8:09pm Feb 27 2011
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Seth watched Eric walk back down the hall and back to his bedroom and knock on the door and disappear inside. He sighed, walking over to the front door then and leaving. He would drink something when he got home or stop to get some on the way there. He didn't live too far away. - Andrew grimaced at Eric's soft knocks. To him, it sounded as if he were trying to beat the door down! Who knocks to get back into ther own room anyways? He looked up as eric stepped inside and took his hands away from the sides of his head. He took the pills from Eric, doubting that they were going to help him in the condition he was in. He must have drank a lot for him to be so out of it as to feel this way. He didn't even want to speak, let alone ask why he was waking up in Eric's bed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:39pm Feb 27 2011
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"Opps" he muttered noticing him take his hands away from his head. "Sorry" he spoke softly remembering that when you had a hangover everything was loud. "Drink the water.Your body needs it, plus you might want to lay back down and just emerge yourself in the pillows and blankets till your over your hang over. I can leave the light off and shut the window for you so your eyes won't hurt from the afternoon sun that's to be rising." Eric explained all this walking around the bed and silently shutting the curtains glancing back at Andrew. "Best rest. If you need me i'll be in the living room making no noise at all"he smiled walkin back over to him placing the pill bottle on the side table. "no over dosing either. They should do the trick in a little while."
9:58pm Feb 27 2011
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Andrew took the pills that he had been given, drinking the water also and then watched as Eric walked around the bed to close the curtains then set the pill bottle next to him on the night table beside the bed. Now or never. "Wait," he stated, his own voice like nails on a chalk board. He flinched, waited for that sensation to pas.s before he began again. "Why... am I in your room? I don't..... remember..." He stated, trying desperately but everything after Seth and ERic dancing and something about him going to bed in his room.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:28pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 10:30pm Feb 27 2011)
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Eric paused before actually reaching the door and turned around to face Andrew. So he remembered nothing about last night which only made him regret what happened. In fact he didn't even want to tell him but he had to seeing he was asking. No getting away with it now. "Well...A lot happened actually or well....sorta a lot" He spoke walking back over and sat beside him on the bed. "Well it was after Seth went to bed in your room that you asked me to teach you how to dance. And not regular dance but dirty dance like I had done with Seth though before you could retain any of the information you kissed me. You actually leaned forward to kiss me" He spoke his ears falling slightly. "You pulled away but I sort of kissed you back and it progressed further. Though it ended on my bed. I stopped before anything could possibly happen. Though I do regret making...those" He said lightly placing his fingers to Andrew's neck. He told Andrew everything that had happened although did so in moderation. He hadn't told the senior he had gone into french kissing or eagerly pushed back in the kissing. He based the story sort of around himself so he didn't freak out. After all him not remembering indicated he was way to drunk to have any logical reason thus making it so he took advantage of him. Or that's how it felt.

11:25pm Feb 27 2011
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Andrew frowned, listening to Eric's explanation of how he came to be in Eric's bedroom. On his bed. With him.... He blinked, wondering what had been going through his head to make him do such things. Since he would never dream about doing those things when he was sober. Eric touching his neck made his tingle a little and he wanted to swat him away. To keep him as far away as possible. But... he was in his bedroom in his bed. In his house. He couldn't just... tell him to stay away from him. It wasn't possible and he might as well leave before telling him to leave him alone completely.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:41pm Feb 27 2011
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Eric frowned when Andrew didn't speak out to what he had just said. Sighing the teacher stood up focusing on Andrew. "Get some rest. I apologize for last night. Neither of us were in our right minds and it won't happen again. I can as.sure you that" He nodded solumnly as he made his way back to the bedroom door. He felt his heart sink a little as he stepped closer to the door. Did Andrew really not have anything to say about last night? Yeah the boy was drunk but it sorta stung. Saying nothing was like rejecting him although they really didn't have anything. "Oh by teh way...Seth left a little while ago so you won't have to worry about him bothering you." ( I fail )
12:00am Feb 28 2011
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Andrew didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say? Nothing inteligable came to mind at all! Was it good? Hell no! Why'd you stop? Uh... wrong. Wanna try again? Where did that one come from? He looked up slowly to his teacher as he left, his own ears drooped. He hoped that it would never happen again. And he could only imagine what kind of false signals he'd given out last night. Hopefully nothing.... too serious? Kissing him period was way too serious in the first place... it had to hurt. Maybe? But he felt that he should say something, or it was going to remain awkward for him. He opened his mouth to speak but failed to grasp the words that he was looking for. He stried again, "I'm sorry." He managed to say. He was. He was sorry for leading Eric on when there was nowhere to go for them. Andrew was straight....
