }] Eric puffed away on his cigarette watching the road as the headlight seemed to light up the surface. He sighed his mind still swimming at all the things Andrew had said and done during the course of the day. His car nearly was at the abandoned house when Eric sort of focused out his front window to see a familar shape that had left his side not to long ago. His eyes narrowed as he accidently bit the end of his cigarette before snatching the thing out his mouth. He didn't know if he should pull over and talk to the kid or just let him be. If he wanted to be homless where was it in his mind to stop him from wandering the streets at night? After all Andrew was a meare student. Someone he babysat during the day. Even though his mind kept telling him to go on, he knew for a fact his heart wouldnt' allow it. Eric was way to sweet and caring to let one of his students wander around the streets alone. The car once again slowed as Eric rolled down his window letting out a mixture of his breath and smoke into the cold air. "I thought you were going home Andrew" He frowned out his window noticing the new jacket added to his wordrobe. So he had went hom...but the why was he back at the old abandoned house?

5:42am Oct 31 2010
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[[ lol xD ]] "I thought I told you this was my home! Damn it!" He yelled back. He moved out of the light and back into the darkness, that all he needed, his teacher seeing his face this way. What was up with this guy?! Andrew just kept kicking dirt into his face and he still came back! Asking for more! "I don't have a home." He told himself, "Home is when the heart is, and my heart ain't there..." He didn't care about it being cold anymore, he had a jacket now and it had furn on the inside leather of the out. It could stand most weather conditions. [[braindead D; And I fell asleep xD]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:51am Oct 31 2010
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Eric sighed seeming to pull over and turn off the car. He leaned against his open window and puffed on his cigarette seeming to stare at Andrew in the dark without leaving the safety of his warm car. "Your lying I thought we made that clear earlier. You dont just go into a pitch black house and aquire a thick jacket to keep warm and then come back out into the cold..." he frowned shaking his head. His ear twitched hearing the whole 'home' thing but choose to ignore it figuring there was something going on in the kid's life. His personal life wasn't his conercn but wasn't that what he was pushing for? To know his personal life? No. He was only trying to make sure the kid was safe tonight. He had a heart even though he didn't act like it sometimes. {least he's not snape anymore. lol }
12:56pm Oct 31 2010
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"Fine. It's not my house." Andrew said, leaning against the white building and staring back at his teacher. "But I thought that I made it clear when I said that I don't need your help?" He said to him. He was so mad he didn't know what to do. Mad at his teacher, at his mom and her boyfriend, at himself for walking through that door. He was even mad at his freakin' face that was hurting so much! He reached up and touched his face, obviously too hard because he made an involuntary hiss when he did. He sighed and dropped his hand. "What do you want?" Andrew asked Eric finally, hoping that he would leave him there.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:41pm Oct 31 2010
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Eric perked up at the hiss that came from Andrew. For some reason something was wrong. He took a deep breath taking the cigarette out of his mouth and slipped out of his car shutting the door behind him. He tossed the but onto the ground stomping it out and making his way over towards Andrew. "Where do you live and why arn't you there?" he asked, his voice low. "You obviously went home to get a coat so why didn't you stay?" he asked, eyes scanning the darkness and the outline of Andrew's figure. He wanted to know what had made the kid hiss but with the darkness that was hard to make out. His tail flicked impatiently behind him ignoring the coldness that now brushed past his arms and face. Once again he didn't have his jacket. That was firmly laying in the back seat somewhere in his car.
