9:29pm Jan 31 2011
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{{ Isn't that what Eric proposed in his cla.ss but like they all refused? lol. Ooooh! What if Andrew can walk without hurting but is still in no fit to go to school and like, Eric watches them put the momorial up for like days and one night when it's all lit outside teh school, Eric could take Andrew there and just like hug onto him showing him what the school did for him and Aiden. Let Andrew get all his emotions out because I know he has been keeping them inside. }}
9:32pm Jan 31 2011
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[[ ... That.... is ..... AWESOME o@o Lets do that!! ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:36pm Jan 31 2011
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{ Who starts? You, Me? lol. How do we even start? And like maybe it's anouther like.... Kiss opportunity? Or just a cuddle one with Andrew just...upset and like letting his emotions come out }
11:24pm Jan 31 2011
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[[ I could start :3 And I was gonna make Seth kiss Andrew again >3< But if you want Eric and Andrew kiss again then thats cool too o3o Anyway, the thing at the school should come first then the funeral and I guess we can skip again after the funeral to when Andrew is feeling better ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:31pm Jan 31 2011
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( Alright. ^.^ Naw...You can let Seth kiss Andrew. So he an feel nothing! *evil Snickers* Sorry. O.o But that sounds good. )
12:58am Feb 1 2011
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[[ Yay! Ok :3 And then Eric can come along.... :D Im not sure how to start though D; ]] Over the past few days Andrew seemed to never be awake and really do nothing but sleep. He'd eat a little but a few hours later he'd only get sick. Though he'd never tell this to Eric. He wasn't sure if Eric knew this or not but he was guessing tat he didn't. If he did he didn't show it. And since that night Andrew had been watching what he was doing so that he didn't get kissed again randomly without having a chance to react to it properly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:30am Feb 1 2011
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({ At the momorial Eric will leave Andrew for a few moments and let seth do his thing. ^.^ Then he'll come back to be with him }] Eric had for a few days watched a momorial be built for Aiden and Andrew. He was thankful teh principle accepted the idea and that kids would be so thoughtful to help create it. Cards were sent to Aiden's parents and gifts. A soft smile came to Eric's face as he unlocked his appartment door. Tonight he was going to take Andrew down to see the momorial whether he wanted to or not. He needed to see this. He needed to show him how many people cared. "Andrew" he called sighed slightly not sure of Andrew was asleep or not. He put his breifcase down and kept his coat on waitin for Andrew to apear or to hear him.
2:07am Feb 1 2011
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Andrew heard Eric in the other room. He was laying in the room that he still plain out refused to call his own, staring at the ceiling in the darkish room. The remaining sunlight coming in through the curtained window on the wall behind his bed. He sighed and got up, seeing as he could move much more freely now and without that much pain. Just a little uncomfortably and woth slight aches and sores spots here and there. He walked across the room and out into the hall to see what the other wanted from him. He usually wasn't here this early and he never really bothered him about anything unless it was important. SO this was important. "Yes?" He asked, sort of groggily since he was just about to doze off for a nap. [[ Sounds good 030 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:26am Feb 1 2011
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"Hey, Andrew" Eric smiled reaching forward running his hand threw his hair before pulling his hand back. "I want you to come with me somewhere. I need some help and you can move now so I thought you could. It's not strainuous so you wouldn't hurt yourself, you up to it?" He asked curiously showing Andrew his car keys. "It's not far far from here either. Plus I need to stop by the school to grab a few papers I left there" he said honestly shoving his hands into his pockets. ( I fail)
2:26am Feb 1 2011 (last edited on 2:28am Feb 1 2011)
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2:26am Feb 1 2011 (last edited on 2:28am Feb 1 2011)
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10:49pm Feb 1 2011
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Andrew figured that it would be nice to get out of the house for a little while, even if it was only to get into a car with Eric for who knows how long. "Sure.." he responded, coming out into the hallway and shutting the bedroom door behind him after turning off the lights. He made his way up the hall to Eric, curious as to what he would be helping him with other than helping him get papers from the school. [fail]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:53pm Feb 1 2011
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"Cool" Eric grinned weirdly as he grabbed one of his larger sweaters and gave it to Andrew. "It's an outside job and it's chilly so you'll need that, but come on. To the car!" Eric chimmed a little overly excited. His tail swayed behind him happily as his ears perked fowrard out of anticipation. You wouldn't expect a man to be so happy after words of his father p*censored*in away just a few days ago, but that was the least of his problems. He was just excited that Andrew had willingly agreed to come with him versus Eric having to take force and carrying the stubborn student out the door and to the school. That would be a tedious job not to mention tiring. ( I fail too! )
11:31pm Feb 1 2011
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Andrew watched Eric closely, wondering why he would need a sweater. He didn't get cold that easily but he took the sweater anyway. He went ahead and put the pulled the sweater on over his head and shoulders down to his waist. Andrew thought that Eric was acting odd, especially since his dad had died recently. Was going to the school to get something really all that exciting? He couldn't imagine that it was but maybe teachers went crazy after a certain point after teaching for a while.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:41pm Feb 1 2011
