7:42pm Feb 24 2011
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Eric straightened up and actually walked over placing his hand on Seth's head grinning down at him. "I'm just gonna say you win kay?" he spoke his ears pulling back slightly. He wasn't up to dancing anymore. "Your welcome to put your body to more motion if you wish" He added taking a deep breath and leaning against the couch. He took anouther drink of his alcohol and swayed his tail behind him, his ears perked a little bit. "You want something to eat?" He asked curiously looking from Andrew to Seth. "There's plenty of food in the pantry unless you prefer something else then we can just order in." ( oh my god I fail! O.o I didn't know what to do. )
7:46pm Feb 24 2011
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[[ lol I went from dancing >3< to... food? o3o LOL Jk jk You're ok XDD We should get onto the rest of the idea :3 But I dont think that that kiss/kisses/makeout/ect. should be just random I NOMMED YO FAYCE >D kinda thing o.o I think it should be more...~ More...~ Idk Dx Im braindead as to how to get that started ._.' ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:54pm Feb 24 2011
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{{ Oooh! Idea! Remember how Andrew said he didn't dance like that? Well what if like Seth falls asleep in Andrew's room and Andrew and Eric are the only drunk people still awake, well Eric won't be so much drunk. And maybe like Andrew perks up all..."Could you teach me how to do that?" and Eric is all confused at first till Andrew specifies. Eric agrees and teaches him how to dance or tries. And you remember that moment on Dirty Dancing? Where Patrick Swayze was teaching Baby how to dance in that club how they were all close. But instead of just dancing maybe Andrew leans forward all *Kiss* }}
8:12pm Feb 24 2011
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[[ I like that idea!! ;D Johnny&Baby <33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:16pm Feb 24 2011
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{ Yay! I asked my mom what Patrick's character's name was and she couldn't remember even though she knows teh WHOLE move by heart. lol. And here you are blurting out his name without havin to look it up. hehe. ^.^ Mommy doesn't like you right now. </3 Onlly cause you knew his character's name. And you start or me? )
8:24pm Feb 24 2011
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[[ I'll start~ I only know it because.... I dont really know why XD I just love that movie~<33 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:32pm Feb 24 2011
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Seth sighed, the music done, he was done. He looked to andrew for a moment before Eric, "I;m not hungry..." He stated, then thought about it. He was actually a little tired and needed to get home. "Do I seriously have to stay here?" He asked, his ears perked. He felt awkward staying here, especially after he kne wthat eric didnt like him very much or something along those lines.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:45pm Feb 24 2011
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Eric focused on Seth before sighing. "You do sadly. You were drinking and yet you drove here. If I let you drive home I would be a bad pa--- Umm. Adult" he frowned. Was he really about to say parent? That freaked him out just a little as his tail bristled behind him. He did not like that thought at all. None of his students were that young nore was he that old. His ears perked slightly though looking at Seth.
9:02pm Feb 24 2011
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Neither Andrew nor Seth picked up on Eric's little mistake so neither reacted to it. Seth knew that he probably wasn't going to win this arguement at all. He never was good at arguements, just twistings tails and diseaving ppeople. "Uhm... ok. Well, where do I-" "You can crash in my room." Andrew offered, standing up casaully and stretching a little bit. "K'ay... but what about you?" Seth questioned, flicking his ear and walked aroun the couch. "I'll sleep on the couch.." Andrew replied, watching Seth. ".... If you insist... Night I guess." He told the other two and headed down the hall and into a Andrew's bedroom, closing te door silently behind him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:26pm Feb 24 2011
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( Whoa. O.o why is it streached? There's not a picture or anything. } "Night" Eric called out to Seth watching his student disapear into Andrew's room. His ears fell slightly as he reached in his pocket and pulled out Seth's keys walking over to the counter and placing them down. There was no need to hang onto them the whole night. He trusted Seth was responsible enough even in his drunken state to not take them and run later that night, then again he'd be somewhat sober later. He took up a deep breath actually placing his alcohol glas.s on the counter as well. He's had enough for tonight. Yes he could feel the alcohol effecting him, but not has hard as he would have liked but then again if he got plastered he'd end up regretting it in the morning. "You heading to bed too? I mean your welcome to have my room. I can stay on the couch if you want a bed."
