4:00pm Jan 22 2011
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Eric had finished setting up his work space before he heard Andrews voice. His ears perked forward as he turned to focus on him. " hey. You can if you want to. Do you hurt. Want me to give you one of those injections?" he asked curiously seeming to slide into his chair motioning to the other one just opposite of him.
" I don't have that much really to grade. More of it is making a lesson plan since mine is sort of screwed up thanks to subs". He sighed, his ears drooping a little bit.
( sorry. I'm on my iPod )
12:05am Jan 24 2011
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Andrew went to sit in the chair that Eric had motioned to beside him. He was still rather ired though he seemed to really do nothing but sleep lately. Too much sleep was bad for you. But sleeping helps you heal faster... he didn't feel like thinking about such a useless topic as this one. He pulled the chair out and sat down in it gingerly, not wanting to bump anything or brush up against anythin that would only make things worse. He was still pretty sure that he wasn't supposed to be up and out of the bed all that much with broken ribs and a collarbone. He listened to Eric. "A little," He answered, referring to being in pain. Though he was really in a lot of pain, "I'll just take a few pills later, I guess.." He wasn't really interested in papers but he didn't want to be by himself anymore. He didn't notice that he sagged slightly once he was settled, being uncharacteristically open. [[ haha, andrew is deathly afraid of needles <3 Sorry, I actually got to get out of the house this weekend. Went to the mall with a few friends, froze my butt off walking in the cold, and got to be financially independent for a day and a half. haha Im such a lifeless dork XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:41am Jan 24 2011
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( No worries. I was doing wedding plans all weekend but you sound like you had more fun than me. ^.^ }
Eric watched Andrew feeling a little bad for him. He was going threw a lot right now and he wasn't being any help, really. "Are you okay?" he asked his ears perking forward as he moved his papers aside. "Did you eat anything while I was gone?" He asked as his tail flickered from side to side.
Just then he remembered dinner, glancing back at the pot of soup that was currently cooking. He sighed pulling open his laptop typing random things into the keyboard as it unlocked and pulled up the main screen.
"I didn't wake you up did I?" He asked turning his attention back to Andrew. "I'm sorry. If you wan't you can go back to sleep. I won't play anymore" Eric frowned glancing over at the guitar. He thought he was quiet but with an instrument like that...there really was no quitness to it.
11:47pm Jan 24 2011
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Andrew sighed, letting himself relax, for some reason it was hard for him to just relax his muscles. "No," He answer, he hadn't had anything to eat all day but he wasn't interested in eating either. Andrew watched quietly and with very little interest as Eric went about starting his laptop. "No, I was already awake, I just didn't want to move anymore.." He answered, not really paying attention to what was being said until Eric said that he wouldn't play anymore. He perked up, "No! I liked it, I haven't played in a long time so..." He paused, realized he had kinda yelled that. "You don't have to stop playing..." He finished, quieter and wanting to leave now that he'd embarras$ed himself. Again. [[ I did have fun, it was.... the best weekend of my life. I honestly can not remember the last time i actuall laughed the way I did this weekend ^0^ I've been really depressed lately :/ ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:18am Jan 25 2011
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Eric nearly jumped out of his skin when Andrew had yelled. It was very unexpected and it made his tail fluff up twice it's size and his ears pin back against his skull. "Oh...I..I didn't know you played" he spoke a little hesitant and unsure of what exactly just happened. "You know...if you want at any time. Your more than welcome to play it. It's tunned and all" he spoke perking his ears up a little bit and managing to calm his nerves. So Andrew played, that was nice to know about him. He was very eager to learn about his student and hoped to have more conversations like these. "I just don't want to disturb you or anything. That gutiar is my method of relaxing sometimes. Life sucks and it's a way out" he explained a light sigh escaping him. How could it be that somethin so small could have that much of an impact? ( I fail. Urgh. I'm juggling Rpin and hw. I should have done it earlier. )
12:42am Jan 25 2011
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Andrew laid back his own ears, he was still tired and now he was embarras$ed and sad all at the same time. "I used to play, but my mom sold my guitar a while back so..." He shrugged, "It's been a while since i've heard one.." He snuck a glance over at his favorite instrument. "Besides, I could play with a cast anyway." He reminded his teacher. He understood what his teacher was talking about, he'd started playing guitar six years ago and it would relax him so easily. take his mind off of everything and sooth him, make him forget what ever it was that he wanted or needed to forget. [[ how pissed would Eric be if Andrew got into Pot/Weed? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:50am Jan 25 2011
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( Not pissed, more like extremly disapointed. Eric isn't the type to be full blown mad or angry, just upset and disapointed in you. He's the type to make you feel bad by not talking to you or giving you that "i can't beleive you" look. ) Eric sighed shaking his head. "You obviously havn't seen true artists work have you?" he asked a slight smirk on his face. "Why is a cast stopping you from playing? You have fingers available. A true artists doesn't let little things such as a cast, keep him from playing" He spoke his ears twitching slightly. "You just have to try" he added his gaze glancing down at a few papes as he began to grade them. ( Fail....sorry. >.<' )
