11:26pm Jan 15 2011
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( Whoo! Okay so since i'm like wide awake i'll post. ^.^ So. What are we doing? Can I like...just skip to when they are back at Eric's place or like just arriving or something? I have no clue what to make them do or say in the car. >.< )
11:34pm Jan 15 2011
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[[ How about when they're arriving :3 I'm not sure about what they should talk about either other than the army and school. Not to mention who Eric was talking to and why they had to rush back. And Eric and Andrew need some kind of connection other than Eric kissing Andrew all of a sudden lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:42pm Jan 15 2011
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{{ Ah. I have a plan for that one. Eric had to rush back because he has a hobo living in his appartment. Okay so she's not a hobo but she's a very annoying sister. ^.^ I'm going to try to make Eric proove to Andrew that his life is not a ball full of sunshine like he thinks it is. That he has family issues too. Or..well. That might fail though because Andrew's stubborn. Hmmm. Crap. What can they have in common? I'm at a loss. }}
11:46pm Jan 15 2011
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[[ Uhh... Lose? Obviously. They like literature though Andrew refuses to admit it. Music maybe? Andrew can play guitar though he hasn't in a while, his older brother played violin o.o Hmmm.... Im not sure >.<;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:58pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 1,825
{ Ah. Maybe Eric plays guitar. Who says a lit teacher cant dable in the art of music? And maybe food tastes? What kind of food does Andrew like? lol. } Quite a few hours later Eric pulled into his normal parking spot at his appartment building and sighed slightly glancing to the side noticing a jet black mustang in the spot next to him. This sight caused him to roll his eyes before unlocking the whole car out of habit. "Alright, Andrew. We're here. Well...not quite yet" he shrugged climbing out of the car and walking around it to open Andrew's door. He took a deep breath opening the car door and holding out his hand just in case Andrew needed help or wanted it. "My appartment is on the third floor. Room 33" He smiled warmly seemin a little calmer after the drive then when he was in the restraunt. "Lucky us they fixed the elevators just last week so no stairs."
1:33am Jan 16 2011
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Andrew sighed, he'd been sleeping on and off, and each time he faded it was light and the slightest thing would wake him. The ride was, to say the least quiet, if not awkwardly. At least for Andrew it was. So when they arrived at 'Eric's place', it was a bit of relief, but it quickly faded when it came down to the fact that he was actually living with Eric now. He couldn't help but feel nervous and suddenly wish they were still on the road, driving, not talking to each other and really not interacting at all. When his door was opened and Eric's hand was once again offered, he took it without realizing, a sign of trust whether it being only a little sign or a little trust. He pulled himself up and out of the car, it was always harder getting out than it was getting in. And though he had taken Eric's hand he didn't really use it for help, more like a... reflew to take it. Odd but true and unthought about. [[ that was fail and sorry, internet failed xD; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:48am Jan 16 2011
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( Your okay. ^.^ ) Eric gently took Andrew's hand when he hand reached out for it and watched making sure he was okay with standing and had a steady balance. The last thing he wanted to do was letting his student fall flat on his face. He glanced at the building before sighing. "We'll take it slow. Your not in any pain are you?" He asked curiously. His blue eyes fixed upon Andrew, shutting the car door as soon as he got out making sure his tail or anything wasn't in the way. Things seemed to be going okay and he didn't want to do anything to upset things.
12:47pm Jan 16 2011
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Andrew steadied himself, exhaling the breath he didn't know he'd been holding, and focused on making his way toward the building and keeping up with Eric. "A little." He responded, a frown set deep on his face. He had been in pain for a while now he just hadn't bothered to say anything until now. [[ omg D; I can't think.... This post is so fail Im sorry >_<;;; Tastes... He doesn't like sweets. Not really. He doesn't really have favorite foods because he grew up eating what was put in front of him o.o Eric could have fun seeing what kind of things he likes XD lol I can see it now >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:37pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 3,557
>( "Ew, it's Wify" Whut wuz dat?! *Rawr* Lol, no I'm just kind of stalking you, I was, then I lost out now I'm trying to figure out what the hell is goin' on. xD)
Isn't this fun?
