3:07am Feb 20 2011 (last edited on 3:08am Feb 20 2011)
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Eric listned to Andrew allowing his tail to flop around behind him. "Hmmm. Well i'm glad i'm driving home tomight, so I guess drink as much as you want tonight" he smiled his ears drooping slightly as a low cuckle escaped him. Normally he wouldn't encourage minors drinking but Andrew was staying with him so he could watch him so nothing bad would happen. "Eh....not sure I have him back though" he spoke frowning. "I mean....it's been years so I don't know where we stand since the fight" he shrugged not seemin to care at the moment. "You sure you're okay? Your acting strange. "You don't look as perky as you had when we first came in here. Something bothering you?" he asked watching the bartender roam around behind the bar before focusing back on Andrew. ( And for some reason i resent the phrase "nice things happen to nice people" >.<' )
3:51am Feb 20 2011
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"Best friends can stay connected and pick right back up where they left off, even after years of not seeing or speaking to each other." Andrew stated, not even thinking about what he'd said. He perked his ears a little more. "If you let it..." He added quickly, his head moving up and down as he talked. Alcohol seem to bring out the best in Andrew at this point, unlike some people. For some people it makes them angry and wild. Andrew was far more gentle, probably because of his naturally angry nature that he made all the time. [[ lol whut? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:04am Feb 20 2011
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( I have no clue. lol. ) Eric's ears fell listening to his student speak. His blue eyes focused on the floor feeling a little ashamed of himself. The fight had been all his fault those years ago. He was scared to be different thus he took it out on Reed. "I guess your right...We'll see though. He's performing for a while I guess" he muttered watching his friend up on stange. Not much had really changed and he was innerly thankful because of that, although...he himself had changed a lot since high school. "Andrew...." Eric spoke actually jumping off his little stool and walking over to him wrapping his arms around his student as to hug him. "Wanna dance? You can't just spend the whole night here at the bar trying to get drunk. You came here to have fun, we came here to have fun so let's do just that" He spoke his tail curling in excitment. "If we walk out of this place looking normal....then we havn't done what we came here to do" he added letting otu a small sigh. "So....what ever is eating you, push it really deep down and find the light of the situation."

9:00am Feb 20 2011
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[[ Omg >3<'' ]] Andrew sighed, "I'm not trying to get drunk." He replied, "I only had one small drink." He added, looking at Eric oddly as if to say 'whats wrong with you?'. He didn't really want to dance but Eric did have a point. They came to have fun and just because Eric was having more fun than him he'd gotten mad. He slumped a little with a huff, Eric still attached to him in one of his random hugs. "Fine." He replied, "You can dance and I can stand there and watch." He said flatly, but not seriously as he turned in his seat so he could get up. He got up immediately without thinking and sort of landed on top of Eric but he pulled back quickly, embarras.ed that he'd done that. He did his best to hide it but wasn't sure if he did so effectively. [I fail so hard whats wrong with me? D;> ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:56pm Feb 20 2011
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( lol. Your fine. Also who said Eric was having more fun? lol. He's confused more than anything. Reed randomly popping in and kissing him. Plus i've never Rped dancing so this may be a little awkward although. I do have a way to make Andrew extremly red i'm just hoping Eric doesn't run him off. *cough*DirtyDancing*cough*. Though I doubt it's allowed in the Forums. ) Eric raised an eyebrow releasing his student from the clinging hug. "Hmmm. I won't have you standing there, even if I have to teach you how to dance" the blonde grinned actually reaching down and grabbing his hand, pulling him gently towards the dancing crowd. "Plus I think you'd be squished if I let you just stand there. Can't have you being knocked around like a pin ball. You'd hurt in the morning with that alcoholic drink in ya" He sighed sort of ignoring the band on stage and just listening to the rythms of the music. He wasn't really sure how he could pull of this one. It had seemed Andrew was starting to pull away and just be shy around him. How that happened he had no clue though he was determined to get his student to at least let go tonight.