10:01pm Feb 24 2011
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Andrew made his way slowly around the couch, being careful as to not fall over as he went. "I'm fine." He responded, referring to sleeping in a bed or on the couch. he'd spent his life on the floor, he could go a night without a bed on the couch. "Actually.." He started, ears perked slightly. "Could you teach me how to do that?" he asked, the alcohol in his system, and there was quite a bit at this point though he didn't show it all that much, seemed to block out the embarras.sment he would be feeling right about now for asking this if he were sober. "Dance, I mean." He added. [fail :/]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:21pm Feb 24 2011
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Eric's ears perked forward at Andrew's question a little taken back. He was asking him to teach him how to dance? He paused though slightly looking back at Andrew. "Dance...." he repeated straightening up. "Yeah....though are you talking about normal or like I was dancing tonight?" he asked curiously. His tail curled behind him as he stepped closer to Andrew a little unsure. He knew that the only dancing him and Seth did was dirty dancing and if that's what Andrew wanted to learn he'd be happy to teach him. Though he had to be careful. He didn't want to push Andrew further away because he thought he was comming onto him. ( No you don't. )
11:05pm Feb 24 2011
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[[ Im so hard on myself >3< ]] "Like you were dancing tonight." Andrew responded simply. Again the alcohol running through Andrew's system was keeping the whole situation relatively under control, for the moment at least. His tail swayed behind him slowly. He was relaxed and not tense or nervous at all at the moment. He tilted his head slightly, looking at Eric. They were nearly the same height, Eric might be an inch or two taler than him. And thats the reason it baffled him so much whenever his teacher ruffled his hair like he did all the time. He could look him in the eyes! Surely it was uncomfortable for him too? Or was it just Andrew? [ That was a fail D; I can't focus all of a sudden ): ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:19pm Feb 24 2011
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{ Awww. Well maybe you'll be able to focus when they kiss and have their make out session. ^.^ }} Eric couldn't help but smile and simply nodded. "Yeah. I'd love to" he spoke stepping closer to Andrew so that they were face to face. "I'm gonna try without music seeing Seth is sorta out in the other room and i'd hate to wake him plus it's sorta hard to teach while the fast paced music is playing" he admitted reaching forward and placing his hands on Andrew's hips. "Normally you'd dance to fast pace music or music that has a pretty rythmical tone to it. You'll want to move your hips a lot. You can either sway them side to side..." he spoke moving Andrew's hips gently from side to side before releasing them. "Or...sort of roll them. Kinda like your humping the air" he chuckled. "Sounds dirty and honestly that's what it looks like" He grinned, his eyes seeming to gain some light as he focused his full half drunken attention on Andrew. His tail swayed happily behind him and in all reality this was a little exciting for the teacher. How often do you get to teach your student your crushing on how to dirty dance? "Though if you want to dance the way I did tonight you'll have to learn how to roll your body" He said wrapping one arm around Andrew and resting it on his back and putting the other one on his stomach gently. "You've seen how men in the waltz dip the females well it's sort of like that but you have to use your stomach muscles and sota....roll and don't fall back. Cause i'm not dipping you. It's more like leaning back and rolling your stomach and let it smootly go into your hip movements thus making it look sexual cause what the roll does is esuntuate your hips." (Is it funny that I have NO clue what i'm talking about? )

12:38am Feb 25 2011
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[[ lol no XD I do that ll the time o3o Especially in RPs <33 ]] Andrew tried to listen to all that eric had to say, teaching how to dirty dance of all things. But first, he was drunk. Completely intoxicated. And that made it hard to concentrate on things at hand already and then there was this annoying sensation in his body. His tomach seemed to be in knots, and a lump in his throat made it hard for him to breath let along listen to a lecture on dancing. and all of this made him want to simply get away from Eric. That or do something that he would never do sober. Once Eric was finished or seemed to finish what he was saying about rolling your body but not dipping or something like that Andrew inclined his body and tilted his head to the side and captured the other male's lips in his own. His ears pulled back out of the way as he did so and his tail curled up to his side. He started to pull back, letting that be the end of it. [[ too early? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:39am Feb 25 2011
