12:45am Feb 7 2011
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{ Awww. I have 'Whatya want from me' as mine. <3 No one expects that either until Adam's all singing and they are looking around for where he's comming from. ^.^ Or the poin when her curses and the teacher glares at me. >.< Haha. Speaking of that song. It just now played on my playlist. ^.^ } Eric watched Andrew disapear into the bathroom before putting the tempature on the oven and sticking the rack of meatballs in. He was actually impressed with Andrew's rolling ability versus putting noodles in the pot which now brought his attenion back to them. He needed to stir them before the stuck. His ears perked forward as he grabbed a spook stirring the noodles to keep them from sticking to one anouther. The sound of soft violin's caused Eric to pause in mid step looking around. He wasn't exaclty sure if he was hearing things or someone was somewhere playing violins. It was a hard thing to pin point unti his eyes rested upon the red phone. "oh..." he muttered to himself laying his ears back feeling stupid. He walked over to the phone and out of instict picked it up flipping it open in the process not even looking at who was calling. "Andrew's phone, how may I be of *censored*,istance?" Eric asked into the phone not really thinking about it as he talking. The thought of crosing personal boundaries by answeing Andrew's phone was clearly out of his mind as he stirred the noodles in the pot.

12:53am Feb 7 2011 (last edited on 12:54am Feb 7 2011)
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Seth, on the other end of the phone, had been working on a book report that he had to do for another clas.s untl he got bored and decided to call Andrew. Music was playing somewhere in the background even though it was just for background noise for the kid. He had no idea what was playing. "Andrew's phone, how may I be of as.sistance?" Seth frowned, that wasn't Andrew's voice, it was a bit deeper. It even sounded like Mr. Dashaniel. That voice was graining on his nerves... fast. "Hey~" He cooed anyway, always his happy self, "Whos this?" He asked simply and getting straight to the point. He had been laying on the floor, something he did often, on his stomach. He rolled over onto his back and waited for the answer to his question, wanting to talk to Andrew not whoever had answered the phone. [[ lol Listening to "For Your Entertainment" 83 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:03am Feb 7 2011
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{ Awwww. <3 I love Adam Lambert. Lord he's like my godish role model person. ^.^ Yes i'm obsessed but not that crazy 'i'ma stalk you' type of obsessed. I know boundaries and hate people who want like a lock of his hair. I mean it's HIS hair let him keep it. It's pretty. <3 Sorry. I shall shut up now. } Eric's ears perked forward hearing an all to familar voice on the other end of the phone. Seth. His eyes narrowed as he pulled the spoon out of the pot of noodles and set it down gently on the counter. "Well hello Seth" Eric said in a rather happy tone. "Andrew isn't quite decent to answer the phone now..." He spoke seeming to let of a low chuckle purposly making things sound wrong so it would further piss of Seth. He was beginning to despise that student despite the teachers oath not to hate any of his learning pupils. "If you still must know who this is and your that dull to not figure it out from having my clas.s it's Mr. Dashaniel" he spoke his voice becomming dull and sounding rather bored on the other end.

1:23am Feb 7 2011
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Seth raised his eyebrows at the tone on the other end of the phone. But the surprise went away when he mentioned Andrew not being decent enough to come to the phone. Why would Eric... be with Andrew in the first place? Especially if he were indecent... He swallowed, "Oh.." He responded, feeling a little hurt rather than upset. He wanted Andrew. He had wanted him first! He chose him as soon as he had walked into that clas.sroom on the first day he came here. He wanted him so bad he could nearly taste it. He swallowed his feelings, trying to go back to that peaceful state of mind but couldn't quite get there. He sat up to focus on the conversation rather than lying around. And for once he seemed almost at a loss for words. He had taken what Eric said, as.sumed the worst, and believed it. He wasn't good at figuring people when he was on the phone. "Ok well..." He really didn't feel like talking any more. "Can you tell him... to call me? Just... whenever? I guess..." Seth looked over at the window on the other end of the room. This wasn't over yet, just because Eric had Andrew now, that didn't mean he could take him back.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:30am Feb 7 2011
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Eric's ears perked noticing a slight change in Seth's voice. Had he upset him that much? Feeling slightly bad for his actions he sighed into the cell. "Yeah I can have him call you back, although i'm sure he'll probably want to wait till after dinner" he sighed into the phone loosing his happiness by messing with the boy on the other end. "Tonight is a very off night but I can tell him you called. Is that all, Seth?" He asked curiously his tail curling around is waist still feeling bad but this was good. If he could detour Seth from wanting Andrew then he could save andrew anouther broken peice of his heart. He didnt' want Seth come in and sweep him off his feet only to turn around and stab him in the back to ruin everything he worked so hard to fix.