1:09am Jan 25 2011
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[[ Ahh~ Well, I was thinking that he would get into that seeing as his stress releaver is gone and Steavie comes into the picture at the funeral and gives some to Andrew :/ ]] Andrew sighed, he knew that but he only had one hand. His whole left arm from the elbow down was gone, completely consumed by the cast. It wouldn't be pretty and he would rather keep the image of him being a good guitarist in his mind rather than mess it up by trying to play with a stupid cast on. He tried to forget what Eric said and the fact that the guitar wasn't all that far away. Instead, he focused on what Eric was doing, thus doing what he had come to do. Keep his mind off of the things that he didn't want or need to think about right now. At least for now.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:26am Jan 25 2011
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( It's not like Eric would yell and just jeopordize everything he worked so hard to acomplish. Andrew's come a good ways from his original self, although eric sort of wants him to go back a few steps and be happy again. This depressed, tired side of Andrew is starting to make Eric be all depressed. ) Eric glanced up at Andrew before sighing His ears flickering foward slightly as he marked a few things off the paper. "It sucks, really. The test has been canceled for my clas.s since i've been out for a while. I'm suprised my job is still there. Normally, the principle would have given up by now" he spoke randomly talking to himself. He marked a few more questions wrong before slipping the paper to the side. "Oh, Seth talked to me today. He was looking more girly than usual, bu then again....he said he always wears heels and dresses that way"he frowned not really wanting to picture that again, but figured he'd only walk into the same thing tomorrow. "He wanted to know if you were doing better and asked if I had found you. It was his number by your hospital bed that I found. I sort of, yelled at him acusing him of stealing you when you disapered" he admitted feeling a little guilty of that. Just because the kid was a pain in the as.s dind't give him teh right to acuse him of stealing a student. Then again it was his only lead so he had no other choice. " I don't see why you let him bug you so much. I'm normally a good judge of character but Seth seems a little....off to me. I can't quite place my finger on his intentions" he spoke not even looking up as he marked few anoutehr set of papers.

5:07pm Jan 25 2011
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Andrew continued to listen quietly, unable to comment since he really didn't have anything to talk about seeing as how he'd been sleeping for days. Papers were graded while he talked. His ears perked at Seth's name, flicking when he mentioned him looking girlie. Did he just say heels? Andrew would have loved to see that guy in heels, maybe push him over as well. That would make his day. He probably looked better as a girl than he did as a boy anyways, Andrew thought, actually thinking about it. This was yet another sign of being used to homosexuality, even if neither Eric nor Andrew knew it. Andrew shrugged slightly, figuring that that would be the only person to really ask about him. He knew that the others were really only people he talked to and why would they think to ask the Literature teacher were their ring leader is? He thought it amusing that Eric had yelled at Seth for stealing him away but decided not to think about what might happen between them if he had actually been the one.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:51pm Jan 25 2011
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Eric's ears fell back against his skull as his tail wrapped around his waist not sure if he wanated to bring up the next subject on his mind. "You know....I did as you said. Apologized to my father" he spoke not looking up at Andrew. He marked threw a few papers before stopping and scribbling on a corner of one of the suden'ts papers. "I apologized for who I was and for my actions in the past and future. For being the way I am....and I swear. That son of a...." He stopped himself before letting out a huff. "Anyway....he punched me and basically told me off yet again. I took it but after an hour of constant yelling I decked him and got pulled out of his hospital room by Isa and a few officers. Something about abusing a patient...." He shrugged uncurling his tail around himself. "Thanks though. It felt good to punch him" he muttered mainly to himself but loud enough for Andrew to hear if he was really paying attention. ( >.<' Eric is a lost cause. lol )
1:23am Jan 26 2011
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Andrew raised his gaze from staring thoughtfully at the papers in front of Eric and to his face and what he was saying. He frowned, he hadn't meant for him to actually go out and do what he had said that he would do. And... not that he noticed, did Eric have bruises on his face? Again? He cocked his head slightly, since he wasn't looking at Andrew he was having trouble seeing if he was right or not. He listened to all that Eric had to say before he finally huffed and reached up to grab his teacher's face and make him look at him. And there were bruises on his face. He sighed, "I didn't mean for you to go off and make things worse. I meant for you to think about it." He examined the marks before he finally let him go. He was upset that this guy couldn't even walk around town with out his face changing colors. He sat back, " I shouldn't have said anything, it wasn't any of my business... sorry." he admitted.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:54am Jan 26 2011
