9:57pm Feb 11 2011
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"Andrew, please-" "They're starting. We can do this later..." Andrew sighed and then turned around and tried to escape back into the church and hopefully find Eric and hide from his dad. Bit David reached out and gripped his wrist tightly, making him stop. "Andrew. If you want to hurt me, hurt me. But just hear me out before you run off and hide." Andrew lowered his ears, not looking at him still. How had he known that he was going to hide from him? "I want you to come live with me." David said, perking his lips. "I want to get to know you. I know I havnt been the best father but... I want to try and be here for you now." Andrew jerked away from him, shocked that he wanted to take him back with him where ever he had come from. - Seth sat down, unknowingly, on the opposite isle that Danielle and Eric had sat down on. He looked around for any signs that he could find of Andrew. When he didn't see him he sighed and looked ahead instead, waiting for the service to start. - Andrew slipped in the doors of the church and looked around quickly for Eric or somewhere to sit quickly before David came in after him again since he had ran away. He spooted eric, perked his ears and made a bee line for him, sitting next to him quietly. He glanced over his shoulder to see david coming into the church then.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:44pm Feb 11 2011
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( Sorry. I was doing math homework. I'm finished now ) Eric's ears twitched as he watched Andrew come rushin past him to sit down next to him. He reached over and gently placed his hand on Andrew's knee noticing him look back at the doors. "Andrew....Are you okay?" he asked, his ears falling to his skull almost immediatly. He too glanced back noticing the man and his heart nearly sunk to his toes. Wasn't that the man he had been talking to earlier? Was he the man that said he was Andrew's father? How oculd he not see it? They looked almost identical although with a significant age difference. He frowned turning his attention back to Andrew awaiting his answer not really paying attention to the front of the stage. He wanted to make sure Andrew was alright more than anything happening around him at the current moment.
11:40pm Feb 11 2011
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dAndrew watched David sit down before he actually turned around and nodded to Eric. "I'm fine." He as.sured his teacher with a now and the flick of his ears. That was awful, his father showing up out of nowhere and sudden'y wanting to take him with him to where ever he had come from. He didn't think that he wanted to go. As much as he had always wanted his dad to come and take him away it had always been when he didn't have a place to stay of when that b****** his mom had been dating on hitting him. But now he had a place to stay and he was happy where he was, whether he showed it very well or not. [[ I fell asleep >.< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:53pm Feb 11 2011
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( Your okay. ^.^ ) Eric sighed pulling his hand off of Andrew's knee and focused on the front as the preacher came up to the podium. His ears twitched slightly listening to the man clear his throat before sighing. This was awkward now. Eric wanted answers and he would be sure to make sure after the ceremony that he'd sit Andrew down and finially get them. He hated being on the outside of the circle. Hell the kid was living with him, didn't he desurve at least some insight in the boy's life? Danielle glanced to the side noticing Eric focusing on the ground. She frowned elbowing him in the side causing him to jump slightly, his tail bristling beside him. He glanced over at Danielle before she motioned towards the front indicating he needed to pay attention. Her ears immedialty fell back as she sort of glared at him. What was his problem? This was Aiden's momorial service and the day they were going to finially put him to rest. Eric didn't need to let his mind wander through this.
12:16am Feb 12 2011
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Andrew glanced at Eric's face, he hadn't even noticed that he put his hand on his knee until he had pulled it away. Had he upset him? He seemed kinda upset, but that might have just been him thinking things. He sighed and sat back into his seat, content that his dad was going to leave him alone just for a little while and he was fine beside Eric now. He watched the, rather old, precher make his way to the front of the building and stood behind the podium, clearing his thraot and getting his things together. He wanted to tell Eric what happened but felt really awkward doing so for some reason. He took a breath and, looking ahead and speaking quietly, "My uhm... dad... just showed up." He told him, bringing his hands to cross over his stomach. "And he wants to take me with him when he leaves town..." He said slowly. He was really confused right now and theres was just too much going on at once for him to think clearly about this. "I-i don't... know what...." He shook his head. He didn't know what to do. Hewished that he didn't have to make all of his decisions by himself all of the time. It was so stressful.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:35am Feb 12 2011
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Eric's ears perked forward slgihtly listening to Andrew. He was focused on the preacher but was listening to Andrew's words. So the man he had been speaking to earlier was Andrew's father. He could live with that information but the next words made Eric's tail bristle and his eyes widen. Andrew's father wanted to take him back with him. What was he thinking? This whole time he had been living with his mother and the abusive man that had constantly hit Andrew and just now after he lost his best friend and was semi getting his life back together his father just randomly shows up and wants to take him away? Who did he think he was? Just barging in here. This was the complete opposite of what he had been trying to do. Andrew seemed content living with him and finially for once he had someone living with him. He had company and loved every bit of it. The very thought of Andrew leaving tore at his heart making it sink a little lower. His gaze focused down to the floor before looking over at Andrew. He actually shifted wrapping his arms around him and kissed the top of his head not realy caring if it was a public place. Everyone would be too focused on the preacher versus them. He placed his forehead on Andrew's head so his lips were at the boy's ear. "Listen to your heart on this one. I can't tell you which road to take nor can I influence your choice. Only your heart can tell you that but your going to have to dig deep. Analize your feelings" he whispered to him letting him go and actually sinking in the wooden bench a little bit. He didn't want to watch Andrew walk away with his father, but then again every boy deserved their father no matter what. So a part of him was happy for Andrew but the main part that had feelings for him, hurt. Actually it sort of felt numb by teh shere thought of his little roomate leaving him.

