3:07am Feb 21 2011
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"I'm fine.." Andrew replied, a little upset that Reed had to come in and ruin everything. He glanced over at Eric, seriously wondering how much of what Reed said about him having his heart set on him was right or not. "what about you?" He asked, "You ready to go?" He asked, he would stay if Eric wanted to. [I love your idea! xD I love it so much that I want to do it right now! LOLOL And yes! I'd love to meet him too, he seems lime such a nice person <33 Sorry my post was fail agian )| I'm having an off.... weekend -_-]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:17am Feb 21 2011
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( no no your fine. ^.^ Not much to go on really. )) Eric's ears perked looking down at Andrew before nodding. "Yeah...it's been.....fun-ish" he responded one ear sort of flopping forward. "Lets go" He nodded walking towards what he thought was the door before failing. "Uhh...You know what, why don't you lead? I'll just drive" He chuckled to himself. ( That was a fail. lol. You can skip when they are at the appartment and maybe Seth is magically there? Donno how it's going to turn into a dance off or what not but I know Eric is most certainly taking the alcohol out of hidding )
3:29am Feb 21 2011
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Andrew couldn't help but laugh, ears perked when Eric told him to lead.He did just that, pas.sing Eric, he'd been going the right way in the first place. They'd managed to pick up at least some paint while they were out on the dance floor, the music was still going and the crowd was still pumpiong along with the beats of the music. They wouldn't be missed when they slipped away but it didn't matter. He lead the way back up the stairs and past the people hangin out there and back to the dood that they had origanally come from. They could always come back, they both knew where it was. Either along or together. This place wasn't going anywhere and it was always a different experience. He opened the door and once they were in the hall way once more it was slightly quiet and out into the cool, damp, night air is was completely silent and left a ringing in your ears. An echo of the music inside ofthe club. THere was no longer any bright and exciteing colors and you were no longer set aglow from overheard blacklights. it was the normal world once again. The ride home was a quiet one though not awkward. More like ea quiet contentment of what they had done tonight. It had been fun. Both of them had smiled and laughed, and both of them had had their share of shocks and even a spark of jealousy here and there. At least they weren't sad. They pulled into the parking lot at home and Andrew got out before Eric could get his door for him. that was good and he was determined to break that habit of Eric's. And he turned to face the apartment to see a familiar and very unexpected face standing there looking at them. It actually made Andrew jump slightly. "...seth" He asked, covering up the fact that he had startled him by being there. "What the.... how... how the hell are you here?" He asked, tail curling behind him. "By... car?" Seth responded, his own tail swaying rythmacally behind him. "What happened to you? You look like you took a tripped on a rainbow..." Seth stated, looking Andrew up and down. [TADAAAA!~ Let the party begin ;3]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:44am Feb 21 2011 (last edited on 4:23am Feb 21 2011)
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( Took a trip on a rainbow? lol. Oh lord. Awww. Lets be thankful Mr. Reed wasn't wearing lip stick or Eric would have had it still on him. *Snickers* You kno what would be an even better for Seth to had sed? "Looks like you hugged a rainbow" ^.^ Cause that's what Andrew said to him when they first met. ) "Seth" Eric frowned stepping around his car and stepping to the door of the appartment. "Is there a reason you so choose to come around here this late?" he asked curiously unlocking the appartment door and pushing it open. "Eh...come in I guess. Make yourself at home" He muttered rubbing the bridge of his nose. The words Reed spoke were sort of sinking into his heart and mind thus making him a little agrivated. Seth being there, waiting for them, only made it slighly worse. He brushed past the unwanted neko into his own appartment going straigth for the kitchen. He rose to his tippy toes as he dug through the top cabniets and pulled down a few bottles of alcohol and placed them on the counter, uncorking one. His next few steps brought him to the wine glas.ses as he took down three just in case the boys wanted something to drink. He wasn't about to ask them but just set the crystal cups on the counter beside the wine bottles. He poured himself a glas.s and leaned against the counter taking a sip. "Arn't your parents worried about you being out so late and what not?" He asked Seth his tail curling around his own leg debating or not whether to change. It sorta did look like Andrew and him came out of a paint ball fight with neon colored balls which only made Eric crack a smirk at the mere thought of it.

