11:59pm Feb 15 2011
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"Yeah," Andrew said, standing up. "we can finish thi later, kay? Go put on something that you don't care to get ruined... But isn't too messy." was all he said before he walked off towardd his room. He was curious as to what Eric must be thinking right now but just focused on getting dressed. He pulled on a white T-Shirt, it fit perfectly, not exactly tight but it wasn't going to billowing in the breeze either. Not that there was going to be a breeze anywhere. And a pair of jeans. He didn't care about these clothes really, he usually only wore the m to laze around most of the time. After that he pulled on his shoes. If he couldn't tell Eric things about himself, then he was going to show him some of it. And Aiden too. This was going to be fun, he had to tell himself. He had to stop thinking about Aiden or he was going to make himself sick. Again.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:33am Feb 16 2011
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Eric's ear twitched before nodding and standing up without a word. He made his way back to his bedroom not even bothering to shut the door. If Andrew was going to be in his there was no way he'd be peaking into his room anyway. Eric stripped out of his suit making sure to hang it up before anything else. He slipped on a pair of light blue jeans and walked over to his dresser digging in it for some shirts. He wasn't used to dressing down so all his clothes were sorta still dressy. He let out a sigh digging around until he found a black t-shirt. "Wonder when I got this" he muttered to himself not really reconizing it but slipped it on anyway. He let his tail sway behind him as he grabbed his shoes heading back to the living room to put them on. He wondered where on earth they were going but hen again wasn't about to question it. He was scared that Andrew would randomly change his mind. "Am I driving to this place or are we walking?" He called his ears flopping forwrd slightly as he slipped on his shoes.

12:46am Feb 16 2011
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Andrew came out of his room soon after, dressed and ready to go. He;d secretly given himself a pep talk, telling himself that it was going to be fun. "Uh... We could walk. But its pretty far to walk and it would take a while." He said, perking his ears when he saw Eric. Had he ever seen him dress so casually before? He shrugged off the thought mentally and walked into the living room. "It'll be fun." He promised, he wondered if it had changed any since the last time that he had been there. "But we can leave if you dont like it." He added, it wasn't for everybody. "Make sure you have your Id..." He said, to himself as well as Eric. It would suck if they couldn't get in because they didn't have IDs. He made sure he had his ID. He didn't need a fake one for this since he was 18 and legal to go.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:05am Feb 16 2011
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"The walking thing is up to you. I could drive or you since you know where we are going" He shrugged standing up and slipping his hand into his pocket pulling out his ID. "Never go anywhere wihtout it" he smiled warmly his ears seeming to tilt to the side as he watched Andrew. This was a very unusual change in Andrew's demeaner. Curiosity pulled at him as he watched Andrew not really sure what else to do. "You know. You don't really have ot listen to my past if you don't want to. It must makes me feel and sound old, ya know? Reliving it is sorta weird but...it feels nice to finially tell someone" He sighed glancing down at the ground, his ears droopign forward and his tail curlin around his own waist. ( fail )
1:11am Feb 16 2011
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Andrew stopped in his mini mental checklist and looked to Eric. There he went dampening the mood. Couldn't have that yet. "You're not...." He paused, he had no idea how old Eric was at all. It had never crossed his mind before. "How old are you anyway?" He asked curiously, wanting to know. He felt that Eric knew more about him than he knew about Eric sometimes. [ No.. I fail xD ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:19am Feb 16 2011
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( Going back looking at Eric's picture he has long hair and short ears with a really fluffy tail. O.o ) Eric staired at Andrew for a moment before chuckling. "If I were a girl i'd hit you for asking me that question, but i'm twenty five...twenty six this comming december" he spoke his tail uncurling around hsi waist and flopping behind him. He did feel old somtimes even when he wasn't really. A teacher at twenty five was amazing. Normally some kids would still be in college. He happened to go into an early college program towards the end of high school not to mention doing online courses over the summer so an early degree came naturally to him. He took a deep breath shoving his hands into his pockets just leaning against the wall smiling warmly waiting for Andrew's reaction to his age.
1:32am Feb 16 2011
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Andrew nodded, shouldn't have asked that anyway. He was exactly the sme age as his older brother would be in October... 26. He inhaled and exhaled quickly, creating a short huff. "Yep. You're not old..." Now that he knew what age Eric was he could have possibly knew his older brother but he wasn't going to bring that up right before they were going out and spoil everything for himself. "To make it fair, I'm turning 19 in October. Now lets go.." He said, backing up half a step toward the door. The fact that Eric was getting cozy on the wall over there wasn't good. The place they were going was a limited space and you had to et there before everyone else. ut things didn't get started until dark.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:52am Feb 16 2011
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Eric smiled warmly nodding lightly standing up straight. "So....what'd you decide on. Am I driving or you or are we walking?" he aske curiously taking his hands out of his pockets and smiling. His tail twitched slightly wondering as his curiosiy came back to him. "So....do I get a hint where we are going?" he asked his ears twitching slightly. ( Fail )
1:57am Feb 16 2011
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Andrew grinned his own grin and perked up, "you should probably drive. Its faster." He trned towards the door, figuring he'd lead if Eric wasn't going to. "You did!" He responded to the 'hint' comment, "change your clothes and you have to have an ID. Thats all you get." He said teasingly. No way was he going to tell what they were doing, but they were obviously going clubbing.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:19am Feb 16 2011
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"You see, that's really not fair...I may be a teacher but i'm slow when it comes to social gatherings" Eric spoke following Andrew. He pulled out his keys and sort of jingled them. "you know....You really need a car" he spoke randomly as he walked next to Andrew. "I can't have you walking everywhere. IT's too dangerous these days."
