7:01pm Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 7:01pm Jan 19 2011)
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{ Oh. I created the other board: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-ladytsunade-love-is-a-complicated-thing-immortalchild-/~page/1/ Noooo! It jumped the page. Dang. Well my post is above this board on the other page. lol. I didn't mean to knock it to a new page. >.< }
10:29pm Jan 19 2011
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Seth pulled smoothly into the school parking lot and turned off the car, pushing his keys into his bag before he climbed out of his car, closed the door and headed up the stairs and quickly into the building. And today he was looking extra feminine. He was swearing a snug delicate looking black sweater where the top hung off of his thin shoulders and came past his wrist, making his hands look even more delicate than they already were. A pair of white skinny jeans and his favorite black high heeled booties. If you'd never met him, you could swear he was a girl. All the way down to the way he carried himself, hips swaying and slightly curvy, but not too curvy; to the way he was dressed, and even the high heels. Even his voice was softer and flowed easily. He leaned on the door frame to Eric's clas$room. "Did you find Andy?" He asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:48pm Jan 19 2011
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Eric jumped slightly his nerves still a little frazzled from his argument last night with his father. He hadn't expected a student to just apear at his door way. He spun around to face him only to give off a slight smirk noticing it was Seth. "Nice fashion..." he murmered lowly before nodding to his actual question. "Yeah I did. He's safe and recovering" He spoke slipping off his jacket and putting it on the back of his chair. In a quick fluid movement he brought his hand up to his sleeve pulling it down hidding the now purple hand print on his arm. He hated in times like this when his jacket had a tendency to pull up his sleeves. "Did you ever find someone else to court and claim as a mate?" He asked curiously a slight sneer to his voice but just sighed and sunk into his chair. His blue gaze focused on Seth before motinoing to one of the chairs. "come in and sit down if you plan to stay and talk."
11:35pm Jan 19 2011
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Seth watched his frazzeled teacher, unaware how on edge he was until now when he jumped for absolutely no reason when he spoke to him. He grinned slightly, "Like it?" He asked, watched Eric take his jacket off. He couldn't help but to notice the dark marks on his arms but instead of mentioning it he stayed quiet about it. He was glad to hear that Andrew was ok, especially after he had gone missing from the hospital. "I'm afraid not~" Seth sighed in response to him finding a new mate. He'd already set his eyes on Andrew and he was going to claim him. He was determined. And he did notice the way that Eric looked at him. He pushed himself off of the frame of the door and came to sit in a chair close to him, but not too close and crossed his legs. He was so very openly gay it was unbelievable. As much as he didn't want to admit to himself, he was sure that Eric was attached to Andrew in a different way, besides him being the boy's teacher. Something more. Jealousy ran high and made his ears hot as he thought about it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:48pm Jan 19 2011
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{ How did you get hot pictures! O.o Lol. I used real pictures now I have to find simi them in anime/manga form. lol. Oh lord. } Eric laughed lightly leaning back in his chair. "Your amazing kid. You really are" he admitted shaking his head. "So...what's up with the...look? I leave for a few days and it changes. I'm gay myself but i'd never be that open about it. My personality doesn't fit high heels" he smiled swivling his chair slightly before actually focusing on Seth. Eric's ears twitched lightly as they perked forward in anticipation from a random thought which he quickly pushed away. "You'll find someone to claim. Andrew isn't it. He's not even gay so I don't know how you were going to pull that one off. You may gotten him used to being around homosexuals but not turn into one" he spoke resting his hands in his lap. "You shoulda seen him run when he found out I was one" he smirked at the thought from the bar. That was a while ago and sure he was hurt to watch his student bolt out the back door of the bar but honestly he was used to it. Many people bolted or just walked away from him when they found out.

