5:24pm Jan 21 2011
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[ I dont have any ideas either xDD Uhmm... o3o End of school? XD ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:54pm Jan 21 2011
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( Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I'm in the car going to SC and I didn't have time to post earlier. Maybe seth comes to bug him some more? lol. I donno. ) Eric seemed to begin to pack up his things as the final bell of the day chimed causing him to sigh. His mood had oddly gone in completly opposite directions today. One hour he'd be happy and seemed like nothing ever happened but other times he was either exausted or seemed upset. His ears twitched slightly as he slid his laptop in his case and pulled out his cell phone to see if Andrew had attempted to contact him but didn't see anything. A frown apeared on his face as he put his phone up and began straightening up the papers on his desk and finding hte ones he had to grade tonight out of the things the sub didn't do. Plus he definattly had to make up a lesson plan again seeing things had goten off topic. ( I fail )
8:17pm Jan 21 2011
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[[ D; Im brainddead whaaa What if Seth called Andrew? o.o I dont know how that would upset Eric since he wouldn't know xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:50pm Jan 21 2011
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{ lol. I donno. Unless somehow Andrew tells Seth he's living at Eric's house which would upset Seth and make him come after Mr. dashaniel somehow? I donno. )
9:39pm Jan 21 2011
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[[ lol Ok xD Or Andrew could still be talking to Seth when eric got home like: ... T_T yea... how'd you get my number? LOL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:41pm Jan 21 2011
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{ Eh. that works too. Eric can walk in and call out to Andrew only to find him on the phone. ^.^ }
10:06pm Jan 21 2011
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[[ Perfect ;D I'll start <33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:18pm Jan 21 2011
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{ Okay. ^.^ }
11:07pm Jan 21 2011
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The school bell had rung and Seth had gotten up to leave like the rest of the high school kids, talking to a few that he'd become acquainted with since he'd started here. He didn't understand why so many girls would like a gay guy, it wasn't like they'd ever get a chance to be with him or anything. But he had lots of girl friends here. Once he was able to get away he went to his locker, did what he had to do, and cotinued to his little red car out in the parking lot. He didn't live all that far away from the school either and the up side of that was that he lived alone in a very decent apartment on the top floor. It was nice, thanks to his parents. - Andrew woke up again, thinking that he was going to be sick again. But no. Something else had woke him up this time. He frowned, he'd finally stopped being sick and now he couldn't sleep...? There it was again, a vibration in his leg and a weird noise.... his phone. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out. He didn't know who would be calling him, was school out? He had only ever talked to... Aiden. He looked at the screen and read a number that seemed almost familiar but didn't have a name to it. he answered it anyway. "Hello..?" He frowned and laid back his ears waiting for a reply, the phone light the only light in the dark room. Oh, you sound awful. Did I wake you up? Andrew's frowned deeper, "Yeah, kinda... Who is this?" He asked. Seth "Oh...Hey." Andrew replied, then he thought about it. "Wait.. how'd you get my number?" He asked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:29pm Jan 21 2011
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Eric had already gotten in his car and left the school. He drove rather quickly not really paying attention to speed limits. His only worry was getting home, getting Andrew settled. He sighed pulling into his parking spot at the appartment building. He hopped out and made his way up to his room. He unlocked the door and walked in. "Andrew...i'm back" he called out then quickly shut up realizing the poor kid could be sleeping. "Way to go, Eric" He growled to himself putting his case down by the table and hanging his coat on the arm of the couch. He slowly walked down the hall and peeked into Andrew's room to find him talking on his cell phone. "I'm back Andrew....Anything you want to eat?" he asked rather quietly not really wanting to disturb him but was curious. He was starving and was planning on having an early dinner.
