10:05pm Feb 26 2011
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({ Awww. <3 Sorta feel sorry for Eric though. Getting all excited and happy bout the new step Andrew has taken yet he remembers nothing. >.<" }] Eric continued to gently rub Andrew's cheek with his thumb till his hand actually fell from the boy's cheek and slid down his side. Once he felt Andrew's waistband of his pants he slipped his hand under the boy's shirt so his hand was resting on his bare side. With this action he didn't push anything further. He just wanted skin to skin contact besides their lips. It was nothing more than just resting his hand there. The feeling of Andrew parting his lips caused the older neko's ears to perk forward a little shocked he was willing to take it further. The corner of his lips pulled up into a slight smirk as he slowly slipped his tongue into Andrew's mouth, running it along the boy's. He knew it would be a rather new feeling and not many were actually fond of french kissing nor did they expect it half the time. Although Andrew seemed to be willing enough and thus he didn't complain.

11:09pm Feb 26 2011
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[[ I know </3 ]] Andrew didn't hesitate when Eric's slipped his hand underneath his shirt, he continued as if that hadn't just happened. He pulled his other arm up, whic had seemed to be just hanging beside him up to Eric's shoulder where the other one was. This one now messaging small circles into the back of Eric neck. And he had experienced French kissing before. ut only with girls. Though the point was that he knew what he was doing when Eric' slipping his tongue into his mouth. He allowed him to explore a little before he gazed Eric's with his gently. He tasted like the sweet wine the he had been drinking earlier.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:30pm Feb 26 2011
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({ Hmmm. lol. I just invisioned like Eric picking Andrew up and carrying him to the back bedroom all plopping him down on the bed not breaking the kiss. >.<' }] Eric's ears layed flat once more. His body seemed to relax a little bit though, his movments slowing, such as the tip of his tail seemed to twitch. His hand became just a light little feather upon Andrew's skin and his other one on the boy's hip wrapping around it to hold him closer to his body. The moment Andrew's tongue brushed a crossed his he could taste the wine along with a sort of other that he could only as.sume was Andrew's own natural taste. He savored every moment of that as he brushed his tongue against Andrew's once more actually semi playing with it to see the boy's reaction. He was doing good and seemed to be into the whole thing. Although Eric's mind was starting to become cloudy from the kissing and just the shere closness of the two. Lines were starting to blurr on reguards to what to do and what not to do in a situation such as this.

4:17am Feb 27 2011
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[[ lol XD That would be fun~ <3 ]] Though Eric seemed to slow down in all of his actions, it seemed to him as if everything had just soed up. Their bodies now touching only made the last bit of his sanity slip and he felt light headed. Possibly from the lack of breath he was getting during their heated exchange. His reaction to Eric's tongue grazing his once more was to push back against it with his own, a little rougher this time. The whole experience of french kissing was an odd one. And maybe a wet one at that. You usually dont have something like this happen. There were no lines blurring for Andrew, there hadnt been any in the first place for him to cross. Not after he started drinking. He'd crossed them when he drank that first glas.s of wine after the drink he'd had at the club. [[ Sorry >.>" I pas.sed out of some reason Dx I didn't even get any pizza! lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:20am Feb 27 2011
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{{ Then we shall but sadly it's going to end soon. >.<' Before it gets too far. *tear* Wait. Kissing isn't against the rules right? *glares at rules* As long as it's stopped soon though which it will if I remember correctly. }} Eric's mind seemed to loose every bit of sanity as soon as Andrew pushed back against his tongue. Andrew was progressing the kiss by just being slightly more forceful and it was enough for Eric in his half drunken state to take action that he'd normally take with one of his boyfriends. Without warning he freed both of his hands from Andrew's body and just happened to wrap his arms around him, actually picking him up. He made sure that he didn't break the kiss as he moved him and the student towards the back bedroom. Suprisingly to Eric, Andrew was actually really light though he wasn't focused on that as his knee's met the bed and he sort of layed Andrew down, hovering over him as he continued the make out hopping he was semi comortable from standing. ({ Fail and sorry. Had to get him there somehow. *kicks self for.... * Uhh. Taking charge of your character? I forgot the...Power playing! There we go. I'm sorry for that. }}

