4:02am Jan 17 2011
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Mail me the videos!
Isn't this fun?
11:02am Jan 17 2011
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( Creepy stalker. Fine though. I'll Rmail the link to my playlist )
1:55pm Jan 17 2011
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Andrew opened his eyes and was going to say that he didn't want anything but Eric sister seemed to take care of that problem and took Eric's attention off of him for the moment. He looked toward them as they argued, ears swiveling their way for the moment. He technically wasn't eavesdropping, they were yelling and broadcasting their troubles to the rest of the world. So Eric's father was dying.. He suddenly wondered if his father was dead, and thats the reason he didn't come take him away. Ans as much as that would hurt, at least he would have a good reason to disappear on him the way he did. He snapped out of his thoughts and zoned back in on the other two in the apartment. Just in time to be reminded that he was gay. Andrew grimaced and laid his ears back again. Oh yeah... He sagged a little against the wall. Eric was gay... and now he was staying with the guy. Man, if he thought that his mother bringing home her dates was bad... NO!! Andrew raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head slightly. He DIDN"T.... want... to know... about that one... He sighed, he'd get over it. He let his hand drop when Eric's sister went past him and left. He didn't care for her saying anything to him, it was easier that she didn't. As long as she didn't crush his tail on the way out. He watched Eric quietly from his spot on the wall. He looked down, wonderful, and why did he care? He sighed, for the millionth time that day. "You know,,," He started, exhaustion was painted on his face and in the way he spoke. "If I knew my dad was dying... I'd go see him." He spoke up, knowing that he probably shouldn't and that it was probably going to take him somewhere he didn't want to be. "Even though... he did abandon me... and I would apologize for being the way I am. Even though I'm not." [[Sorry, my mom took my Lappy charger and then it died -_-;;]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:18pm Jan 17 2011
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Eric's ears swivled forward as he lifted his head to watch Andrew. He was quiet for a moment before shaking his head. "It's not that easy for me to just lie about something like that. I am happy who I am and nothing can change that. I also hold a grudge against someone who cast me out of their life" he frowned leaning back against the couch. "I don't care if he dies. It's not my concern. Will I regret it later, probably but life is full of regret. One's one more going to do to hurt me?" He asked focusing on the wall adjacent crom him. "When my mother died seven years ago...I went to her funneral but my father kicked me out before it could even start. He hated looking at me, he hated thinking about me. He didn't let me say goodbye to my mother who did love me so why would he let me say goodbye to him? The only way i'd go there is to cause him more pain just by the sight of me" he growled slighlty at the thought but quickly calmed himself. "Nevermind" He breathed perking his ears forward. "You sure your okay against the wall? You look exausted. Really you can go back to your room. It's not going to jump out and suck you into it's black hole, I promise." ( Your fine. ^.^ )

3:18pm Jan 17 2011
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[[I've got plans for Andrew's dad as well *evil laugh*]] Andrew huffed quietly. And he thought that it was easy for him to lie about that kind of thing? No. But the point was that Andrew could for someone he cared about. Lie to them and make them feel better... even if he can't make himself feel better. He listened quietly, letting his ears droop. Maybe he could get along with him, he seemed to understand his pain... "Fine." Andrew responded, like he cared. Let Eric make his own mistakes as long as he didn't come crying to him later he wouldn't feel anything for him. A few seconds ago could easily be explained as being delirious with pain. He might as well go to that room. At least to see it. And he was going to be staying here, as much as he didn't like it. He removed himself from the steady support of the wall and went in search of the bedroom. He'd had far too much happen to him for him to be giving advice. He found the room easily, figuring that it was the right one since there was only one more door at the end of the hall and figured it would be Eric's. He slipped inside and was surprised to see that it was a decent size with a bed. He felt stupid for being surprised, of course there was a bed. He was just used to sleeping on the floor. He did at home, and he did at the abandoned house. [Fail D;]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:45pm Jan 17 2011
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( Oh lord. Is it going to end up hurting Andrew in the end? } Eric watched Andrew leave to go to his room causing him to let out a heavy sigh. He was extremly pissed at Isa for barging in on his life like that. He shook his head standing up and going back to the kitchen remembering what he was doing before. He was getting a gl*censored* of water. He reached the fridge and got a water bottle shutting it. He pressed his back against the cold metal surface and just focused on the ceiling debating what he was going to do next. Should he go wish is father goodbye? He couldn't hurt him anymore than he already had, could he? Eric's ears twitched pushing the subject off. There would always be time to focus his thoughts like tonight but right now his main focus was on Andrew and making him comfortable. He carried the water bottle in his hands as he made his way down the hall stopping in Andrew's room door. "It isn't much but if you want you can decorate it to your tastes. I don't mind. I never knew what I was going to use it for so I just threw it together" He shrugged glancing around the room. "My room is right down the hall if you need anything. I do want you to make yourself comfortable. Don't be afraid to travel, roam, pick threw things" He shrugged once again. ( Fail...)