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Eric had been lost in his own thoughts until he felt Andrew's fingers on his face moving it so he was now looking at his student. Confusion showed on his face for a split secound before sighing. "No...I made it your buisness by bringing her in here. It was bound to come out sooner or later. You did nothing wrong" He shrugged frowning lightly. "Hey, don't feel bad because you gave me advice. I needed to do it and well...I figured it would turn out like this. I'm used to getting hit. I"m a punching bag" He shrugged turning his attention back to the papers in front of his face. "No worries. They'll go away" he added his tail flickering behind him. ( Fail)
2:46am Jan 26 2011
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Andrew rolled his eyes, knowing that that wasn't necessary true. He glanced around the room, ears shifted back and forth as he did so. Whether Eric wanted to admit it or not it really wasn't any of his business, even if he had been put into the middle of it a little bit. Andrew knew what it was like to be a punching bag, but he had changed all of that when he decided that he didn't want to be a punching bag anymore. "They'll go away..." Andrew scoffed, "Don't you know any self defense? Or do you like pain or something..?" Andrew asked. [your fine :/]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:58am Jan 26 2011
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Eric looked up at Andrew before scoffing himself. "It's not like I go around to random strangers asking for them to beat the living daylights out of me. It's sort of unexpected, Andrew" he spoke leaning back against the chair. His tial flicked slightly behind him as he looked down at his papers once more. "I don't really expect being punched, it just....happens" he admitted, his ears pulling back against his skull. "Of course I know how to fight back...it's just...out of the question when your surrounded and used as a kicking post and punching bag" he said refuring to the time he missed school and miss nakata took over clas.ses for a little while. "I don't know. I guess with my life style and my past it's to be expected" He muttered shrugging once more not really sure what to do now. He didn't feel like grading papers anymore.
3:36am Jan 26 2011
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Andrew laid his ears back slowly, it sounded odd for Eric to just say his name like he did. But that was beside the point. "It seems like you go around asking for it." He replied, flicking his tail slightly as he said this.
"Its not out of question, thats when its fun." Andrew smirked, "You beat the *censored* out of all of them and none of them will mess with you again. "Especially with your life style.." Andrew added, knowing that he meant that he was gay. "So, when your surrounded again this is what you do."
He leaned forward with his good arm and touched Eric's lower chest, "Solar Plexus," He began, pressing lightly to show that that was a sensitive area. "Instep," he touched his shoe to Eric's. "Nose and groin." he finished, that was the best but basic defense. Especially when there was more than one person you were up against.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:00am Jan 26 2011
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Eric's ears lowered as he watched Andrew listening to his first comment. Something about it hurt, causing Eric to look down before speaking. "Yes, I go around being my *censored* self and ask to get my as$ kicked because I am some lowlife that doesnt' deserve a second chance in this stupid, homophobic world" He growled slighlty, annoyance clearly listed on his face. He let out a huff but seemed to flinch when Andrew reached forward, at first thinking he was going to be hit, but Andrew pressed his hand into his lower chest. After this moove he began speaking and showing him the moves. His ears twitched slighlty as he listneed and ended up smirking. "Dont' they teach those moves to women?" he asked remembering the news a while back where they were training women the basic self defense moves because a serial rapist had been on the loose.
4:22pm Jan 26 2011
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Andrew smirked, his lips pulling into a smile slowly. "Yes." He responded, women mostly used that but either way, it was better than just standing there and not doing anything about it. "I figured it would suit you." He teased lightly, calling Eric girly in his own personal way. His tail tip flicked slightly, close to the ground. He had completely forgotten about the things that he'd been thinking about earlier. It seemed like he only needed someone to talk to.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:39pm Jan 26 2011
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Eric laughed and shook his head slowly. "I've had my days when I was a kid" he spoke his tail curling around his own waist. "Firghts happened a lot in my high school. I was in a few and I won a few, then again it was like traveling in a pack bu what I woldn't do to go back to those days" he spoke sighing. "Hey, you think that my bruise is bad. You should see my father's face" his ears twitched as he focused on Andrew. He chuckled to himself. "Well at least I don't go parading around in heels and tight clothes, unless you want me to....oh boy that would be a sight" he shook his head not really wanting to picture himself in heels or tight clothes.
1:14am Jan 27 2011
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Andrew tilted his head slightly as Eric talked, he usually hated it when adults talked to him about their childhood and how everything used to be different from the way that it was today. But he wasn't all that sure how old Eric was, and he didn't think that he was going to ask him either. He laid his ears back, wondering what he would ever do to his father if he ever came back or saw him again. What he would say to him. He'd always thought that if his father ever showed up again that he would be happy to see him, that he would want to be where ever he was. But he left him alone with his mother without so much as a goodbye. Just a false promise of coming back for him. So... What if? He tuned back in when high heels and tight jeans were mentioned. If he wanted him to? Andrew wouldn't want to see any guy dressed like that. Ever. Gay or not.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~