12:13pm Feb 27 2011
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[[ LOL You're completely fine <33 But now we need to figure out what stops these two?? XD ]] Andrew didn't expect to be lifted, and so easily at that. As if he weighed nothing and carried back into the back bedroom. His back met with the bed, making a soft sound though he never stopped kissing Eric. He wrapped his tail around his tail securly, and slipped one of his hands into the other neko's blonde hair, entangling his fingers in it and pulling on it slightly. But like all good things, or at least the basic needs of being a human rising up, Andrew pulled back to breath. He kep his face close to Eric's, however, as he drank in the oxygen he needed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:25pm Feb 27 2011
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({ Eric will....He won't go far. Or his sanity that's about to hit him pretty hard. }] Eric too took a feep deep breaths placing his forehead against Andrew's when he pulled away to breath. He used this opprotunity, even though Andrew's fingers were intangled in his hair, to bring his lips to the boy's neck gently sucking and nipping ever so slightly at the skin. While doing this he slipped his back under his shirt, slowly running it along his side. He continued to nip at the boys neck moving his up to his chest and just placing his hand on it not really progressing anything further. His mind seemed to regain control as he realized just what exactly he was doing. Just as quick as he lost his sanity, reality hit him. He pulled away and just focused on Andrew sort of wondering if he broke the boy. Just a few seconds ago he was teaching him how to dance and yet here they were laying on his own bed, with him on top and Andrew beneath him. {[ Oh god. Did you want Eric to leave a hickey? Or no? lol. }]

2:13pm Feb 27 2011
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 [[ Hickeys are fun ]] Andrew was still regaining his breath, meaning his breathing was still a little off, making his chest rise and fall visibly. And Eric's kisses weren't making anything any easier for the senior. Nor were his wondering hands... And then everything was gone. Eric's touch, the closeness, and his kisses. This made Andrew open his eyes, which had seemed to have glued themselves shut so that it was hard to do so. But he managed, wondering why Eric had stopped all of a sudden, just when it was getting good too.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:48pm Feb 27 2011
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{{ You can decide if there's a hickey or not. ^.^ But yess, they are fun. Which would give Eric a lot to explain though I do see Andrew seeing it and yelling at Seth for making it cause it would be something Seth would do. lol. }} Eric tried to steady his own breathing focusing on Andrew's now open eyes. "I can't" he whispered pressing his lips against the senior's forehead. He wasn't about to push the boy into anything, especially since they both had alcohol. If Andrew wanted to do something then he could do it tomorrow figuring one night wouldn't kill the boy to wait. He shifted so that he wasn't ontop of Andrew anymore. He actually layed nest to the boy bringing his hand up to mess with a few strands of hair not saying anything else.
3:15pm Feb 27 2011
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[[ Ohh~ Definitely going to be a hickey! ;D ]] Andrew frowned, not understanding why Eric counldn't continue. When he got off of him, Andrew was greatly disappointed but didn't put out any complaints or arguements on the matter and just remained quiet. He even rolled over to face Eric, letting him play with his hair. Andrew's body started to relax once more. Calming and shutting down, leaving him exhausted from tonight's play. Today had been a big one. A lot of things had happened though it didn't seem like it right then in the drunken simplicity of the moment. He'd been to his life long best friend's funeral, took Eric to a secret club that only he and his friend had ever been to, and had a private dance party here in Eric's house. Even though he didn't really dance. He'd cried, laughed, gotten jealous, seduced, and been seduced all in the same day. That was a lot. Rest was needed and well deserved.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:41pm Feb 27 2011
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{[ Oh lord. O.o He'll have to speak up before Seth gets yelled at too bad. And you can skip to the next day if you want to. Or I can after you post. Doesn't matter. <3 }] Eric just watched Andrew, continuing to play with his hair. He felt his own bady relax into the sheets. He smiled lightly at him reaching forward resting his hand on his side just for a place to sit it. "You should sleep, Andrew. We both do." he spoke softly moving his hand from Andrew's hair to his cheek. They did need it. Today was full of emotional stress which is why alcohol had been his choice in the first place. It wouldn't be right if he drank and not let the kids do it too. Thus the only reason he pulled out the glas.ses in the first place. (I fail...)
