10:43pm Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 10:48pm Feb 4 2011)
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Andrew looked up as his teacher left, still holding onto the guitar in his hands. As much as he didn't like that Eric had already let him into his house and now he was buying him things and surprising him with others, he really liked the guitar... He sighed, figuring that since he was alone now that he could at least... play it right? He sat there for a moment, picking at the string and just listening to each little individual noise that they all made. Enjoying them all no matter how long it lasted. He stopped picking and ran his fingers over the strings once, twice, starting out really slow and quiet before he finally progressed and started to actually play. Though he tried to stay quiet and not disturb the person in the other room. Though the song actually made him feel depressed, at least he was thinking and he wasn't running away from the feelings this time. Music just seemed to bring out the best, and the worst, in Andrew. He hummed the lyrics quietly to himself, he didn't sing Others had told he sang well but it always embarras.sed him. [[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpSoDLv9afo&feature=related love love love <3 This sog :D Actual song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxAAspHOfF4 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:52pm Feb 4 2011
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Even though Eric was in the kitchen his ears perked forwar causing him to pause in his efforts. The soft sound of strumming reached his ears and an automatic smile apeared on his face. His ears stayed perked forward just listening to the song that he had began playing. Oddly he found even the the song he was playing had a sad verse to it he was somehow happy that Andrew was playing. It meant he liked the present and it would go to good use instead of just sitting in some random closet to rot and collect dust. A soft sigh escaped him causing his ears to lower a little bit as the song progressed. His tail curled around his own waist as he moved around the kitchen. He almost immediatly lost interest in food as he just leaned against the counter. He sighed slipping down the counter so he was now sitting on the floor. He curled his arms around his legs as he pulled them up to his chest and just thought things through. He needed to aquire his thoughts but honestly he didn't want to face them. What horrible person shrugs off their father's death no matter how horrible he treated you in the past? What kidn of person practicially steals a student away from his messed up family and forces him to live with him? A sigh escaped Eric figuring everything he was doing was wrong, but then again...Andrew really had no where to go. Eric just sat there seeming to get lost in his thoughts while listening to the music in teh background that Andrew was playing. ( Awww. I remember hearing that song on a Lion King video. T.T It was sad }

12:24am Feb 5 2011
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Unaware of Eric's own personal problems in the other room, Andrew's song slowly came to and end and the room became quiet. The house... became quiet. Andrew sighed, this was awful. He had to face, since he obviously hadn't yet, Aiden was gone and he wasn't coming back. And now that he;d realized this it seemed like the memories from the day they'd gotten into that car became clear. And now that he could see everything in his mind, go over it all. He realized... that if he'd stayed that day for detention like he was supposed to then Aiden might have been playing in the snow a little longer and would have missed the wreck. He also realized that the only reason that they'd gotten into the car was because he had to get to work without even realizing that his shift had been changed. Or... he could have gotten into the driver's side of the car that day. He scoffed. he couldn't get over that fact. He could have died instead of Aiden. Then Aiden could be studying to help people and to make a better future for himself and who know how many others that he would save. And he could be the one going into the ground in a few days. The two of them were so different it was unbelievable. He got up, he couldn't think about this anymore. He went into the other room to find Eric on the floor. He can instantly concerned, ears perked and tail curling up. "You ok?" He asked, a frown on his face. [[ I love that song!! xDx ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:34am Feb 5 2011