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:12am Feb 28 2011
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Just as Eric's hand hit the door he heard Andrew's words causing the teacher to pause and shut his eyes for a breif moment. He took a deep breath shakiing his head as he looked back at Andrew. "Your fine." He said simply watching him for a moment. His facial ex pression was actually a little straight forward like it wasn't really bothering him. "You wern't the only one drunk, Andrew. I blame myself more than anything so your fine. Don't worry about it" he shrugged lightly trying to talk Andrew into that it was nothing. That it had no effect on him at all. In fact he was trying to cinvice himself Andrew was still straight that last night had just been a random thing and it would never happen again. Then again he probably wouldn't drink again around Andrew. "To me...nothing happened. Might as well move on and not dwell on it. It was a mistake for both of us"he nodded lightly glancing at the ground. Why did that sound so much better in his head than outloud? Okay so convincing himself was failing but he wasn't about to show Andrew that. His goal was to insure Andrew it was nothing and that they could simply move on and forget about the whole thing, when he knew in all reality there was no forgetting for him. He was sure Andrew would dwell as well even with the hickys' that were a constant reminder on the side of his neck. Why had he been so stupid and push Andew last night? He litterly took advantage of the boy.

1:00am Feb 28 2011
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"Nothing...." Andrew repeated, unsure if that was supposed to be a question or a statement. It was a mystake... as far as Eric was concerned it didn't happen. A screw up. Thats the way it was supposed tp be because that was exactly what it was. So why did that feel like such a slap in the face? No fireworkds or whatever, the stupid stuff you read in books and see in movies and on TV. No tingles or your foot popping or everything in the room disappeares... no knowing that this was 'the one'. Whatever, all that stuff that girls talk about to their girlfriends. He didn't know what else to say. He'd apologized and Eric had slapped him in the face. Or forgave him. Now what? He leaves? Or should Andrew go back to his room and let Eric have his back...?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:28am Feb 28 2011
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( Awww. You make it so Eric sounds like a jerk. >.<' ) Eric simply nodded to Andrew's words before twisting the door knob opening the door. "Get some rest Andrew. Your still not right. We'll talk about this later" he spoke glancing back at him before actually exiting the room shutting the door behidn him. As soon as the door was closed his tail and ears drooped sligthly. "Stupid" he muttered softly to himself making his way to the living room and sitting on the couch. He imediatly placed his head in his hands curling his own tail around himself. He should have known it was going to be like this so why get attached? In truth he was already attatched ever since Andrew started opening up to him after the crash. Things were really bought to perspective with Andrew. He needed someone to be there for him and Eric would do anything to be that person....even if it meant just as a friend or older adult. He'd have to be strong with this. He couldn't go falling apart because his student dind't like him back. That was childish. With a deep breath he grabbed the throw blakent over teh back of the couch and grabbed the pillow next to him seeming to lay on the couch just stairing at the black tv screen trying not to let his thoughts wander. He didn't need to dwell like he had told Andrew not to. If Andrew could forget about everythig, drunk or not, he could too. But really, was it that simple?

