12:38am Feb 11 2011
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Seth reached Andrew soon after leaving Eric. "Hey, Andrew~" he purred, taking his arm in both of his. He looked over at the man that was making Andrew so upset. Man, the two of them looked a lot alike. "I'm gonna steal him for a moment." he said abruptly and pulled Andrew away from him. Andrew didn't complain, if he had been left back there with that man he was going to make an even bigger scene than he already had. "Hey, sorry to pull you away like that but you looked really, really upset..." Seth said quietly. "Yeah, it's fine. Thanks." Andrew replied with a sigh. "Hey, who was that guy? You two could be twins if he wasn't so old." Seth asked, still being quiet as they walked back through the crowd. "That was my dad." Andrew answere with a flat, blunt tone in his voice.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:41am Feb 11 2011
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[[ I don't know what to do either XD lol I was thinking that Andrew is seperated from Seth. He find ERic long enough to explain who the guy was and then his dad find him again. They go outside, talk for a while. Andrew comes back in and they all sit and before everything starts he tells Eric whats going on and then afterward when they carry the casket out and lower it Seth makes another move [should be the last] leaves and then stevie shows up with a 'solution' to andrew's many problems o.o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:46am Feb 11 2011
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[[ Eric is definitely in the dark though XDD Poor thing lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:05am Feb 11 2011 (last edited on 1:08am Feb 11 2011)
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( Crap! O.o I didn't see your two posts. I've been dwelling on the reply page for like 30 minutes. >.<' Ummm. You can ignore my post if you want. lol. Just...I donno. lol. I think I ruined your plan. >.< Or we can still do it. Eric can still be left in teh dark all it takes is someoen to pull David away or David leaves. *shrugs* ) Eric watched Seth pull Andrew away before placing his hand on Danielle's head. "Actually I would love....just love for you to actually go and talk to him for a while. He misses you" Eric smiled pulling back his hand and moving back to talk to the man that Andrew had been speaking to at the front. He made his way past a few people before actually taking a deep breath placing his hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey" he called out politly. "The name's Eric. I happened to see you around and was curious to if you knew Aiden or his family" He motioned towards the casket. "It's really depressing to have someone so bright and so young leave us" he spoke his ears pulling back as he focused on teh casket for a moment before turning back to the male. ----- Danielle perked her ears before making her way through the crowd following Andrew and Seth. She took an opportunity and frowned throwing herself onto Andrew burrying her head into his shoulder. "Andrew!" She spoke pulling away and seeming to hold onto his arm glancng at Seth before back at Andrew taking no really notice to the guy on teh side of him. "How are you? You just disapeared on everyone" she frowned her tail falling to the floor as her ears pulled back against her skull.

1:30am Feb 11 2011
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Andrew's dad turned to see who had out their hand on his shoulder to see Eric. He smiled politely back, perking his ears. He didn't think he had ever met Eric before, so it was odd for him to come up to him randomly. "Ah, you can call me David." He responded, "And yes, I knew Aiden. And yes, he was an extremely bright yound man. I'm sure he'll be missed." He stated, wondering where Andrew had gotten off to. - Andrew was thrown off guard when Danielle grabbed onto him. Now he had two people hanging onto him. Seth leaned around him to look at the girl clinging to him and sighed, letting go of Andrew. "I guess I'll take to you later Andrew... " He said before he wondered off. Andrew sort of nodded to Seth but didn't really pay attention as he focused on Danielle. "I'm sorry." He apologized, "I've been doing great! What about you?" He asked. That was an extreme over exageration.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:43am Feb 11 2011
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"It's nice to meet you David" he smiled warmly. "Yeah...Sorry. I'm or well was Aiden's literature teacher. He was a very bright student, top of my clas.s" He explained shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked on at the casket. "He will be greatly missed by all. The shcool's put together a sort of momorial service outside my room for him and his friend. It's touching, really but still very devistating" he sighed. "I was there at the accident site and went with them to the hospital, I wish he would have pulled through" he frowned his ears pinning tightly against his skull as he shifted his gaze to the floor. The screams and yells had come back to him. Aiden yelling beside Andrew who had been knocked out and dazzed. That day was horrible and he'd do anything to try to forget it. ------ Danielle watched Seth leave before frowning. "I didn't mean to make him leave...." She sighed turning back to Andrew. "I mean...I...I just wanted to see you" she spoke her ears lowering slighlty. "You don't have to apologize though....It's fine" she spoke bitting her bottom lip. How could things be going great with Andrew when he wasn't at school, at work, or even at the abandon house he had been staying in? He had totally disapeared. "I'm doing good....Jobs still holding up. I also got a home. Martha adopted me.....i'm in her will now, which means I get everything if something were to happen to her. It's....overwhelming honeslty. I didn't expect her to do something like that...." she frowned but shook her head.