5:09pm Jan 17 2011
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[[ .. possibly? xD I don't think so though ]] Andrew looking around the room as well. Decorate it to his tase... he didn't think that he was ever gonna do that but it was a nice offer. A nice idea.. his tail swayed slowly back and forth behind him and his ears were perked as he looked around the room. He turned to face eric in the door way. "thanks." He said. He didn't know what else to say and he still that that giving him a room and bed was still too much to offer. But he didn't have to be a jerk about it. [[ that was fail again -_- Im braindead D; Sorry it took me so long D; Rmails O3O ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:19pm Jan 17 2011
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" Don't thank me. It's nothing. Just...relax and enjoy your stay. Think of it as a getaway with an anoying person" Eric smirked his tail seeming to curl around himself. "So....an idea's for dinner?" He asked curiously not really sure what exactly to talk about or if he should just leave him alone. Andrew had a long day and he figured when Andrew did settle down and rest he'd be able to sneak out to take care of a few things. He needed better pain medications and he intended on getting Andrew just that tonight. The pills wern't cutting it up. ( Grrr. Okay my attempt to make something happened failed with Isa. >.< }
12:14am Jan 19 2011
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[[ Dont hit meh!! D;> ]] Andrew laid his ears down, exhausted beyond belief. "I'm not hungry..." He said, wondering if that was a goos excuse. He really didn't know, but the thought of food... It still wasn't doing anything good for him. All he wanted was to be left to his thoughts. Alone in the quiet. He hadn't had that in so long and it seemed that not even getting into a car crash and loosing his best friend was cutting him any slaxk. he was in pain, people wouldn't leave him alone, and he'd slept so much he could sleep anymore but was exhausted.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:36am Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 12:37am Jan 19 2011)
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Posts: 1,825
( Why would I hit you? ) Eric listened to Andrew before nodding ligthly. "Alright. I'll leave you be. You need me i'll be around" he spoke straightening up. His ears perked forwards slightly as he spun around leaving him alone. He made his way down the hallway and snagged his laptop case from beside the couch, setting it upon the table. With a deep sigh he sunk down into a chair and flipped open the portable computer turning it on. He felt his heart sink slighlty as the previous conversation came back and hit him with full force. It wasn't just Isa's conversation that bugged him. Andrew was moving away. Well thank you Seth for the information. A slight snarl caught his lip as he typed in his login to his email address. He was going to email his friend who worked down at the hospital to see if she could give him anything for Andrew's pain. She would be taking a break right around now so there was plenty of time for her to get back to him. His tail flickered back and fourth behind him as he focused on the computer screen intently. His blue eyes scanning over the screen until his ears fell noticing how many emails he had. Mostly from his students. Didn't they have a life? There was over twenty there. He growled slightly typing in the message to his friend and just now noticing how tired he was. His ears drooped forward slightly as his tail slowly swayed behind him listening to his fingers peck away at the keyboard. ( Awww. Andrew should come out later and Eric be crashed on the computer. So peacefull and content. ^.^ )

1:36am Jan 19 2011
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[[ Oh~ Because I took forever to reply and then my reply was a failburger? D; ]] Andrew waited and listened for Eric's footsteps to get farther down the hall before he finally decided that he was going to try to rest a little more. At least get off his feet. He was pretty sure that he wasn't supposed to be out of bed at all yet and here he was walking around. but he didn't care. If anything, it proved that he wasn't a weak person. He traveled across the room to the bed and sat down, surprised to find that he bounced when he let all of his weight down on it. It was wonderful to be off of his feet though his ribs were starting to make him feel sick. He laid down slowly, inhaling sharply a few times before he was still once again, actually wishing for that stupid heart monitor at the hospital. At least he was painless at the hospital. And thoughts of the hospital just made him think about Aiden... He allowed his ears to droop and he pulled his legs up as far as he could before it hurt and his tail wrapped around his waist. "One less attachment.." He told himself, making himself remember that attachment led to pain and one less meant less pain. But it hurt worse than his ribs could ever hurt him. He wallowed in the fact that he was... alone now. His life long friend is gone and his