12:48am Feb 8 2011
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Eric's ears perked forward as he smiled watching he noodles on the wall. He let out a soft sigh turning the stove off and leaning against the counter top. "Wanna do it again?" he asked curiously keeping his eyes on the sticking noodles. "Don't worry about a mess...it's easy to clean up and i'll take responsability later for it" He breathed lightly unwrapping his tail from his own leg and flickering it slightly behind him. It happened to brush up against Andrew's leg but he wasn't really paying attention to what his tail was doing. He was more focused on the spots on the wall and currenly getting lost in his memories. He forced himself to straighten up pulling the sauce off the stove and onto a pot holder so he didn't burn his counter top. "We have a few minutes for things to cool down." Technically he was waiting for the food to cool down but that wasn't the purpose of moving the sauce away from the stove. He walked back over leaning against the counter next to Andrew again allowing his tail to pick up where it left off, brushing against Andrew's leg. Meanwhile he took anouther noodle and flicked it at wall watching it stick and slide just a little bit down. "I wonder if anyone's ever made noodle wall art" he spoke out of pure randomness watching the cooked food slide a few inches every now and then.

12:59am Feb 8 2011
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Andrew watched the noodles as well, the first actually being a test to make sure this was really going on. He felt silly for thinking that way but he had been totally prepared for Eric to go balistic on him for making a mess in the kitchen. He glanced down at Eric's tail, wanting to move away out of reflex but forced himself to stay still. He'd already pulled away once from Eric, he didn't want to do it again and possibly hurt the guy. Sure, he wasn't into the guy guy relationships but he and his brother used to do this all the time. Get their tails all wrapped up together and be close to each other in general. He might have even let his own tail slip slowly over to where Eric's was brushing against his legs. While he did so he watched the gathered noodles on the wall, noticing that they were trying to slip down but weren't getting that far. He went ahead and flicked another noodle up next to them on the wall, actually enjoying himself for the first time in a long time.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:08am Feb 8 2011
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Eric felt Andrew's tail brush up against his leg. It nearly took everything in him to not smile at this gesture. He was getting somewhere at least even if it was slowly. It was progress none the less. His ear twitched slightly as he began thinking about what other little things could bring them together. Sure cooking dinner was an every night thing but he doubted Andrew would put up with him all the time. He wasn't sure Andrew would be up for that every night. Just then an odd feeling came over Eric as his tail bristled up slightly. He brought his arm up to cover his nose as he sneezed randomly; his tail fully fluffed out now and ears pulled back from the gesture. He hated sneezing it always felt werid not to mention messed up his fur. "You should make something on the wall or just randomly throw tehm to see if they do make an outline of something" Eric smiled twitching his nose slightly . This whole thing reminded him of cloud watching in a park except it was more like noodl watching.
1:23am Feb 8 2011
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Andrew sighed, figuring that he could just add this to his small collection of good memories. He really was having a good time. Even if it was only throwing wet noodles up against the kitchen wall. He looked over at Eric quickly wondering if they should be making noodle art or eating. He didn't want t stand here and make a mess for Eric to have to go behind them and clean them up. He didn't like cleaning up after others so why make Eric clean up after him? [[ How about the funeral? :3 Andrew can finally let off some tention to Eric and when his father shows up he has to have someone to run to xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:28am Feb 8 2011
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{ Awww. I forgot about the funeral! How far away is it? } Eric's blue eyes shifted to Andrew feeling his student looking at him. A soft smile apeared on Mr. Dashaniel's face before he straightened up and nodded lightly. "You ready to eat dinner?" He asked with a content sigh as he picked the pot of noodles up and strained them in the sink before setting them down. "Mind getting out the plates? They are in the top cabniet to the far right" He explained letting his tail sway behind him as he grabbed some oven mits. He seemed to ignore the noodles on the wall as he opened the oven pulling out the meatballs and rolling the hot circles into the sauce making sure he didn't splatter the red sauce everywhere. He didn't need to make that big of a mess in the kitchen. The noodles were wasy to clean up but when it came to tomato sauce....that was a different story. "Your welcome to start making your plate if you want. I'm going to go clean up" he grinned walking over to Andrew and placing his hand on his head for a breif moment before disapearing towards the back bedroom.