7:13am Feb 11 2011
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David nodded, listening to the sullen literature teacher, a sympathetic look on his face. It was great to hear about the school's sympathy by creating a memorial seervice outside of his clas.sroom. He'd never heard of such a thing. He also couldn't imagine being at the scene of the saif car crash that had, in turn, caused the yound adult's death. David was unaware that Andrew had been in a crash and he longer showed any visible, physical signs that would indicate him beinging in one. But he had heard there there was another student who had been in the crash as well. "I'm sorry." He apologized directly to Eric. It must have been horrible and to have that memory go with him for the rest of his life would be a heavy burdon. - "No, he'll be fine.." Andrew responded and listened to what eles the other neko had to say. And what she said definitey made him happy. "Thats great, Danielle. You both have a family now." He said, remembering how Martha said that she hadn't had any children and that he was alone in that big house of hers. Looks like Danielle was going to be ok afterall. Now Andrew didn't have to worry if she was eating like she needed to or getting enough sleep like she was supposed to.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:37pm Feb 11 2011
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( It's gonna be a rude awakening for Eric when he finds out David is Andrew's father. All holding a conversation with him randomly. lol ) Eric smiled warmly and nodded lightly. "It's gotten better. My goal since I couldn't help Aiden was to help the other student in the crash. The doctors wouldn't let me go with Aiden but I could go with the other one. So I've been reaching out to him, trying to help him get things straight. It's been a tough road, but things are looking up" he spoke his ears perking a little bit as his tail swayed behind him. "He want's to go into the military and has a good dream on his shoulders" he spoke still focusing on Aiden's casket. It took him a minute before looking over at David and smiling lightly. "They were best of friends. Last memory of them together is throwing snowballs in the school parking lot" he spoke his ears twitching lightly. ------- Danielle smiled and shrugged lightly. "I mean, it's nice and all but I had never expected it" She said honestly her tail curling around her. "She's a sweet lady and will never treat me like that old family did. I don't even think she has a mean bone in her body" she spoke er ears twitching at the thought. "Although I do kind of miss your company. Will I see you around more often now or are you going to disapear again?" She asked curiosly, focusing on the neko infront of her.

2:34pm Feb 11 2011
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[[ lol I know XDD ]] David listened to him talk fondly about the other student that had been in the crash with Aiden. He didn't really catch on that the student that Eric was talking about was his own son, Andrew. "Its is always very hard to loose someone thats close to you." He said, speaking from both common sense and experience of loosing those he loved in the past. - Andrew missed having Danielle around as well, she was someone that he could talk to easily and he had a lot in common with. He considered her a very good griend even though he hadn't really known her all that long or very well. "I won't disappear again, I promise." Andrew responded, "At least not without telling you first." He added. "I'm kinda staying with Eric now, but I could come see you every now and then?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:50pm Feb 11 2011
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"It is....It really is. When I was younger I lost my foster kid and things like that stick with you" he nodded lightly his tail curling his tail behind him focusing back on the casket. "If you don't mind me asking, How did you know Aiden?" he asked curiously focusing on David a little more than the casket. ----- "Your living with Eric?" She asked curiously, her tail curling around herself. "That hard to see but congrats. He's a good man behind his issues" She spoke uncurling her tail. "I'ld like that though....You visiting. Martha would too. She asks about you sometimes. I told her you were focused on your studies and that you were doing well....I'm glad that's not a lie" She smiled warmly wrapping her arms around him once more. "I really am glad to see you. I feared the worst when you disapeared" She frowned pulling away and looking at the floor. "But that's stupid.....I shouldn't do so".