2:54pm Feb 20 2011
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[[ I know~ Thats just and excuse for Andrew for the reason why he got so upset that Eric was kissing Reed instead of him I've never RPed dancing either XD So at least we can fail together and dirty dancing will definately make Andrew red XDD I LOVE that movie though o3o love love love it <33 ]] Andrew allowed himself to be pulled back toward the dance floor by the hand, Eric leading the way. "I know how to dance..." He responded, his ears laying back slightly as they reached the dance floor. He wasn't all that sure what song the band was playing at this point but it seemed like the crowd was moreinterested in the band than dancing. And he couldn't help himself, but that kiss wouldn't leave him alone. And he could admit it to himself, deep down, he wished that Eric hadn't have done it. And now he had him pulling him through the crowd at the underground dance club. Maybe it was the drink that he'd just had but he thought the Eric was acting like that just didn't happen. was it just him or did he always act like that? He'd kissed him in the hospital and it didn't even seem to effect him in the slightest way. It had effected Andrew... whether he would admit that to himself or not. It had stuck with him, even now. It was effecting the way he thought about his literature teacher, The way he used to think about his literature teacher. His head spun from everything running through it and eric wasn't going to have any trouble getting him to follow since he wasn't even paying attection. Jusy automatically moving inbetween moving bodies. [[ Sorry XD watch Adam Lambert stuff o3o He makes me wish that I had watched that American Idle XDD I dont watch American Idle at all lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:16pm Feb 20 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:14pm Feb 20 2011
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( lol. Hmmm. Maybe we could have Eric kiss Andrew sometime during their little dance. Eh..I'm scared of failing at dance. lol. I alredy fail in general at dancing in real life. >.<' And oooh no. We can not have Eric dance like Adam Lambert. No no no. Too sexual for the threads. lol. ) Eric had pulled Andrew into the crowd and glanced around noticing a few people dancing. He only frowned at that glancing over at the band trying to pin point the rythm of the music. Each beat and each change of the instrament tones. He focused back on Andrew smirking slightly. The kid was still sort of off but just seemed to step in front of him and place his hands on the boys hips. "Come on....Head out of the clouds" he spoke loud enough for Andrew to hear over the music. "Gotta pay attention if your going to dance" He smirked moving his own body and hips to the music infront of Andrew. ( fail! Oh my god sorry. I have to figure out what song is playing. Any idea? )
10:50pm Feb 20 2011
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{ -kicks new trance color- Ugh. If only I had AdamLambert! Plus it's not out on an Ivik yet. Glamorize could look soooo pretty in Trance. *growls at low credits and tu* If only if only the wood pecker sighs. THe bark on the tree was as soft as the skies. Sorry. Had to get out my frustration and bump the thread. lol. Oh and im searching for songs but i'm failing. }
11:13pm Feb 20 2011
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[[ You're fine!! I'm probably going to suck Rping Dancing lolol xDD ;D Eric should so kiss Andrew xD What would make it even better would be Andrew to kiss him back o3o But I think he might need a nother drink or two to do that.... Idk XDD Aw~ No Adam Sexy Lambert dances? lol Black Betty - ram Jam, Situations - Escape the Fate, Inside of You - Hoobastank... Idk XD Or the the band could take a quick break other music could play o.o Tap That - Megan Mccauley, B*censored* Down Lod - Dev, No hands ... XD lol Idk ]] ANdrew came back from his thoughts when Eric put his hands on his hips. That wasn't something he expected or wanted. Escpecially after his thoughts. He glanced quickly down and back up nervously, being pushed closer to the other by a random dancer. He'd dancd before, he thought he was exceptional at it, but he had never danced with another guy before. And he wasn't all that sure he wanted to start now. He laid his ears back a little, "E-eric I don't know.... about this..." He said, not sure if the other had heard him or not over the music.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:27pm Feb 20 2011
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{ I vote the band takes a break and you pick a song.... lol. Though I know Situations and that son makes me giggle. ^.^ Great dirty dancing song. I may sneak an Adam Lambert video in here to show how Eric is dancing. *runs off to search for a good one* And Andrew better find his feelings quickly before our little Reed makes anouther apearance. lol. This time it might just be something they both turn red about. ^.^ <3 Tsk tsk, Eric. Placing your hands on the boy's hips. *shakes head* } Eric's ears perked hearing Andrew before chuckling to himself and taking his hands back. He seemed to stop dancing and focusing on his student as a small sigh escaped him. His ears fell back slightly before a long 'Heeeeeyyyy' was called into the microphone, stealing Eric's attention. It seems as though Reed's band exited the stage causing his old friend to hold a peace sign before jumping in the crowd and disapearing among the other people. The blonde neko turned back to Andrew shaking his head lightly. "You don't have to dance....In fact I won't touch you. Your uncomfortable and that's not my intentions" He spoke normally seeing there was a slight pause in music. No he didn't want to make Andrew uncomfortable, but he did have to admit he was a bit disapointed. He thought that maybe the club would let Andrew loosen up and discover his true feelings like the concert had him when he was a kid. Although that didn't seem to be happening or he was trying to hard. Eric's tail drooped behind him as he focused down on the ground a little upset with the matters at hand. He innerly cursed he couldn't drink because he was the one driving home. 'Shoulda walked' he growled into his own head not really sure what to do now.