mother had finally completely abandoned him. Not only that, but now the only person that talked to him regularly was also the one person Andrew couldn't stand to be around, Seth. And he was living with his Literature teacher... Could things get any better? After lying there, thinking and holding back noises of pain he finally decided to get up and try to move around and see if that would help him at all. He got up and made his way steadily to the door and peaked out, not wanting Eric to see him moving around the place. When he found that the coast was clear he moved out into the hall and out into the other room to find that his teacher had fallen asleep at his computer. Andrew sighed, at least someone could get some sleep around here. And walked over and closed the computer, an odd sense to take care of the situation coming over him. He scanned the room and spotted a small throw blanket over the couch and brought it back and laid it over his teacher. There was no way in hell he was going to move him in the condition he was in and he seemed peaceful enough. This all took more time than normal, Andrew being broken and all, but once he was finished he decided to just go back to the room and he did just that. And, to hi relief, he was able to fall into a deep, peaceful... dreamless sleep of his own. [[ o.o The funeral IDK when that should be but thats when his dad is gonna magically show up out of no where ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:49am Jan 19 2011
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[[ And I'd still like to redo that RP if you still want to Anyways, a few weeks ago my friend got kicked out right? On Christmas Day? Well, they kicked her out again... sunday.... i think. And I just wanted to give you the heads up that I'm probably gonna be with her. her life really sucks and shes depressed so.... shes slightly more important than Rping >.<;; lol So yea ;D That all XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:07am Jan 19 2011
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{Oh....Wow. Hmmm. There's so many ways that can go. lol. Naw your fine though. ^.^ Take your time. I don't think Andrew could move Eric in teh first place though. Not unless Eric was dead asleep and his chair was a rolley chair. lol. } Eric's ears twitched slightly seeming not to wake up when Andrew drapped the blanket over him. Unconciously he curled up with it a sigh escaping him. It wasn't long though after that, that Eric woke up. He sat up from the very uncomfortable position noticing the throw acrossed him. His ears perked forward looking around for any sign of Andrew but seen none. A small smile tugged at his lips as he reached over grabbing the edge of the blanket and standing up. So Andrew wasn't as stubborn and selfish as he protrayed. He did have a heart to care for others. Eric pulled off the throw and gently layed it on the back of the table chair before looking around for something. A small yawn escaped him but he pushed it aside going over to the counter, grabbing his car keys. Sure it was late, yes, but he needed to do Andrew this favor. He needed to find him help and that's what he was going to do. He had all the time in the world to sleep. Anouther yawn escaped the blonde as he walked to the door opening it and closing it gently behind him. He couldn't remember if he had sent that email but when he woke his laptop was closed so what ever work he had done was probably lost but that wasn't a problem. He could go visit the hospital and see if his friend was working tonight. Hopefully she'll have something stroner and fast acting. ( I would love to do it! ^.^ And that's fine. I had friend troubles like that just a few weeks ago or well...when I told you about it. I helped her move and all that. So that's fine. I completly understand. Take care of your friend. I'll always be here. I also fail. >.<}

2:22am Jan 19 2011
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[[ Hmm... >3< ]] Andrew was asleep. [[ o3o;; Jk lol ]] Andrew didn't stir or even twitch when Eric left, he was far too gone to hear anything of the sort. This sleep being the best he'd had in a while, even before he'd gotten into that accident. Though he hadn't bothered to cover himself up or remove a single article of clothing, he'd just pas4ed out when he'd laid down a few hours ago. [[ I cant do anything with him and Seth... I dont even know what time it is in the RP XD He might be asleep as well lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:24am Jan 19 2011
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[[ Ok! o3o We can do it when ever you want. I don't know if I'll be able to create the exact same character though o.o I'm ok at keeping in character but... >3<;; And thanks ^3^ I just felt that you should know the reason I, not replying like I usually do xD; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:38am Jan 19 2011
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Posts: 1,825
