4:48pm Nov 1 2010
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Eric went to retort but just kepts his mouth shut. He didn't need to seem all stalkerish especially since he and the boy were alone now. "I wish you would have called. I could have made sure it didn't look so bad today. Fixed it up a bit" he said simply before walking over to his desk and placing the stack of papers near the edge. "Those...are yesterday's as$ignments. I'm putting you in chage of grading them. The answers are on the mater as$ignment sheet on top. Have fun" Eric seemed to smirk. He took a deep breath and spread out a few more quizes. He slipped behind his desk and payed attention to the papers in front of him while he spoke. "So...you slept in that abnadoned house didn't you?" he asked slidding the note he was handing back and fourth in cla$s back to him.
5:10pm Nov 1 2010
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Andrew took the papers that he was handed and looked down at them. There were so many! He was going to be here forever. "Yeah, right. Call my teacher in the middle of the night so that he can kiss my boo-boo for me." Andrew said, looking through the papers half heartedly. "And with what? My phone died." He was actually cooperating normally, too bad it took the crap being beat out of him for that to happen. He had started to turn to take the papers with him to grade when the note was slid back to him. Instead of his usual reaction of getting mad he was quiet. "You read it...." He said, it wasn't a question, just a statement of the obvious. He reached out and took the note. "That was..." He frowned, "really low." He looked up at his teacher. His best friend was the only one that knew the real situation, and he didn't even know all of it. Now this perfect stranger knew as much as his closest friend did. He nodded and took the papers to the other end of the room with him, going over to the window and pulled himself up to sit in it to soak up the warmth. He didn't even bother to answer Eric's question either as he started to mark down wrong answers quietly. He would have thought higher of his teacher if he had been the one to give him the bruise on his face than if he had read that note.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:12pm Nov 1 2010
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"My clas$room so nothing is private..." Eric said simply looking over at Andrew. "Your friend is changing your phone, you should have it by tonight" He said taking a deep breath. He marked a few more quizes before sighing. "I don't mean to be a pest to you. It's just that...I--" Eric went to explain but looked towards the door when nocing the school secratary. "Mr. Dashaniel. There's a parent that would like you to take their call. They seemed worried about their student's grades" She said glancing over at Andrew before lookign at the teacher. "I have schedualed times for student teacher conferences. Plese follow the list I gave you" Eric said seeming to blow her off. "Sir. I never got a paper with any times on it" the girl frowned lightly. "I gave it to Mr. Tak--that son of a b!tch. Okay....have her leave her number and i'll call her back" Eric nodded with a light sigh not looking up at her as she left his room. "Any way, I was saying. I don't normally pay attention to my students out side of clas$ but somethin tells me there's more to you than your letting of. Your hidding something that is truely bothering you. Hell you slept in an abandon house last night...that's really pathedic" he said looking back down at his papers.

8:34pm Nov 1 2010 (last edited on 8:43pm Nov 1 2010)
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Andrew glared down at the paper in front of him, marking answers as he went. If he didn't listen to this guy's ramblings then maybe he would be able to get this papers done faster and get to leave. He knew now that staying after with him wasn't the best idea that he had ever done and that he should have said 'no' and gone with his friend. While Eric was distracted with some paper Andrew tried to think of something else. Something that didn't involve his home life. But he couldn't think of anything happy, only when he had faked it like he had earlier through the pain in his back. And that made it worse. He blinked furiously a few times, refusing to let those hot tears well up in his eyes. Crying was something that he simply didn't do, and he wasn't going to start right here in front of his teacher. But, as if it was Andrew's thoughts that summoned Eric's next set of words and that same word, 'pathetic', was mentioned. It's like he couldn't escape the word. It followed him around wherever he went and every time he was called pathetic it hurt just a it worse. And if he stayed in this room he was going to start crying and he was not going to do that. He refused. So he let himself down off of the window, papers in hand and empty bag over his shoulder and walked back up to Eric's desk. "I'll see you tomorrow in detention." He told him, laying the papers down and leaving the room with as much dignity that he could scramble off of the floor. Outside he walked a few feet before his friend joined him supportingly. "Hey, whats going on? I thought you were staying?" He asked. "I can't~" He said thickly, looking around the halls desperately. His friend glared at him, "What did he do to you?" He asked him angrily. "Would you miss me if I was gone?" Andrew asked. His friend hissed and pulled him to the side as a few teachers walked by. "Hey!" He said, getting Andrew attention. "Don't let your parents tell you you're useless or pathetic." He pointed back to Eric's clas$room. "Don't let your teachers tell you that you won't amount to anything. Be whoever the f*ck you wanna be Andy." He told him. "No, I'm not gonna miss you when you're gone because you're not going anywhere! You're staying right here. With me." Andrew looked at him sadly. "You're not a bad person Andy. And no you're not useless. Just confused and hurt." He put his hand on Andrew's shoulder comfortingly. "No one can tell you you're pathetic unless you let them. Because you're the only one that defines who you really are. Got it?" Andrew nodded. "I love you, thats weird. But I do, and I'm always here for you. Even when you push me away. I'll stand at arms length from you if I have to. You. Are. Not. Alone here Andy." Andrew nodded, his friend knew how to make him feel worlds better. And even if they were standing in the middle of the hall, a few people amazed that Andrew could cry and not burst into flames. "Now." Andrew friend said, "Do you want me to go back and kick his as$ for you 'cause I know you're not in the as$ kicking mood." Andrew laughed, "No. I'll get him another day." He said.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:25pm Nov 1 2010