2:29am Feb 7 2011
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Iz be a stalker! >3 Oh, and look at my new siggy, Morty! <3
Isn't this fun?
2:31am Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 1,825
( Awww. So cute stalker. <3 Although you need to probably do bold instead of italic seing it isn't quite working. ^.^ )
7:38am Feb 7 2011
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[[ Ah! I didn't mean to make Eric feel bad xD ]] Andrew looked at himself in the mirror, shirt off. There were still bruises all along his torso and waist, something that he didn't want to see anymore. Why couldn't his body be unmarked for a while? Instead of bruised and broken. He sighed then pulled his shirt back on. He needed a haircut too, his raven colored hair was past his sholders now and could easily be pulled back into a ponytail on the back on his neck. He'd been letting it grow out for a while now. Once he was ok with his appearance he turned to leave. - "Kay.." Seth replied, getting up to turn the music off in the background. He closed the phone without waiting for an answer this time and threw it on the end of his bed before he flopped on top of it soundlessly, a 'pluff' noise from his blankets was all that was heard.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:08am Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 3,557
Isn't this fun?
10:53am Feb 7 2011
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Eric frowned into the phone before just sighing. He placed the red razor back on the counter making him turn and stir the noodles again. Why did it feel bad to upset Seth when was nothing but a pain in the butt? He let out anouther sigh not really knowing how to gather his thoughts.
Yes, Eric would let Andrew know that he called, and yes he would tell him to call him back despite not wanting to do so. He couldn't be that big of a jerk to the kid. He already had the upper hand here and intended on keeping it.
( I fail. >.< )
5:32pm Feb 7 2011
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[You dont fail xD] Said teenager came out of the bathroom, fully clothed and noodle free and went back into the kitchen with Eric not knowing the conversation that had just gone on without him present. He came in, looking at Eric, seeing that he looked a little less happy than he had when he had when he'd left the room. He figured that he had upset him when he'd left the room. It probably looked like he was running away after what they had been doing. Consciously or subconsciously. "Everything ok?" He asked, not coming as close as they had been a few minutes ago in case he was upset with him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:39pm Feb 7 2011
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Eric fowned looking over at Andrew before shaking his head. "No no, you did nothing wrong" He smiled lightly although it was a very forced one. His tail swayed behind him as he slid Andrew's phone over to him. "Seth called....Sorry but the constant noise of voilins was a little startling, but he wants you to call him back" he spoke turning to the noodles stirring them. "Your meatballs are almost done. I can make the sauce by myself if you want to take care of Seth. I'm not exactly sure what he wanted so...yeah" he spoke getting out a pan and pouring the prego sauce in it not to mention putting a little brown sugar and honey in the mix as he began stiring it together. (Woot. Sweet Sphegetti sauce! No I don't know if that works. lol. )
6:07pm Feb 7 2011
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Andrew relaxed when he knew that it wasn't him that had upset but not on edge that it had been Seth. What had they talked about? Who knew. They were coth odd in their on way it could have been about anything. At the mentioning of the violins he picked up the phone and looked at it. The only reason that he'd kept that was because it had been a recording of his brother playing. He felt close to him every time the phone rang and he didn't care how girly or stupid that was. "I can change it if you want.." He offered, calling Seth back and putting the phone to the ear.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:13pm Feb 7 2011
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( Woot! So close to my goal! 30 Mil left till I get the Ivik then i'll have to work on an Orchid dye kit and a name tag. lol. So close. <3 ) Eric looked back at Andrew before shaking his head lightly. "No no, it's pretty really. I wasn't expcting violins in my kitchen" he chuckled softly with a light shrug. "It doesn't bother me, it's actually quite nice" he replied noticing the phone to Andrew's ear. The frown found it's way back to Eric's face as he turned his attention back to the sauce. He didn't want to think about what Seth may bring up over the phone, nor did he want to think about Seth in general. He stirred a few more times walking over to the pantry getting out some mushrooms and wlaking over to the sink to wash them. He'd rather focus on dinner versus paying attention to the conversation that was about to take place, although he was a bit curious.