8:02pm Feb 8 2011
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[[ Idk :3 Whenever we get stuck lol We can skip I guess D ]] Andrew took his tail back as he walked away to get the plates that Eric had asked for. He knew where the plates were by now but figured that Eric didn't know that since he'd never been the one to actually take them down before. He watched Eric disappear down the hall, hoping he didn't have some sort of surprise for him again. He set out the plates and other dishes at the table. He wasn't really hungry to setting the table was just his way of procrastinating until Eric came back
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:37pm Feb 8 2011
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It didn't take long for Eric to change and come back out dressed down from his usal work clothes. Why continue to wear a semi stuffy outfit when he could be comfortable in his own home? He glanced up noticing Andrew setting the table before smiling warmly. "You really don't have to do that" he anounced letting out a soft sigh. "Hey...why dont we make our plates now?" he asked playfully nudging his shoulder while flopping his tail happily behind him going into the kitchen. ( Wait. Were we skipping? o.O )
11:34pm Feb 8 2011
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Andrew shrugged, knowing that he didn't have to make the table since he hadn't been told but in all honesty it was polite and had pas.sed a few empty minutes while Eric had gotten dressed. He flicked his tail. "Ok." He responded, referring to fixing the food and followed him into the kitchen. [fail Dl No, we dont have to skip now XD I mean if we both go braindead :3 though we should do it soon in the RP lol]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:50pm Feb 8 2011
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( Oh. lol. You see I have a new goal? Sirleons. <3 I fell in love. lol. I'm collecting eggs so I have like 30 eggs now. ^.^ Already got one ginger from Tryst. and uhhh. Skip now? lol. I just got braindead. >.<' }
7:52am Feb 9 2011
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[[ lol Sure xD Lets skip ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:11am Feb 9 2011
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( Are you starting it? I don't know how to bring up a funneral. >.<' }
8:25pm Feb 9 2011
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Andrew had both been waiting and dreading for this day, Aiden's funeral. And now that it was here he felt a little sick, like a rock had fallen into his stomach and his feet were made of lead. Throughout the whole week before he'd moved in a sort of trance. Forgetting things, spacing out, and even bumping into things. It had been comveniently set to start an hour after school. With Aiden's popularity, the funeral was schelduled in the largest church and the whole school had been invited to come. He waited on Eric to get ready while he sat in his room, dressed in black. [:3]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:08pm Feb 9 2011
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{ Yay! Oh this will releave me of my headache! Yay Rp ^.^ } Eric stood in front of the mirror fixing his tie, a heavy dread piling down on his heart. He felt bad for Andrew and really didn't want to bring this much pain on him, but Aiden was his friend and he needed to go to the funneral. He needed to close things and he could easily tell that Andrew was already taking it hard. He hadn't been acting himself. He staired at himself in the mirror for a split second before sighing and walking out of his bedroom grabbing his car keys. "You ready?" Eric asked curiously walking to his appartment door. He opened it and sighed averting his gaze to the floor feeling slightly awkward but wanted Andrew to know that he was there to fall back on if he needed someone. "We can wait a few minutes if you need it though" he spoke closing the door and just settled for standing at it, focusing on Andrew.