4:03pm Feb 27 2011
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[[ You dont fail xDD You skip to morning? o3o Make sure Eric spots those Hickeys <33 ]] Andrew sighd quietly, closing his eyes and letting himself drift instead of keeping himself tied to the conscious world. His pulled his tail closer and laid back his ears and soon enough he was sleeping, his breaths slowing down to a slow rythmic pase. [[ Now I fail LOL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:39pm Feb 27 2011
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( I can skip. <3 ) The next morning Eric shifted in his sleep only for him to move his tail feeling it hit something next to him. His ears perked forward as he opened his only to find Andrew beside him. For a moment he had freaked out, his breathing quickening till all the events played over in his mind. The funeral, the club, Seth, then the last few events made his head spin. Andrew asking him to dance, then the kiss and events after the kiss. A sigh escaped him when realizing nothing major had happened. They were both dressed as he could see and everything looked fine until his eyes rested upon the side of Andrew's neck. Two small purpleish blue marks shown against his light skin causing Eric's heart to drop. The boy had hickys. Two hicky's caused by him. "Crap" he whisered pushing himself to sit up. A slight headache began to form causing the blonde to bring his hand up to his forehead. "If I need drugs they will too" he frowned remembering Seth was just next door in Andrew's room. He felt bad for the two students not exactly sure how big of a hangover they might have. He didn't exactly know how much they drank.

5:21pm Feb 27 2011
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Andrew stirred, moving when he heard Eric whisper something next to him. He didn't want to wake up, so the fact that Eris was next to him hadn't exactly hit him yet. And neither did the side effects of his hangover. But he couldn't stay asleep for much longer, the two of them had slept forever it seemed. And Eric mentioned drugs finally did the trick and he move to get up and suddenly it was like a brick of lead fell onto his each side of his head. He groaned quietly, knowing that this is what he got for drinking way too much last night. He opened his eyes a little, blinked a few times and shifted to look over at Eric. He froze then, why was Eric in bed with him...? He noticed this wasn't his room either. what was going on? - Seth jad been awake for a while and was currently leaving Andrew's rom to see if ether of them were up and moving around yet. He was fortunate enough to not have a hangover this morning. It was a mystery as to why he hadn't, probably because he didn't drink much last night. He traveled into the living room to find... no one? Not even Andrew who said he'd sleep on the couch last night...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:50pm Feb 27 2011
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Andrew's groan caused Eric's ears to perk to focus on him for a moment. He gave a small smile as he moved off of the bed and stood up at the end of it. "I'll get you medication. You probably have a mas.sive headache. Probably best you come out to the kitchen and i'll have a glas.s of water. Your body is dehydrated" he sighed streaching slightly. He wasn't used to having anyone sleeping in his bed and it sort of made him sore from staying to once side. Normally he'd take over the whole thing but didn't want to just push his student otu so he resorted to one small spot. He gave a small sigh as he exited the room, his ears drooping forward allowing his tail to sway behind him as he walked. He only had a light headache but nothing like Andrew had. Eric walked cout of the hallway noticing Seth before silently greeting him, going straight to the kitchen and digging in the cabniet for tylenol he slipped on the counter and pulled out a glas.s to fill it up with water but paused looking over at Seth. "You want medication it's here and did you need something to drink? Perferably water?" He asked not wanting to be rude to the other student who had spent the night.

