11:25am Feb 10 2011
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Eric slipped out of the car, pocketing the keys as he made his way around the car and to Andrew's side. His own ears lowered as his tail curled around his own leg looking over at the church. He watched a few people go inside before frowning. Technically he did have to speak to Aiden's parents, explain that he had tried everything the day of the accident and how sorry he was to hear of their son's death. Immediatly guilt had hit him. What if he had went to Aiden's side instead of Andrew's? Could he have done something more than just insure they'd be okay? Eric could feel his heart sink once again only causing his tail to lower and nearly touch the grouhd. His eyes focused Andrew wondering if he was ready or not. He knew tonight would be hard for them both. Hell the memroies of the wreck were already starting to come back just by standing in the churck parking lot. He was scared to know what might arise when he actually entered the church to set eyes on Aiden's casket. "We'll sit wherever your more comfortable, Andrew. So when your ready....I'm here" Eric spoke with slight nod waiting for his Student to be the one to start walking towards the church. If he didn't have Andrew living with him there was probably a big chance he wouldn't have even been here today. He was never one for funnerals, but then again he had never had anyone die on him except his mother and he wasn't allowed to even go to hers.

11:50am Feb 10 2011
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Andrew looked at Eric briefly then back at the church. He'd be fine. He starting walking slowly towards the building seeing as Eric was going to make him go first. And it was now or never and he thought that he at least owed it to Aiden to at least show up at his funeral. He spotted a few familiar faces from school but was glad that they hadn't seen him. He was quite up to talking to people right now. Across the parking lot, up the stairs, and into the building. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, so he blinked until the room was less dark and he could finally see how many people had shown up. He perked his ears for a moment but they lowered once again. There were so many people here.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:10pm Feb 10 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:16pm Feb 10 2011
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( 1002 posts. Wooow. lol. ) Eric followed Andrew up into the church. He was more focused on the ground before actually looking up and around at all the people. He was actually amazed. Had Aiden known all these people? "Wow" he muttered softly to himself his eyes trying to identify a few people. Some were students at the shcool and then some he had no clue who were. He could only guess it was part of Aiden's extended family or what not. His ears pinned against his head glancing down at Andrew. He wanted to wrap his arm around him to let him know he was stil here for him, but he felt that this was totally the wrong place to do so. So Eric settled for placing his hand on Andrew's shoulder just to insure him without words he was here. He really didn't know what to say.
1:23pm Feb 10 2011
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Andrew seemed to freeze at the entrance to the church in the doorway. Then he felt Eric's hand onhis shoulder which made him feel a little better but he couldn't nor would he hold his hand for this entire event. He could hande himself, "Im fine." He told his teacher quietly, looking ariound the room before briefly glancing at eric and then turning to move forward once again. He was blocking the entrance and he needed to talk to someone other than himself or Eric. Who knows when he was going to go back to school again.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:45pm Feb 10 2011
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" alright Andrew. I'll be around, I'm gonna go find someone. I'll be back" Eric spoke dropping his hand. He left Andrews side walking past him further into the church to find a familiar face. He noticed the man he was looking for sitting down and went to sit next to him.
( I have no clue who Eric is going to talk to. Hehe. Im on my iPod so sorry bout the shortness and blah of the post )
2:12pm Feb 10 2011
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Andrew moved through the crowd now, unsure of who Eric had gone to look for. But he wasn't really thinking about Eric as he made his way slowly through the crowd toward the front and Aiden's casket. He was stopped multiple amounts of times, mostly by students from his school. They expressed their sympathies, asked how he was doing, and tried to comfort him in general. This happened repleatedly until Andrew lost count of how many people had come up to him and sometimes they would come in groups to talk to him. [[ lol Youre fine :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:26pm Feb 10 2011
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Eric had had a rather lengthy conversation with the man he had settled on finding and stood up making his way through various random people. He stopped though and focused on Andrew, who was talking to fellow students. He frowned lightly staying back to look around one student in particular. He wondered where on earth Seth was. He figured he'd be here to show his remorse and maybe if he was brave hit on Andrew, although he figured the boy had more decency than that or hopped he did.