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[[ my internet is being stupid D:> ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:57am Feb 25 2011
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( Nope. Not too early. ^.^ } Eric was all for letting Andrew process his words. He had paused and went to say something else but seemed to freeze when he felt Andrew's lips upon his. Immediatly his tail fluffed up a little bit and his ears fell back at the unexpected kiss. Normally he was the one to make the first move but this time...this time Andrew had leaned forward. He felt Andrew pull back slightly to end the kiss but Eric's hand seemed to come up and grip Andrew's chin gently. He allowed the boy to pull away and focused on him for a moment, taking a few small breaths before he, himself, leaned forward and pressed his lips back against Andrew's. This time with a little more force but not to much. Just enough to let Andrew know he wanted this and it was okay. His own tail curled although instead of curling up at his side, it found it's way to Andrew's leg curling around it.
7:29am Feb 25 2011
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[[ Yay! Ok :3 ]] Andrew looked back at Eric, his eyes glazed over a little with the arousal the small kiss had brought to him. It wasn't much since the kiss had basiccally been a peck on the lips but it was there and he felt Eric's fingers on his chin, making him stay close. His eyes traveled down from Eric's eyes and facial area to his lips as they drew closer once more and he met them, connecting half way, tilting his head to the side once more. He let his eyes fall shut and his hand moved up the other man's chest and across the side of his neck so that it could latch on and pull Eric closer. He also deepened the kiss. Progressing it so that it wasn't simply lips to lips anymore, but his tongue didn't leave his mouth. That would be up to Eric if theymoved any further than this. And if Andrew thought be body was being weird a few minutes ago, it was definitely acting up now.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:32pm Feb 25 2011
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( Cute. <3 Now how to get them to crash together? or at leat in the same bed. ) Eric's heart sped up as he felt Andrew's hand slip up his chest to the side of his neck, pulling him closer to the boy. His own hand dropped from Andrew's chin slipping down his side and rested on his hip. His other came up and rested on Andrew's chek, using his thumb to gently stroke the boy's cheek shutting his own eyes as he did so. His breathing increased as did his heart rate getting a little excited. This was a big, big jump for Andrew. Eric was actually proud right now. He had gotten somewhere with him not that he was realy pushing it. It was all a little unexpected though. The kiss came out of no where. Eric continued to make out with Andrew just enjoying the moment. In his half drunken state he wanted this to be more than just a simple kiss. He wanted it to have meaning to further entice Andrew into his world. With those thoughts he brought his tongue into play by running it gently a crossed Andrew's bottom lip as if asking for permission to enter.

9:52pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 9:53pm Feb 26 2011)
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[[Its gonna suck when Andrew doesn't remember this >.<"]] Andrew's own excitment peaked as well, the alcohol in his system seemed to have heightened all of his senses so that he was hyper aware of everything that Eric was doing with him. His own tail had found its wait from his side, down to Eric's around his own leg. He paused momentarily, however, when he felt Eric's tongue on his lips. But he finally responded by parting his own lips and, giving Eric his 'permission', welcomed the step up in the kiss. He was enjoying himself, his heart rate up and breathing a little irratic. [[ Maybe they get wrapped up in each other >3< And liitle carried away~ And they kinda lead each other or one leads the other back to Eric's room? o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~