12:37am Feb 17 2011
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Eric listened to Andrew before focusing on the bar ahead of them. "I don't think i've ever been out there" he spoke trying to remember if he had or not. He's only been out near the bar and that's as far as he's ever went. He watched the bar pas.s before sighing lightly. He watched the buildings making sure he didn't miss the one Andrew had explained to him. "So....How do you know this place?" Eric asked curiously, his tail flopping beside him. "This might be interesting" he spoke thinking. It was deffinatly going to be interesting. What was Andrew taking him to a secret Rave?
12:45am Feb 17 2011
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"My brother always used to talk about it. But I never tried to find the place." Andrew answered, waiting for the building to come up. "And one day a few years back I tried to get out of town and just kept walking. I came across it and got in by chance and... I brought Aiden back here the next time and we've been coming here since then." He said. "Used to." He corrected himself. "Anyway, like I said before we can leave if you dont like it." He said. He wasn't sure if he liked this place the first time around, there was just so much all at once that it was a little overwhelming.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:15am Feb 17 2011
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( Grrrrr! I had a post and I lost it! ) Eric sighed shaking his head a litle bit. "It's fine Andrew. I'm sure it's a fun place....." He spoke looking for the building and spotting it a few buildings up. "Really don't worry about it. I trust you" he spoke pulling into the building's parking lot and finding a free space. He turned off the car before climbing out and actually slipping acrossed the front of the hood feeling a litle to lazy to walk, plus he wanted to get to Andrew's door before he did so the hood slide was the best option. He landed on the other side of the car and smirked opening Andrew's door leaning on it. "So....You ready?" He asked. His tail flopped behind him as his eyes showed a litle excitment not really sure what to expect.
1:38am Feb 17 2011
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[[ Aw I hate when that happens >.< ]] Andrew had only just got his seat belt off and his hand on the door before he had tostare at his teacher jumped over the car to get to his door. He sighed when it was opened but stepped out anyway, a smirk on his face. "Dont get too excited, its not cool." He said with a smirk but he was pretty excited as well. It was starting to get dark, perfect, and the parking lot was going to be dark and it was pretty full already so they needed to get into the building before they starting bumping into things. "This way." He directed, patting his back pocket to make sure he still had his wallet and that it hadn't fallen out into the floor boards of the car. His ears perked and tail swaying slowly behind him he lead the way through the parking lot and along the side of the building. The place looked like some kind of big, abandoned warehouse or factory. Well, thats kinda what it was anyways. He reached a large metal looking door and pulled it open, it was lighter than it looked and held it open for Eric. The door lead through to a hall and at the end there was yet another door. The hall was to keep the place quite because if the police happened across this place it would be shut down for sure. Andrew went first again to get the other door and he secretly wanted to see Eric's face when they got to the other side. the hall was dark, but that would change when he opened the door, loud music could be heard through the door. [[ Somethign should happen to/with these two o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:01am Feb 17 2011
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( Like what? lol. Andrew's sorta bringing the kid out in Eric. <3 Or well his teenage years. Ooooh. What if our magic fluffy kitty Reed apeared randomly or played there? If it is a rave/club thing. ^.^ Imagine how young Eric would act. He'd be going back in time. lol. ) Eric seemed to chuckle at Andrew's coment about getting to Excited. "How can I not be? I'm a lit teacher. I get stuck with unventful students for 8 hours straight five days a week" He frowned calming his flopping tail and managing to compose himself as he followed Andrew. He looked at the building noticing it look empty but once in the hall his ears flopped forward hearing the faint noise of music. He perked up slightly glancing at Andrew out of curiosity. "It's smart what they did here. You can't hear a thing outside" He smirked shoving his hand into his pocket preparing to get his ID card like Andrew said he would need. "This is legal right?" he asked curiously focusing on Andrew feeling slightly odd he was the one getting the doors.