5:56am Feb 21 2011
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Seth stopped leaning against the buillding slowly, his leags a little sore and resisting movements from leaning for so long. "I actually came by earlier... but you guys weren't here... so I gues waiter around." Seth said as Eric went inside and started rummaging through things in the kitchen. Andrew cam up to him then, actually offering him his elbow to latch onto and come in. Seth shook his head and followed him in on his own instead. He closed the apartment door behind him gently, not wanting to make too much noise and wake anyone else in the building. He looked around the building a little, it was a nice place. Andrew could tell that the new neko was off and waited for him to speak, he seemed so sad lately. Seth looked back to Eric. "Ah, I suppose they would if they knew. He responded his a light shrug. "You see... I came here from California... alone. He stated. "I live alone." He added, "In an appartment building that isn't all that far away from the school." ANdrew perked his ears at Seth, surprised at his answer. They had a few things in commom it seemed,
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:12pm Feb 21 2011
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Eric listened to Seth before sighing. "So you can afford to be a night owl" he spoke not really sure what else to say. He frowned lightly shaking his head and stood up walking over to the boy and placing his hand on his shoulder. "Well... Im glad you stopped by. Andrew could use the company" He nodded before glancing back at the kitchen counter. "By all means help yourself to anything. Food, alcohol....though if you touch the alcohol i'm not allowed to let you leave legaly" he responded, his tail curling around his own waste before he sat down on the couch, wine in hand and everything. He pressed his foot on the box he had gotten earlier before shoving it under the table so it wasn't destroye or ruined. Just then something seemed to dawn on him and he immediatly jumped up from the couch spinning around to look at it. His ears were pressed against his skull before chuckling softly to himself. "Eh....I guess i'm glad the paint is quick to dry Andrew or I would have had a little issues" He smirked refuring to the rainbow colored paints on his body. The last thing he needed was to have a rainbow couch.

5:57pm Feb 21 2011
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Andrew watched Eric jump around before he smiled as well. "You might want to check your car though..." He stated. He hadn't even thought about it when they were leaving that they were covered in multicolored paints. Seth made his way over to where Andrew was standing near the kitchen. "I'm changing.." He said to himself and went to the bedroom to do just that. Seth went ahead and followed Andrew, wanting to see his room. "So where did you guys go tonight?" Seth asked as he closed the door behind him. "to a club." Andrew responded, crossing his arms over his stomach and lifting his shirt off of his bnody. Seth couldn't help himself and stared while he did so. "Uhh..." He turned around, looking at the guitar that was sitting against the wall. "What kind of club has paint for the dancers?" He asked. "A cool one..." Andrew responded behind him, already putting on a pair of loose jeans. Seth nodded slowly. "I might take you next time." Andrew added, making Seth perk his ears. "Really?" He asked, figuring that Andrew wouldn't want anything to do with him since he hit on him all the time. "Yeah... you comin'?" Andrew asked, standing by the door. He'd changed quickly. They both went back into the other room and fixed their own glas.ses. Hey, when was the next time they were going to be offered free alcohol by an adult and not have to worry about getting into trouble for it? [[ I fail o~o" I have no idea how this is gonna turn into a dance party >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:20pm Feb 21 2011
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{ Well....I donno. lol. Maybe Seths makes himself at home and plugs up his ipod to the tv? *cough* built in sterio system*cough* I'm glad Eric didn't hear what Andrew told Seth about maybe taking him. lol. } Eric turned to Andrew listening to him before frowning. "Oh crap" he muttered shaking his head. He hadn't even thought about his car. It was probably painted in all different colors or at least the seats would be. His ears fell slightly as he watched Seth and Andrew disapear to his room. "Hmm" He muttered flickering his tail behind him. He debated on changing but only had planed to take a shower later that night anyway. He placed his glas.s on the table and watched the boys come back out a few minutes later fixing their own drinks. A smirk came to his face as he shook his head lightly. "Welcome to the slumber party, Seth" He called over to Andrew and Seth before making his way towards the back hall. "Please place your keys on the counter and i'll collect them in a few minutes after I change" He called back to the student before disapearing into his room. He easily stripped of his shirt and jeans and tossed them into a corner basket in the bedroom. He dug through his closet and grabbed a regular shirt once again, finding a white button up slipping it on. He also grabbed a pair of jeans slipping them on and leaving the top few buttons on his shirt undone. He opened the bedroom door walking back out and ran his hand through his hair a little bit. "So....what do you two want to do?" He asked curiosuly picking his glas.s back up from the table and taking a sip out of it.