12:41am Feb 21 2011 (last edited on 1:17am Feb 21 2011)
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(( *Dies laughing* I can't do it. I can't....There is no way I can make Eric dance like Adam. Oh no. That's too much. The only way if he dances like that is if one, he's drunk and two, Reed's teaching him or is with him. Maybe they should have a private party at Erics? Alcohol and all? THen stuff would happen but sadly I would make it so that Eric didn't remember much. lol. *Slaps back of hand* Bad Immortal for thinking of such devious little things. Oh and the videos are sorta here of Adam dancing. They are sexual of course cause it is Adam but it's just dancing. *shifty eyes* *-Taken down just in case it was against the rules-* *cough* There's more but I think that should be enough. ^.^ }}
12:58am Feb 21 2011
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[[ My internet is being stupid again ); Sorry
Oh no xD Reed's gonna mess with Andrew or Eric? o3o ]]
Andrew's tail curled around his waist, undecisive. He didn't want to ruin Eric's fun or unset him, but he just wasn't comfortable dancing with Eric. Or at least not touching each other while they did so. his ears swiveled in the direction of Reed as he dove off of the stage and back into the audience.
He turned back to Eric, this was awkward now and he really wanted to go back to the bar and forget about this. Now he kinds wished he had just danced rather than making things awkward. A new song came on once the band took a small break. And the crowd went back to dancing rather than cheering on the band.
[ I sooo want Andrew to dance with him but he still thinks hes straight XD ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:13am Feb 21 2011
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{ That all can change. lol. Andrew doesn't have to be straight for long. <3 A few more drinks and the fact that Reed's all over Eric should make the small senior take control. ^.^ *dances* )) Eric watched Andrew letting out anouther sigh. "Andrew....You don't have to d---" He cot cut off as an arm wrapped around his shoulders and a tail wrap around his leg. This caused Eric to bristle slightly until a kiss was planted on his cheek. The blonde wanted to punch who ever was clingin to him but as soon as Reed apeared beside him he calmed down just a little bit. "Reed!" he frowned lightly shrugging away from his grip. "Awww. What's the matter, Eric?" He asked curiously his tail curling before glancing over at Andrew. "Ya meet a friend? He's cute. A little young don't ya think?" Reed asked placing his hand on the side of Andrew's face studying his features. "Kiss em yet?" he asked curiously turning to Eric who only bristled more. "No! Why would I? He's a student" Eric frowned smacking Reed's hand away from Andrew's face before going around and placing an arm around his student a little protectivly. His tail still slightly bristled and ears pulled back against his skull. "Student! You actually made it to teaching. Niiice" Reed ginned looking from Eric to Andrew. "Well...Since you two are only just friends...Mind if I have a go at your little friend?" Reed asked stepping forward placing his hand on Andrew's head ruffling his hair. "No!" Eric actually hissed tensing up. "Oi? Eric calm down...you must really have your heart set on this little fella. Hmmm. Well....When you two do hit it off or what ever I hope your happy" Reed spoke bringing his tail up and tracing an 'x' pattern on Eric's chest before smirking. "I'm going to get drunk....see ya around bestie and kid" he waved disapearing back into the crowd of people leaving Eric to glare in his direction and drop his arm slightly from around Andrew.