2:32am Feb 17 2011 (last edited on 2:40am Feb 17 2011)
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[[ XD Thats what I was thinking actually o3o Reed should show up somehow~ In stage definitely I meant something that would make Eric hopeful of Andrew beciming more than a student :3 Or something that would make Andrew feel jeolous about or something >3< Idk. Just something :D ]] Andrew couldn't help but chuckle. Eric seemed to ask the very question that he was hoping that he wouldn't, This place was half legak, but thats just part of the fun. Andrew pushed the second door open and everything when from dark and slightly scary to brilliantly lit and interesting. Just through the door was a place that looked so much bigger than it did on the ouside because when you came into the building you were coming into the club's second level. the place was lit with flashing strobe lights making the dancers below and the loiters along the belony looking like they were ticking. Black lights made light colored clothes, like Andrew's, stand out and dark clothes, like Eric's, blend. And neon lights that wer just cool in the dark. A new song started to play "Take It Off" by Kesha. Andrew had stopped briefly so he could glance at Eric. the dance floor below was huge and took up the whole bottom level. It you paid attention you would noticed that the dancers were splattered in neon paints that stood out with the black lights and they wore glow stick neclaces and braclets. This was the reason Andrew had advised on wearing clothes that could be messed up. The other worldly effect was only intensifyed by the design of the place. There was a lit bar against the wall that served drinks that would glow in the black lights and two stages on either side of the room. On one stage there were instruments set and on the other stage were dangers of both genders. Looked like there was going to be a live performance tonight. Andrew let the door close behind them, his eyes lit up, both from the lights and the excitement of being here. "You might loose your clothes~~" He warned micheviously. The first time he and Aiden had come here, Aiden lost his shirt in the crowd and his own shirt had been shredded horribly and splattered with so much paint.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:56am Feb 17 2011
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{{ What if Reed's grand enterance was to make out with Andrew's teacher? I mean Andrew and Eric did kiss and he obviously feels something more with Eric than Seth. And Eric's always around kissing his head and stuff. So you know he's bound to develop some attachment. Cause he's bringing Eric to his and Aiden's spot. That's sorta specia. Reed could be the live band playing. His colored fur and highlights like the picture deeming him not changed a bit except older. Eric would instantly reconize him not to mention probably be yanked up on stage by his old friend thus making out infront of the whole bar? I donno. Ideas ideas. lol. }} Eric's jaw seemed to drop looking around the place. So many lights, the paints, the people, everything seemed to excite the older neko. His tail bristled slightly out of shere excitment of the place he couldn't help but laugh at everything. "Oh.....My.....God" he muttered breaking up the words for further emphasise. His ears were perked forward before looking down at Andrew, tearing his gaze from the lights and moving people. He may loose his shirt? So what...this place brought him back so many memories. Most of them of him being high but still. "Wouldn't matter to me...donno where this shirt came from in the first place" He laughed placing his hand on Andrew's head. "This is really cool.....I havn't seen a party like this in.....well never. All of ours were small but this place" he shook his head not knowing the right words for it. His gaze traveled to the stage wondering who exactly would be playing. Probably some random band that went from bar to bar on a daily basis only to spice things up at night during their most profitable hours. His tail continued to flop behind him not really sure what to do. IT was all kind of overwhelming but yet very, very exciting.

10:29pm Feb 17 2011
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Andrew smiled and laughed, ears perked, excited that Eric liked the place and that they were going to stay. "Com on, then!" He stated and turned to go down the stairs that lead to the first level of the secret, underground club.The music seemed to get louder as you went down the steps and clubers stood on either sides of the steps, drinks in hand, and set a glow by all the lights. This place didn't seem to have a name so Andrew simply called it, "Underground". Simple enough and it fit the place well. The band that was supposed to play tonight had made their way out onto the stage and were getting their equipment ready for the show. The dancers danced to the music that was already playing, taking no interest in the musicians on stage yet and were all close together. Andrew loved this place, he'd forgotten so many problems here and it smelled of all kinds of different colognes and perfumes. Drugs and alcohol and wet paint. It was an entirely new experience each time you came. New sights, new sounds, new people, and new smells all in one. Once on the dance floor the paint would immediately start rubbing off of you from others. Though you could go to the bar and but paint to sling and glow sticks. That was the main thing to do on the second level of the club, throw paint down on unsuspecting dancers.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:51pm Feb 17 2011
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( No comment on the idea? Was it bad? ) Eric chuckled following the eager student down the stairs. He took notice to the drinks and paint and people just hanging out here and there. It was aoo too thrilling. His tail fluffed up slightly as his ears perked forward. He took a deep breath making his way after Andrew. He accidently brushed against a random dude only to cause him to laugh as a glob of green paint apeared on his shoulder. His eyes seemed to lighten as he realized how things might turn out. The one day where everything felt could go wrong changed dramatically into something that could be more enjoyable. This place sure would do what Andrew and he needed. It would help them forget for a little while and relax. Eric's gaze traveled to the stage his tail flickering to the music. He watched the dancers dance to the already playing song on the sound system that was rigged to this place. "You really... know the good spots don't you?" Eric asked Andrew not really sure if he heard due to the currently loud blasting music.