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( Psh. Eric didn't go crazy. He'll go crazy the day Andrew accepts their relationship. lol. Me might just have a heart attack or pas.s out that day. ^.^ And sorry, but i'm skipping for us. We don't need 20 posts of gettin to school. >.<' } Eric had pulled his car into the parking lot of the school before slidding out of the car and walking over to the side that Andrew was in. He opened his door and held out his hand to help him out. "We are actually going to stay here for a while....There's something I want you to see" He smiled warmly. ( Oh crap. Where's this momorial at? lol. )
12:21am Feb 2 2011
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Andrew got out of the car easily when Eric opened the door for him, looking at the smile that he had on his face. He was acting really odd, not to mention the smile on his face, making Andrew grow suspicious of the man that he was staying with. He didn't mention anything about his suspicions and instead just went along with what Eric wanted. [[ Thats fine xD And I was thinking about where they had the snowball fight just outside of Eric's window? Idk xD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:28am Feb 2 2011
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(( Awww. Window. <3 That way he can be warm inside Eric's clas.s yet se the beauty of the candles and flowers and pictures. <3 }} Eric's grin only got wider as he lead Andrew into the empty school building. He unlocked his clas.sroom door and not even bothering to flip on the lights. He walked straight over to the windows before begining to lift the shades. He sucessfully managed to open all four window shades and shoved the window's open so the glowing light of candles filled the room, not to mention the strong aroma of flowers of all kinds. In the middle of the momorial there was Andrew and Aiden's pictures. Side by side as always. Eric spun around and looked at Andrew actually reaching out and grabbing his wrist pulling him forward a little bit. "They made a momorial. Principle, kids, teachers....they add to it everyday. New flowers, new candles....." He spoke softly glancing out the window. "They care. We all do and I brought you here to show you that."
1:51am Feb 2 2011
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Andrew followed Eric silently, wondering what in the world was going on and what kind of ideas were running through his literature teacher's mind as he lead him through the empty school building and to his clas$room. He thought it odd that Eric didn't even turn on the light to go in and look for these papers of his that they were supposedly here to get. But as the shades were lifted from covering up the windows a soft light came in through the window. Andrew frowned, unable to come up with anything that that could have possibly have been. When he saw what was outside he paused, eyes widening a little. What was that? His ears laid down slowly and he was simply speechless. There were pictures of him and Aiden surrounded by candles and flowers... everywhere. He'd never seen anything like it before. Eric dragged hi over to the winder were he continued to just look. He stepped a little closer to the window. Mesmerized by the sight that he saw outside. He was unable to really fully wrap his mind around the fact that this really was happening for him and Aiden right now. Right in front of him. Too bad Aiden wasn't there to miss it and he knew that the memorial service outside was really only for his diseased friend, Aiden. he was merely included which he didn't mind at all. At least they knew him. He wanted to show emotions, to cry for his lost friend, to loath the other driver that had done this to them. He really didn't know how he wanted to react, he was overwhelmed and until now he hadn't reacted at all except to sleep. Was that a disgrace to Aiden? To sleep and run away from the sadness and pain instead of morn and embrace the agony that he'd left behind for him?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:35am Feb 2 2011
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Eric watched Andrew silently before sighing. "You know...It's okay to break down once in a while. To just.....cry. Man or not. It's not good to hold everything up inside you. If you seal things away in a jar in your soul you'll just end up hurting others and yourself" Eric frowned placing his hand on Andrew's head for a breif moment before taking it off. "It's amazing how big it's gotten. I seen the principle place a candle down and that was all but the students. They went crazy with flowers and one actually laid the picture down for you. They all signed this large heart type card that was made but seeing it's to big to move it rests in the teachers lounge" he added watching the candles outside the window. It really was an amazing sight. To watch the momorial slowly get larger over the past few days. It's funny one one action is a domino effect and can lead others to follow.
8:30pm Feb 2 2011
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Andrew didn't answer the other man in the clas$ room with him, he simply hugged his chest and curl his tail up to his waist. This certainly wasn't something easy for him, it was just the opposite. His ears, though low and drooping, heard everything that Eric had said about it. He'd felt Eric's hand on his head but didn't react, afraid that his feelings might slip out somehow if he moved. He was stunned that this had happened at all in the first place. He wouldn't have been surpised if nothing had happened and everyone would have gone on without even thinking twice about Aiden. Then again, Aiden was really very popular around campus and everyone had seemed to like him him so at the same time this wasn't all that surprising at all. "..." He'd opened his mouth to say something but sudden;y didn't trust his voice not to crack so he cleared it quickly and quietly. "Why'd you want to show me this, Eric?" He asked without taking his eyes off of the image outside. He didnt dislike it, but he wanted to know why.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~