3:42pm Jan 16 2011
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( Not much from where you left off. lol. Wait who are you stalking? Me or Tsunade? Or both? Or our Rp. I'm confuzzled. >.< } Eric sighed watching him before shaking his head a little bit. "I'll see if I can run up to the hospital and see if they can give me somethin stronger or a little more fast working. I fear those pills won't cut it for a while" He spoke pulling his ears back as he held the appartment building door open for Andrew. "You know I could always carry you but honestly....the distance isn't that far. Just up the elevator and to the right four rooms. Hey...at least i'm not on the 25th floor" he smirked slighlty trying to bring light to the situation. ( Your fine. ^.^ Oh lord. I see a different type of food every dinner. Being all "Do you like *insert food here*?" Andrew: "I donno. Never had it" Eric: "-_-' Well we'll just find out then" Oh the diffrent foods he'll make Andrew try. <3 }
4:42pm Jan 16 2011
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Andrew moved through the door quietly listening to what his teacher had to tell him. Determination was pretty much the only thing Andrew had running for him at the moment and currently the only thing that was keeping him from giving up and laying down were he stood. That and not wanting Eric to ever pick him up ever again. And he was pretty sure that those pills weren't doing anything for him at all. It didn't seem like they were anyway. Her had been in constant pain every since his mother had taken him out of the hospital and he had been exhausted because of it. ""At least..." He responded, not in the mood to joke. It was a wonder he hadn't bitten Eric's head off yet with all of the stress running through him at the moment. [[ lol Thats gonna be fun XDD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:53pm Jan 16 2011
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"Your a ball full of sunshine..." Eric muttered pushing the elevator button and stepping inside making sure the doors were open and wouldn't close on Andrew. "You know...I'm seriously doubting all this" he spoke not exactually sure what was going on now but something felt off. Andrew was now staying with him. His sister was in his appartment for who knows what reason. He let out a small huff trying to figure things out in his head. In a few months after school ended Andrew was leaving. How was he leaving? Walking? No. He needed a car. Maybe he could somehow prevent Andrew from getting a car and leaving. That was an idea. 'what am i doing?' he asked himself realizing he was trying to hold the poor kid captive. { Eric should buy Andrew a car. lol. Like randomly one day when Andrew is starting to enjoy living with him? (if that's even possible) }
7:44pm Jan 16 2011
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( you will stay on page 1! ^.^)
9:04pm Jan 16 2011
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[[Of course Andrew is gonna enjoy living with Eric, but not immediately XD Just wait until he remembers that Erix is homosexual lol]] "Well, excuse me will I enjoy the pain I'm in..." Andrew growled, stepping through the elevator as well. He'd never really been in an elevator before, but since he was sidetracked by the pain in his ribs and chest to really care about that small fact. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, blocking out the elevator music. Maybe he could get a shot like that nurse had given him. That would be nice. He didn't say anything in response to him starting to doubt. He was doubting this as well and would be, figuratively, holding his breath until Eric came to his senses and kicked him out. he soon got lost in his thoughts of how he was going to get to work after school and how he was going to get back to work when he was able to. He was actually thinking about quitting his job now, there was no way his boss was gonna want to wait for him to get better and just replace him. He'd caused so much trouble there already, coming late and asking to change shifts and now he hadn't been coming at all. He wondered if he even had a job anymore in the first place and if his boss knew that he had been in an accident.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:22pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 1,825
{ Haha. He will in like...a few seconds when they get into his appartment. I may get into trouble later down the road if someone reports me. I put the AMA performance of Adam on my rancher shop profile. -_-' he's sort of sexual there. But there's other songs before it though. Like his song songs and not the videos. Minus his talk that is at teh very beginning on his whole speach about the suicides concerning homosexuality. His 'It gets better' speech. Do you think I could get in trouble? } Eric's thoughts seemed to have side tracked but he was quickly brought back down to earth when the elevator dinged causing the neko to nearly jump out of his skin. His tail was slightly bushy and his ears were flat against his skull as he watched the door slowly slide open. He took a deep breath standing in the door way seeming to block the elevator doors as he looked back focusing on Andrew. "I may go to the hospital tonight versus tomorrow. See what they tell me. The last thing I want you to be in is pain on your recovery process. Pills arn't cutting it" he sighed shaking his head his ears remaining back as his tail seemed to flatten out on it's own.

9:40pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 3,557
(Why I'm stalking you both.)
Isn't this fun?
12:26am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ lol This sounds fun :3 I dont know, I'd ask first and be safe rather than sorry xD; ]] Andrew opened his eyes and frowned as his frazzled looking teacher and pushed himself off of the wall to follow him. He past him as he kept the elevator doors from crushing him and smirked, "Or I could just... 'float'" He said, bringing up their conversation in the car before they had gone into the Chinese food restaurant earlier to eat. He didn't really mean what he said it was just something that came up, but if Eric agreed he wasn't going to complain or argue about it either. And going back to the hospital tonight suddenly sounded wonderful to him. Maybe they'd give him something to bring back and give to Andrew to stop the pain or sleep or something.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:13am Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 1:19am Jan 17 2011)
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Posts: 1,825
( Hmm. I'll leave it up for a few days then i'll probably go in and delete the videos and just keep teh songs in the play box } "What?" Eric asked a little confused on what exactly Andrew meant by floating. He gave his student a confused look before shaking his head. "I donno" He frowned walkin out from teh elevator doors and towards his room door. It was only 4 doors down so it really wasn't that far of a walk for Andrew. He wanted to do it on his own so he was going to let him. He took a deep breath pulling out his keys and unlocking his appartment door. He smiled warmly at Andrew turning the knob, pushing open the door. He was going to allow Andrew to go first but something caught the corner of his eye causing him to spin around in the door to face the inside of the appartment. He quickly ducked causing him to jump out of the way and hiss slighlty, his blue eyes narrowing at the figure that now lunged out of the appartment at him. "You!" A blonde female nearly screamed trying to punch him but Eric spun around and pinned her to the hall wall. His blue eyes narrowing at her. "What are you doing here?" He asked his tail bristled and ears pressed against his skull. "I came to take you home! To knock some sense into that head of yours!" the female growled struggling agains this grip but he had her shoulders pinned firmly against the wall so she couldnt' do any damage. Eric huffed, a deep growl comming from him as he did. "Andrew. Please go inside. My sister and I will join you in a moment. If you wish to go seek out your room it's to the right down the small hall" He spoke calmly to Andrew not looking at his student, his gaze upon his sisters green glowing eyes. The simularities between the two were obvious. Her long blonde hair, her tall firm stature but she was skinny. Super model skinny so she couldn't really do that much damage if she wanted to. The difference between the two though was that Eric's eyes were blue and his sister's was a deep green. Plus Eric was older by 5 years, thus the female was significantly younger.