12:11am Jan 20 2011 (last edited on 9:56pm Jan 20 2011)
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[[ You can put down whatever pics you want! xD I'll get real pics, I wasn't sure what kind we were using lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:20am Jan 20 2011
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{ Don't....O.o I just went picture hunting. >.< They arn't the best I think they are over used though. I found em randomly on google. hehe }
9:56pm Jan 20 2011
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"I've always dressed like this." Seth responded, "I just had to get my parent to ship me my clothes from back home." He explained, his parents had been stubborn, saying that he should get a new wardrobe though he liked the one that he had already. They had finally sent them while Andrew was in the hospital. "I'm not you Mr. Dashaniel, heels compliment me." Seth explained, they did actually. He watched Eric play around in his seat for a few seconds before he quit. He listened to what Eric had to say, his own thoughts trapped away for the moment. "Mr. Dashaniel, don't you think it's odd that Andrew doesn't have a girlfriend? Or that he barely speaks to any of the ladies around here. And we both know that it's not because they dont want to talk. I've seen them swoon when he walks by.." Seth pointed out. He paused, a slight frown on his face and his ears twitched. "Do you like Andrew?" He'd asked this before, "More than a student" He added, wanting to know for sure.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:10pm Jan 20 2011
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Eric's ears perked forward slightly listenin to Seth explain and talk. His questons though seemed to throw him off. "Andrew isn't looking for a relationship in school. He doesn't look at the girls because his mind is focused on other things, more complicated things than being in a petty relationship that will go nowhere. His mind is weighted down with other things" he spoke his eyes seeming to soften slightly. Seth's frown only alarmed Mr. Dashaniel but not more than his actually question. Do you like Andrew? As a student yes but he couldn't say that. Seth had shot that answer down almost immediatly. A sigh escaped him as his eyes lowered to the floor. "I can not tell you that, Seth. For one it's my own personal life and two...I do not know myself" he spoke raising his gaze so it rested on Seth watching him closely. "So much has happened and my heart is torn in several directions for all different reasons."
11:34pm Jan 20 2011
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Seth sighed, that was every gay guy's excuse. but he didn't voice that thought and just decided to let Eric think about that one. he knew that he had a point. If he didn't think about school relationships then he wouldn't bother with the group of guys that followed him around the school or Aiden. He just didn't know what he wanted yet.. He watched eric's reaction for anything that would give him the information that he was asking for but he didn't find anything. He actually seemed confused on the fact. But that was ll that he needed. He did like Andrew more than a student. Period. If he didn't then he would have gone ahead and said no. It wouldn't be hard for him to answer and he wouldn't hae given him that line of 'its personal'. "Well.." Seth started, "If Andrew really does have these problems... and I believe he does.. then he doesn't need someone that doesn't know what they want themselves." He said slowly. "He needs someone thats sure, and isn't as messed up as he is.." He added. He stood up, it was time for him to get to his clas$. Looks like he had some competition for Andrew, whether the competition knew it or not. He walked to the door again, bringing his bag with him. "But if you dont make some sort of move I'm going to make another one.." He warned, "See you later."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:47pm Jan 20 2011
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(Oooooh. Seth! lol. Wait till he figures out that Andrew is living with him. lol. ) Eric listened to seth and his ears immediatly fell flat against his skull. This kid was something else. Was he seriously threatening Eric? Refuring to him as the one that doesnt know what they want themselves and messed up like Andrew was? A slight smirk apeared on his face though as Seth said those last words. 'if you don't make some sort of move, i'm goin to make anouther one...' "Andrew might just need someone who is in a situation like himself. Someone he can relate to and therefore he wouldn't be alone. He'd have someone to lean on and the other person to lean on him in general. Being lonely is not something that Andrew is a fan of" he muttered quietly to himself. "Plus....i'm already one up on moves" he churckled softly leaning back in his chair, an amused expresion resting upon his face. So Seth still had feelings for Andrew. He wasn't about to let anything happen between those two. To him Seth was in it for a game more than a relationship. He didn't need someone hurting Andrew more and Seth was just the kid to do it.

