9:04pm Feb 2 2011
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Eric sighed just watching Andrew. He let out a soft sigh before just stepping forward a little bit and wrapping his arms around his student. "Because you needed to see it. You needed to start letting those emotions that's inside here....show" he spoke poking Andrew's chest lightly. He layed his cheek on Andrew's hair before sighing again. "Please....being cooped up in my appartment hidding from your feelings is not the answer. You'll feel better. I promise" He frowned un wrapping his arms from Andrew and stepping back. "I have to go pick up a few things i'm going to leave you here but i'll be back real soon. Please....I didnt' do this to hurt you. I did it to help you and show you....your school cares whether you think it or not" he huffed turning his back to Andrew and actually walkd out of the clas.s room to allow Andrew time to himself. ( Que our gay competitor seth? }
10:43pm Feb 2 2011
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[[Exactly! :D]] Andrew didn't react the way he would have a few months back, shying away from the other's touch. Especially one like this one. He sighed, listening bit not speaking himself, to what Eric's reason for bringing him here tonight was. He knew he would eventually feel better, but he wanted to feel better right then... not eventually. Soon Eric had released him, planning on leaving him there to deal with his feelings or whatever it was that he was doing. And then he was alone. - Seth made his way through the building, it was a little cold a definitely darker than he would have liked for it to be. But he made his way toward Mr. Dashaniel's room all the same because he'd spotted Andrew looking out of the window when he'd come by a little while ago with a few friends to put out more flowers. He looked about the same as he had every day since his parents had sent his clothes to him from California. He was wearing a black shoulder-less shirt with a pair of grey skinny jeans and black high top converse shoes. He finally walked into the room slowly to find Andrew staring out of the window down at the memorial that the school had created for him and his lost friend. He came up behind him slowly, taking in the sight of Andrew by candle light. "Like it?" He asked, seeing the surprise on Andrew as he quickly turned to face him. "Oh yeah..." He answered. Seth smiled and stepped closer, "Good. I hoped you would..." Seth responded and stepped up to the window. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Andrew turned to look out of the window again. "Its looks even better from up here... though its totally different standing right in front of it too. You can smell all the flowers and candles even better." Seth informed casually. Andrew didn't respond. Seth tried to come up with something else to talk about. "I think it's romantic.." He said a little dreamily. Andrew frowned, he didn't think a memorial for his best friend was all that romantic. "I guess..." He answered without even thinking about what he;d said. Seth didn't notice that he wasn't really paying attention and saw this as an opportunity. He wound his tail over Andrew leg and got closer. Andrew was so used to everyone freely touching him that he really didn't care about it anymore. Seth pulled Andrew to face him by his arms gently, being careful of his ribs. Andrew let this happen as well, why did he suddenly not care that Seth was coming onto him so openly? Seth wondered this too but why complain? Her wrapped his arms around Andrew's neck and stood up on his toes to reach Andrew's lips. [fail e_.]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:04pm Feb 2 2011
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{ That wasn't a fail. lol. It's a fail on my part cause all I have is a gay teacher running around school doing nothing important to leave Andrew ALONE with his thoughts although he sadly doesn't know Seth is there. ^.^ I'm totally bringing in someone. Just to ruin it for Seth and Andrew. *evil snicker* } A rather old woman made her way down the side walk, her fluffy gay tail nearly dragging the ground as she went. Her fluffed out ears were pulled back as she hugged the dozen roses close to her as she went ignoring the small breeze she felt on her grey hair. Age really had gotten to her within the few months. She sighed glancing behind her noticing a rather solumn loolking Danielle. "Danielle, dear. What is the matter?" the old woman asked watching the black neko's ears perk forward. "Nothing, Martha. I'm used to this...visiting...praying. It's all weird. He just disapeared" she spoke huffing, curling her own tail around her waist. She had on a rather long black dress and around her neck was the necklace that Martha had given her. The old woman sighed and stepped up to the lighted momorial and placed the roses down before turning to Danielle. She was stairing at Andrew and Aiden's picture, her blue eyes slightly watery. "I just mi...." Her words were immediatly cut off as she noticed a familar figure, Andrew. She immedialty spoke out not really comprehendin what was going on threw the window. "Andrew!" she nearly screamed her ears perked forward and her tail fluffy out of excitement. It had been so long since she'd seen her friend but then the sight seemed to register into her mind. Was he...kissing anouther male? Immediatly her ears fell back as she gave off a confused look stepping back. She could have swore he was straight. ---------- Eric rounded the corner with a hand full of papers and paused noticing Seth and Andrew. His ears immediatly layed back agains this head before he sighed and stepping back out of the room. He pressed his back to the outside wall and glared at the ground not exactly sure what he was supposed to do. Not like he was going to go in there and be all 'Hey you kids quit that!' that sounded to old manish to him. He just sighed and spun around walking back over towards the teacher's lounge. Andrew needed to learn his emotions and if Seth was going to help him learn, then so be it. But in the long run, Eric had the upper advantage not to mention more time with Andrew. Hell his student was living with him.