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Eric lifted his head to watch Andrew leave his clas$room causing him to sigh. He watched his form disapear out of the door before standing up and seeming to follow till he was standing in his doorway watching Andrew be lectured by his friend. 'Well he took that the wrong way....' Eric thought taking a deep breath and leaning against the frame. He totally misunderstood him but then again did he? He sort of set himself up for this little trap. He seemed to sigh and go back into his clas$room not pushing anything furhter. He did have to admit he stepped out of his boundaries. He should have just kept his mouth shut instead of pushing the subject. Eric pulled out another cigarette and pressed it to his lips as he scooped up his papers and shoved them into his breifcase and takign the ones that Andrew seemed to have started grading. At least he had some help before he shoved him away. It wasn't long that Eric was making his way down the hall towards the exit seeming to ignore Andrew and his friend who were still in the halls. He let his unlit cigarette hang out of his mouth loosly as he made his way to the exit. He didn't feel the need to apologize though even though he did feel bad about what he had said to him. All the words he spoke though was the truth. It was pathedic he slept in an abandon house. He wasn't calling Andrew pathedic, just the action. He had places he could go but he choose an abandoned house. Not the smartest decision in the world. {Is it bad that now I want Eric to be all hurt and miss work from an altercation that happened at Andrew's work? lol. Hey though, at least Andrew and his friend wouldn't have to say for detention. }

9:55pm Nov 1 2010
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[[ LOL XD I was thinking that too o.o But... thats bad XD me: Eric should get hurt >;D BAD TSUNADE! D< ]] Andrew ignored Eric too and his friend help his walk down the hall. "Well, do you want me to take you home? So you can get clothes?" "Yeah~" Andrew replied, "And then work." He added. "I'm not taking you to work and you can't walk that far in your condition. Sorry." Andrew hissed loudly, "Don't hiss at me or I'll drop you." Replied his friend. "...I need that money." Andrew told him. "Call in, tell him you're sick." He helped Andrew out and down to his car. "You know, I've been your best friend for years and Im just now about to find out where you live!" He broad casted loudly, making Andrew frown. He got into the driver's side and sped away. "Slow down!~" Andrew moaned, getting slung around. Usually this was fun but not today. [Fail D;]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:07pm Nov 1 2010
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{Andrew wouldn't miss him lol. Nor feel sorry or guilty that he's hurt. He's just some homosexual teacher who's been annoyin the sh!t out of him for the past few days. lol } Eric slipped into his car and drove away from the school to his home. He didnt need all this kid drama at the moment. He had other things to worry about such as these stupid papers, the test scheduals, and his stupid lesson plans the principle was making him do. Not to mention that student's mom who wanted to talk about grades. He sighed and drove rather quickly home ignoring his ringing cell phone in the p*censored*enger seat of his car. {Fail because I am freaking out. >.< I have to write my essay that is due tomorrow and in less than 2-3 hours about a culture to compair to the US. I dont know if I should do England or Japan. *sigh* }
10:34pm Nov 1 2010 (last edited on 10:13pm Nov 7 2010)
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[[ Hmm... I don't know if Andrew would or not. Maybe not a first xD ]] Andrew was extremely reluctant to take his friend, Aiden, home with him. Afraid that he would get hurt or what he would think about the way he lived. But he didn't think that he could walk from where he usually dropped him off and through such territory where the weak is taken out. "Ok." Andrew sighed, "From where you usually drop me off, go down this road." He pointed. Aiden did what he was told. "There are a bunch of giant cans, don't worry, those are houses." Andrew said to him. "Yeah?" "Ok... that one. With all the lights on." Andrew directed him. Aiden pulled up in front of the house and stopped. Andrew grabbed his bag and started to get out but stopped when he realized that Aiden was too. "Hey! Don't get out. Turn the lights out, keep the car running, lock the doors." Andrew instructed, determined to protect his friend. Aiden was reluctant but didn't move again and turned out the lights. Andrew climbed out and went up the stairs into the house. The door was unlocked and both his mom and her boyfriend were in the living room again. "Where the hell have you been?" He mother yelled, he closed the door but didn't answer. "And what is up with your face? You look even worse than normal!" Andrew continued, toward his room. "Hey!" Called her boyfriend, grabbing Andrew's shoulder again, making Andrew flinch. "When she talks to you, you answer. Got it?" He asked, letting go of Andrew's shoulder roughly. He almost fell, man, his balance was way off. "Why're you limping?" He asked, "You get into trouble again? What ever you did you probably deserved it." Andrew regained his balance, or some of it. "You did this, last night." He replied. "Oh really? Well, aren't you the softie? walk right show off!" Andrew ignored him and kept going. He went into his room and grabbed as much things as he could, shoving them into his bag. Clothes. Lots of clothes. A few books, a picture of him and his dad before he left those two summers ago. When he was done he looked around the room, remembering everything that had happened in this house. He was glad he was leaving. He turned and grabbed a small pot type thing on his dresser and dumped what was in it in his hand. $3,295.92 He shoved it into his jacket pocket and hurried away. "Hey! Where you going? You know you have to stay when you get here! Those are the rules!!" Andrew heard footsteps behind him and forced himself to get the hell out of there before anything stopped him. He was out of the house, flying off of the porch and into Aiden's car. "Go!! Go go go go go!!" Andrew said quickly and Aiden stepped on it, pulling away from the lit can. Andrew leaned back in his seat and set his bag down in the floor. "What the hell?" Aiden yelled, looking over at Andrew. "You're fine now, you can slow down." [[Hmm... I would do Japan, just because I like Japan XD]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:06am Nov 2 2010
