11:57pm Mar 2 2011
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Eric focused on Andrew's house for a moment. He couldn't exactly say that Andrew's old home was nice because it was far from it. He never liked trailers in the first place and this one just looked sad. He nodded simply when Andrew had addressed him. "Stay here" Sure he'd heard it but as soon as he watched his student go inside, Eric's ears perked up and he stepped out of the car. He further observed the trailer from outside then the few around it. This really was a sad place to live. He couldn't help but let his ears droop forward along with his tail. From the shadows of the trailers beside Andrew's eyes watched Eric, instantly remembering the neko from a while back. A low chuckle sounded causing Eric to jump slightly and his tail bristle as he spun around to take notice to two Neko's making their way towards him. "If it isn't the *censored* from the bar" The black hair male chuckled cracking his knuckles causing Eric go let out a low growl. "I guess it really isn't a suprise i'd run into you two here. Where's teh rest of your boys? Hanging out collecting food out of a dumpster?" Eric asked his eyes narrowing and tail flickering out of annoyance. "What'd you say princess?" The second male growled stepping forward only causing Eric to step back slightly. "You heard me" Eric growled his tail flickering behind him rather rapidly watching the other two males bristle up out of anger. If he wasn't worried for his own safety it would have been funny to watch their faces turn red just otu of the pure thought of how Eric insulted them. ( Donno if that last sentence made scense. O.o }

12:45am Mar 3 2011
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Another guy came in behind the two haras.sing Eric, obviously drunk and looking for a fight just like his buddies were. He hadn't heard what Eric had said, but througth his drinken haze he recognized him as the guy the beat up real bad at the bar that one time a while back. "Wadda we got here??" He rumbled. Andrew wasn't aware of what was going on outside, he figured that eric was still in the car where he was supposed to be and where he'd left him. i fail D:
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:29am Mar 3 2011 (last edited on 1:31am Mar 3 2011)
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"Billy!" The black hair male greeted nudging his drunk friend. "We have the blonde that we roughed up a few months back. Showin up in our terf for no reason calling us trash" Bob, the male, said glaring at the growling Neko infront of him. "What do we do with him? I personally wanna string him up on the wire fence by the old texmil factory. Let Russ handle him..." Bob glared at Eric watching the male infront of him ball his fists like he was preparing to fight. "Awww. The homo is goin to try something" The second male laughed stumblin forward slightly a little high off whatever he had had previously to this encounter. Eric could smell the stench of the drug just from his clothes. Eric couldn't help but stand his ground agains the three. If they wanted anoutehr fight he was going to give it to them. He wasn't caught off guard this time like he had been at the bar. "Why don't you just act then instead of talking" Eric snapped not wanting to put up with them for very long. He was tired of them. Plus he wanted his revenge and now sorta seened the best time to do it. One was high and the oher was drunk. what beter chances than that? Obviusly billy didn't like Eric speaking out so he balled his fist and threw it forward catching Eric off guard. He stumbled back slightly grabbing his jaw before throwing his own fist forward punching The second male, Jason, squre between the eyes not caring if it wasn't the asme dude who punched him. At least one went down. "Bring it!" he snapped watching the one male hit the ground.