2:07am Jan 17 2011
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Andrew sighed, if he wasn't in so much pain he would explain, but he didn't. "Nevermind.." HE said quietly. He did his best to go at a faster speed, not wanting to hold Eric back and wanted to stop moving for a while. Relax and possibly pas$ out again. Andrew nearly fell over when Eric open his apartment door and was attacked, "Shhhh!t!!" He hissed, tail three times it's natural size, ears flat against his head, and eyes wide. Weapons of mas$ destruction!! Andrew worked on getting his breathing back under control, seeing as it was greatly adding to his stress level and the amount of pain he was in at the moment. While still trying to figure out what was going on between the look a likes on the wall opposite of him. Bring Eric back? Bring him back where? When he was addressed again and told he was allowed to go in he flicked his tail and went ahead and excused himself from the two outside and let himself into the apartment. He couldn't handle yelling anymore, it made him shut down now... You'd think it would get better after growing up around it but it only gets worse. Once he was inside he looked around instantly, first impression was important, no? And this was a nice place at first glance. Made Andrew not want to touch anything, afraid he... figure out somewhat to ruin it. He frowned, and Eric wanted him to come stay with him here? He was only going to mess things up for sure. And he definitely wasn't going to go looking around for 'his room'. It made him mad, for some reason, that Eric would call it 'his' in the first place. He sighed and just stood off to the side and waited for Eric to settle whatever that had been started just a few minutes ago with that woman outside. He leaned against the wall, careful not to be too close to anything in case of a collapse. He closed his eyes once more... and allowed himself to drift a little. [[ I'm 10 years older than my sister o.o and my brother is 7 years older than her XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:38am Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( My sisters are a lot older than I am. They are almost 30 and 36 and i'm only 18. Hehe. ) Eric sighed watching Andrew disapear in the appartment before letting go of his obviously angry sister. "Please. Not now. I'm busy" he sighed stepping back. "Eric! You need to come home!" she growled her own black ears pressing agianst her skull as she flicked her tail out of agrivation. "Calm down. We need to have a civilized discussion inside. It's no one's buisness out here. Do you understand me, Isa?" Eric questioned only to get an agrivated sigh and watching her turn her back to him and walk inside the appartment. Erig rolled his eyes grabbing the pillow she threw and entered the appartment, shutting the door behind him. "Andrew. Do you need anythin to drink? Eat? You can sit on the couch if you want. You don't have to lean agains tthe wall" He spoke noticing his student against the wall about to pas$ out. "Eric...our conversation?" Isa asked frowning stopping in the middle of the room. "I"m not comming home. Havn't you forgot I was kicked out? Father can't stand the likes of me, why should I go apologize for my ways just to cast him out of this world?" Eric asked turning his back to his sister. "Eric! He's dying. At least say goodbye!" Isa frowned following him to the kitchen like a lost puppy. "I refuse, Isa. I'm gay. I date men....if he can't handle that when I was a teen he can't handle it now. Have you forgotten the brused ribs and black eye he gave me the day I told him? I havn't. He abandoned me and I did the same to him" Eric stopped at the fridge getting a glas$ of water. "I havn't...but. I refuse to leave here without you at least thinking about it. It's your father" Isa frowned stopping. "Go away. Will you leave if I tell you i'll think about it?" Eric asked his ears perking forward slightly. "Yes..." Isa answered biting her bottom lip. "Fine. I'll think about it" Eric said his eyes softening a little bit. "Thank you" Isa said relaxing. "I'll leave but....please. Really think about it" Isa said and with that she spun around retreating from the kitchen and out the front door without saying anythin to Andrew. Eric simply growled and forgot what he was doing as he made his way back to the living room and sinking on the couch placing his head in his hands. This day had just gotten even more complicated.