4:30pm Feb 11 2011
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"Im sorry to hear about that." David said with sencerity in his voice. "I lost my son 7 years ago... I never really got over it." He said, the memory was still painful, no matter how long ago it was. He wasn't very big on showing his emotions so his tail stayed where it was. "Ive known Aiden and his family for 11 years now, if my mind serves me correctly." - "Yeah, I wouldn't have ever thought that i would be staying with him. It's still kinda weird for me... but... I really owe him a lot." He told Danielle, unsure of what to say and a little at lose for words. He really did owe Eric a lot. He perked his ears, "No, you might have been on the right track. I kinda got kidnapped and visted Vegas for a few hours. It was... interesting... I guess." He said
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:56pm Feb 11 2011
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Eric's ears perked forward a little bit listening to David. "I'm sorry to hear about your son. It's never really easy to get over like some people portray. After a while you get tired of hearing the apologies when they dont' really do anything" He admitted with a slight shrug. "11 years is a while. I've met his parents once or twice but not very much which I guess is good for my position. He was a good kid so here was really no means to meet his parents when he was in my clas.s." ------ "You got kidnapped?!" Danielle said a little shocked. "By who? Some stranger. Is that why you disapeared from the hospial?" She asked a little baffled. How could one escape with a seriously injured hospital patient? Wern't there cops everywhere? "That's rather odd. Vegas of all places though....the gambling capital of the world" She frowned her tail curling and uncurling behind her. She really didn't know what exactly to say though. ( I'm just glad Eric doesn't slip and was all "poor Andrew" and what not. lol )

5:24pm Feb 11 2011
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"Yes. But I never heard any apologies on behalf of my son." He nodded, his son had caused a lot of problems during his short life, so when he died everyone seemed to sigh a sigh of relief. Everyone, of course, except for Nicole and Andrew and himself. They all seemed to die in their own way as well. "Aiden's parents are... quite stuffy, personally, but they never effected Aiden's personality." He said. Aiden came from a rich family, one of the very few in this small town, and his parents were very high maintanance people. - Andrew chuckled a little at Danielle's reaction to his statement. "My mom did it actually. It wasa day before I was supposed to be released. She took me to Vegas with her, she has a job up there now." he explained to her. [[ lol Its hard not mentioning Andrew XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:22pm Feb 11 2011
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(It's very hard but i'm going to have Eric flee. lol. Make him do something else or get pulled away. So David can go steal Andrew not to mention proceed on Andrew and Eric's little heart to heart. <3 ) Eric's ears twitched slightly at the comment about him not hearing any apologies from his son. That brought questions to immediatly to his mind but forced himself to subdue them. He listened about Aiden's parents before nodding lightly. "Yeah....by listening and talking to Aiden you'd never know his families background" He smiled thinking back to that happy go lucky kid who was always laughin and smiling at Andrew's side. He went to say something else but a hand found it's way to his shoulder as he turned looking at the man who was overlooking him. "Mr. Dashaniel....I would like a word" a tall black neko said which only caused Eric to nod. "I'm sorry but I must depart. It was nice meeting and talking to you, David" he nodded seeming to follow the tall man away from the front and casket. ---------- "Your mom? Wow...." She muttered frowning lightly. "That's really something. I guess that wouldnt' spook any people at the hospital though" She nodded lightly with a slight shrug. "It's good she found a job in vegas though....I mean as long as it's nothing to degrading though..."