2:04am Mar 3 2011
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Billy watched, amazed as his friend went down in front of him. He looked up at Eric, growling and his fur standing on end, he looked twice his origanal size, which was small but sturdy. "Hey!!" he barkerd. Not thinking clearly, though he might have done the same thing if he were drunk or not, reached into the pocket quickly and pulled out a black pistol. He fired, whether he meant to or not and stumbled back a little. the bullet made contact with Eric's right shoulder, though it only grazed it and shattered the glas.s he was standing in from of of the trailer. - Andrew had made it back to his bedroom and packed some more clothes, found some more money laying around, and grabbed a few pictures that he felt were important to him. All together not much was taken. But when he heard gun shots he reacted quickly and grabbed his own pistal out of a bag on the floor and flew through the trailer as fast as he could, thinking the worst had become of his literature teacher. He flung the door open to see Eric... not dead but out of the car. Blooding pooling from his shoulder. There were others as well. And he recognized them. Billy, Jason, and Todd. Stevie's boys. A group that he, himself, used to be a part of when he did drugs. But right now he couldn't remines, Jason was advancing on the injured Eric and Billy had a gun. Todd was on the ground. Andrew leaped off the porch and balled his fist. Jason looked up, a look of recognition crossed his face before Andrew grabbed his shirt and ripped his forward and puched him as hard as he could manage. There was a crack sound and Jason fell to the ground and writhed, clutching his now bloody and broken face. Andrew then turned and drew his gun on Billy. "Drop it, Billy!!" He barked angrily. He could tell Billy was drunk. He reeked. "Heyyyyy~" Billy slurred, waving his gun at Andrew now, "Aaaandy.... long time no see buddy!" "Drop it!!" Andrew repeated, cocking the gun. "You dont got no bullets Andy...." Billy chuckled. Andrew fired up, and away. "Drop it or I'll make you drop it!!" He was standing in front of Eric, tail whipping from side to side and he could see the drunken caustion on the other's face. "You wouldn't.." "try me!!" Andrew barked, but he was right, he wouldn't. And then a familiar voice got both of the armed teens' attention. "Hey, hey... settle down ladies...." Andrew glanced over at Stevie seeming to ooz from the show of his trailer. "Call off your boy, Stevie!!" Andrew barked at him this time, waving the gun at the one he was referring to. "Let it go, Billy." Stevie said simply and Billy released the gun to drop to the dead gras.s at his feet. Andrew waited a moment before putting his own weapon away. "Whos the stiff?" Stevie asked, nodding in Eric's direction, "He's with me." Andrew replied, and it was done.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:30am Mar 3 2011
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Eric hissed in pain his tail curling upon itself out of pain. His tail bristled out of both pain and shock of Andrew randomly apearing. He had his left hand cluthed to his right arm tightly the blood still managing to leak from the wound. "The hell did you become ninja!?!" Eric asked his breathing increasing slightly hissing towards Stevie. Who the hell did he think he was having guns and having his boys randomly shooting people! They started it first but down here I guess there was no law. Heck even Andrew had a gun which was now hangin looslly in his hand at his side. His ears pinned back glaring over at Stevie before huffing. "Andrew....can we please get out of here?" He asked lowly glancing behind him only to catch a familar face stairing down upon him. Within the appartment a crossed teh street, Reed staired down at his old friend without an ex pression on his face. His still red tail flickered beside him before he randomly stepped to the side disapearing from view. This only uspset Eric more as he turned back to focus on Andrew tightening his grip on his shoulder.

2:43am Mar 3 2011
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Andrew stared at Stevie for a moment, making usre he wasn't going to do anything hen he turned his back on him. He wasn't high or drunk and whenever he was neither of these things... Stevie's mind didn't think straight. He turned to help Eric up, sticking the gun into the back of his pants and lifting him up by his good shoulder. He was pissed that Eric had gotten out of the car in the first place. If he hadn't, this wouldn't have happened at all. This could have been avoided. And at this point e noticed the lood on his hand. Jason's teeth had ripping his knockles open, that was gonna hurt tomorrow. Stevie wathed silently with calculating eyes as Andrew help his lit teacher up. Billy was itching to pick his gun back up and get refenge on both Andrew and Eric for hurting his fellow gang members.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:08am Mar 3 2011
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Eric growled slightly stairing at Andrew before sighing and motioning to the car with his tail. "Get in. I'm driving" he snapped looking back over at Billy sort of glaring. "This isn't over, creep" he snapped his ears pinnin back against his head. Did he hurt, yes. Was he pissed he was shot, hell yes. First the alley now this. What was next? Skinnig him alive? He let a heavy sigh escape him as he glanced at Andrew still not really sure what to say to him. How did he get from packing inside the trailer to becoming a gun weilding student? Since when did he even have a gun? So many questions ran trhough Eric's mind. Although he had one primary goal at this moment. Get out of this place and his second goal was to drop andrew off and get to the hospial to stich up his shoulder.