11:55pm Feb 9 2011
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Andrew sighed, not really wanting to go at all let alone get up and move. The funeral was supposed to be a closed casket service, something that made Andrew a little less nervous but also made him think about why it would be closed in the first place and the only explanation he could really come up with was that Aiden had been seriously hurt in the crash and his family members did want to see him this way. Or for anyone else to see him this way. But he got up anyway and crossed the room to join Eric at at the door. He was as ready as he was ever going to be to go to a funeral and if he was going to pick a day for Aiden's, it would be today. It was nice and warm and sunny outside, the skies bright and the roads clear. It seemed a little odd to be having such a sa even on such a bright day. "I guess..." Andrew finally answered.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:36am Feb 10 2011
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Erics eyes seemed to soften as he wrapped his arm around Andrew and kissed the top of his head. "I'm here for you, Andrew if you need me" he sighed pressing his cheek to his student's hair before turning and opening the door heading out of it. Today was a really nice day and if Aiden wasn't gone he was almost positive that Andrew and him would be out hanging in a park or something. Just chilling and having fun. The thought only made Eric's heart sink a little more. His mind drifted back to Andrew really worried about him more than anything. Aiden was his best friend and really all he had. Eric frowned running his hand along his pant leg a little uneasy. He had really never been to a funneral but Aiden's would sure give him an idea what to expect at his father's funneral whenever that was. ( I fail so bad. >.< )
12:50am Feb 10 2011
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Andrew felt better knowing that at least Eric was going too, he didn't care if anyone else went. Though he could have easily gone without his kiss. But he really didn't mind it now, he was used to both Seth's flirting attempts and just being around homosexuality that he was almost completely comfortable with it. He tried to think of anything besides what was going to happen at the funeral. Anything at all. What the weather was going to be like tomorrow, how much work he was going to have to make up when he went back to school, did his boss knew he'd been in an accident? But the funeral kept coming up and Andrew had a feeling that somthing bad was going to happen today. He didn't know how he knew, he just did.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:19am Feb 10 2011
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{ I'm guessing the funneral is at the funneral home and church so Aiden is burried right after, correct? } Eric glanced back at Andrew before frowning lightly. "Hey....You've been off all week. Abnormally quiet...You okay?" He asked curiously. "I'm worried about you" he spoke out placing his hand on Andrew's shoulder as they walked out towards his car. "I know he was your best friend but i'm sure he's happy where he is now. I hate seeing you walk around like some zombie. It's creepy and a little dperessing" he admitted letting out a long sigh, messing with a few stray strands of his student's hair. ( Still fail. >.< }
1:45am Feb 10 2011
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[[ Uh, I guess XD lol :3 ]] Andrew sighed, he wasn't really sure how to respond to that. 'Sorry' maybe? 'Sorry I have to burry my best friend today so I figured that being a little out of it lately would be ok'. He flicked his ears, resisting the sudden urge to yell that at Eric. He knew that he was only looking out for him. "I'm fine." He responded, letting him mess with his hair. He needed a hair cut, his hair was getting so long he could easily pull it back into a small ponytail on the back of his neck.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:02am Feb 10 2011
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Andrew's answer only made Eric's ears fall back as he lowered his hand from his student's hair. He really was at a loss here. Why couldn't he get Andew to open up and actually say something worth meaning instead of shruggin everything off? The black neko shook his head lightly as he opened the door to Andrew's side of the car before climbing into his own side. It wasn't long to get to the churche where Aiden's momorial service and burial would take place. He would have to make an effort to apologize and talk to Aiden's family not to mention a few of his students that he figured wuld be there and leave Andrew to his moarning on his own since he was sort of holding off and diverting himself from others. He hated how nice of a day it was and sort of wished it was rainy, just for the shere emotional appeal to it. It was odd to him to see a funneral on a bright sunny day but then again, he had never been so the scenes on movies and shows didn't really do funnerals justice.
9:40am Feb 10 2011
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Andrew got out of the car when they got to the churchwithout waiting for Eric to get it for him. He was going to have to stop doing that, letting Eric get his door for him. He didn't like it first of all and second Eric shouldn't have to do that for him anyway. But he didnt run off when he got out, he simply waited for Eric to join him, watching all of the people walking into the church in front of him. He so didn't want to go in there, everything that had motivated him to go earlier was just gone. He lowered his ears, seeming to glare at the church. He'd only been to one other funeral in his entire life and that one had been scaring as well, having to watch them loser his big brother's casket into the ground and now his bect friend's. He flicked his tail nervously behind him, putting his hands into his pockets. He glanced off to the side of the church and noticed the cemetary. "Yeah..." He sighed quietly to himself, "Thats not creepy at all..." He frowned, trying not to think of what was in the cemetary.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~