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[Bump ;P]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:21am Nov 2 2010
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{ This is going to have to wait...lol. I did Japan and I hate it right now. Stupid family life and ediquitte and crappy essay. I'm soo exausted and am going to get 2 hours of sleep plus I have to present a powerpoint to the cl*censored*. *sigh* I'm sorry. I'll post...whenever I can. I may end up crashing all tomorrow to recuporate from this night. >.< }
11:00am Nov 2 2010
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[[ lol Ok ^_^- I hope you get a good grade for all of your effort :D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:14pm Nov 2 2010
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[[ Oh, and about Andrew. It wasn't just Eric that made him feel like that. Have you ever seen Hancock? Like, the word that pisses him off the most is 'as$hole'? Because he thought what kind of arse he had been before he woke up in that hospital for no one to come and claim him? Well, 'Pathetic' is Andrew's and instead of making him mad it makes him sad because he thinks he's pathetic. And for others to say that he is just makes it worse. You know? Anyway, I didn't want to make him look like Eric really, really hurt his feelings. lol XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:41pm Nov 2 2010
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{lol. It's okay. *yawns* Urgh. I'm so tired. I layed down and just died. It's a musing though cause I did my power point presentation and was all perky and wide away from lack of sleep that my whole entire clas$ was all "O_o" While watching me talk and dance acrossed the front of hte room. I was last to go so I felt semi comfortable but was still worrying myself sick. But back to the Roleplay, that's fine. I don't know what to do with Eric. I'm at a loss but if I do make him get hurt. There's a substitute who won't hesitate to say what is on her mind about the teacher. lol. I had plans on what I wanted her to say. ^.^ Before I even thought of hurting Eric. I was gonna make her an old angry ex or something but I donno. >.< }
5:57pm Nov 2 2010 (last edited on 5:58pm Nov 2 2010)
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[[ lol XD The other night when we stayed up all night I was like that at school. Like... all day o_O I'd just be... "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Pencil >,< PfFFFFFTTT He said grab your pencils PHHHHFFTT!! HAHA~ O3O *vibrates*" I do that when I'm sleep deprived And yeas.... o3o Thats fine XD Andrew could be all like.... "Wheres dude? You're even more annoying than he is T~ *secretly misses him worrying about him*" <3333 >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:00pm Nov 2 2010
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{Hehe. Hmmm. That's cute. My cl*censored* could tell something was up because I was all "Hello..." and chimmed running around. I didnt know how tired I was utnil I was falling asleep doing my powerpoin work for computer clas$. We had the choice of get ahead or leave and I choose get ahead but I was all looking at my words trying to read them. I think there was a point I dozed off in clas$. WHen I left my teacher gave me an odd smile. >.< And awww. The chick would tell the clas$ what exactly happened. hehe. Now I just need to find out....what will happen. *plots bad things in head for tonight* What should happen? lol. }
7:14pm Nov 2 2010
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[[ lol My teachers like waiting until you fall asleep and then make everyone really quiet when they leave clas$ and then next clas$ has to come in real quiet. She just doesn't want to disturb your sleep! Ya know? XD Aaaand~ I don't even know >,< Andrew isn't going to work. Maybe Eric can go looking to apologize and then someone there saw him with his friend (can't remember name) last night and he and his buddies hurt Eric? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:11pm Nov 2 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Nov 2 2010)
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{Oh I remember those days. I miss those high school days. T.T and I don't think he had a name. lol. He was just wolf. >.< But alas. Let's get this unfortunate party started. ^.^ } Eric was currently sitting at his couch with papers sprawled out on the coffee table. He was trying to grade them before tomorrow. Falling behind was not something he was proud of. He seemed to sigh as he scatched down a few more marks on the papers before a slight hiss escaped his outh. "Damn it" he cursed standing up and walking away from the coffee table. There was no way his mind was focused on work at this moment in time. It kept slipping back to Andrew and what happened today. He was out of his place reading that kid's note and commenting on it. His personal life was not something he needed to get involved in. "Well hell" He frowned grabbing his car keys and exiting his appartment. He had to go apologize to the kid or he would never get things done. He had a big heart and knowing that he upset the kid was not somethin that settled easy with him. He had to go try to find Andrew to apologize and the only place he knew of was the club. Andrew was the bar tender therefore he should be working tonight on account that's the only place he had to go. If his step father had given him those bruises it wasn't likely he'd go back there.