7:41am Feb 16 2011
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Andrew opened the door and moved out into the hallway. "I was gonna get one, but now I have to worry about hospital bills." He said, seeming to brush off the whole subject with his statement. Of course he could walk anywhere he needed to go. He'd always done it. And just because he had been in a car accident didn't make any difference. He walked out into the parking garage so that they could get in the car.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:34am Feb 16 2011
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( *Drags feet* I'm so tired and to think I have to go face Math for two hours....Ick ) Eric paused in thought when Andrew mentioned hospital bills. Then it seemed to dawn on him that Andrew was alone now. No one was comming behind him and paying his way through everything. His ears slightly fell as he sighed. "I forgot...." he said simply his tail swaying behind him as he unlocked his car and opened the pas.senger door for Andrew. "So....what direction am I going?" He asked curiously his right ear twitching slightly. If he didn't know where they were going then it would be sorta hard to drive there but figured Andrew would pull through for them. He could give out directions since he was the one taking him.
4:13pm Feb 16 2011
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Andrew walked around and stood beside Eric for a minute. "Just go down to the bar," he directed, referring to the bar he used to work at. "And I'll tell you were it's at when we get there." He got into the car when his door was opened, agains just going along with it since Eric had been doing it since he came here. He sighed, he had been meaning to break that habit. Mentioning the hosptal bills had been automatic because it was the truth. He needed to pay those off and he needed another job. He figured that he migght be able to see if he still had a job at the bar while they were down there and if not then he would have to find another place to work.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:13pm Feb 16 2011
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( Do you have any extra hearts or heart shards? ) Eric closed Andrew's door before slipping around the car and going into the driver's seat. He smiled warmly turning on the car and pulling out of the parking spot. "The bar....Hmm. I havn't been there in a while" He spoke his tail twitching as he pulled out onto the road. "Or well....near there. So...back to the subject of the car. What type would suit you? I mean i've seen teenagers have different cars but the models they get dont' really represent them. I seen a person with a minivan and they were so excited, but it didn't suit them at all" he chuckled his ears floppin forward as he focused on the road. ( Fail -_- )
9:40pm Feb 16 2011
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Andrew looked out of the window as Eric pulled out and away from his apartment building, listening to him as he spoke but not really having anthing to say, He hadn't been near the bar fora while either and he wondered if anything had happened there since the last time he had been. "I... dont really know what kind of car suits me." He answered, tail slowly wrapping itself up around his thigh. "I don't think I really care as long as it runs." He said simply. Then again, he had always wanted his brothers car. 8 grand had gone under the hood of that thing. And that was just under the hood. He was pretty sure that it had been a black and silver Honda Civic with a high tail fin. Yep. That was it but his mother had gotten rid of it when his brother died. It was too bad, Alex had hidden his money underneath the back seat, they could have used it. him and his mom.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:43pm Feb 16 2011
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[[ Heart or heart shards? o.o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:05pm Feb 16 2011
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( Both? The only ones I need are Pink Heart, Purple heart, Pink Heart Shards, Black Heart Shards, and Yellow heart shards. ^.^ ) Eric listened to Andrew before sighing. "Fair enough" he spoke paying attention to the road. "So..." He spoke not really sure what to say. He really had no clue where they were going but in all honestly was happy. Andrew was actually taking him somewhere which souldn't really make him happy. A slight frown came to his face. He had to stop thinking about Andrew like he was his boyfriend. He was his student and that's what he was going to be. There was nearly 7 years inbetween them and plus he was straight. Sre he's kissed him once and witnessed Seth making out with him but those were tests. Nothing else. Or so he made himself to beleive. ( Oi.... What if Eric found his brother's car? Like Andrew opens up about his brother, makes a comment about the car, and Eric finds it? )
11:31pm Feb 16 2011
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Andrew glanced over at Eric from his window when he spoke to see the frown. He figured that it was because he hadn't given that much information on the kind of car he wanted. "Actually, I've always wanted my brother's car.. It was a black and silver Honda Civic with a really high tail fin." He said, looking back out of the window. "He used to work on it a lot, most of the time actually." He said, thinking about it now. "He put a lot of his money into it over the years. "He put over 8,000 dollars under the hood.... He needed it to go fast 'cause he used to street race with it." He informed the other. "He won a lot too. And what ever he won and didn't spend he hid it in the back seat." He nodded slowly, wondering just how much his brother had hidden in that thing. He sighed, "But my mom got rid of it when he died. Guess she didn't want to look at it sitting out in the front anymore... I didn't either but I would have rather it sit in the front yard than her getting rid of it." He stated.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:43pm Feb 16 2011
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Eric's ears twitched as he glanced over at Andrew listening to his story. So he wanted his brother's car. It shouldn't be too hard to track downt he Honda civic. It if was a racing car and used for such then there were many options at where exactly it could be. A smirk found it's way to Eric's face. "Racing car. Impressive. It's hard to get those cars perfect. Takes a lot of work and a good eye for a sucessfull racing car" He muttered outloud. He seen the bar getting closer before wrapping his tail around himself. "Striaght or turn or what? Bar's up here on the right" he commented changing the subject. He now knew what his goal would be for the next couple of weeks. Find Andrew's brother's car and buy it back for him. He too wondered if all the money was still in the back seat or if whom ever bought it found the money and spent it already.
11:56pm Feb 16 2011
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"Yeah, it is." Andrew responded. His brother had spent so much of what little time he had to himself working on that car. The only time Andrew ever really got to see him, that car had been involved, so it had meant a lot to him. When his mother had gotten rid of it it was like she had killed his brother all of over again. He perked when Eric said that the bar was coming up. That was fast. "It's just past the bar," He said, "Its a big, blank looking building. One of the last ones before you leave the town." Andrew stated, visualizing the building in his mind.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~