7:28pm Jan 27 2011
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Eric watched Andrew before standing up and pushing his own chair back. "You sure you don't want anything to eat?" He asked walking into the kitchen and stirring the pot of soup/gumbo on the stove. It smelled amazing and maid his tail twitch and ears perk forward in anticipation. He also felt his stomach tighten a little bit indicating he was hungry. He pulled a spoon out putting it in the pot before walking over to the cabniet pulling out two bowls and setting them on the counter. Even if Andrew said no he'd still leave a bowl out, just in case later he wanted to snack. He put some soup into one of the bowls and set it aside for it to cool. It was still steaming which indicated it was hot. His ears fell back as he leaned against the counter looking over at his student. "Anything else you want to discuss? Any other questions you have for me?"
8:30pm Jan 27 2011
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Andrew continued to stay where he was while Eric stood up to stir the pot of soup that he'd made earlier. "No.." He answered, he'd thrown up so many times to day to tell you the truth he was afraid to do it again. Who wanted to get sick over and over again? He watched him pull down two bowls and set them out. He looked up and over at his teacher at the other end of the room. "No.." He responded again, he didn't know what to talk about. [[ fail D; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:59pm Jan 27 2011
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"Well...Okay" Eric spoke grabbing his bowl and walking over to the table sitting down once more. He moved a few papers over before placing the bowl down on teh table. "I tried" he muttered his ears pulling back as he turned towards his computer screen and began typing some random thing. "Andrew..." Eric spoke turning his gaze to his student remembering something or well someone. "What happened to Danielle. Do you know? Has she tried to contact you?" He asked his ears perking up a little bit.
1:30am Jan 28 2011
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Andrew perked up also, just remembering his new friend. "No, I haven't seen her since she came to the hospital that day." he responded, starting to think about it now. He hoped that she was okay and that she hadn't looked for him at the hospital since she wasn't there anymore. He glanced around, no visible clock. That or he had simply missed it. Well, she should be at the club if she was still going there that is. And he as$umed that she was still working there. He would feel responsible if anything were to happen to her. [[ I was thinking... Andrew would have to go to ase trainging efore he actually went into the army so he could simply transfer into a Military academy and still be around for eric to try and make him stay >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:59pm Jan 28 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:12pm Jan 28 2011
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( That's a good idea. Maybe there is an academy close by. I'm still going to make him buy Andrew a car. lol. ) Eric listened to him speak before frowning. "You know. If you want you can call her and have her hang out with you during the day. I mean you don't have to be cooped up in this house all day" He spoke taking a bite of the soup that had managed to cool down. He glanced at his computer before frowning noticing a message pop up on his email from his sister. He staired at it for a moment before his eyes focused down on the table. "I wish she'd stop trying to contact me" he muttered to himself taking anouther bite of soup before standing up. "So you like guitar...what songs did you know how to play?" he asked curiously grabbing his guitar and walking back over to the table sitting down in his chair.
11:38pm Jan 28 2011
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[[ lol yeah XD ]] Andrew didn't want Danielle to see him this way, he didn't want anyone to see him this way. He looked awful and frankly he just didn't feel like anyone coming to see him anyways. He wished that Eric would stop tempting him with food since he hadn't eaten anything in forever. He watched Eric get up and go over to his guitar and bring it back over to him before sitting down in his chair once again beside him. He thought about it for a moment before he came up with one. "My favorite was uh... Carolyn by Black Veil Brides" [[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwLeIzPxZ5g ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:48pm Jan 28 2011
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{ Aww I had a cute vision thingy. ^.^ Like, them clicking or something threw the guitar and joking around having a good time. Then Eric leans forward kissing him and pulling away a little unsure how Andrew would react. I just don't know how he would react so I donno where that would go. But it seems a little too soon. } Eric's ears perked foward at the name of the song before he actually smiled. "I know that one" He smiled as he positioned the guitar in his lap before sighing. "I couldn't tell you when I learned it but...I know it. It's pretty" he smiled moving his fingers gently acrossed the strings as he tested them first. A small sigh escaped him as he began to play the song. His eyes almost immediatly shut as he focused on the cords in his mind and the positions his fingers needed to go agaisnt the strings. It was peaceful playing and he rather enjoyed putting the song together not eally worryin about a one person audience.
12:05am Jan 29 2011
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[[ Aw xD I wished it would hurry between them... but at the same time i like how slow its going cause my other Rps would rush in and then die : well, Andrew wouldn't hurt him at this point ^ ^ He'd certainly be confused though o3o Im not even sure how hed react to it lol It should happen ]] Andrew's laid down his ears and instantly began to enjoy the sound of the guitar and loose himself to it. He watched Eric's fingers dancing over the neck of the guitar, recognizing the positions and was feeling proud of himself for doing so. It had been forever since he'd played... And although he didn't sing aloud, he could hear the lyrics in his mind. He almost swayed, but managed to resist doing so. He felt loads better, music definitely had a strange power.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:27am Jan 29 2011 (last edited on 12:29am Jan 29 2011)
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{ Or Eric could kis his head. lol. Like Eric getting up going to bed and Eric kisses his cheek or forehead before leaving for bed. Which one is better? A full blown random kiss or just like a peck on the head or cheek? ) Eric continued to play the song, his mind going threw the lyrics himself. He would normally sing them but at this point he wasn't sure singin in front of company would be a good idea. He didn't know how well he could sing so why risk it? He continued the steady beat raising in parts and falling in others as he let ou anouther seeming to be peaceful sigh. Why did it feel nice to be himself in front of Andrew? He opened his eyes and watched Andrew curiously not realy focusing on the strings. He could imagine them thus for knew them by heart. Seth turned out to be right. He did have feelings for Andrew. Just then the lyrics came into his mind before he smiled and began to sing the last half of the song. "Your not alone. We'll brave this storm...."
