5:43am Mar 6 2011
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Jake's first period clas.s had ended and all the students piled out of the clas.sroom heading for their next place. Jake shoved his hands into his pockets and made hi way through the crowded hallways seeming to avoid every thrown backpack or person that tried to bump into him. He didn't want to be touched right now and he wasn't as he slinked into Drama clas.s and focused on the dim lit stage. They were doing a play today so it looked like. Although Jake had no clue which one. Since he was rather clueless he made his way up to the front of the stage and let his tail sway behind him spotting a potential victim. A lone kid stood in the corner hugging a sc ript for dear life going over it. "Hmm" Jake muttered slinking over and just randomly apearing behidn the kid. "Watcha reading?" Jake asked lowly only to pull his ears back against his head as the kid screamed out of shock. "That...hurt" Jake sighed not even moving from the spot he was in. "Don't sneak up on me!?!" The kid snapped causing the Siamese neko to frown. "I'm sorry I was curious" He shrugged curling his tail around his own leg focusing on the kid that was now scurrying backstage leavin jake still clueless.

12:20pm Mar 6 2011
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Andrew nad Seth walked in through the double doors of the large clas.sroom and set their things down near the back where the door was.. Seth was almost clinging to ANdrew, something he had never done before and frankly it was starting to irritate him. "Seth! What is your problem?" Andrew asked, "Just go, already!" He exclaimed. Seth was just standing there, in his way, looking up at Jake in the stage like some kind of deer in the head lights.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:07pm Mar 6 2011
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Jake was frowning at the area to go back stage before he just simply turned and jumped off the stage with ease. His tail swayed behind him as he made his way down the rows of seats. His multi-colored eyes stairing in Andrew and Seths' direction. He decided it would be best to say Hi and introduce himself. He was probably the only kid in school who had one,no idea who he was, and two, the only person that he hadn't talked to. "Hello...Andrew is it?" He asked stopping in front of the boy, his tail curling up next to him. "I'm Jake. I moved up town just a few weeks ago. It's nice to meet you finially" He smiled holding out his hand to the boy. "And hello Seth" He also greeted with a slight nod, his eyes shinning with mischieif. His mind was spinning wiht ideas on how to flirt with Andrew but it still be harmless. He ws cute enough.
3:46pm Mar 6 2011
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Andrew nodded, "Yeah, Andrew Parks." He answered, also reaching out and taking Jake's hand into his own. It seemed like everyone knew him know, even the new kid. All because his friend died a few months ago and they felt sorry for him. "Hi..." Seth murmured next to Andrew. He was tempted to grab onto the arm Andrew wasn't shaking hands with. Jake had never shook his hands! And he'd barely even looked at him a second ago! He pouted silently.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:15pm Mar 6 2011
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"Mr. Dashaniel spoke of you once or twice in clas.s. Your smart so I hear but I didn't know your face until the pack of wild teenagers this morning" He shrugged shaking his hand before releasing Andrew's and putting his own at his side. "Well I look forward to having you in other clas.ses as well" He smiled warmly. His attention turned to Seth as a warm smile apeared on his face. "A little birdy told me we have a part together this period. I look forward to it" He smirked bringing up his tail and running it up Seth's leg before the late bell caught his attention. "Better find a seat. Don't want to get scolded by the teacher" He chuckled pulling back his own tail and spinning around walking back down the row of seats. He stole an empty one near the front and sat down, his own tail curling in his lap awaiting for the teacher to instruct them on what exactly they'd be doing today.
8:07pm Mar 6 2011
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Andrew simply listened to what Jake had to say about Eric talking about him in clas.s and then he was reminded of being attacked by practically the entire school body soon after coming to school this morning. And then he watched the exchange between Seth and jake with very little interest, avtually looking around the room to see who was here or not yet and hwere would be a good place for him to sit today in clas.s so that he wouldn't be noticed. Seth on the other hand was completely focused on the neko in front of him. "O-ok..." He responded, his mind going fuzzy when Jake touched him. He was really rather disappointed when Jake left him to go sit down. Andrew walked away from him toward the back of the room so that he could sit out of the way. What he didn't expect was for Seth to follow him and sit down next to him. "What do you want Seth?" He asked, irritated. Seth hummed a little, flicking his tail slighty. "Isn't he hot?" he exclaimed quietly to Andrew. Andrew frowned, unsure of what to say to that. "I-i.... I gues... I don't know! Why are you asking me anyways?" He hissed, his ears heating up a little.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:43pm Mar 6 2011
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Jake's ears twitched slightly watching the female teacher prance up on stage and clear her throat to get the clas.ses attention. "Children...Today we will be working on multiple sections of different plays. Some most common some not common at all. You may have props or what not that is your choice. Now...I'm going to split you into teams of three and I want you to section off around the clas.s. I will as.sign the plays when I split you all into groups. Seeing there are an odd number of genders in this room...It will be very much uneven but you are all young adults and you can deal with it" The teacher snapped in a rather unhappy mood. She took a deep breath and pulled up the clip board and began speaking out names. "Jermy, Mark, and Susan... Hamlet." "Lilian, Sarah, and Steve....You will be doing Midsummer night's dream" "Seth, Andrew, Jake....I'm sorry but you will be doing Romeo and Juliet" "Rickie, Tom, and Faith....Anthony and Cleopatra." Now....Have fun, split up. Grab props and act" she spoke disapearing back stage. ----------- Jake ears flopped forward before chuckling. He liked Romeo and Juliet but the character he loved most was Mercutio but it was ashame that he ended up being killed. His philosophy was always a good one but he was a bit insane in his love driven lust. He was truely a ladies man or so he thought. Jake smirked at the thought before sighing. This was going to be an odd clas.s today. Three boys doing romeo and juliet but who said they had do the love scenes? There were multiple scenes with just the guys, romeo, marcutio, and bonvolio plus other males like Roemo and the preacher. There were multiple places they could practice.