7:08pm Feb 7 2011
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Andrew was glad that Eric liked the sound, his brother would have been happy too. He sighed, focusing on the ringing out on the phone. Seth picked up after four rings when Andrew was about to hang up. Hello..? That was odd, he didn't sound like his normal self. "Hey.." Andrew said, a frown starting to form and his ears laying back as he wondered if he should leave the room or not. Oh, hey Andrew. Even odder, the weirdo hadn't called him Andy like he usually did. "Uhh... Ok. Eric said that you called a few minutes ago-" Yeah, I did... But you were busy... Andrew was beginning to think that he really should leave the room instead of arguing in front of Eric. why are you even with Eric? Andrew had known from the start that this was going to happen sooner or later. He sighed, "I've been... staying with him for a while..." HE answered. He was thankful that Eric wasn't paying attention, at least Andrew didn't think he was. What do you mean? Staying with him? I though you weren't gay! Andrew's eyes flew forward, what had this little twirp said? "I'm not!" he responded quickly, surprised that Seth would just as.sume that just because he said that he had been staying here for a while! There was silence on the phone as Seth tried to think. Andrew sad he wsn'ty gay.. but he was staying and doing things with Mr. Dashaniel. Fine, Call it whatever you want... And with that he hung up and threw the phone to the end of the bed again. Andrew didn't understand what had just happened as he closed the phone and looked at it as f it had bit him. What was Seth's problem?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:16pm Feb 7 2011
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Eric was trying not to pay attention but it was a little hard with Andrew snapping into the phone. His tail curled instictivly around his own leg as he mixed up the sauce in the pan. His ears were perked forward even though he was clearly listening torying to get some isnsight on the conversation but didn't manage to get much. When it had been quiet he glanced back over at Andrew noticing his reaction and him stairing at his phone. "You okay Andrew?"Eric asked his ears pulling back slightly as he watched Andrew. Had Seth taken his anger out on him? He felt something tug at his chest feeling slightly guilty. He had pissed Seth off earlier or at least upset him so maybe it wasn't a good idea to tell Andrew that early that Seth had called. That would have given the problem student on the other end enough time to calm down.
7:50pm Feb 7 2011
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Andrew sighed and tucked the phone back into his pocket. "Fine..." He replied, figuring that he could find out what was wrong with him later. But that really had bothered him and wondered if everyone would think that he was gay if they found out that he was staying with Eric, not knowing that the reason Seth thought that was because he had as.sumed things were happening between him and his teacher. He walked back over to Eric, "He's pissed about something I guess..." He told Eric, telling him the basics of what had just happened over the phone. "I don't know..." He wrapped his tail around his waist. "So are we done or what?" He asked, finding out that cooking wasn't as easy as everyone made it look. Even though this was a pretty simple meal.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:24pm Feb 7 2011
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Eric perked his ears forward listening to Andrew before sighin. "I'm sorry. Guess he's having a bad day or something. He was perky earlier but something must have happened" he frowled wrapping his arm around Andrew's hsoulders. "So...wanna know how you can tell if the noodles are done?" he asked curiously. He turned the noodles down and scooped one out with a spoon and taking his arm back having to grab one of the noodles. "Okay...this is the only time you can play with your food" He spoke turning around and actually tossing the wet noodle against the wall watching it stick. He chuckled softly to himself before motioning to the pot. "Wanna try it? That's how you test it. If it sticks to the wall it's done. My mother taught me it when I was a kid. We'd spend hours throwing noodles against the wall" He gave a soft smile recolecting the days he tossed the noodles at the wall and roof not really caring about the mess to clean up aftewards. All he knw was it was fun and it was a bonding experience.

11:57pm Feb 7 2011
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( Hmmm. How can they further bond besides throwing food at the wall? -is trying to get ideas- This is sorta hard. >.< )
12:34am Feb 8 2011
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Andrew watched as Eric threw the noodle against the wall. He'd never seen anyone throw their food against the wall purposefully. Well, except for the occasional food fight but then again you're not throwing food at the wall you're throwing food at each other. He did want to try it but he also didn't want to. It was odd to him to be told to throw food against the wall. But he picked up a stray, random noodle and flicked it against the wall. It stuck, much to his amusement, and staid there. He pricked his ears forward. He wished that he could share memories as well, but there were so few and all spread out that he didn't really know all of them himself. The happiest of his memories were usually involving his brother and he wasn't all that sure he was ready or wanted to talk about his brother yet. [[ I dont know DX I cant think of anything ;_; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~