1:40am Feb 28 2011 (last edited on 1:43am Feb 28 2011)
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[[ I know >.< thats just how Andrew feels though ^.^ Erics fine <33 ]] Andrew watched Eric leave and shut the door behind him and wating until he heard that small click meaning that the door was closed before he seemed to droop. "I... am.... so stupid..." He said to himself, kicking off his shoes that had manages to stay with him all night and through all the events that had apparently happened. Though he didn't remember them. He shifted and made his way to the top of the bed slowing, seeing as he was off balance and his head felt like it was splitting ever so slowly. Once he reached the other end he plopped down suddenly, not caring about pulling the blankets over him and instead just turned away from the window and curled up a little, looking at the pill bottle on the night stand. He should have just forgot about being in Eric's room. Obviously nothing had happened since he was clothes and nothing hurt other than his head... And Eric hadn't even been in the room when he woke up.... wait, yes he was but that wasn't the point. But no. He asked and didn't like the answer and in turn... apparently only hurt himself. He sighed loudly, not noticing that his hand had snuck up from his side to touch his neck where the supposed hickeys were. They didn't hurt, it was just little tender on his neck in a couple of spots. Those were the hickeys. He kind of wanted to see them, see how big they were. To try and determine what ind of kisses Eric had given him.... He frowned, seeming to swat his own hand away from his neck. Why?! In the world would he wasnt to do that? He shut his eyes forcibly, his tail thumping in his agitation at himself. He was acting like a girl. A stupid love struck girl. He needed to get Eric out of his head. Damn.... even the bed smelled like him...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:10am Feb 28 2011
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([ Nooooo! It's all gone! >.<' *curses* 5 paragraphs just...vanished. *growls*}]
2:11am Feb 28 2011
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[[ Oh no ..... Dx ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:34am Feb 28 2011 (last edited on 2:38am Feb 28 2011)
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( Lets try this again ) Eric closed his eyes trying to get some more rest and forget about the events but he ended up frowning as the memories of last night came to him. The beginning of a dance lesson from Andrew's kiss all the way to them on the bed. Growling slightly he opened his eyes focusing back on the tv screen. "I can't..." he repated the very words he had said to Andrew. At the time he couldn't well he could but he rather refused to. Andrew's confused face and the unasked questons came back to him. He seemed to have liked it thus the reason he had to stop. Andrew wasn't in his right mind. Even if Andrew wanted to take the stab at the whole gay thing or was seriosuly concidering it he couldn't really be with him no matter how bad he wanted too. Earlier in the week Seth had made a valid point. Andrew was goin into the military and nothing could ever happen between them with that. He would be deployed and thus leaving Eric behind. He couldn't have that, hell he couldn't take that. Pushing himself up he grabbed the cell off the table and dialed a number he didn't know even woked anymore but he had to try. He listened to it ring before an old familar voice came onto the phone. "Hello?" Reed purred from the other end obvioulsy way to excited on answering the phone. It sounded like he was trying to seduce him not answer a phone. "Reed, I need your help. I know you can do something for me. You are in a band therefore you have access to a few illegal things" Eric spoke into the phone lowly glancing back towards his bedroom making sure Andrew stayed put. "Illegal? Ah...I can, I can. What did you have in mind dear Eric?" Reed cooed from the other end. "Racing....I know you know some people down at the race track. I need a car that was sold a few years back, it's probably in that industry now" he frowned leaning back against the couch. The other end of the phone was silent before the red neko sighed. "This will cost you Eric. You'll owe me big time for this" Reed frowned. "I konw. I'll do what ever it costs me. I just need it done and don't to short handing me. I'll know if it's real or not" The blonde frowned only to get a hcuckle out of Reed. "IT will be done right. Give me the make and type of car it is and i'll find it for you. It may be a few days to a week depending." "Good. It's a silver and black honda civic with a high tail fin. It was made into a racing car, donno how well it ran but a freind put a lot of work into that beauty. I would like it back" he spoke causin Reed to pause once again. "So it's a winner?" Reed asked curiously. "Yeah...almost every race. There's a lot of muscle under it's hood. I need it back in one peice running and all, you hear me Reed?" Eric asked only to get a mumbled 'yes' out of his old friend. "I'm on it... I'll call you when I have it in my hands. Siince you know the club we'll make an exchange there that okay?" Reed asked curiously. "Sounds perfect....now I gotta go. Find me that baby and you'll get what you always wanted" Eric spoke hanging up the phone. He stood up from the couch tossing his phone back onto it and making his way into the kitchen for some water. If he couldn't have Andrew he was going to help him out as much as he could. And this..... this car would be a good start. He needed a vehicle for the military to get here and there and what better car than his brothers? Reed was a trustworthy guy. If it was illegal he could find it and he was pretty sure Andrew's brother's care was now illegal. A street racing car was always on the cops radar especially when in the wrong hands. Maybe this could be a way he could ask Andrew's forgivness for last night. By returning his brother's car. It was a small issue and he knew he couldn't really buy forgiveness, but it was a start no?

