1:27am Mar 2 2011
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" Andrew." Eric called out from the kitchen frowning. " please tell me that I haven't scared you away. Or that your fleeing" he sighed straightening up and exiting the kitchen. He rounded the corner and focused on his student. He took notice to his back pack before glancing at the ground. " seriously though... I don't want you to feel unwelcome. That was not my intention."
He shifted his weighed releasing snouther sigh. " you feeling any better though?" he asked not really sure what to say.
( I fail. Sooo sorry. Stupid iPod. I have 25 thousand files scanned and my comp is still scanning files! )
7:51am Mar 2 2011
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Andrew stopped, turning when he heard his name being said. "I'm fine not I'm running away.." He replied, taking his book bag off and holding it by a strap tp show how ligt it was. "It's empty.. I'm going to my old place to get some more cllothes." He explained, putting the bag over his shoulder again. He didn't move again, wondering if he was going to tell him he couldn't go. He actually felt way out of place bringing more stuff into Eric's house. But he needed clothes. [[ You dont fail ^.^- ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:51pm Mar 2 2011
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Eric focused on Andrew listening to his explination and what he had to say. He let out a soft sigh shaking his head lightly. "You want a ride? I could help you pack things into my car isntead of just having a small bag" he shrugged not really sure how much Andrew had. Or if he even had much at all. This would be a good way to size up the enviroment he had been living in before and judge how much of a teenage life he missed out on because of it. He knew his mother tried but bringing a kid into that enviroment wasn't something that was good. He spent his first few years here taking in kids that's life was like Andrew or worse. Danielle being one of them. He was rather curious but understood if he declined. Maybe being so close wasn't a good thing. "I mean... if you want to. You don't have to accept my offer" He shrugged. "Have I given you a key to the appartment yet?"
6:13pm Mar 2 2011
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Andrew thought about it, wondering if he really wanted Eric to go anywhere near where he used to live. It could be pretty rough out there, there had been serious injuries to people simply walking through that sort of neighborhood and not to mention that it was crawling with druggies, harlots, and gang members. You walk in there with the wrong colored T-shirt and it's all over. Plus a nice car pulling into that place draws a lot of attention, Eric would stick out like a sore thumb. He sighed. But going by car would be easier and he could get more of his things out faster. Not that he had all that much to begin with. ".... I don't.... care. But you gotta do what I say..." He told him. He knew how to deal with the situation he was taking Eric into if he drove him down there and Eric was just gonna have to trust him or stay here. "No, I don't have a key."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:36pm Mar 2 2011
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"I'll have to make you one then" Eric said refuring to the key. He took a deep breath watching Andrew for a moment before nodding. "I'll listen but you might be suprised how well I know how to conduct myself" He spoke straightening up and grabbing his car keys. "Which way are we heading?" He asked stepping into the living room and managing to open the door. "I'll listen. I promise" He spoke nodding lightly shoving one of his hands in his pockets. His tail curled up behind him as his ears feel just ever so slightly. ( Fail. You know what I was thinking? If they got into a sort of difficult spot and like Reed apeared saving them or something. Or like calling off what ever confruntation might happen. )
7:44pm Mar 2 2011
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[[ I was thinking that too but with Stevie showing up instead o.o LOL Great minds think alike~ lol I was imagining that some group comes up and starts something and Andrew ends up punching someone and Stevie stopps things before it gets too messy XDD but Reed could work too o3o It would just be random for him to be there lololol]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:57pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 1,825
{[ Psh. Our little Chesire red kitty could be watching from afair and Eric spots him. Bristling up slightly but not addressing it. Hmm. What to start it by though? Like....the whole dis-aggrement issue to create everything. }}
8:08pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 8:31pm Mar 2 2011)
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[[ Uuhhhmmm.... Idk? LOL OMG WAIT! O@O Whut if its the guys that beat up Eric from before and they recognize him? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:12pm Mar 2 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:14pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 8:15pm Mar 2 2011)
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Posts: 1,825
{[ Awwww. That would work. *Nods* I like that idea. Spotting Reed though will cause a confruntation at a later date. ^.^ *has ideas* What's up with the chatzy.com thing? O.o OMG! Kitty underwear! And is Eric supposed to reconize his brother? Like from school or something? }]
8:16pm Mar 2 2011
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[[ That so next time we can chat and get replies to ideas immediately and not spam up our butyfuul thread here <3 XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:17pm Mar 2 2011
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Posts: 1,825
{[ Oh. Can I has p*censored*word? And we can chat now. ^.^}]
8:27pm Mar 2 2011 (last edited on 8:30pm Mar 2 2011)
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:00pm Mar 2 2011
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Andrew nodded, "Whether you have good conduct or not.... that would help if you get yourself shot." Andrwe replied before continuing to open the door and walk out. Was this a bad idea? Bringing Eric along with him? He was sure that Eric could probably handle it without him having to hold his hand but what was going to happen if anything went wrong? Could he defend himself? he was already hurt a few months back just outside of the bar that he used to work at. He sighed. him walking was going to help him to clear his head and to maybe get some fresh air. It was definitely so that he didn't have to think too much about anything. But now Eric was coming and he had to think about what might or could happen. This wasn't helping at all.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:38pm Mar 2 2011
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"I'm not going to get myself shot" Eric frowned shaking his head lightly following Andrew out of the door, shutting it behind him. His tail curled behind him thinking but not really saying anything. He just let Andrew take the lead and just following behind him. His mind traveled to the the type of neighbor hood that he was taking him to. His mind immediatly traveled back to when he was younger taking care of the foster children. THe neighborhood the building was in. The run down houses and broken appartment bulidings. He sort of regretted offering to go with Andrew. This was like taking a trip down memory lane. A very haunting memory lane. 'There goes my peaceful night' He thought as a frown fell upon his face focusing on the ground.