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Eric had gotten lost in his thoughts for who knows how long but Andrew's voice immedialty snapped him out, causing him to jump a little bit. Why did Andrew look taller? Eric's gaze shifted to the floor realizing he was sitting on it before immediatly got to his feet. "Uhh... yeah. Yeah. I just fell and well...Uh..." He let out a huff pinning his ears back against his skull. "Nothing, Nothing. I guess I got lost in thinking about things and got uncomfortable standing" he shrugged not really wanting to Lie to Andrew but not wanting to admit the truth in what he was thinking about. "So....You hungry? Thirsty? Need anything?" He asked curiously uncurling his tail around himself as he focused on Andrew. He needed to get his mind off things as well and try not to act all suspicious or weird infront of his student. THe last thing he needed was Andrew suspecting him of anything. He planned on later calling his sister or at least someone close and talking to them about the little situation he was in right now. If it would be in his best interests to persue Andrew or just let him go on his merry little way. A sigh escaped him as his ears fell a little bit. "You want me to teach you a few basics of cooking?" He asked curiously looking around the kitchen noticing a few pans he had gotten out before Andrew had begun playing the guitar. What was he planning on cooking before he got lost in his thoughts? Oh he didn't know he'd just wing it if Andrew agreed and was up to learning a few things. { Wow. After Avril's song, Gackt started singing. O.o }

12:59am Feb 5 2011
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Andrew looked at his teacher, giving him an odd look. Well, it seemed like he wasn't hurt or anything that was really all Andrew had been worried about. But if he seriously just... sat on the floor then he had a right to do so. He couldn't imagine that it had been a comfortable spot to sit and suspected that he wasn't telling him all of the truth. Again, fine, he didn't tell Eric the whole truth all of the time. He hadn't been completely truthful very often since he'd gotten here. He watched him stand up, "Uhh..." He laid his ears back, he could cook to save his life. He'd die if it ever came down to that. "Shhh...Sure?" He said finally, really unsure if Eric wanted his house to burn down. That would be just wonderful... [[Gackt? o.O And ohhh ^.^ They should be bonding and all that :D Laughing, having a good time and Andrew's phone go off and it being Seth XD Piss Eric off lol ORRR O@O Andrew could lay his phone down , starting bonding whatever, having a good time and then go to the bathroom or something and then it rings and Eric answers it XDD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:22am Feb 5 2011
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{ Yeah his music apeared. lol. It was sweet though minus the not understanding hte language. hehe. And aww! I like the second one best. Him answering Andrew's phone, but wouldn't Andrew get mad? Cause that's a big invasion of privacy. O.o But it'd piss Seth off majorly.... ^.^ ) "What's wrong?" Eric asked placing his right hand on Andrew's head and ruffling his hair a little bit. "You'll be fine. I won't let you hurt yourself" he grinned stupidly spinning around opening the fridge and looking through it. "What do you want to cook? Chicken? Pork? More soup? Shrimp? Crab? " He asked his tail twitchin behidn him as he glanced over at Andrew curiously. "What are you in the mood for?" he asked straightning up. He wasn't that hungry but it would be fun cooking with andrew. He could hopefully make that fronwing face happy. He didn't want Andrew dwelling on things even though he sort of wanted him to do it earlier. Taking him to the momoria was there to let him release his fealings but that backfired when seth apeared magically and ruined things.

1:30am Feb 5 2011
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[[ Nahh~ He wont be mad XD He wont want to talk to Seth anyway :3 ]] Andrew sighed, again with the hair fluffing thing. And again he didn't say anything and instead followed Eric to the fridge and stopp away from him a little while he was looking through all of the stuff that he had in there. "Uhmm..." He shrugged to himself, "something flame retardant?" He suggested, really not caring since he wasn't hungry. He, unknowingly, hand his hand in his pocket playing with the buttons on the side of his phone. He went ahead and pulled it out of his pocket and laid it down so that he wasn't distracted with it. "Whatever you want... is fine." Andrew finished, feeling odd that he was going to cook with Eric. If he could go back a few months and look at himself, he would have never guessed that he would be cooking with his literature teacher in his apartment.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:51am Feb 5 2011
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( lol. I see Andrew all "Who was that? O.o" catching Eric hanging up his phone. "Wrong number....leg or tail? *Holds up crab*" This would be after Eric pissed Seth off. ^.^ ) "Hmmmmm" Eric thought out loud letting his tail sway as he pulled out a tomato sauce and set it on the counter. "We'll make speghetti" He smiled turning on the stove. He took the pan and actually filled it up with water before placing that on teh warm stove top allowing the water to begin heating up. "It's a really dull and simple meal. Very easy to cook" he nodded going to the pantry and pulling out the noodles and handint them over to Andrew. "We'll need noodles, mushrooms, and of course ground beef. We have to have meatballs don't we?" he asked placing the other ingrediens on the counter. He pulled out a knife and cut open the ground beef. His ears perked forward as he reached up in one of the cuboards and pulled down a pan to go in the oven and placed it near the ground beef. "Ever made meatballs before?" he asked his ears perking forward as he motioned Andrew to come over and help him.