7:37pm Feb 21 2011
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[[ sorry my mom is taking my comp i'll try and post ASAP );> ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:10pm Feb 21 2011
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Seth watched Eric move down the hall toward his bedroom, eyebrows raised and ears perked as he sipped from his glas.s. He glanced over at Andrew with a look on his face that said 'is he serious?'. Andrew shrugged to him and took his own glas.s with him to the living room. Seth sighed, goinging into his back pocket for his keys and set them out on the table in front of him like Eric had told him to do a fwe minutes ago. Once that was done he went into the living room as well with Andrew and waited for Eric to return. "Does he have any music?" The bleach blonde teen asked, looking around the room a little before looking at Andrew. "I don't know... I haven't heard him play any since I've been here..." He answered. Seth sighed and went to the TV, figuring that that might work. Afer messing wih it for a minute he finally hooked up his iPod and had some music playing when Eric came out of his bedroom. Andrew wasn't really in the mood to do anything, especialy with Seth there. Seth didn't know what he wanted to do. [fail]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:41pm Feb 21 2011
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( Your fine. ^.^ I'll fail more. ) Eric glanced at the tv before smirking lightly and going over to the counter grabbing Seth's keys and slipping them into his own pocket. "I can't have you drinking then driving home Seth so if you don't mind you'll be staying with Andrew and I tonight" he spoke up his tail curling around his own waist. He glanced towards the tv and music playing before smiling warmly. "Yours Seth?" he asked observing the ipod hooked up to it. "Suprised you found it. I havn't touched it in....I don't know how many months. It should be nice to warm up the sound system" he smiled trying to be comfortable with this whole thing. It wasn't everyday you started falling for one of your students and yet have anouther one spend the night. THen again it wasn't everyday that an adult just gave two minors a bottle of alcohol. He was hoping that everything would calm down and that Andrew and Seth could feel comfortable. He didn't want thins to be as awkward as the club with Reed. "You dance, Seth?" He asked curiously leaning agaisnt the counter watching the boy as he took anouther sip of his alcoholic beverage.

11:17pm Feb 21 2011
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[[ You didn't fail xDD I failed cause I was on the house comp cause my mom hid mine lol Found it and currently hiding in the closet<3 What why are you glad that eric didn't hear Andrew say that to Seth? XD I found the way seth is gonne dance o3o ]] Seth perked up a little, "Of course I dance!" He responded, his tail curling up behind him. He loved dancing, made him feel better no matter what. And it brought the attention he always worked for to him easily without him even having to try that hard. "What about you r. Dashaniel?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, looking at his literature teacher. Andrew wasn't all that sure he liked where this was going. And he had absolutely no doubt that Seth would dance with Eric if he asked and that it was going to be the way that Eric wanted to dance at the club earlier tonight. He focused on the song that was playing in the background. 'Teach Me How To Dougie'
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:34pm Feb 21 2011
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( Ahh a challenge. ^.^ And I donno. Eric would be a little disapointed to find out Andrew would take someone else. Awww. Let's hope little Seth doesn't gain a crush on our literature teacher. lol. ) "Mmmm. You ask me if I can dance?" Eric asked a smirk playing on his face. "What type of dance do you wish to see?" He asked standing up straight and placing his alcohol down on the counter before walking in the livingroom. "There's country which I highly despise, you have break dance which I really don't want to do because it hurts to much at my age. Lastely we have the type I prefer" he grinned placing his finger on Seth's chest slidding it down it before collecting his finger back. "Why don't you....show me what you got, Kid. And i'll be the judge" he spoke stepping back, his ears twitching to what music was playing.