11:40pm Feb 2 2011
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[[ lol Yay! I'm glad its not fail :3 ]] Andrew didn't notice Eric come in, he was preoccupied with trying to figure out if he wanted this or not. He'd let both Eric and Seth kiss him when ever they wanted without hitting either of them. Oh god... was he gay? He certainly wasn't just standing there while Seth had his lips all over him, he was kissing him back as well. Seth on the other hand had noticed Eric come in, though he didn't react in a way that showed that he knew. Except that he'd went ahead and stepped it up and added his tongue to the kiss, happy to do so, not only to show off but because he wanted to as well. This didn't go well with Andrew and he almost literally dropped Seth right there, backing up quickly. This wasn't what he wanted at all, he suddenly realized, it wasn't the same... Wasn't the same as what Eric could do to him, even without trying like Seth had been. He laid his ears back and wiped his lips to rid himself of... Seth's taste. Seth straightened up, purring quietly, happily, and a little out of breath. "I got carried away..." He said, an apology as far as he went. "Yes... you did." Andrew replied, his breath coming to him faster than he would have wanted Seth to hear. Where was Eric?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:59pm Feb 2 2011
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Eric had gathered himself up before letting out one last deep sigh. His ears twitched out of aggrivation as he turned around walked back down the hall acting like he was paying attention to the papers in his hand. "Andrew...I think it's about time to go back home" He spoke shuffling the papers in his hands before glancing up and pausing noticing Seth. "Hi Seth. Why are you here? School grounds after hours is forbidden to students" he spoke his voice a little bit stern but he really didn't care. Although he did have authority for this matter and student's really wern't allowed inside the school after hours. "I suggest you get out of here before someone else comes in. I'm not saving your butt from dicipline" he spoke nonchalauntly before placing his hand gently on Andrew's shoulder. "Ready to go?" he asked curiously his ears perking forward as a soft smile apeared on his face. "I have what I came for" he added showing Andrew the top few papers. His hand immediatly dropped though as he walked over to the window, closing them but letting the blinds remain up. He didn't feel like turning on the light so he let the candle lites be the only glow in the room. { Oooh Burn, Seth. Burn. lol. That's what you get for french kissing his student/love inerest. ^.^ }

12:23am Feb 3 2011
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Andrew looked up when Eric came into the room, ears perked and tail coming up to curl around his waist. He was glad that he hadn't seen that little incident between him and Seth a few moments ago. Oh god, he didn't want to give him any ideas now that he was living with him. He looked from Andrew to Seth and then back out of the window. Seth looked at Eric, an innocent look on his face. "Just adding a few things." He said, referring to the memorial but it could also have a double meaning which is what he wanted. Though his jealousy and anger rose a little when Eric put his hands on Andrew. He watched the interaction between the two and seeing how openly more comfortable Andrew was around Eric. As soon as Eric had walked into the room he had started to act differently. Happier. And that upset him. "Yeah..." Andrew replied, looking back to Eric and watching as he closed the windows to the memorial. He flicked his tail, irritated beyond belief, but a smile still on his face. "I'll be going." He announced in a 'up beat' tone. "Text you later~" He said, his voice like melted chocolate as he floating away, running his tail across Andrew's general crotch area as he went and left the room without another word. Andrew's tail fluffed up [[ lol I know xD He should have left his hand there longer lol o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:49am Feb 3 2011
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( lol. There will be lots of opportunities to piss off Seth. Unless mr. angry sticks around for a while. lol. They arn't leaving immediatly. ^. ^ and if only Eric would have grabbed the tip of Seth's tail but that would be like a..... Grr moment between claiming Andrew. This reminds me of a fight between land. "It's mine..." "No it's mine" *fights* Although their fight is secret and Andrew is oblivious ^.^ } Eric watched Seth walk out before sighing. "So....you okay?" he asked placing his hand back on Andrew, except this time it was on his head and brushing a few strands of hair away from the student's face. "I know this was a hard thing but I'm glad you didn't turn and run. It's good to face things" he shrugged dropping his hand. "Your not upset with me are you? For bringing you here right?" He asked curiously. He sighed lightly his ears pulling back as he glanced at the windows. "We can play tonight if you want....Would guitar make you feel better?" he asked curiously.