8:29pm Feb 5 2011
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"Spaghettis good..." Andrew replied, watching Eric get all of the things out. He didn't even know the basics of cookings like how long do you cook it or what you have to do before you cook it. So he was utterly useless at this point. He would have protested taking the noodles but they were in his hands before he could really do anything about it. "Uhh..." He didn't know what to say so he sighed, laying his ears down. Looks like he was going to have to participate rather than just watch. He walked over to Eric with the noodles, "I've never made... anything before." He answered about the meatballs. [[ Are they the straigh noodles? He should break them the wrong way and they all go flying all over the place XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:56pm Feb 5 2011
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( lol. He should soo do that. Eric is also going to show him how to show when they are done. Throw em against the wall. ^.^ If they stick their done. <3 ) Eric perked his ears forward listening to Andrew before shrugging. "It's simple I promise" he nodded looking at the noodles. "The water on the stove is boiling. I would like you to go over and about half the noodles in that box, I would like you to break them in half over the water then put them in it. It's simple really" he nodded with a grin. "You think you can do that while I roll the meatballs?" he asked curiously walking back over to the pantry and getting brown sugar, and honey. He made his way back over to the ground beef and began forming balls with his hands and placing them on the stickless pan. His tail continued to sway behind him as he continued making the small balls keeping them small since it was only him and Andrew. He didn't need to go make a meal for four people when there was only two of them.
11:34pm Feb 5 2011
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[[ Sorry, Im really upset and confused right now so my messages might seem off or something ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:24am Feb 6 2011
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Andrew moved over to the pot with the hot, boiling water in it. Of course he could break noodles! Its wasn't difficult. He knew that he could break them, the only problem with that was that he didn't know he was supposed to break them down towards the water. So when he did break them tiny noddle pieces flew all across the kitchen and many fell down his shirt and in his hair. He laid he ears back, flinching slightly. "Shiii-!!" He knew that wasn't supposed to happen and that he'd done something wrong right from the start. This wasn't working out the way that he had thought that it would work out. He couldn't help himself from glaring over at Eric, "I'm done..." He said, dropped what was left into the pot.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:07am Feb 6 2011
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Eric glanced back at Andrew his ears perked forward curiously on why exactly he was cursing then seemed to chuckle. He took notice to the little peices on the kitchen floor and even in Andrew's hair. "Oh dear, Andrew" he sighed walking over and picking a few peices out of his hair. "You broke up didn't you?" He asked wanting to laugh so badly but just tried to keep a straight face. "Don't worry, i've done that before and it wasn't......as pretty as this" he motioned to the tiny peices on the floor. "At least you held onto the noodles after you flung em everywhere. I let go and sorta caught my mom's kitchen on fire" He chuckled to himself pulling anouther noodle peice out of his hair. "Okay...we'll make due with the noodles that did go into the pot. Would you like to put meatballs together?" You can't really go wrong there unless you chunk em at something and then again we are not supposed to be playing with our food" he smiled warmly putting an arm over Andrew's shoulders as he motioned to the pan and few meatballs he had made on it.