{ We can leave the plot but start over. You can bloom your character how ever you want to. Just the nessicary things is, he needs to be on the football team with him, and his best friend. Oh and straight...ish. lol. The rest is completly yours including the name. Want me to make the board? } Eric was gone for quite a while playing catch up with his old friend at the hospital. She had given in a few needles and the medication the doctors had been giving him in the hospital before he was taken. Could he get in trouble for having them? Yes of course he could but the rules needed to be broken. Andrew was in pain. He had also had time to go visit his father like Isa wanted. Boy was that a mistake. A growl escaped the older neko as he walked into his appartment shutting the door behind him. He layed the medication down on the table along with the needles before walking down the hall and peeking into Andrew's room. A smile tugged at his lips again as he quietly walked back down the hall grabbing the throw again. He wasn't about to move Andrew. He was peaceful and moving him would only cause him pain. He made his way back into Andrew's room and gently layed the blanket over him like he had done earlier to him. A small huff came from him as he exited and went into his own room. He walked into the bathroom looking in the mirror glaring at what he saw. A small round purple spot began to show on his lower left cheek. His eyes traveled down to his arm at where the purple finger bruises were beginning to come in aswell. Oh wouldn't he look beauiful tomorrow. His ears layed flat as he crawled into bed. Man for a dying man his father sure did know how to put up a fight. Then again his sister hadn't helped things at all, only made them worse.

5:51pm Jan 19 2011
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[[ Yes >3< Can you make the board? I don't mind if you dont want to though ]] The blanket being laid over him cause him to wake up. He blinked and watched Eric leave the room groggily before he pulled the small blanket closer and fell back to sleep. Pain didn't bother him in his sleep and he was lucky not to be tormented in his dreams tonight. He'd feel very rested tomorrow when he woke up. [[ Fail again xD Andrew's gonna feel bad for telling Eric to go see his father though >3< Anyways, Andrew isn't going to school the next day either o3o So...? Seth is gonna bother Eric about him LOL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:04pm Jan 19 2011
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{ Yeah I can make the board. ^.^ May need to change the name in the plot though. Since Bryan was my character and Landon was Spiffles. Anyway. I hope it's okay if I skip to morning before school. Like early. } The next morning static seemed to wake Eric up. His ears perked forward as he slowly opened his eyes, reaching over and shutting off the alarm clock. He had forgotten that he hadn't turned it off the night previously. His eyes focused and was able to read the time. 6:14 am. He now regretted working at a school in which he had to decide if he was going back to. A groan escaped him as he pushed himself up to his feet and walked into the bathroom. The first thing he did was look in the mirror. The bruises now more apparant against his pale skin. He breathed for a few moments then slipped into new clothes headding towards the kitchen not even worrying on checking up on Andrew. He needed his sleep and he didn't need to be getting up at 6:14 in the morning just to sit around all day bored.

6:44pm Jan 19 2011
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[[ I dont know what to do with Andrew sleeping XD lol ]] Andrew stirred once again to the sound of a distant sound and he opened his eyes slowly, wondering what he had heard to wake him up. He drooped his ears close to his head and yawned, listening to the sounds of Eric walking through the building. Or what he as$umed was eric walking around the house anyways. He gave up on the conscious thing soon after and went back to sleep.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:00pm Jan 19 2011
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{ Haha. I donno. Eric's going to school then. ^.^ } Eric had gotten everything he needed and pulled out a peice of paper and scribbled a quick note to Andrew before he left to go to school. Andrew, Help yourself to any food you find or anything in the fridge. You can cook if you want to don't worry on blowing up the house. It's lasted threw a few small kitchen fires so it's pretty sturdy. I went to the hospital last night and got new medication. The only down fall is that you have to inject it into yourself but if you want I can do it when I get back around 3. It's like the injection that I gave you in the hotel room. No more than 1.5 cc's of it though. Please don't overdose. If you don't want to use the injections the pills are near the sink. Take care and keep comfortable. I'll be back after 3. If you need me my cell is on and the number is by the phone. - Eric It didn't take long for Eric to get to work. He didn't live that far away from it. He parked and in his normal spot and walked into the building slipping into his room. He took a deep breath setting up his laptop takin the paper's out of his desk.