12:35am Jan 21 2011
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[[ LOL I know <33 ]] Seth went to his first clas$ of the day. [fail] - Andrew woke with the sudden and horrible sensation that he was going to be sick. He sat up, groaning as he did so, and traveled across the room and out into the hall and to the bathroom a few feet down from there. He closed the door behind him. The room spun and he was feeling dizzy, he could worry about getting up too quick later. He got sick and slumped against the wall, keeping himself from hitting the floor and steadying himself. This sucked. He stayed there for at least twenty minutes, waiting for the sickness to come back. But it didn't. So he cleaned himself up and went to get something to get rid of the taste in his mouth. He spotted Eric's note, read it and huffed slightly. Looks like he had Eric place to himself. He looked into the fridge, feeling weird to be doing so and took one of the water bottles that he spotted there. He swished the liquid around in his mouth and spit it out and grabbed a few pills and took the rest of the liquid back to the bedroom with him. He felt awful. In pain, dehydrated, starving, and exhausted, he was also pretty sure he had a fever. He took the pills and covered up and tried to get more rest.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:51am Jan 21 2011
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{ Let's hope Seth doesn't randomly apear for a study session or something stupid. lol. } The day went on and one clas.s at a time he taught, pa.ssed out papers and gave a few quizes. He was oddly in a happy mood despite the bruise on his left lower cheek that he got many questions about but his response was enough to shut them up and satisfy their curiosity. He sighed sinking into his chair scribbling on a few peices of paper listening to the bell ring. He smirked slightly not looking up as students crowded into his room figuring they'd sit down and not say anything about the sudden apearance of their teacher who seemed to have disapeared on them after the day of the wreck. ( I fail)
1:42am Jan 21 2011
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Seth came into the clas$room as well, going to sit at his usual chair. The room was and had been pretty quiet since the accident. The whole clas$ feeling the empty space filled by both the boys. None of them had heard of Aiden's death or what kind of condition that Andrew was in, they just all knew that things were bad. Seth knew and knew it was certainly sad. He wondered what Andrew had done hen he found out and what he was doing now. He must be feeling the lose of his one closet friend. He was lost in thought as well as the rest of the clas$ though Eric seemed perky after all that had happened. [my internet sucks again D;]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:53am Jan 21 2011
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{ Oh that just makes Eric sound bad. lol. } "Good afternoon clas.s" Eric spoke up not even waiting for the bell. His tone dropped slightly as he stood up and walked to the front of his desk and leaned against it focusing on the students. His ears seemed to drop and his tail curled around himself as his mood all of a sudden changed and got a more solumn look. "As you know I havn't been teaching ever since the accident. I was helping out with a few things. Andrew is fine and healing slowly. The chances of him comming back to school right away is very, very slim. He will be okay though. Aiden, I can't say the same. He died shortly after the crash. The doctors couldn't save him and they tried everything they could. If you wish to to write poems, or letters. Make flowers cards or anything you are free to do so and I will deliver them to either Aiden's parents or Andrew depending on who they are addressed to. I actually encourage this. It will be helpful in a time of greif" he spoke his tail flickering slightly at his side. "Unfortunatly we can't afford to miss anouther clas.s so I much teach and time must move on no matter how much we wish it would just stand still. Now can anyone tell me where exactly you all were? My clases seem to be at all different levels. I'm *censored*uming the sub wasn't aware of the lesson plan so..." he spoke straightening up.

2:22am Jan 21 2011
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The clas$ seemed stunned to hear about the death of their clas$mate, ears dropping all over the clas$ and whispers pas$ed around the room. The names "Andrew" and "Aiden" were pas$ed around and words like "impossible" and "why". Though all of them agreed that they didn't want to do anything. Seth sighed, it would be nice to not have to do anything but since no one else was talking about the things they've been working on he spoke up. "He had us doing something about Julius Caesar.." He announced, making a few people look at him like they couldn't believe he wanted to work.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:29am Jan 21 2011
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The clas$ seemed stunned to hear about the death of their clas$mate, ears dropping all over the clas$ and whispers pas$ed around the room. The names "Andrew" and "Aiden" were pas$ed around and words like "impossible" and "why". Though all of them agreed that they didn't want to do anything. Seth sighed, it would be nice to not have to do anything but since no one else was talking about the things they've been working on he spoke up. "He had us doing something about Julius Caesar.." He announced, making a few people look at him like they couldn't believe he wanted to work.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:35am Jan 21 2011
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"Now, Now clas.s. Do not look at Seth like that. We hve to work despite the news. I don't want to be here myself but I must. We all must move on. I intrusted you to know the truth and I want you to take it with caution. The truth comes with heavy conciquinces so please....let's focus on work then after clas.s if you have any questions reguarding your clas.s mates I will be happy to answer them" He sighed seeming to focus on Seth. "Thank you Seth. Julius Caesar... " He frowned walking behind his desk and typing something into his laptop. "Unfortunatly he's not on our lesson plan so I guess it looks like you all lucked out and won't have a final exam for this clas.s. Last thing I remember as.signing was a project. Did you guys ever finish those and turn them in or report on them?" he asked curiously his ears witching slightly.
2:47am Jan 21 2011
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"If you're talking about the Edgar Allen Poe Poem thing then yes, we finished them while Mr. Takana was here." One of the girls in the front of the clas$room answered this time, everything seemed to have slowed down. - Since Andrew had gotten sick the first time, he'd gotten sick twice more and the third time there was nothing left to empty from his stomach so it was awful. He'd refilled the bottle and would go back to the room after cleaning up again and go back to sleep. He hadnt taken any more pain meds but all of this heaving wasn't helping his rib cage at all. [i fail]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:36am Jan 21 2011
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{ I have no clue what to type. Any ideas? lol. }