11:00am Feb 6 2011
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Andrew sighed, Eric saying that he'd done it before didn't make him feel any better for screwing up for some reason. Especially since Eric had a vein sticking out of his neck from trying not to laugh at him. His ears drooped while Eric messed with his hair. He allowed himself to be led over to the meatballs, wondering why Eric still wanted him to help after what he just did. But he didn't say anything about it and stopped in front of the balls of meat. [fail D;]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:51am Feb 6 2011
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Eric frowned lightly at Andrew before shaking his head. "Your fine, really. Now....lets make meatballs..." He spoke grabbing some meat out of the bowl and starting to make them into balls. "THis is easy to do....so no mess here" he grinned showing him out to mold the meatballs and placed them on the tray. "can you do that while I sweep up the noodles on the floor?" he asked curiously. He really didn't give Andrew much time to protest as he turne his back on him and went to the side pantry to grab the broom. He stood behind him Andrew and began sweeping up the tiny noodles that had flew everywhere before someone actually tripped on them or squished them even more. ( Your. fine. I fail too. lol )
12:51pm Feb 6 2011
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Andrew flicked his ears, wondering if he had somehow managed to get some noodles into there as well. He flicked them again and then started to make meat balls the way he'd watched Eric do it. Gathering some into his hands and rolling them in circles, creating a ball of meat. Looks like he could move his hands in a circular motion without messing things up. Andrew was so hard on himself. After a few were made and set to the side he started to relax, figuring that if he hadn't messed up yet then he wasn't going to do so. His tail swayed slowly behind him and he didn't realize that it brushed against Eric's pants leg. [[ lol Trying to get some contact going :3 -fail- ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:08pm Feb 6 2011
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( Awww. So cute <3 } Eric went to start sweeping the noodles on he floor but something caught his attention. His tail bristled out of suprise as he felt something brushing up against his leg. He glanced down noticing a familar tail and glanced back over at Andrew, a smirk apearing on his face. He didn't voice any protest as he began sweeping the noodles into a small pile not really having to move due to the long handle. His own tail swayed behind him as he purposly bushed it up against Andrew's pretending not to pay attention as he was sweeping. His ears were perked forward as he focused on the small peices of noodles. "You doing okay with the meatballs?" he asked not really looking back at him trusting he knew what he was doing.
11:55pm Feb 6 2011
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Andrew had continued to play with his meat, rolling them up in little balls just like he had been instructed to do previously. His ears perked and he was now currently, but subconsciously, playing footsie with his tail his Eric behind him. Either way, he was in another world, some thoughts running through his mind and concentrating on his meat and he didn't come out of it until Eric had asked him a question. What was it? Doing ok with the meatballs? "Yeah." He responded then frowned, finally realizing that he had his tail tangled around Eric's. He took his tail back quickly, letting it drop back to around his ankles. He couldn't believe that he'd just done that. He didn't know why he'd done that in the first place. But he did know that the noodles that he'd broken earlier were starting to seriously bothering him. He finished the last of the meatballs and sighed. "I'm going to get rid of these noodles in my shirt.." he said, starting to head into the other room. [[ Seth Calls? ;D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:07am Feb 7 2011
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( Awww! Tail footsie. ^.^ And yes. Que the little bugger so Eric has a reson to go to bed happy tonight. <3 } Eric couldn't help must smile at the feeling of Andrew wrapping his tail around his own. It was new for him though for Andrew to be that open and to subconciously doing it too. This meaned him getting closer was working and deep down Andrew did feel something. His heart seemed to jump out of excitment as his mind raced with Andrew finially being able to accept him as a person and possibly more down the road. Although his thoughts stopped aruptly when Andrew took back his tail, making him mentally slap himself. He was getting ahead of himself. His ears perked when he heard Andrew talk making Eric turn and look at him curling his own tail around his leg. "Okay. I'll finish up and put your meatballs in the oven" He smiled warmly with a slight nod as he bent down putting the noddles he had cleaned up from the floor into the dust pan. He then threw them away leting his tail sway behind him putting the broom up. "Take your time" he called to Andrew not really wanting him to rush. He could handle the kitchen for a while while he got cleaned up from the noodles.

12:36am Feb 7 2011
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Andrew, not knowing Eric's inner turmoil, headed into the other room of the house that Eric had donated to him a few months back. He had the few clothes that he had when he left his mother's trailer. That seemed like such a long time ago and he never thought about that anymore. He was almost happy where he was right now in life. If only Aiden were here... He walked into the bathroom and closed the door, not up to taking his shirt off and having Eric walk by. The fact that his teacher, and roommate at this point, was gay still clung to the back of his mind. Though he didn't really think about it anymore unless he was doing something like he had a few moments ago. Playing footsie with his tail... He took off his shirt and flapped it out, trying to get the noodles out. Meanwhile in the other room his cherry red razor went off on the counter in the kitchen. The ring was probably unexpected, the sound of a violin coming across loud and clearly a sad sound. The caller ID, however, said 'SETH' in capitals on the front of the phone. [[ I actually have this as my ring tone XDDD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftoCT7phBmA&feature=related It confuses people cause its not some stupid rap song or something lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~