( maybe Seth and Eric could talk a while or bring in Andrews dad. )
2:56pm Feb 10 2011
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[[ lol thats what I was thinking XD ]] The very teen that Eric was looking for walked through the double doors to the church a few moments later. His bleach blonde hair was styled stylishly to the side and he was wearing a back button up collared shirt and black skinny jeanes. He was here to pay his respects to Andrew's best friend and to hopefuly find and talk to Andrew while he was here.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:26pm Feb 10 2011
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Eric turned to look at the door debating on getting some fresh Air but changed his mind seeing the very student he was curious about. " hey...." Eric called softly not really wanting to be loud and obnoxious. This was a place of mourning not loud obnoxious noise. It was just disrespectful. "Seth... You okay" he asked reaching out and placing his hand on his students shoulder.
4:41pm Feb 10 2011
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[[ sorry, Ive got a fever so im kinda slipping in and out of consciousness LOL XDD ]] Seth looked up suddenly when his teacher seemed to almost appear out of nowhere and came over to grab his shoulder. His was surprised and stepped back and out from underneath Mr. Dashaniel's grip. "Mr. Dashaniel..." He said quietly, but in a friendly tone, tail flicking. "Why wouldn't I be ok?" He asked with a frown. He hadn't disliked Eric before, but he certainly did now... - Andrew finally made it to the front of the gathering to where Aiden's casket was on display. He lowered his ears, stopped, and tried to calm his nerves. He was only 5 feet from his friend. It was so close and still so far away. Andrew knew that his friend wasn't laying in there, only an empty shell of what he use to be. He hoped that there really was an afterlife for him to go to. And that Aiden had gone to the good place that they talk about it church, he was a good, kind person and didn't diserve to go to the other place.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:22pm Feb 10 2011
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( Your fine. I just got outta college and got done watching Adam. <3 ) Eric frowned slightly down at Seth as he returned his hand to his own side. He wasn't really happy the kid had shrugged away but just didn't protest it. "I wanted to know if you were okay because the other night Andrew had metnioned you were upset. I wanted to apologize if it had been anything I said or done" he spoke glancing back behind him trying to find Andrew. When he had spotted him he frowned shaking his head lghtly and looked back at Seth. "He's taking it hard within the last week more than ever so I would really appriciate it if you sorta stayed grounded today" Eric spoke to Seth not really sure if the other student knew what he was talkign about. Sure it was rude to asume that he was going to try anything, but he just wanted to stress his point. "But by all means, I encourage you to talk to him. I can't really seem to get through to him no mater how hard I try." ( Oh my god. lol. Seth better enjoy this moment. Eric asking for his help. lol )

6:02pm Feb 10 2011
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Seth wanted slap Eric, him knowing exactly what had upset him the other night, but he knew that this wasn't exactly the right place to do so. So he kept a straight face and just listened to what his teacher was saying. When Eric glanced around for Andrew Seth did too, spotting him up at the front near Aiden's casket. He returned his gaze back to his teacher. He lowered his ears slightly at the other's comment, staying grounded. What was that suppossed to mean? But what he said interested him. "I told you that you wouldn't be able to but you ignored me." Seth reminded him. "And you're obviously not trying hard enough or you would have gotten him to open up to you by now~" He said, letting a bit of his anger into the last statement. He glanced back up at Andrew and frowned when someone else had joined him in front of the Casket. Whoever he was, he looked a lot of Andrew. - Andrew finally moved forward and actuall reached out to touch Aiden's casket. He had to admit that it looked nice. It was completely black with silver bars along the sides and it was cool and smooth to the touch. he perked his ears. While Andrew was inspecting the coffen someone else appraoched him from behind. He'd heard through the grapevine that Aiden had pas.sed away and he'd come to pay his respects. Little did he know that Andrew was going to be here as well, though he didn't understand why he hadn't thought of that in the first place. He was Aiden's best friend and vice versa. "...Hey Andrew..." Andrew spun around, embarras.sed that he had been caught and startled. But he stopped when he saw who had called his name, eyes wide and tail starting to bristle.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:36pm Feb 10 2011
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Eric shook his head lightly. It wasnt like he couldn't get Andrew, he just was letting him take his time. That statment sort of angered him but he just sighed and shook his head. "That's not what....." He cut his sentence short before balling his fist at his side. "Why push him? He's already hurting so much from reasons beyond you. If you push him he'll eventually crack and i'm not the one who's goign to break him" he warned his ears pulling against his skull. He let out a huff and turned looking back towards Andrew but only seemed to freeze, his eyes setting on the man infront of him. His own tail bristled slighlty noticing Andrew's ex pression. Who was that man? And why was Andrew acting like that? He wanted to go to his student's side but forced himself to stay still and just observe sorta blowin off Seth but still tunned in if the boy wanted to say something else.