11:18pm Feb 17 2011
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[[ LOL No!! XD I posted over my comment on your idea Dx I said that I loved it and that it had to happen o3o ]] Andrew's ears swiveled to pick up what Eric had said to him, he had just barely caught it. " I try!" He responded loudly to make sure that it got over the music and sound of the dacers and back to Eric once more. He really had no clue as to where he was going in the club, he really only wanted to get away from the steps and out into the dance floor. [Que Reed? ;D Or Eric spotting him? :3]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:31pm Feb 17 2011
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( Ahhh. Well after this post i'm going to post a picture of Reed and how he looks now. Sadly no ear peircings but he's red. <3 And dressed like that too. Hehe. ) Eric's ears perked as he grinned following Andrew onto the dance floor. He oddly reached forward and grabbed his arm gently and instantly seemed to turn into a teenager again as he lead his student out onto the floor, covered in painted people. His tail flopped some more otu of excitment but was careful not to hit or get it caught anywhere. Last thing he needed was to be in pain or piss someone off. "I wonder who's playing!" He called over the music to Andrew. It didn't process through is mind that he didn't know any of the popular bands now a days. He glanced towards the stage and watched a few males set up behind their instruments. They seemed to be painted in colors themselves although they were mainly in solid colors. The drummer was painted in green from head to toe the paint seeming to drip off his fur like he was just spashed with a bucket. The guitarest was in purple which oddly reminded him of the cheshire cat with the stripes how they were perfectly outlined. He then noticed a red figure making his way out onto the stage and Eric's heart sunk. "Reed!" he yelled out but not meaning to. His mind seemed to take over as his eyes focused on the painted red neko that stepped behind the microphone, his tail curling behind him as he grinned down to the crowd. "You all ready to rock?" He called out his ears not seeming to catch the lone call of his name. Eric's body reacted as he pushed his way past a few excited and yelling people seeming to abandon Andrew. His eyes were focused on the red neko who at this time had spotted him. "Eric?" Reed asked into hte microphone actually sounding a little shocked. He immediatly turned to the band and made a motion allowing them to begin playing carrying out a steady beat as their lead singer made his way to the edge of the stage abandoning his microphone and grabbing Eric's shirt pulling him up onto the stage. "Ahhh. Long tme no see friend" Reed grinned at his shocked friend's face. "I heard you switched teams....I'm proud of you" He spoke tightening his grip on Eric's shirt that he still held in his palm. The red neko leaned forward pressing his lips up to the blonde males ingoring the fact that they were on stage infront of the whole intire place, the band playing behind them.

11:31pm Feb 17 2011
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Ze lovely Reed: 
11:56pm Feb 17 2011
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Andrew, who had been leading Eric this whole entire time, was suddenly and unexpectedly swept away into the crowd by his arm by Eric. But he went along with it seeing as that was where he had been headed to in the first place. and when they did get out onto the dance floor everything changed very suddenly. The band had set up and Eric had rushed off toward the stage with the rest of the crowd that had gathered around the foot of it. The music that had been playing before went off and Andrew distinctly heard Eric's name said over the mic. What the f*** was going on? Andrew could really do anything no that he was crowded. He sighed, but couldn't even hear himself do that over the music that was playing and the cheering teens and adults around him. He focused on the stage, figuring that Eric would pop up eventually, only to see said neko up on stage of all places. How had he gotten up there when he had been standing right next to Andrew 5 seconds ago? Andrew perked his ears, confused but interested until the kiss... His ears laid flat against his head and his eyes narrowed up at the two on stage. The cheers only got louder but everything seemed to get quiet to Andrew. It was just him and Eric and, who he now realized, was Reed on stage. It was like that for a few agonizing moments before someone punched Andrew in the gut, hard, and he came back to reality to find that no one had actually touched him. It was just shock catching up with him. He huffed, shaking his head slightly and turning away from the stage to head to the bar which should be less crowded now that everyone was focused on the band now. Why did he feel sick all of a sudden? [[ Nice O3O ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:18am Feb 18 2011
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( Isn't he? lol. I was instantly hooked. Sexy outfit too. <3 ) Reed's tail curled behind him as he drew out the kiss for a few minutes enjoying the fact that Eric too was drawing it out. After a few seconds pas.sed Reed pulled away and smirked at his childhood best friend. "Mmmm. You taste good. You know, Eric. I love you and all....but get off my stage" He chuckled placing his hand on Eric's chest and pushing him backwards. The blonde male let out a small suprised yip before he fell back into a few arms causing the Red Neko to chuckle and go back behind the microphone. "Later Eric...." he spoke into it a smirk forming on his face. The male focused back on his band before nodding as they slowed down the beat they had been playing to actually started playing the song they were to start out. Reed seemed to close his eyes before singing out the lyrics as his cue came up. 'look into these eyes i've seen the same....' Reed's voice seemed to be drowned out by screams and shouts around Eric as his mind seemed to actually start working now. He glanced around, his ears perked, looking for the very person he came here with, Andrew. Slight panic came to him as he made his way through the crowd away from his singing friend on stage. He took a deep breath being knocked to the side here and there by people dancing around him but he didn't really care about that. His main focus was to get to Andrew wherever he had gone. The blonde's eyes scanned the crowd till he saw Andrew. He went to head towards him but was stopped by a random dude who seemed to curl his tail around eric's leg. Instantly Eric bristled pushing the guy away and denying him. He went to focus back on Andrew but as soon as he looked in teh direction he was gone. "The hell?" he muttered huffing slighlty feeling lost in a sea of people of various colors. All he wanted to do was get back to Andrew but was behing denied just that. ( Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE-hMSpbL84&feature=related )