7:47pm Feb 11 2011
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[[ lol Ok :3 ]] "Yeah.... She actually... probably has a degrading job." He said not wanting to imagine what he was talking about. His mom looked like the kind of woman to have that kind of job. He looked at Daniell a little sheepishly. - David nodded as Eric was being pulled away, "Nice talking to you." He responded and the nstarted to look for Andrew once again. Their previous encounter hadn't been the best and he want to try again, or at least talk some more. He spotted him standing with a young girl, talking enthusiastically about something and started that way. He came up behind the two and put his hand on ANdrew's shoulder. "andrew... we need to talk." he said, perking his ears. Andrew turned to look up at David. david looked at Danielle, "Please excuse us, I need to talk to my son." He said quietly to her with an apologetic tone. Andrew gasped quietly to himself, his ears flying back, did have have to say 'son'?! "Uhm... I'll talk to you later..." He said to Danielle as David steered him away. - Seth emerged from the crowd from talking to a few friends in time to see Andew being led away by that gut that had made him so upset. He perked his ears at the two as they scurried out of the church and out into the parking lot. He frowned, wondering who that guy was and feeling totally out of the loop.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:10pm Feb 11 2011
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( this post is going to suck. >.< ) Danielle's tail bristled slightly not expecting to be inturupted. She watched as the older version of Andrew pulled him away and outside tot alk to him. She frowned lightly wavin slightly but not saying anoutehr word towards her friend. Had that man said he was Andrew's father? Her ears fell back not really sure what to think. She turned around to look for Eric to ask him but only found him near the far wall. He didn't look happy, in fact he looked like he was being scolded by the other rather tall man who was speaking with him. Eric's ears were pulled back as his tail was curled around his leg, not making eye contact with that man. She stepped forward but stopped herself not really sure what exactly to do now. Eric was busy and Andrew had just been lead away by his father.
8:22pm Feb 11 2011
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[[ lol Danielle should ask eric if that was Andrew's father and then tell him that the guy said that he was XD ]] David led Andrew out into the parking lot and around to the side of the church building. He released Andrew's arm once he realized that he was gripping it a little harder than he would have liked to admit. He was nervous. "Sorry," He apologized. Andrew took his arm back, he was still slightly sore from the car crash. "It's fine." he answered with a slight growl. "We need to talk." "You've said that already..." David paused, he had, hadn't he? Andrew waited for him to say something
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:31pm Feb 11 2011
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( Totally. Which would make him worry ) Eric frowned lightly and seemed to push past the man who didn't really look like he was done with him. "Now's not the time" he spoke making his way away from the man only to have Danielle to grab is arm, stopping him. "Danielle...you okay?" He asked her only to watch her ears fall. "I should be asking you the same question" She spoke her tail curling behind her, a normal gesture when she got nervous. "Yeah i'm fine....what's up?" he asked curiously. "Ummm. Yes and no. Andrew was just...pulled away by some man who claimed he was his father. But he told me that he was staying with you" She explained her ears perking a little bit. "His father!?" Eric asked, his tail fluffing slightly. "He...." Eric stopped himself and glanced at the floor. "I didn't know his father was still around" he huffed glancing around trying to find Andrew and said father.
8:58pm Feb 11 2011
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Andrew crossed his arms, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, flicking his tail. "Andrew... I didn't forget about you... There wasn't a single day that I didn't think about to, Andrew-" "If you thought about me everyday then why didn't you come back for me like you promised you would?" He asked, anger rising in him and sadness as well. "You were supposed to come back on my 18-" "You're still 18, I-" "My birthday is next month, dad..." Andrew responded quietly, he sagged slightly, seeing that his father had forgotten that too. "You're too late. You left me..." He glanced down and noticed the ring on his father's finger. "And you apparently got remarried.." David didn't know what to say, "I didn't leave you, I left your mother." Andrew growled, looking back up. "No! You left me too! You left me when you walked out that door and didn't take me with you..." Andrew knew that it was getting close to the time when everyone was supposed to sit down for the service.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:31pm Feb 11 2011
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Danielle frowned lightly shaking his head. "Your not goin to find him, Eric. He left with his father" she sighed glancing around aswell. "He'll find his way in though. I'm sure it's nothing big, Eric" she said frowning lightly. She sighed slipping her ears back. "Give him time, Eric. I can see your eyes, you worry about him" Danielle sighed looking down at the ground. "I worried about all my students, Danielle" He frowned looking over at him. "Come on...People are sitting down, can we do that too? For Aiden?" She asked only to catch Eric's gaze. "Yeah....for Aiden" He sighed not really wanting to leave andrew with his father. Hell he didnt' know which father it was, his step or his actual. Sighing Eric wrapped his arm aroud Danielle's shoulders leading her over to one of the wooden benches.