10:10pm Mar 2 2011
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Andrew lead the way down to Eric car, the walk.... a quiet one. He figured that it would be. He figured that, in fact, the whole rest of the day was going to be a quiet and awkeard one. Since he apparently kissed Eric the other night and didn't remember a thing about it. Little did he know that this was going to cause a lot of problems for himself and Eric. Once they were at the car, Andrew wqent to the pas.senger side and waited for Eric to ujnlock the car so that he could get insdie. "We're going right when we pull out of the parking lot and to that house that i was staying in for a few days. I'll tell you were to go from there." He told him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:18pm Mar 2 2011
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Eric snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Andrew's voice, tunning into what he was saying. Right once they got out of the parking lot and towards the empty house hw as living in before. "Got it" He nodded reaching into his pocket and pulling the keys. He pressed the unlock botton and for the first time since Andrew's lived with him, he walked around the car getting into the driver's seat instead of opening Andrew's door. There wasn't a point in opening it for him. He could get in by himself, but he wasn't really focusing on that anyway. His mind was swirling with not so pleasent thoughts as he patiently started the car making sure to slip his seat belt on. He couldn't help wonder how far Andrew lived from the old adoption center. It would be nice to visit that place one day but maybe today wasn't really the day to do that. He needed to help Andrew get his things not focus on old memories.
10:33pm Mar 2 2011
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Andrew got into the car, closing the door behind him and also putting his seat belt on. This whole time he'd wanted to open his own door to the car but now it seemed like Eric didn't do it cause he was mad at him. And that made Andrew uneasy. He'd rather Eric not be mad at him... He looked out of the window, though they weren't moving yet, after he'd buckled his seat belt. He sighed, this wasn't going to be fun. he hated being in his old neighborhood. It only brought him bad memories. Of the awful school and living conditions the drugs, the alocohol, the fear of not being able to step outside without the possibility of a random druggie shooting at you.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:53pm Mar 2 2011
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The ride to Andrew's house had been exactly that. A quiet one. There wasn't really much to say to one anouther. He figured Andrew wouldn't want to talk about anything or would just shoot him down if he even tried to speak so he kept silent the whole intire way there. This didn't mean Eric wasn't doing something. The intire time his mind was swimming around the past and bringing back memories as he drove into Andrew's neighborhood. Yep, same ol run down part of town. A dangerous one to be exact. Finding the place Andrew had descriped, Eric pulled the car up to the house and turned it off observing it for a moment before looking around. He hadn't been this far out but every thing looked the same to him though when your in the bad side of town. ( Fail.. cause I got no clue what it looks like. lol )
11:23pm Mar 2 2011
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Andrew was, honestly, ashamed to bring Eric to such a place as this. It wasn't impressive in the least. especially if there was any chance that ERic still or used to think that Andrew was just some white trash trailer park kid with no future. Because looking at this place.... thats exactly what it made Andrew look like. Trash littered the ground around the trailers and they were all quite close together, foret yuor kids playing in a yard. Adults wouldn't let their kids onto the porches. If you were lucky enough to have one. Around here, a porch meant that your trailer was a couple of steps better than everyone else's. Andrew's trailer was a small single wide with two bedrooms, a kitchen/living room, and a bathroom. That is what he had growing up. No room to breath let alone live. The porch looked as if it might fall apart at any moment and a few of the windows looked broken. they probably were. The gras.s was dead and the bottom of the trailer was coming apart, allowing you to see underneath the giant tin can at the pillars of wood holding it off of the ground. Adrew sighed, movig to unbuckle and get out of the car." Stay here." He murmured and opened the door and got out, taking his bag with him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~