1:07am Feb 12 2011
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Andrew allowed Eric to wrap his arms around him and kiss his head, his only reaction was to lay his ears down out of the way. He listened to what Eric had to say. It didn't really help him. He knew that he was going to have to think about it and make his own decision in the first place. But just for once he wished that someone else would make the decision for him. This being one of the main reasons why he didn't want to open up to anyone, it never had helped him when he did. Why do it again and again? But he took Eric's advice anyway. Analize his feelings... fine.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:16am Feb 12 2011
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"Andrew...." Eric frowned his gaze focusing on the floor. "Your an amazing kid and you've been through a lot. With your mother, the wreck, your mom's boyfriend....you've managed to get away from it all. I want you to figure out if your happy here or would be happy going with him" he spoke softly his ear twitching slighlty. "I'm going to admit, I love having you stay with me. The company is nice and it's not so lonely anymore. I'm not going to lie, if you left i'd be sad. That's expected though but I don't want that influencing your decision" he spoke figuring he might aswell get it off his chest. He wanted to tell Andrew he would be more than sad, that he'd be devistated and heartbroken. He couldn't say that though despite the fact those would be his very feelings.
1:46am Feb 12 2011
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Andrew sighed. "I'm not... anywhere near amazing and my life is screwed up beyond repair.." He responded. The precher finally started to speak up at the front, drawing everyone's attention to him and stopping all of the whispers that might have been pas.sing through the crowd of mourners. He was happy where he was and he wasn't sure that he wanted that to end just yet. Not yet. But he had always wanted to be with his father and he had never been there for that to happen. Now he was here and wanting him back. He'd always wanted to know that his dad did care about him and that he did want him. This was his chance. But on the other hand his father hadn't been there for him when he needed someone to be there for him. He'd left him alone with his mother back in that dump of a trailer park whil he went off and made it better for himself and got a new life and a new family. Must be nice to be able to drop everything, forget about it, and start over. Eric had been there the whole time. Whether Andrew had wanted him there or not. And more than half of the time he hadn't wanted him there and he didn't wanyone there. He thought that he had a dad and the Eric was trying to replace him somehow, some way. And now that he thought about it.... he never really had a dad. And he still didn't think of Eric as a dad, nor would he. He was the closest thing to a best friend he was ever going to have again. He was so confused and he wasn't even listening to the preacher as he talked. Then again he didn't need some stranger talking about his best friend like he didn't know anything about him. He knew more about Aiden than his own parents had and he was proud and 100%t positive that he was correct on that fact.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:00am Feb 12 2011
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Eric let out a sigh his ears pinned against his skull as he barely listened to the preacher. "Nothing's beyond repair, Andreww" he spoke softly listening to the old man. He glanced around noticing tears in others eyes. He wasn't the type to cry and sure wasn't going to become that type randomly right now. His blue gaze focused on Danielle who looked rather sullen beside him taking a moment to reach over and grab her hand gently. She glanced over at him and smiled lightly before returnng her attention to the man at the front although she was more focused on teh casket behind him. The place where Aiden's body rested. Sure she didn't quite know Aiden, but he had seemed sweet. She also knew he was Andrew's best friend and that made her mad that god would allow someone so young and yet so good to go. Life was unfair and she and Andrew both had experienced it. ( I fail. >.<' )
2:26am Feb 12 2011