1:14am Feb 21 2011
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[[ Well XDD That was definitely dirty dancing!! LOL I can soo see Seth dancing like that though o3o I love the part where hes playing around in that jacket XD He looked so cute O3O And those EYEBROWS!! LOLOLOL <3333 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:23am Feb 21 2011
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( OMG! Idea! I know how we can get Seth and Eric and Andrew to like all be cool with one anouther. Eric's appartment Seth could challenge Eric to a dance off type thing to like try to one up Eric or make him embaras.sed and like it WAS dirty dancing. And like it was just Seth and Eric and Andrew was like sitting on teh couch watching and laughing or would be all "O.o" Oh and I posted. *points above your reply to videos* Just in case you missed it. ^.^ )
1:48am Feb 21 2011
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[[ Im sorry I saw your post but I was just... swept away by Adam <33 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3sYGO-uLss&feature=related I also had an iea though I dont think that it should happen at the club o.o' They [Eric & Andrew] should drunk, I'm thinking at Eric's place. And they end up in bed together *does sexy Adam Eyebrow wiggle but fails miserably* (nothing happened~) And one of them should remember it. I think Eric should remember it. Anyways they dont o anything but Andrew is seriously out of it and going along with everything o3o And that would make Eric try to win Andrew over a little hard >3< But with the Seth and Eric dance off~ I like that idea oDo ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:56am Feb 21 2011
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( We could combine our ideas. ^.^ Dance off and just drinking all three and after Seth leaves or like pases out on the couch Eric could kiss Andrew and maybe they end up in the bedroom but as you said nothing happens. They just cuddle after a ice little make out session. *runs off to look at link* ))
2:31am Feb 21 2011 (last edited on 2:37am Feb 21 2011)
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Andrew's ears drooped slightly when he spotted Reed as he seemingly came out of nowhere. It just reminded him of their little show that they had on stage a few minutes ago. And the biggest reason that Andrew didn't want to dance. It had reminded Andrew of his sexual preferences once again, it was easy to forget but it just kept coming back up. And then the attention was turned to him. He didn't react, simply because it was unexpected and he was thinking about something right along the lines of this. He pulled away from Reed, lowering his ears flat against his head and glared daggers at him. Eric coming over to him was a reas.surance and made him not so mad. But he just couldn't help but feel his cheeks and ears turn a little red when Reed said he wanted to have a go. What the hell was that supposed to mean? And again with the hair ruffle thing!! eric stepped in again, and Reed mentioned Eric having his heart set on him. His tail flicked behind him haphazardly, it might have hit Eric he wasn't sure, but he was sure that if Reed touched him again he was going to be sorry he did. Andrew watched Reed go, letting a deep growl bubble up in the back on his throat. "When you talk about him earlier.... you didn't mention him being an *censored*..." He hissed, shaking his hair to fiz it. What was with these people and messing with his hair?! "If he touches me again..."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:44am Feb 21 2011
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( Oh my god so sexy! O.o *Huggles Adam* See, he's an awesome guy! I want to hang out with him sooo much. He's not stuck up and is actually down to earth. <3 And whadya think bout my combining idea? And hehe. Might want to watch this. It's Adam and Tommy. This is why I said Tommy was the gayest straight guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdBYUW_FsEc&feature=BF&playnext=1&list=QL&index=2 )) Eric's own ears were pinned against his head before letting out a huff. He unwound his arm around Andrew and shook his head. "He wasn't this pushy when we parted ways. Though he is a singer and i'm pretty sure that fame has gotten into his tiny brain" Eric mumbled back at Andrew sorta wanting to avoid the bar now since that was where the trouble maker was headed. "I don't think he'll try...His eyes are on bigger prey" Eric spoke lowly but made sure Andrew heard it. "Kid's were never his style. He was always into older men. One's he could do---" Eric cut himself off releasing yet anouther huff. "Nevermind. You don't need to know about gay issues....." Which was true. Andrew was straight or that's what he kept leading himself he was. He didn't need to know about the inside world of being gay and the whole boyfriend hunting and what not. "Jerk....Yeah Friends still....sure. He puts one finger on you i'm pretty sure i'll rip his head off so you won't really have to worry to much" Eric growled slightly his tail curlin tightly behind him. His eyes narrowed towards the bar as if looking for the red neko but when he couldn't find him he just focused back on Andrew. "You alright?"