7:41am Feb 18 2011
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Andrew made it through the crowd to the bar on the other side of the club, ignoring the sound of the guy on stage talking to Eric through the microphone. He rolled his eyes, figures that this would happen. It always did and thats why he didn't open up to anyone. ...Wait, why did it matter that Eric was having fun? Thats why Andrew had brought him here. Eric had nothing to do with ehy he didn't open up to anyone. And he didn't understand why seeing Eric up on that stage had pissed him off so much... which only succeeded to piss him off more. He reached the bar as the band started to play and ordered a drink. He had absolutely no idea what he ordered, but the more colorful the better. More alcohol. Plus there was a glow stick braclet in the gas.s. He pas.sed his ID to the guy on the other end who took it. Here you didn't have to be 21 to drink, another reason this place could be shut down if found. He paid for it when it came and sat down with it, dranking it in a few gulps, the cup had been small, tilting his head back slightly. The glowing braclet fell against his lips as he drank. He put the glas.s down and hissed slightly, his ears falling back. Whatever that was had been strong. Once the kick was gone he pulled the braclet out and put it on to look at it sullenly. It smelled of the drink that he had been given. He hadn't drank in a long time... felt good actually. And he sudden;t wanted another one. He had no idea that Eric was looking for him or he would have gone to get hin, swallowing his pride to do so. But instead he was sulking at the bar, his tail hanging from his bar stood limply behind him. [[ Cool song o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:54pm Feb 18 2011
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The people and just the whole colors and loudness of it all was starting to get to Eric. His ears fell back against his skull as he tried to look for the student he came here with but that seemed impossible at the current moment. Andrew had been there a second ago, where had he gone? He let out a huff brushing past people here and there, his black shirt starting to be stained with all kinds of colors. Eric's tail curled around his waist finially breaking free from the crowd only to stop once on he outside to glance back over at the stage. He watched Reed prance around and sing. The sight brought a smile to his face. He looked the same as he did a few years ago when he had moved away. Sure the look changed a little bit but no one dressed the same as they did when they were in high school. Reality came back to Eric realizing what exatly he was doing instead of paying attention to his friend. He needed to find Andrew. Anouther huff escaped the frustrated blonde neko until he noticed a familar shape slumped at the bar. "Andrew" Eric spoke his ears perking out of excitmen. "Andrew" He smiled placing his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" He asked noticing the sulking boy. What was with him? He was happy just a few moments ago before he left him. What had gotten into him?

2:01am Feb 20 2011
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Andrew, once he heard Eric calling him, put his arm down and took his eyes off of the glowing light blue braclet. He turned around in his seat then to face him, ears coming forward once more. "Peachy." He responded, that had been the flavor of his drink. The band was still playing in the background. "Having a drink, what about you? He asked, trying not to be an *censored* and staying away from the topic and though of Eric getting up on stage in front of god any everyone and kissing his friend on stage. he didn't car, so why bring it up in the first place? [[ fail ); sorry it took me so long to respond ive been so exhausted lately XD and my mom wouldn't let me on the computer ); I like your new siggie <3 ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:12am Feb 20 2011
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( Your fine. <3 I'm a patient person. ^.^ And thanks. I'm excited! Feni made me a new profile and I got the banner from Shadow for sending 'em pictures of Lambert. *dances* I also gave 14broken a card. I feel nice. <3 ) Eric's ears swivled back as he sat down in the empty chair next to him before sighing. "Nothing much. Trying to find you only to get pulled every which way" He frowned glancin back out at the crowd before focusing on his friend on stage. A small smile forming on his face. "I never thought i'd see him again" He spoke randomly before turning his attention back to Andrew. "What are you drinking or...were?" he asked curiously noticing the new addition to his arm, the blue braclet. "Do they all come with glowing things in them?" he asked, his tail curling behind him.
2:15am Feb 20 2011
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3:00am Feb 20 2011
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Andrew flicked his ear, as he turned back around in his seat to face the bar once again, placing his other hand on the table top in front of him. "Glad you got your friend back." He replied with a sigh, this wasn't turning out to be as fun as he thought it was going to be but at least he was out of the house. "No idea." He responded simply, he didn't know what he had been drinking he had told the bar tender to bring him anything so hed have to ask the guy what he'd given him. He leaned on his knckled and turned his face toward Eric. "Not all of them, just the really alcoholic ones." He told him. [[ Youre a nice person xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~