8:33pm Nov 2 2010
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[[ lol I've never had that happen but I think I would be pretty embarras$ed to wake up in a clas$ that wasn't yours XD ]] Aiden slowed down and pulled back onto the main road, heading... he didn't even know where. "So, since you're not going hom... where are you going?" Aiden asked him. Andrew thought about it for a moment, fingering the bag that was in between his legs in the floorboard. "You know that house you drop me off at? That really big, nice one? I'm going to stay there." He admitted to him friend, looking over at him. "That abandoned house? Why! Who know who could break in and-" "Don't worry about it. I stayed there last night and I'm still alive." Aiden was quiet, he saw the house coming up and started to slow down to stop in front of it. "For now..." He said quietly to himself, coming to a stop. "Thanks..." Andrew said before he climbed out with his bag. "No problem. Heres your phone. I charged it a little." He said and leaned over with the phone in his hand. Andrew took it and shoved it into his pocket. "Bye." He turned and walked toward the house and listened as the car behind him drove away. Andrew went in and closed the door, it was darker in there than it was outside since the sun was going down. He walked over and threw down his bag, it echoed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:13pm Nov 2 2010
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{Question...Hospital after? or just resting at his place for a while? I'm trying to decide the extent of the damage. lol. ^.^ I'm so evil to my characters} Eric slipped into his car driving to the club and making sure he parked near the exit. He didn't plan on staying long. He was going to apologize and get out of there so he could finish grading his papers. He took a deep breath walking into the bar and glancing around noticing noone in particular as he made his way threw the crowd to the bar. He stopped noticing an unfamilar face behind the counter. Eric lightly bit his lip as he made his way over and placed his palms on teh counter. "Hey...where's the guy that normally works back there?" he asked curiously only to get a sneer from the man. "Off today...go away." With that Eric turned his back on the man and went to exit the club but a hand wrapped around his tail causing the black neko to jump and hiss out of suprise. He was pulled back into someone's arms. Out of reaction Eric elbowed the man in the gutt only to hear a soft groan from behind him. Eric went to push away was punched in the stomach. He let out a low hiss as his tail bristled out of pain and furry at his as$ailatns. He shoved out of one of the neko's arms holding him making his way out the side door only to be caught and drug next to the club in the alley. He managed to get out a decent punch before two more guys circled him. His breathing increased as his cold blue gaze scanned the odd array of attackers who stood in a circle around him. "Where's your boy tonight?" One of the men's voices sneered. "Go to hell" Eric snarled revealing his fangs and tightening his first preparing to attack. The other neko smirked revealing a fang as he stepped forward catching Eric's hair making the black neko look into his cold dark eyes. "What a shame....I thought we were going to have some fun with you two" the man smirked striking Eric watching the blonde loose his balance and hitting the dirt. Laughs echoed threw the group as they seemed to pounce into action.

9:36pm Nov 2 2010
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[[ I am too... How about just resting up at home? ]] Andrew took the time to explore the house a little more, wishing that he was at work so that he would have something to do. He was bored and the pain seemed to be getting worse. To ad he didn't steal any pain killers from his mom while he was at home. That would have given him worlds of help now. He walked up the stairs to the second level and explored each of the room. He had never been in a two story house before, let alone live in a two story house. He found himself running his fingers over the white walls as he walked slowly around. He looked out of the second story window and down at the street below. It looked weird to him. He sighed and went downstairs, going to his ag and taking the things out of it, [[fail D;]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~