12:57am Feb 3 2011
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"Im... fine." Andrew responded, watching Seth leave as well, his tail flattening out once he was out of the room and Eric's hand was in his hair. Yeah, yeah. Good to face things... Seth faced his face if that what Eric was talking about. He didn't even pay attention to how he felt about the memorial, just Seth. "No," He answered, referring to being mad at Eric, "I'm not mad but I'm ready to go..." He answered, not wanting to think about Aiden still. Just for a little while longer and now he wanted to get Seth off of his ind which he feared he wouldn't be able to since Seth had his cell number and had told him that he'd text.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:58am Feb 3 2011
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[[ I know XD You'd think that he'd notice but Eric isn't really coming onto him as strongly as Seth is lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:14am Feb 3 2011
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( Eric should make Andrew's cell....disapear. lol. Just for a while as Andrew sleeps. ^.^ *evil snickers* And yeah. Eric is docile not really wanting to scare the poor kid. He's only living with him it's not like he's going to go straight to heavy make out. lol He's letting Andrew grow used to the homosexual experience. ^.^ That sounded wrong. >.< } "Alright...." Eric nodded turning around and heading out of the room. "Don't worry about things too much. They'll pas.s in due time" He advised letting out a soft sigh. "Would you really turn down guitar?" Eric asked glancing back at Andrew as he made his way out to his car and holding the door open for Andrew. "You love guitar. It calms you...and hey, you can play now. Feel the strings beneath your fingers, the music and listening the notes. You seem really off. You sure your okay?" he asked curiously his tail curling around him as he waited on Andrew.
1:36am Feb 3 2011
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[[ letting Andrew grow used to the homosexual experience. ^.^ FTW ]] Andrew followed Eric out of the room, moving alone with him quietly as he spoke about the same things that he'd been talking about since he walked through the door after school. "When did I turn down guitar?" Andrew asked. He mentioned something about being a little off. Great. He could tell already? "I'm fone." He replied, getting into the car when the door was opened for him. Stupid Seth and his stupid... whatever was wrong with him. Of course he was off, he just got tongues by a weirdo. He was way off.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:47am Feb 3 2011
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{ hehe. That didn't come out the best way. lol..... <3 Anyway. The momorial wasn't the only thing Eric was going to suprise Andrew with. } "Ah there's the Andrew I know" Eric smiled tapping the kid's nose before closing Andrew's side door for him. He climbed into the driver's side and actually started the car pulling out of the parking lot, his ears perked forward. Oddly he was happy despite seeing Seth making out with Andrew. Although, Eric knew he had the upper hand in things. He wasn't about to push himself on Andrew when Eric was doing that for him by pushing him further away. He took a deep breath grinning over at Andrew. "I have anouther suprise for you and I promise it's not anouther momorial. It's at the house" he spoke taking a deep breath and pulling into his appartment building. "I think you'll like it...or at least I hope you do"
2:09am Feb 3 2011
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Andrew sighed, not liking getting treated like a kid. But it seemed like he was never going to get away from that. Everyone treated him like a little kid. Eric got in and pulled out of the school parking lot and Andrew couldn't help but to watch the lit memorial as they back up and pulled away. The light of the candles getting farther away, less bright until he couldn't see them anymore and he looked forward once again. "Ohh... I love surprises." Andrew replied. He'd always hated surprises. Especially surprise parties. He didn't understand those/ People hide in the dark and wait for you to come and then they all jump out and start screaming at you. How was that fun? And Eric's last party had lead to him going to a memorial for Aiden and weird feelings that he didn't like showing up and then Seth... [[ lol no it was perfect XDD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:25am Feb 3 2011
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"Sarcastic much?" Eric asked raising his eyebrow before sighing. "Just humor me please" He spoke trurning off the car and climbing out. "It's nothing bad...I promise but then again. My promises arn't that thrilling are they?" he asked frownin slightly. "Come on, Andrew....Lets go rock out to the acustic guitar" he laughed lightly opening Andrew's side door. It had been a while since he placed the guitar, but tonight he figured they could have a little fun. Forget the dys events, especially seth. Oh how he loathed that kid. Although he wasn't about to let that one show, not in front of Andrew. IT would sort of give away everything he was working so slowly at creating. If Seth kept pushing Andrew sure he'd get used to the whole idea of being gay but there was a risk to that too. Him resenting it but thankfully resenting wasn't looking like the direction Andrew was headed. Eric's ears twitched slihglty hearing a dog barking in the distance before they flattened. "Idiot dog. Can't beleive they allow chihuahua's in an appartment complex" he huffed mainly talking to himself as his tail puffed up just a little bit out of the thought between the dog and seth. Both rats in his eyes.