3:24pm Oct 31 2010
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Andrew's eyes widened at Eric getting out of his car. He automatically started to back up and away from him. This way way too creepy, this guy had to be following him around there was no other way for him to know that he would be back here. And to show up with his car this time. "What're you doing?" He asked, glaring at him through the darkness. Once he started to get too close Andrew stopped. "Don't get any closer to me or I swear to god i'll hurt you!" He threatened. His tail whipped out behind him haphazardly and his ears laid flat against his head. [[Sorry, my mom ;;>.>]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:43pm Oct 31 2010
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{ Your fine} Eric stopped short listening to Andrew. He didnt' want to scare the kid that was the last thing he wanted to do. "I won't come closer...." he said staring at the dark figure of Andrew. "Why did you hiss earlier?" he asked shoving his hands into his pockets out of boredom. His tail flopped behind him as his ears layed flat against his head. "You never asnwered my question" Eric said bluntly not moving from his spot. {Fail}
4:03pm Oct 31 2010
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Andrew's ears raised, but only slightly, they were still facing backwards. "Because... I was..." He couldn't think of any reason that would make since other than the truth and then the truth had a story that he didn't want to tell. "It's none of your business. I didn't want to go home because I don't have to be there if I don't want to." He said. He was still unsure about staying here. He wasn't all that sure why he hadn't fled when Eric had gotten out of the car.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:22pm Oct 31 2010
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Eric sighed ahd shook his head. "That makes no sense" he frowned pulling out a card and scratching something into it with a pin he had pulled out. "I don't do this for many, many reasons...and at the moment I don't beleive a word you say" he said softly flicking a card at him. He didn't care if the kid caught it or just let it fall to the ground. "My cell number is on the back and so is my address. If you need anything...don't hesitate to call or stop by anytime you need to talk or whatever" He said simply turning his back on the kid. "I'm only doing this because I don't beleive a word you say and trust me....i'm not one of those poeple they hunt down and lock up. I find no interest in children, espeically hard headed ones like you" he said walking back to his car and slipping in the driver's seat before pulling off and leaving Andrew alone. He didn't care if they kid did call or stop by. He just wanted him to know there was someone willing ot help and lend a hand if he needed it.
9:18pm Oct 31 2010
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Andrew didn't say anything while Eric wrote something down on a business card. He didn't react to the card, his hands in his pockets still. He looked down at it for a fraction of a second and then watched Eric leave him. He didn't actually think he would and didn't realize that he didn't want him to until he had pulled away from him. It was suddenly very quiet and dark. Andrew looked down at the card at his feet, contemplating on picking it up or not. He almost left it there, but finally let his ears hang sadly as he gave in and shoved the white slip into his pocket. [[Sorry, the GF came over and we were hanging out candy]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:54pm Oct 31 2010
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{ Your fine. ^.^} Eric sighed pulling up to his apartment complex a few blocks away. He parked his car and leaned in the back seat grabbing all of his itens and exited the car heading upstairs to the fourth floor. Oh this had been an extremly long day and he was tired and it probably showed in his walk. He was slightly sluggish as he pushed his key into the door before unlocking it and stepping inside. His appartment was styled like a college kid's room was. There was a sleek living room as soon as you walked in with a black leather couch and a flat screen tv on the facing wall. There was a fuzzy red carpet beneith them. The walls were painted black and red instead of the awful off white appartments normally came with. He groaned slighlty setting his breif case down on the counter before plopping down on the couch to relax.
10:42pm Oct 31 2010
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Andrew turned and walked back into the light and tried once again to get into the house. He jungled the knob once more before fishing into his wallet and pulling out his fake ID and a couple of safety pins. He was about to break into the house. After a few minutes of a combination of sticking his ID into the side of the door and the pins into the locked knob he heard a faint click. The door was open and he was in. He pulled the door open and stepped inside. It was white and bare, something he had expected. He closed the door behind him and looked around. He even tried the lights. They didn't work but he had figured that he might as well have tried it. He made a 'bleep' sound and listened to the echo happily. He was still a kid and as long as no one could see him do it he was gonna act like one. "Echo!" He called and chuckled when it sounded like someone else had said it. He walked around, checking the place out. It was 10 x's nicer than his house had ever hoped to be. He whistled. "This place is nice~" He said. After he had satisfied his curiosity he went back downstairs and sat down into a corner. He planned on sleeping here tonight. He sighed, resting his head against the wall and closed his eyes. His whole body was in knots and it actually hurt for his body to relax its self. He whimpers slightly, frowning. "Oh god.... This sucks." He said, just before he started to lose consciousness. He last thing that through his mind was Eric and that card he'd given him. [[ fail ); ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:19pm Oct 31 2010
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{Nothing really to do. lol } Eric seemed to breath deeply just listening to his own breaths as he let his muscles relax agsint the slighlty cold surface of the couch. He so wasn't in the mood to move at the moment. Sure the silk sheets on his bed would feel amazing but the couch was just fine as well. He groaned slightly laying his hands above his his head and just focus on his breathing. It wasn't long before Eric's mind subdued any thinking and he couldn't even open his eye lids. His body releaxed into the leather allowing sleep to take him. His tail unconciously curled around his leg as his ears relaxed, twitching every now and then. The papers in his breif case would have to wait for another day. Lesson plans would also have to wait which would mean tomorrow would be a lesson that came straight out of his head and probably wouldn't have any meaning to it what so ever. {You can skip to hte next day if you want}