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[[ lol I kinda skipped the old precher dude XD You can add more if you want~ I was knda braindead as to what to do with him ]] Andrew thought about his situation for, at the very least, half of the service before he finall decided to give himself a rest and listen to what the precher was saying about his freind. Many things were said. He was a wonderful son, friend, brother, and student that had a birght and promising future. something about how the lord worked in mysterious ways and that he had a plan for everything and everything happened for a reason. Andrew didn't like that. If god had a plan for everyone, why did he plan for Aiden to die so painfully? He lowered his ears, wishing now that he hadn't started to listen to this guy. But he did anyway and a few family members spoke about him and ome of the saddest songs that Andrew had ever heard were played. Once all of the was over Aiden's casket was lifted and carried down the middle of the two rows of seat and everyone stood and watched it leave. Andrew lowered his ears and his tail curled up around his side. For some reason it hadn't quite hit him that Aiden wasn't going to come around anymore, but this opened his eyes to that fact. He blinked, his eyes watering and his vision blurred. - Seth looked over and finally spotted Andrew, angry at himself for not realizing that he had been sitting next to him for the entire service. But he really didn't care all that much about where the two of them had sat according to each other and he watched as Andrew finally cried over his friend. He nodded a little, knowing that he would feel much, much better. Even if he didn't realize that just yet. It was an important part of his healing process.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:46am Feb 12 2011
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( Yeah. that's fine ) Eric watched the casket leave feeling his heart sink even further if that was even possible. The kid in that casket used to be so bright and his smile could light up the whole room if you let it. His ears drooped forward as he turned and to look at andrew only noticing his tears. He was crying. For the first time since he met Andrew, he was crying. This very thing made Eric break his promise to himself. He too aquired tears. He wrapped his arm around Andrew sort of protectivly and just rubbed his arm to comfort him. He now knew what he was missing when his mother was burried and her momorial service. He didn't say a word as he continued to focus on Andrew awaiting for him to be ready enough to follow the people out to the graveyard where they would lower his friend into the ground. His eternal resting place. There wasn't any need for words. No more i'm sorry's, no more people pretending they cared. There was nothing after this but the shere memories of his studen'ts best friend. Pictures to forever capture his bright soul and mind.

3:14am Feb 12 2011
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Andrew continued to watch the casket, Eric arm around him almost didn't register through the agony that he was feeling at that moment. He felt a force that seemed to draw him forward after the rest of the crowd. Though he didnt want to watch them put his closest and live long friend into the ground, he had to. If he didn't he would always regret not doing so. He would regret not seeing it through to the end if he didn't go with that crowd. He wouldn't be able to look at himself in the mirror. He didn't say a word, didn't motion for anyone to come with him, he just followed. Anyone else could do as they pleased. Outside the scenery had changed completely, the whether turning from sunny to grey and wet. t was as if the heaven were weaping for Aiden's lose as well. And agains, Andrew wouldn't have had it any other way. Not only was it nice and pretty on the day of the funeral but it was also apropriatly gloomy as well. It looked as if it might even rain as well. [[ Aw. Poor Andrew. I was gonna have him hug Eric but~ Yeah. Maybe when they lower the casket? And... I must admit.... I cired while writing my last post XD I cried again when I reread it to post this and now I have the sniffles lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:28am Feb 12 2011
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{ Yeah. It's sad for me too and i'm sucking at my posts. It reminds me of my uncles death. Cot a call n my bus that he died and I cried all day long and went tohis funneral that friday. It was depressing } Eric sort of dropped his arm watching Andrew follow the crowd out of the church after Aiden's casket. He took a deep breath actually digging his teeth into his bottom lip as he followed. He brought his hand up to wipe his eyes not really wanting others to see him crying. He just slowly followed Andrew out of the church. Immediatly his eyes focused on the sky. He was amazed that it had changed so fast. Arriving it had been full of sun but now the sky had darkened and the clouds were looming over threatning the burial with rain athough honestly, Eric wouldn't mind it. The heavens would be crying for Andrew and his lost friend. The lost angel who was claimed way to early in his life. Eric stepped up to Andrew's side once more wrapping his arm around him again, not really wanting him to get lost within the crowd. He also wanted to insure he was there for him like aways. Though he was really just making sure Andrew didn't disaper through the burial.