11:01pm Feb 10 2011
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Seth laid his ears back. What was he implying? That he was going to 'break' Andrew? He took his eyes off of Andrew and the man at the front of the room and focused on Eric. He glared at his for a moment, unsure of what to say. "I'm not telling you to break him..." He stated. - Andrew had never thought about what he would do if his father ever decided to actually show up again in his life. When he was younger he would visualize his dad walking through the door and he would leap into his arms. But as he got older that visino changed and he actually began to imagine him punching his lights out. Well, now was the time to figure out what he was going to do. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Said his father easily. Andrew laid his ears back, he'd been wanting his father to come back, to come take him away but now that he was here... He didn't want anything to do with him. "Might as well have." He replied, trying to calm down and not cause a scene in the middle of everything. His father chuckled.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:05pm Feb 10 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:19pm Feb 10 2011
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( Awww. Eric want's to so bad jump to Andrew's side. >.<' ) Eric's ears were perked forward watching Andrew and the man up front near Aiden's casket. He felt his own heart speed up before being forced to tear his gaze from Andrew back to his other student, Seth. What had he said? "I'm not telling you to break him...." What was that supposed to mean? Had he said something about breaking Andrew? Eric had a confused look on his face before it sort of clicked on what he had been implying. "Seth...." He spoke sighing lightly. "Andrew isn't gay and what I meant by breaking him is that if you keep pushing him with your little actions on hitting on him, your just going to push him away. He's been through a lot and I don't want to see him get hurt anymore than he has been. I worry about you Seth for more than one reason" He spoke softly a slight anoyance in his voice. He glanced back up at the front at the man and Andrew before sighing. ( Woooow. I should stop eatin chocolate cause I just imagined Andrew's dad all "Son! *grabs and runs*" >.<' Kidnapping. lol. I need less sugar.)

12:09am Feb 11 2011
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Seth frowned, Mr. Dashaniel was ignoring him. But he really didn't care either. He knew that Andrew was gay, or at least curious about it. Because if he wasn't then he wouldn't have kissed him back at the memorial in the clas.sroom. - Andrew looked at his father, he was obviously older and looked more mature. He had cleaned up after he'd left it seemed. "I thought you died." He said, cutting off his father's amusments. "Why would you think that?" He asked, "Cause you didn't come back.." Andrew replied. He was mad and sad at the same time. "Andrew... I'm sorry-" "What happened?" He asked, not letting his father get a word in. "Sorry isn't good enough.. I'm so sick of people saying they're sorry. It doesn't make anything better. It's not gonna bring Aiden back and its not gonna make me forgive you for forgetting about me." - "You don't know that." Seth replied to Eric and as brushed past him to go to Andrew. He was clearly upset and he didn't like seeing Andrew upset. How was Eric supposed to know if he never tried?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:24am Feb 11 2011
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Again Seth knocked Eric out of his thought process as he watched him as he made his way to Andrew. His ears lowered immediatly as he watched his least favorite student head up towards the front. He let out an aggrivated sigh seeming to follow Seth but was pulled aside by an arm. He turned his attention to the person who was pulling im away from Andrew. "Mr. Dashaniel....how is he?" A familar black haired neko asked, her tail curling around her long black dress. "Danielle....He's, hanging in there" Eric responded looking back over at said student, ears perked with worry as his tail flickered nervously behind him. "If you want I can make sure he gets back to you. Is there a place he can visit if he wants?" Eric asked focusing down on his previous foster child. "Yeah....all you have to do is tell him i'm at Martha's. He should know the way there if he wants to drop by" Danielle smiled glancing down at the floor a little uncomfortable.
12:34am Feb 11 2011
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( I really have no clue what to do. Ideas? )