7:33am Mar 3 2011 (last edited on 7:39am Mar 3 2011)
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Andrew growled at Eric, he had a lot of nerve thinking he was going to get away with nothing but a bloody shoulder. "Hell no! You think you're driving? Get in. I'm taking you to the hospital." He told him. Eric ws pretty and they didn't need to crash because he had a sudden case of too much blood lose. Stevie made his way over to the two of them and Andrew turned to face him. Stevie reached out of grab his hand and Andrew did the same though he didn't want to, it was probably not a good decision not to. Stevie grabbed his hand tightly, "What're you doing here, Andy?" He asked simply, looking Andrew over. "Just reminiscing." Andrew smirked. "Hm." Stevie huffed, "Don't come back here.. the boys aren't too happy you bailed. And next time they'll probably kill you." He said almost cheerfully, pulling his hands back painfully over Andrew's bloody knockles. "Oh.." He said quietly, "You're bleeding." He informeed his former friend, as if he didn't know. He reached up and smacked the side of Andrew's face, leaving a nasty sensation and bloody marks in the shape of fingers on his cheek bone. Andrew layed his ear back, "Thanks." He grumbled. "No problem." Setvie replied and proceeded to collect his boys from the ground. Andrew turned back to the car and nudged Eric to the other side of the car. He wasn't mean about it, but he didn't pat his shouler either, he pushed him to the back of the car, wanting him to go around the back and not near the other uys, "Give me the keys." He demanded, they didn't have time to waste standing here waiting for others to show up looking for whoever shot those gunshots.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:54pm Mar 3 2011
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Eric was quiet through the excahnge of words between Andrew and Stevie trying to figure out what relationship they had and maybe that would answer some of his questions in his mind. Andrew wasn't getting away with not telling him what exactly happened today. Upset or not he was going to talk to him one way or the other. IF he ahd to pin the kid down to do it he would. Eric's ears perked though allowing himself to be nudged to the back of the car. He really didn't want to leave his ar in Andrew's hands but then again Andrew wasn't going to let him drive either so he really had no choice. They needed to get out of this part of town and that was painfully obvious. "Take em" The blonde snapped shoving the keys at Andrew. He shrugged out of the kid's touch walking around the back of the car and got into the pas.senger's side. He pushed himself against the back of the seat as he shut his door glaring down at the floor boards. He didn't bother reaching for his seat belt because the shoulder strap would only go over the wound and cause him more pain. He wasn't going to have that and trusted Andrew with not killing them on the way to the hospital.

9:08pm Mar 3 2011
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Andrew took the keys and got into the car. He hadn't been behind the wheel of a car in a long time. A really long time. But it was like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it. He put the keys in and turned them, watching the guys in front of him stand up and brush themselves off. Jason clutching his face and Todd/Bob (XD) looked dizzy. Andrew put the car in reverse and backed the car way from them, going slow before turned and straightening the car up to get back onto the road. He was still clearly mad, and his hand was throbbing to the point he had a headache. "I told you to stay in the car..." He growled, glaring out of the windshield into the on-coming darkness in front of them.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:30pm Mar 3 2011
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Eric pressed his back against the seat glaring out the window himself although he was more focused on the males they were leaving. His ears pulled back against his skull listening to Andrew's words. "I told you to stay in the car..." What was he a two year old getting scolded? "I handled myself" he growled lowly his tail whipping beside him out of aggrivation. Why was Andrew scolding him? He didn't do anything but step out of his own car. Obviously he wasn't allowd to help. Who knew he's actually get shot just for stepping outside of his car. A sigh escape him as he tried to compose his thoughts. The gun apeared in his mind and Andrew speaking out against the other gun weilding male. His right ear twitched as he turned his focus on Andrew. "You have a gun" he spoke dully stiaring at Andrew it still bieng a slight suprise to him. He wasn't execting Andrew to come out and start pointing guns at people.