12:29am Jan 22 2011
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Andrew heard Eric come into the house after a few minutes of him talking with Seth, or rather listening to him talk about girls or something along that line. Which kinda threw Andrew off seeing as Seth was gay. And apparently Seth heard Eric in the background as well. Is someone else there with you..? Andrew grimaced, if Seth knew that he was temporarily staying with Eric then he would never ever heard the end of it and he'd probably think that they were... living together. "No. I'm alone, why?" And just about that time Eric shows up, again with words of food. Andrew felt like he was going to be sick again. He glanced over at the man in the doorway, the light from outside of the room pooling in behind him. "Ah, Seth, can I-" That sounds like Mr. Dashaniel... Seth had cut him off before he'd had time to tell him he'd call later. He sighed, not replying to Seth which only sent him off and he started blabbing in the background as Andrew turned his attention to Eric. "I'm not really hungry" He announced a little sheepishly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:30am Jan 22 2011
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[ When looking for snacks o3o ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:38am Jan 22 2011
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"Alright...I'll figure something out" Eric spoke before sighing and slinking out of the room. His ears fell slightly as he walked into the kitchen and pulled out a few things that might be good. Oddly he was in the mood for soup so he began boiling a pot of water, adding meats here and vegtables and noddles there. It wasn't so much of soup as it was more of a soupy gumbo. Eric couldn't help but hum softly to himself as his black tail flicked to the beat of the song he was softly humming. He would have to sit down and actually focus on music later on before he began the stressful work of gradding ungreatful kid's papers. Stupid things didn't even want to give Andrew a get well card. He growled at this thought which cut the tune righ in half. He paused in mid stride acrossed the kitchen as his tail drooped slightly. He was doing it again. He was unconciously thinking of Andrew. "I'm in trouble" he murmered to himself as he tried to get back up with humming the tune as he began to chop some carrots to put in the now bubbling pot. It would probably take an hour for it to fully cook and that was fine with him. It would only ensure the house smelled of food while he could work on music in his room so he didn't really bother Andrew as much. That would be okay then after dinner he'd be able to grade papers. Eric shoved his sleeves up not even thinking about the bruises on his arm from where Isa drug him out of his father's room. If she hadn't interfeared there would have been a really bad cat fight and Eric might have killed his old man. It was bad enough he had been punched in the jaw by the dying old fool but to insult him? He'd had enough of the man and deep down in his heart; he was happy his father was dying.

12:54am Jan 22 2011
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Andrew waited for the other to disappear before he actually start to listen to the still upset male on the phone. "Seth..." He sighed, getting his attention. Yes? "Why did you call me...?" Andrew sighed quietly. I just wanted to see if you were ok, you disappeared from the hospital the other day and no one could find you. "Yeah, I went to Vegas." He listened to the laugh on the other end. "I feel like sh!t... and Im hurting. Can we do this later...?" He asked quietly, closing his eyes. Well... I guess we could.. talk to you later I guess.. "Bye" Andrew said and closed his phone, stuffing it away again and focusing on not thinking about his ribs. He soon smelled whatever Eric was making in the other room and had to admit that it smelled pretty good but he just couldn't keep anything down as it was. He didn't want to eat just to get sick and have to go to the bathroom again. He sighed, wanted out of this place and out of bed, but it was impossible to get out and not have to deal with constant pain.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:11am Jan 22 2011
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( Eric is sooo going to play guitar hidden in his room. lol. I was bored and wanted to type something. ) Eric seemed to finish cutting up everything and placed it in the pot putting the lid on it allowing everything to cook together and just...sit there. He spun around going over to the sink washing his hands. Once done a sigh escaped as he made his way down the hall past Andrew's room and going into his own room. He changed out of his clothes, putting on a short sleved shirt and some blue jeans and made sure his door was shut. Once all that was done he opened his closet shuffling around finding his acoustic guitar. A smirk played on his face as he settled down on his bed and placed his finger's against the strings before strumming the starter notes to get it warmed up and making sure everything sounded good before pulling his ears back. He closed his eyes and ran his finger's acrossed the strings to a song he had stuck in his head all day. He tried to keep the noise down but with an Acoustic guitar you couldn't really help things and this was his only way of clamin down from a hard day at work with annoying kids. Not to mention a way to forget troubles and issues tugging at his mind. ( He is playing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DhO9vRrWwc&feature=related )