12:38am Feb 22 2011
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[[ lol Imma fail this xD ]] Seth returned his own playful smirk, a rush of excitement running through him, excepting Eric's little challenge. Alcohol was only going to help him move. He moved to turn up his song, restarting it so that he could begin at the beginning and pick up a rythm quickly. Andrew raised his eyebrows at the two in front of him before he slowly turned and left the living room to the kitchen. He was going to need some more alcohol... Seth didn't like country either, it was too slow and always about loosing stuff rather than gaining and having fun. he didn't break dance either, his body wasn't strong enough for all that. But he was quite flexible for a male. And he was pretty sure he knew what kind of dancing Eric was talking about. He was talking dirty. He listened to the beat for a few seconds, nodding his head slightly before he got what he wanted to do into his head. his first few steps were simply and slow, just moving his hips with the beat before he added everything else. Moving his upper body along with his lower, moving his arms and legs in the general rythm of the music but creating a very attractive outcome. It could have been described as a mixture of dirty dancing and break dancing. [[ D;> OMGGG Sorr ;~; I fail at dancing in RP Form XD This is how he's dancing :3 (without the pauses and slowing down X3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYtt5xthSB0&feature=related If you start it at 0:14 with 'Teach Me How To Dougie' it actually goes together O3O lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_gUyMVtlTk&feature=channel ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:18am Feb 22 2011 (last edited on 1:23am Feb 22 2011)
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{ *giggles* Ooooh Eric is soo going to out 'dirty' Seth's dancing. Belly dancing and hips! <3 ^.^ Oh yes. Poor Andrew. Having to watch their little escapade. Let's hope he will get some ideas. Plus I love your last line of the second paragraph. <3 "He was talking dirty." It made me laugh. } Eric stood back watching Seth begin his little dance. He gave a small chuckle just watching the boy dance and sizing up a few of his steps and motions. He kept a straight face watching the kid dance as if it didn't amuse him but in all reality it had been semi interesting. Not nearly as sexy as he wished it to be but interesting none the less. He let out a huff starightening up and walking over to Seth actually placing his hand on Seth's chest pushing him back and smirking. "Well that's nice. Music isn't worth crap though" he responded actually grabbing the remote and shutting the song off. He brought up his saved play list and played one of his songs 'Fame'. "Step back and watch the master dance" He chuckled taking a deep breath listening to the music. A certain beat came on making Eric roll his body as a belly dancer would and worked on moving his hips with the fluid motions and beats of the song. He brought his hand up to his hair running it back as he swayed his hips, his eyes setting on Seth trying to out dance him or get some reaction out of the boy. ( { Mmmmm. Sexy dancing. Yep, Eric cept a little more dancing and sexiness. Cuase he's not really singin the song here. ^.^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBt7gpxsHlE&feature=related *cough* Okay I can't really look up dances anymore though. Somehow I found male strippers. O.o Uhh. Imagine Adam and yeah. lol.)