4:41am Feb 28 2011
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[[ lol niiice! ;D And things are going to get a little hard for Andrew >3< ]] Andrew fought the urge to leave the comfort of Eric's bed, the blankets and pillows and the all together warmth of everything drawing him towards sleep. But his smell driving him crazy and making him want to just go back to his own room. But the sleep finally won, and Andrew lost consciousness and was able to rest peacefully, curled slightly on top of the blankets rather than underneath them. Bt that soon ended when his nightmare began, soon after he was as asleep as he was going to get. The car crash which he could still only remember in his dreams. And while Eric had his secret, illegal conversation with his old friend, Andrew's own phone went off silently in his bedroom, in the pants that he'd worn to the club. It was set to vibrate so no one would have gotten to it in time to answer anyway. TP see that it was Andrew's father, also calling that almost forgotten number in the back of his mind. Hopeing it was Andrew's old number and still worked. He left a message that Andrew would get when he woke up about coming to live with him and where they could talk if Andrew wanted to. A date, a place, and a time or he could call and meet up immediately. [[ o3o IDK what to do now.... XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:11pm Feb 28 2011
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([ I don't know either. O.o }] Eric sighed rummaging around the kitchen before pulling out a box of cookies and getting a glas.s of water. He walked over to the table and set the things down before pulling out his laptop and setting it up. He needed to get his mind focused and try to figure out a few more ways to help Andrew. He didn't know exactly what to do but he planned on searching the intnernet for a few things. He watched the screen pull up and logged in going straight to his work email out of habit. He didn't have to start looking right away. He could get a little work done now seeing he was sort of falling behind. With everything that went on he had been badly neglecting what needed to be done. ( fail )
6:51pm Feb 28 2011
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[[ Well, I guess Andrew could wake up :3 But we should figure out a few more ideas >3< lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:28pm Feb 28 2011
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{[ Okay. Hmmm. Well. Eric 'ordered' the car. lol. So that should come in. They need to go over to Andrew's house.....but I don't know. Andrew will probably be dwelling on their little forgotten escapade cuase hicky's take a while to go away. lol. Hmmm. Any ideas yourself? I know something should happen with the two to make Andrew realize he does have all those feelings or some of them he had been thinking about earlier. }]
7:44pm Feb 28 2011
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[[ I dont have any ideas >.< I mean, other than them going by Andrew old place o3o I was actually thinking that he'll start remember what happened to him in the car crash and the stress of going back to school and his dad all coming together, plus feelings for Eric he sort of has a break down xD But it has to be with Eric or it wouldn't really mean anything. Maybe Eric starts to withdraw from Andrew? Helping him secretly but not really messing with him all that much in the open for a while until finally Andrew confronts him about it -break down- lol IDK o3o I got that idea listening to music so... XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:51pm Feb 28 2011
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{[ Awww. I like the breakdown idea. Yeah he would withdraw. He just hurt himself. lol. With him telling Andrew it meant nothing sorta hurt himself more than Andrew. The car thing is sort of a suprise thing though as a type of apology and just a nice thing to do. Donno when that will come into play though. Maybe that's something else to lead him to a break down. Especially since he's going back to school. Maybe I should start listening to music. I need to plug up my headphones then. lol. ^.^ }]