1:35am Jan 22 2011
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[[ lol Thats fine ^3^ ]] Andrew sighed, his mind playing tricks on him again, he could swear that he heard guitar somewhere. But he was sure that it was some sort of exhaustion or delusions cause by pain or hunger... or both? He layed his ears back and curled up some more. he'd automatically moved closer to the wall, drawing in the cool of it. His body seemed to be on fire and now he was sure he had a fever. Once he had readjusted and made himself comfortable and was able to hear the guitar again. That was no delusion, that was real. "Eric plays...?" The sound calmed him, an acoustic guitar... He could almost feel the stings beneath his fingers, hear the sound of the strings when you moved your fingers across them. Even how it sat on his lap. He hadn't played in forever but the nearness gave him a natural high and he wasn't focused on his pain anymore. He ended up not going back to sleep but instead laying in the still darkness and listening. His tail moved slowly underneath the blankets.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:53am Jan 22 2011
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Eric took shallow breaths as he strummed away at the strings of the guitar. His mind getting lost in the song as he began humming the soft melodies here and there. His tail swayed back and fourth as he could invision the strings in his mind. A soft smile apeared on his face before he closed the song with the last few strings. A sigh of relief escaped as he opened his eyes and focused down on the guitar in his lap. "It's been a while my friend" he spoke softly his ears perking forward. He ran his hand along the smooth wood feeling how it curved and just the coolness of it. It had been probably months since Eric had played and he was genuinly suprised he still could play. It felt like just yesterday he was sitting in his mother's living room practicing the guitar as she called out the strings to him. Just as quick as it had come, the smile was lost with the thoughts of his mom. He placed the guitar on the bed tracing his initials engraved in the bottom of it before falling back onto the pillows behind him. He let his mind wander as the scent of his soup was slowly wafting threw teh bottom of the door making his stomach growl.

2:02am Jan 22 2011
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Andrew seemed to bl ink and it was over, no more sounds coming from the direction Eric had been playing his guitar in. He sighed, wanting to hear more. Wanting to play. Not only had his guitar been his stress reliever but it was one of the rare few things that could calm him, cheer him up, and even get him excited. And god knew that he could use that kind of stimulation. Something to take his mind off of all of the sadness that had decided to try and drown him here. If only he could talk to Aiden. When his mother had sold his guitar, Aiden became its replacement and their relationship had been strengthened through that. And now... everything was gone. In a month. He had no family, no place to call his own, nothing that was really his, and no friends. And not only that but every time he seemed to be able to pick himself up someone else would come along and trip him. Make sure that he couldn't get up. But even if he could somehow get his hands on a guitar, he had an ugly cast on and wouldn't be able to make a too decent sound...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:12am Jan 22 2011
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( Andrew should ask Eric to play again. lol. That would be cute. I see a bright eyed neko Andrew sitting on the edge of Eric's bed all watching him intently as Eric plays the guitar. It's adorable in my head. <3 ) Eric's tail steadly moved beside him as his mind shifted threw a few things. A small yawn escaped him which only made him sit up and sigh. He was getting tired and he couldn't have that. He needed to get up and move. Just then dinner dawned on him but it wouldn't be ready for about anouther hour or so. That gave him time to grade papers which he was really trying to put off till last minute anyway. "Up and at em they always say" he muttered to himself tossing his legs over the side of teh bed and stood up. His blue gaze traveled back to his guitar as he leaned over grabbing the neck of it gently. He would keep this out for a while because he wanted to play a little bit later. His short strides carried him to the door to open it and out to the living room where he gently set the guitar down by the couch. He grabbed his breif case and set it upon the table ignoring the weird growl like sound comming from his stomach as he set up a small work station so he could get his work done.

3:15pm Jan 22 2011
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Andrew wanted... to get up. He wanted to go into the other room so that he wan't sitting here alone with just his thoughts as company. Thoughts that would only hurt him. thoughts of Aiden and his parents, He sighed and figured that he could deal with it. He shifted, and yes the pain was there instantly, and got up. He wondered out of the room but didn't dare go to Eric's room, though he did want to hear the guitar again. Instead he went towards the living room only to find that eric was in there now. It must be nice to be able to move... and there was the guitar. He starred at it for a moment, wishing he still had his guitar. He continued past it and voiced his presence. "Need any help?" he asked, referring to grading papers.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~