2:33am Feb 3 2011
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Andrew sighed, he'd humor him anyways, even if he hadn't asked to be humored. He'd become attached to his literature teacher even though he wouldn't admit that a loud or tell anyone about it. And he already feared when Eric wasn't going to be there one day. Loosing Aiden just proved that not just old people die... And when they're gone they're gone. He pushed those unpleasant thoughts out of hiss head as the car door was opened and Eric mentioned jamming on Acoustic guitar. That sounded more like something he'd want to do. The fact that Eric had needed help with something and thats the reason they left in the first place crossed his mind as he got out of the car for some reason. Andrew heard the dog too but didn't really care for it much. Then again, he wouldn't want to hear that sound all of the time. It would drive him crazy and a certain small species of animal would suddenly and unfortunately be sent far away from here. He followed Eric to whatever he was taking him to, the surprise or whatever.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:58am Feb 3 2011
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Eric made his way to his appartment and unlocked the door. He opened it walking inside setting the papers down' on the table before glancing back at Andrew. "I'll get my guitar...." he smiled walking off to the back room bringing out his regular acoustic guitar setting it down. He took a deep breath before shrugging. "Eh...Why don't you go into your room. Your suprise is sorta in there...hard to miss really" Eric smiled his tail swaying back and fourth happily. Eric couldn't wait for Andrew to discover the new little thing he had bought him. It wasn't any big deal. Laying on Andrew's bed was a bran new guitar. Sleek, black, and just...new and shiny. He had his eye on it for a while but instead of buying it for himself he bought it for the one person he knew needed it, Andrew. He deserved something special out of all the crap that's happened to him.
6:52pm Feb 3 2011
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Andrew followed his teacher into the apartment building easily now that he was no longer in pain all the time and closed the door after he got in quietly. He watched Eric disappear down the hall and decided to just head into the other room as well and wait for him to come back and play the guitar. Once he came back he sighed, figuring that he had already made it clear that he didn't like surprises but got up anyway and moved down the hall slowly. As if cautiously. And he just couldn't help but get a little excited, wondering what on Earth Eric would have thought of getting him. He opened the door to the room and flipped on the lights. At first he didn't notice the guitar sitting on his bed and everything looked the same as he moved into the other room. When he finally saw it he stopped and though that his heart might have skipped a beat. If that were actually possible, which he thought it was.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:14pm Feb 3 2011
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Eric quietly followed Andrew and watched him observe his room. He knew the exact moment Andrew had saw the sleek black guitar. He immediatly froze which only caused him to grin, not holding back any emotion. "You like it?" He asked curiously from the doorway. "I didn't want you to have to play mine all the time, plus I know you like guitar so why not give you one? You disurve it no matter what you think" he sighed. He pulled his ears back and walked up to behind him and chuckled pushing him forward lightly. "Go to it, play it, test it. I swear it won't disapear or break" he grinned, his tail flopping from side to side a little excited himself. If Andrew had his own guitar that means they could play duets together and just have a lot more fun then taking turns on his guitar. Plus while he was gone now Andrew could rock out on his own for a while and entertain himself instead of worrying about breaking his guitar.
7:41am Feb 4 2011
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Andrew's ears swiveled slowly toward the man that had come in behind him and his body slowly followed the motion. His eyes were a little wider than usual and his tail was stiff behind him. "I don't think I deserve anything." He told Eric. e was pushed toward the bed and the guitar. HE didn't want to go play it! Eric should be buying things for himself, not for his students! Sure Andrew lived with him now but that didn't mean that he had to buy him things. But he did want to play it... he hadn't played one in forever and just being around Eric's while he played made him feel anxious. Even though Eric had repeatedly asked Andrew if he wanted to play it and had insisted plenty of times. He just didn't want to use Eri'c guitar all the time it wasn't fair to him. He when and sat on the bed beside the instrument slowly and pulled it into his lap. God, that felt good. And his body seemed to form around it automatically. He smiled a little, loving that feeling. He ran his fingers over the string to find that it was already tuned perfectly. His ears perked and his tail came up and settled over his waist.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:27pm Feb 4 2011
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"You just don't think at all" Eric responded to Andrew's 'I don't think I deserve anyhthing' comment. OF course he deserved this! Look what he's been threw and yet to finially get away from it and actually trusting him was a big step. He sighed lightly just shrugging as he watched Andrew sit on the bed and curl around the guitar. A smile tugged at his lips as he heard the sweet notes that Andrew had tested to see if it was tunned. "Have fun...If you want you can join me in the living room later, but now, I must depart to go cook food" He nodded turning away and leaving Andrew and his guitar in peace. The last thing he wanted to do was be a bother to the kid when he just got something he would probably cherish forever. Eric let out a content sigh as he walked into the kitchen pulling out pots and pans so he could cook something to eat. It would probably be a quick meal but good none the less. (Awww. No giant cute hug. </3 But I guess your just saving that for the sports car. lol. Boy will Andrew have a heart attack whenever Eric presents that to him. }