10:36am Feb 12 2011
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[Aw D; I'm sorry ] Andrew, though he was extremely greatful for Eric's comfort, wished that Eric wouldn't see him like this. Wished that no one would see him like this. He hated crying and he never cried in front of anybody, not even when he was a young kid did he cry in front of others. Outside the casket was carried to the burial spot. Not everyone that had been in the church had come. Not everyone could watch this part, it was sometimes unbearable. The casket was positioned and a few more words were said, this time of departure and a prayer. Andrew listened quietly. In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to Almighty God our brother Aiden; and we commit his body to the ground; earth to earth; ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord make his face to shine upon him and be gracious unto him and give him peace. Amen. At this time there would be another pause in the service. A few minutes for anyone that couldn't watch the casket lowered into the ground and even more people left then, tears in their eyes, quiet or loud sobs escaping their lips.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:22pm Feb 12 2011
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Eric's ears pulled back as he man spoke. He debating whether or not he should turn an leave as well. He watched a few turn an leave sobbing which only made him uncomfortable as he tightened his grip just a little bitt on Andrew. His eyes averted to the ground as he tried not shed cry even more than he had within the service. He felt his chest tighthen as he seemed to look up at the sky wondering if god really did have a plan for Aiden. His death was everything but peaceful so he really did pray the kid was safe and sound in heaven. Wishing no pain would ever have to come to him again but now his body was left behind in the casket to be burried while his soul and spirit were in a better place. His ears perked forward snapping him out of his thoughts as the man seemend to randomly clear his throat. His eyes focused on the casket awaiting for it to be lowered into the earth. The final stage for Aiden's body.
12:37am Feb 13 2011
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Andrew sighed, sniffling a little as he did so. "You dont have to stay." HE said quietly to Eric. He could stand here by himself without anyone having to worry bout him hurting himself or something. He knew that they were going to wait a few minutes before they lowered the casket into the ground and he composed himself. - Seth, instead of leaving like he would have liked to do, made his way over to Andrew and stood beisde him quietly and wrapped his tail around his leg comfortingly. He didn't speak or do anything further than that but he was determined to spend some time with Andrew. A;; day he had been pulled away from him somehow someway.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:51am Feb 13 2011
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Eric's ears pulled back as he looked down at Andrew. "I'm not leaving your side. I need to be here for this....to see it through to the end" He spoke softly and quietly not wanting to bother anyone else. They were concentrating and focusing on Aiden so he didn't want to take that attention away because he was talking loudly or anything else. His gaze went to the ground in front of him as his tail flopped behind him, his arm still around Andrew slighlty resting on his back. He focused on his own breathing slightly before looking back over at Aiden's casket. "I would never forgive myself for abandoning him now."
1:16am Feb 13 2011
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Andrew glanced at Eric, surprised at what all he had said. It was like he knew what he had thought to himself a few minutes ago and had simply repeated it to him. He didn't say anything, instead he just nodded and looked back to the casket. A few more minutes pas.sed and then the casket was slowly lowered into the grave. This was the worse part of the funeral, in Andrew's opinion. watching the casket, carrying your loved one, slowly lowering into the ground. The hole was eight feet deep in darkness and cold earth. And you knew that it was never coming back up again. This really dawned on you as you watched the casket get smaller until you couldn't see it anymore over the edge of the ground. Andrew felt tears in his eyes again and a sudden panic seemed to fall over him. He suddenly didn't want Aiden to be buried. He didn't want him to be gone and for everything that he had left to go with him. He wanted to fling himself a bring the casket back up and into the warmth and light again. Aiden had never liked the dark... - Seth lowered his ears. This was so disturbing and sad that he was sure that he wasn't going to be able to get any real sleep tonight if any. He reached up and wiped a few tears delicately from the edges of his eyes with his fingers. he might not have know AIden very well but he had seemed really nice and he was certainly a smart guy. A hard worked, quick learner, and great student and friend. He seemed like he would be the perfect kind, every parent's dream child. PLus he was Andrew's best friend and vertually his only one.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:27am Feb 13 2011
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( Dang it, Tsunade! You made me cry. >.<; That last paragraph of Andrew's hit me hard. ) Eric's ears flopped forward and seemed to droop slightly as the sight of the casket disapeared from view. With each inche it was lowered into the ground his heart lowered with it. There went Andrew's friend, his only companion. He wanted to cry so bad but managed to hold himself together. The dirt ever slightly falling as the platform was lowered. Deep inside he was thankful he was here. To witness this with Andrew, to be there for him but on teh other hand he wished he hadn't come at all. He didn't know Aiden as a person just a student. What teacher came to a student's funneral? Obviously he did. Since Aiden was Andrew's friend he owed it to both Andrew and Aiden to be here though it was mostly for Andrew.