6:19pm Feb 27 2011
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Andrew watched him go silently, ears pulling back slowly until he was out of the room. As soon as he was gone Andrew jumped out of the bed, unfortunately, far too quickly and his head started to spin and he felt like he might fall over so he sat of the ede of the bed with his feace in his hands. What happened last night...? Andrew looked up and around the room, it was much different from his own. Different things hanging up and laying around. The last thing I remember is... He frowned, he remember all of last night. That is up until that drink at the bar. Then things started to get a little sketchey.... And then when they came back.... Seth was here.... Andrew put his hand to his temples, his head was throbbing. It felt like someone had taken a sledge hamer and was beating his in the back of the head with it. Eric and Seth were dancing and... they was really the last thing he could remember other than Seth sleeping in his room and he was supposed to have ended up on the couch last night... SO why was he in Eric's room? - "No..." Seth responded, going over to the counter as Eric fixed the drink and got some medication. "I'm fine." He added. He reached for his car keys and took them back into his pocket. He was actually a little embarras.sed about what had happened last night. Him dancing with Eric...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:27pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 6:43pm Feb 27 2011)
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[[ I was thinking about this one o3o http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/100/8/a/Are_we_out_of_s ight_by_NeKoChAnK.jpg Plus we need more ideas after this one is complete <33 I was thinking that Andrew needed to go back to school. Either to the one he went to with Aiden. o3o I was thinking that maybe he goes back there for a few days but cant handle going there... everywhere reminding him of Aiden. So he transfers to the local Militar Academy o3o Plus Eric needs to confront him about the military or Andrew needs to tell him about it or it may get awkward when Andrew suddenly transfers. >3< Plus they still need to go by Andrew's old place and pick up some more of his things >o<" ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:31pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 6:32pm Feb 27 2011)
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Eric nodded lightly to Seth as he reached forward grabbing the bottle of tylenol. He opened it, taking a single pill out and swallowing it without the help of the water next to him. Once that was down his ears fell back slightly focusing on Seth. "You okay? You don't have to stay here any longer unless your hangover is bothering you, although your doing better than Andrew" he spoke his tial curling aroun his own leg glanicng back to his own bedroom. "The reason I couldn't let you go last night was because you were drinking. If you would have gotten into a wreck or hit anybody I would have been liable and I would have never forgiven myself if you got hurt" he frowned walking around the counter placing his hand on Seth's head. "I had fun, if it means anything to you" He smiled removing his hand. ([ They can go to Andrew's old place if he's not too mad at Eric for giving him hickeys. lol. ])
7:06pm Feb 27 2011
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Seth nodded, knowing that that was the reason that Eric hadn't let him drive last night. The reason he had taken his keys away from him. But when he mentioned Andrew his ears perked and he glanced into the direction that Eric had to see him looking back at his own closed bedroom door. Oh.. thats where Andrew is... "I had fun too.." He responded truthfully, he really had had fun. "I guess I'll be going now though." He said, he really wanted to see Andrew, to talk to him and tell him what he'd come to tell him last night before everything had got turned upside down. But seeing as Andrew had spent the night with Eric he didn't want to see him all that much anymore. Not now anyways.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:17pm Feb 27 2011
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{[ Awww. I wonder what he was going to tell him. lol. }] Eric focused on Seth before nodding lightly, pocketing the pills. He grabed the glas.s of water before sighing lightly. "You drive careful now. Don'g be getting pulled over or in a wreck. Not sure your system is intirely clear but you need to drink something before you feel sick. You too are dehydrated" he spoke to Seth his ears falling slightly standing up straight. "Gotta get this to Andrew" he spoke before heading back to the back bedroom and knocking gently on the door before opening. "Andrew...I have your water and pills in my pocket" He muttered placing the water down and reaching in his pocket to retreive the Tylenol bottle. He handed to Andrew but used his free hand to brush a few strands of his hair out of his face. "Don't worry and go ahead and take three. I'm sure your head is killing you" he frowned down upon his student.