9:43pm Mar 3 2011
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Andrew gripped the seering wheel. "You call that handling youself?! You got into a fight.... TWO minutes after I go into the house!!" Andrew exclaimed, not taking his eyes off of the raod. This even baffled him. "Two minutes! And you got shot!" he laughed, actually laughed at the irony of that fact though he was so mad he was starting to shake. And the worst part about it was that it was Stevie and his guys. Of all people. NOw Andrew couldn't go back to the trailer again. Not that he wanted to. But if he did they would be looking for him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:55pm Mar 3 2011
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Eric listened to Andrew's side of the argument before huffing. Two minutes. It was not two minutes. "I didn't expect those men to just show up! You make it sound like I purposly disobeyed you!" He snapped growling over at Andrew his hand tightening on his shoulder only causing himself pain. He was forced to let go of his shoulder and just place his bloody hand in his lap stairing at it for a moment. He wasn't scared of bleeding out. He figured Andrew was going to the hospital anyway. "You make me sound like a child!" he couldn't help but snap. "The man was drunk! And I wasn't shot" he huffed focusing on the red liquid on the palm of his left hand and down his fingers. His mind began to travel back to his past but he quickly snapped out of it not wanting to go into a daze and freak his student out thinking he was dying of blood loss.
10:13pm Mar 3 2011
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Andrew took his foot off of the gas, he was going 80 and needed to slow down. Getting pulled over or getting into a wreck wasn't going to help him now. "Damn it! You did! I told you to say in the car!! You got shot! Do you think that you arm just started to bleed randomly?! You're--" He stopped himself. Biting down hard on his lip. He'd gotten shot... Andrew couldn't seem to grasp this. At all. Eric could have been killed tonight because he put him out there in the open. An easy target. He would have had another death on his already bloody hands. And he didn't know what he would do if he lost Eric so soon after loosing Aiden. He would probably kill himself. There was no getting around it. "You said... " He sighed. Why did he even care about this...? He forced himself to calm before he spoke again, making himself.... apathetic to the whole situation. "You promised to do what I told you to do." He reminded the neko beside him. "You said you could conduct yourself... How long did you wait beofre you got out of the car...." He didn't care for an answer. He shook his head at his own stupidity, ears drooping a little, he was done fighting. He didn't want to fight anymore. He should have known. As soon as Eric had promised him, he should have told his to stay. No one kept their promises. They were only false words. "BUt I guess its my fault for letting you come..." He added, waiting for Eric to drag it out a little more. To insist that he was the adult or some load like that.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:37pm Mar 3 2011
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Eric bit his own lip listenin to his student's words. He continued to staire down at his bloody hand before glancing up at the road his ears loosening against his head and his tail calming down beside him. Okay so what. He got shot. The dude was drunk and missed so he was fine. Sort of. He heard Andrew's question abou how long he waited in teh car and thought back to it. How lon did he wait? Not long really. As soon as Andrew went inside he decided to get out. His ears perked a little though when Andrew blamed himself not giving him a chance to answer the previously asked question. "Andrew....." Eric's voice was oddly calm and filled with cocnern as he glanced over at his student. "Don't you ever think that! I'm an adult and I offered to come. I offered to come help you" he frowned lightly. "Don't you dare blame yourself for this!" he snapped growling.
4:50pm Mar 4 2011
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Andrew shifted so that he was driving with his righ hand, the one that had been injured, and leaned against the window. He brtaced his face on his good knuckles, not even bothering to respond, All of these events here lately were reasons that he didn't trust anyone but himself. He barely trusted himself anyways. And he would continue to blame hismelf for this, espesially since he went over everything in his head. And knew that his old neighborhood wasn't a good place to bring Eric into. He even said Eric could get shot if he went there. He shook his head silently, unable to fully comprehend what all had happened. Did he even get his clothes and things that he'd come for?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:36pm Mar 4 2011
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"Your not my only student who's lived around those parts. I just havn't been around much so I forgot what it's like. If anything it's my fault for not obeying you. I thought I could handle it but who knew you actually knew the men back there who attacked me at the bar that one night" He spoke ears pulling back slightly. Andrew must have run with them at some point in his life for them to be that close. Stevie's words. He knew Andrew, knew him as more than just an aquaintence. "Your....not going back with them are you?" He asked randomly his tail curling around his own waist in hesitation. He didn't want Andrew going back there. Especially if he was going to fall in line with that group again. Just the thought scared him. He'd loose Andrew to a whole new force that he had to deal with when he was in his teens himself. Just a few years earlier early twenties as well. It'd been five years since his first kid died the one he had grown attatched to. He didn't think he could bare loosing Andrew too. Eric's ears drooped forward as he shifted slightly, wincing as he did so. Maybe it was best to back off a little bit. Give Andrew some breathing room. He couldn't stay this close. There was too much emotional stress right now. He had to back off some if not a lot.