12:51am Jan 29 2011
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[[ I think it should be a full random one o3o But its up to you really XD I dont care lol ]] Andrew didn't notice Eric's gaze on him, he was only interested in the guitar and the song. He couldn't wait until he got out of his restraining cats and bandages and was actually able to move around on his own without being in pain and relying on pain medications to be able to function right. And he didn't want to have to wait any longer to be able to hold a guitar again, to be able to play and enjoy the noise and the feel of it as he played. He smiled slightly, thinking about it. His family loved music, or at least the group of people he was related to genetically was. His older brother had played violin, he had been good at it too but he hadn't really focused on it so he never really progressed and his mother had been a great singer though it was rare for her to have done it. [[ ... lol I didn't know what to put XD im surprised i posted so much out of nothing ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:08am Jan 29 2011 (last edited on 10:13am Jan 29 2011)
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{ Oh I know what to do. ^.^ } Eric seemed to finish up the song before having a random urge came to him. He placed his guitar on the floor, leaning it up against the table before leaning forward and genly cupping Andrew's chin with his index finger and thumb before pressing his lips up against Andrew's. He felt his own heart speed up before he pulled away with a slight smile resting on his face. He quickly stood up and pressed his lips to Andrew's forehead before snatching up his own soup bowl. He let out a soft sigh going into the kitchen. "It's late, Andrew. I would love to keep playing but honestly sleep is more important. If you want some soup i'll put it in individual bowls so you can warm it up in the microwave later if you get hungry" he smiled beginning to put the soup into tubberware bowls, his tail swaying behind him. He acted like nothing just happened by placing the now empty pan in the sink and the tubberware containers into the Fridge.
1:33pm Jan 30 2011
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{[ Up you go }]
6:11pm Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 6:12pm Jan 30 2011)
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Andrew sighed silently, visibly more relaxed at this point after hearing Eric play. And he had the sudden and mas$ive urge to play guitar. Like an itch he needed to scratch but couldn't, an old addiction resurfacing. He was still lost in these thoughts when Eric reached over and took his chin. This didn't seem to quite register to Andrew other than he was confused as to why he'd done it in the first place and inclined his head after that. Thus the reason he didn't pull away as soon as he could. Lips met and Andrew body decided that it as going to shut down at that point and he couldn't think to pull away then either. What was wrong with him?! His heart sped up and he felt slightly light headed, probably because he was loopy from starvation right? Right. Eric stood up and yet again kissed him. He watched Eric walk away, eyes wider and tail fluffier than normal, and breathing heavier than he would have liked to admit. what had just happened? He'd done that once in the hospital and hadn't even given him the time of day to respond! The nerve. And now it was like it hadn't even happened as he continued to deal with soup. Andrew laid his ears back slowly, a slight frown on his face and his breathing back to normal, though his tail was still being stubborn. He stood up, without saying another word, and went back down the hall. He hated this place... [[ Aw~ Poor confused Andrew xDD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:17pm Jan 30 2011
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( Hehe. Eric has a funny way of showing his love. ^.^ Kisses then randomly walks away doing other things. Oh Eric. ) Eric glanced back at Andrew and smirked slighlty seeing his tail fluffy. He shook his head as he put the pot in the sink filling it with water. He didn't need the food to stick only to make it harder to clean. His own tail flopped behind him happily as he ran the water and began cleaning the pot. He sighed lightly finishing up in the kitchen and shutting off the lights in the kitchen. He made his way down the hall and glanced at Andrew's room. "Night Andrew. If you need anything during the night don't hesitate to come ask or get it for yourself" He called out to him before making his way into his own room to relax for the night. ( Fail )
8:01pm Jan 31 2011
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Andrew when back to the room that he was currently staying in quietly, closing the door behind him most of the way and returning to the extremely comfortable bed to go over everything that had just happened. He laid down, once more, carefully, and allowed himself to relax so that he could try and sleep some more. He figured that he would be able to since he was so tired for some reason. But he couldn't get his mind off of Eric's kisses. Not only the one just in the other room but the one that he'd given him a few days ago in the hospital. He put his finger tips to his lips, he could still feel the other's touch on them. He frowned, it wasn't like this was his first kiss or anything. Nor had that last one been. He'd kissed plenty of girls before. The problem was that none of those kisses had really stayed with him like Eric's had. He jumped at Eric's voice outside of the bedroom door, thinking that he was coming in, and threw his hand away from his lips. Pain shot through his ribs and he groaned sharply. Turns out that he didn't even touch the door knob...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:00pm Jan 31 2011
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( Skip? lol. Skip to where or what?)
9:01pm Jan 31 2011
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[[ lol I dont even know where they should skip XD But yeas~ A skip should come along right about now. Any ideas? o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:21pm Jan 31 2011
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(( Hmmm. I have no ideas. Anything they can do? We can do? Well, we should make Andrew get better so he can move around more. Do more things with Eric or something. ^.^ }}
9:24pm Jan 31 2011
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[[ Yep o3o but the funeral o.o Plus they school should do something for the two of them Andrew and Aiden like have a memorial or something I think that would be awesome :D there can be candles and stuff~ And everyone could bring things and give it to Aiden's family like letters and things or something :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~