5:29pm Feb 22 2011
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[[ lol I found another video that would so work >3< ]] Seth smilied as he sllowed himself to be pushed back and out of the way by Eric and watched as he turned off his music for some music of his own. At first he didn't recognize what it was, but Eric sure did seem to know as he dancing provocatively in front of him. In comparison, Seth had been moving faster. He cocked his head to the side, watching how he moved and it was definitely.... attractive to say the very least. Andrew also watched Eric, but from the safety of the kitchen. He watched both his friend and tracher dance like no male should dance in the living room. But the more he drank, it all slowly going to his head plus the drink he had had at the club, their dancing started to look better and better to him. [ I fail ); ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:14pm Feb 22 2011
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( I fail more. lol. ) Eric continued to move to the music rolling his body and hips at a certain beat in the song but it soon all came to an end causing the teacher to let out an acomplished smirk straightening up and tossing the remote at Seth. "Take your pick of your song" He spoke stepping back. His ears were perked and sort of flopped forward out of semi excitment. His brain wasn't really processing the whole situation of having a small dance off with one of his students but then again alcohol could do that to someone. He spun around grabbing his own glas.s of alcohol off the table and leaning back against the counter watching Seth. "My apologies for inturupting your dance. By all means be my guest" he motioned to the floor with his tail. It lowered back to his side flopping slightly against the counter behind him. This was turning out to be an interesting night. He glanced back at Andrew for a moment a smirk playing on his face. "You wanna try?" He asked curiously tilting his head just barely.

12:24am Feb 24 2011
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[[Sorry, my comp was taken );>]] Seth caught the remote, but only barely in his drunken state, and moved to look through Eric' music only to land on another Adam Lambert song, "If I Had You". He loved this song and always danced to it at home, though not this seriously like he was doing with Eric. This time he used his hips more than he had last time, though he was still moving fast and using his arms. He wasn't trying to out dance Eric or impress anyone, like Andrew, he was simply drunk and having fun. Andrew glanced over at Eric and away from Seth and his drink. "Try what?" He asked, "Dance? No way." He answered, his ears slowly turning back to the wiggling blonde. "Besides, I don't dance like that." He stated nonchalantly. He danced with a partner if he danced at all, and he'd never moved the way that Eric and Seth were moving now.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:43am Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 11:46am Feb 24 2011)
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Eric frowned lightly focusing on Andrew for a moment before turning his attention back to Seth. "What a shame....Sure you'd like nice doing it" he muttered not looking back at his student as he focused on the other one currently dancing. His tail swayed beside him as he took yet anouther drink of his alcohol. He was a little happy Seth came over. It gave him something to do, to pay attention to instead of hidding around the house trying not to annoy the crap out of Andrew. He couldn't help but laugh at Seth shaking his head lightly. "Aww. Your small frame looks good dancing like that" he smiled tiltinghis head lighlty trying to figure out something about Seth. He was gay, yes and people didn't seem to care of course, but what made him all that special? Eric frowned lightly his tail curling around his own leg pushing the thoughts out of his mind. No need to get jealous over a student, especially Seth. A small huff escaped him as his ears pulled back slightly. Thank you alcohol for bringing up doubts. ( Flailiing. O.o That's what it remnds me of. The poor korean dude looks like he was flailing around stage trying to have a seizer to me. >.<' Oh and I might make Eric do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovztfpWPo5M Maybe. Although fair warning. If you have seizures do NOT watch the video. lol. The Asian in the stripped shirt can make you sick. >.<' He doesn't know that you can't wear strips while being video taped. *Shakes head* )

7:19pm Feb 24 2011
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[[ Aw. Flailing? I thought he was pretty good >3< But thats probably because I cant dance lol ]] Andrew glanced over at Eric, slightly suprised that he'd said that he would look nice dancing like that. What was that supposed to mean? He looked back at Seth before Eric found out that he was looking at him only for the song to end. Adam Lambert was ok and all but he didn't listen to him regularly. He listened to rock and metal, not pop artists. Seth laughed, stopping before the music, his ears laying down out of embarras.sement that he'd recieved such a compliment from his teacher. He didn't think he was any goo, himself, but it was still fun to dance. He'd completely forgotten the reason he'd come over today but it had been something he wasn't looking forward to doing. [I keep failing D;]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~