6:39pm Mar 4 2011
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Andrew's ear twitched when Eric mentioned getting beat up outside of the bar that one time. Stevie's guys did that? This only mad him angrier and he clenched the stering wheel tighter, forcing his wound on his hand to throb and some more blood to ooze from it. This wouldn't be the first time he busted his knuckles on someone else face. And it probably wouldn't be the last time either. He shook his head, figuring he might as well shed a little light on his past while it was in front of them. "I started hanging out with him when I was 11 years old. He was 13. I started running around with his guys when I turned 13, he became by big brother... in a sense." Andrew turned, going down a road that would further take him to the hospital. "And as for me going back... anything is possible." He said ominously and reached over and turned the heat on. He knew that Eric should be going into shock at any point now and when that happened he should at least be wamr.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:23pm Mar 4 2011
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Eric frowned turning his full attention to Andrew as he spoke about his past and when exactly he ran with Stevie and his little gang members. 13. He started running around with them when he was 13. This made him frown as his eyes turned watching the blood ooze from Andrew's hand on the wheel. He didn't care if his car had blood on it, nor did he care about his shoulder at the moment that was starting to go numb. His ears twitched slightly trying to focus on Andrew's words. Just to keep himself there. His mind was beginning to get fuzzy but the last words caused him to fully focus and push the fuzzyness back. Anythign was possible. So there was a chance of Andrew going back into that enviroment. Eric was forced to push the shock on his face down as he turned quickly to focus out of the window. He felt himself on the verge of tears but would refuse to cry. He refused to go back into that deep depression state he had been in for about a month before Andrew. If he lost Andrew to that enviroment he'd only loose himself. Probably bow out of teaching all together and just be a loner.

7:57pm Mar 4 2011
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"He also got me into drinking and doing pot." Andrew added as they went. "And soon it wasn't just me and him, but others as well. They because my family seeing as i didn't have one back at home." Andrew explained, the car had become quiet except for him talking now. "I drank and partied and did everything that i wasn't supposed to do. To get a ttention. Because that was the only way I would ever get any so I got good at it quick." Andrew admitted. "And everything got worse when I turned 13. my brother died on my birthday 5 years ago. About to be six." He said sadly. "I still went to the school over there by my house and they called me out of my room in clas.s and told me what had happened. And someone took me to the hospital. He had been... beaten. Horribly. And shot so many times they didn't even know the exact number. "They'd never seen anything like it becuause.." Andrew tried not to remember images from that day. "He was still alive... but he had died by the time I'd gotten there. I'd just missed saying goodby to him." "So much happened that day.. I lost... the only family I had ever really had. My mother and father worked all the time so I never saw them. And that was the day my mom told me that she wished it had been me... After that she quite her job and became a drunk. And if I thought I hardly ever got to see my father when Alex was alive... I really didn't see him then. And when he was home my mom and him would fight. And he finally left. Didn't come home the day he was supposed to and later told me that he was done." "Me and Stevie used to be close too. And he's been in a foster care all his life. But soon after my brother died and my dad left I hated everyone. Became what I am now I guess..." He smirked. "we started doing worse things. Cocaine... Maijuana... Meth." He stopped. "Its... scary." This Andrew had never admitted to anyone before. "Looking back and not remembering.... moths of my own life I was so messed up. Like I'd fallen asleep. And it only took one of the guys dying to wake me up." "One day, one of our gang came to school and shot another of our members. He'd been standing next to men, talking to me when it happened. I watched him bleed to death." he said with a frown. He'd seen so much death in his life. "Thats when I stopped doing what I was doing and transfered schools to this one. That happened last year. This years I've been clean all year this year." Andrew stopped himself. He had just revealed so much and for no reason what so ever. He was mad! At Eric! For not listening to him when he said that he was going to.....
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~