9:56pm Mar 6 2011
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"Oh my god..." Andrew groaned to himself, leaaning bak in his seat at the sam time Seth sighed in relief. "Well, at least you're in my group and I don't have to be alone with Jake!" He exclaimed. "I thought you would like to be alon with him, whats wrong with you lately? You're acting so weird." Andrew gruffed and stood up to go down to the stage and meet with Jake there. Seth huffed, insulted, but got up to reluctantly follow Andrew. Seth laid his ears back as he went while Andrew simply hoped that he didn't have to kiss either one of the other males in his group.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:34pm Mar 6 2011
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Jake took a deep breath and oddly actualy jumped onto the stage spinning around watching Andrew and Seth come down to him. Aw that was sweet of them. Jake perfered to be on the stage only because the imaginary spotlight would be on him. His ears perked forward as a sudden thought struck his mind. A smirk apeared on his face before he jumped off the stage. "Juliet! Friend!" he greeted his tail swaying behind him as he moved towards Andrew, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Friend...do, do come in. It would be my pleasure if you would grace my home with your presence. Your raidience would just set a beautiful glow within the place" He grinned towards Andrew motioning to the stage before dropping his hand and walking over to Seth. "Juliet, My love!" He spoke softly taking Seth's hands in his. "I have awaited for you to arrive. My heart has longed your presance, your touch, your gaze. The way your body moves sends shivers down my spine and makes my heart skip a beat. Your beautiful my dear. Lovely!" He spoke releasing Seths hands and walked around him but placed his right hand on Seth's waist allowing his tail to wrap around Seth's leg. "Won't you join me? Join me in my home too? Your friend and mine is awaiting. We can't keep him waiting my dear juliet. It is also torture for you to keep me waiting. Day after day, night after night. How could you hurt me so?" He asked leaning forward pressing his lips to Seth's ear. "I know though....you would never hurt me. I know you love me dearly and that you would do anything for me. So please. Grace the presence of my home. Enlighten me, would you?" He asked/whispered into Seth's ear before pressing his lips agaisnt Seth's cheek. He uncurled his tail from Seth's leg and took back his hand on Seth's waist as he straightened up. "So!" he called to both of them walking past Seth smirking and just jumping up on the stage. "We have three guys. To be far we can do the fight scene leading to mercrutio's death or we can start at teh beginning of the play and do when the three go into the party. It is entirly up to you boys" He smiled turning to face them, his tail curling in excitment behind him.

12:16am Mar 7 2011
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Andrew watched his partner run onto the stage for a few moment before joining him and Seth, calling them 'friend' and 'Juliet'. he better be 'friend'. He was, to Andrew's relief and was allowed to go with only a short.... very weird speech. He went over to the stage and simply took the stairs to get up there and waited on Seth and Jake to join him. Why did he always get stuck with the weirdos? Seth was once again swept right off of his high heeled feet as Jake took his hands into his and spoke to him the way he did. Not to mention his words! He was sure that he was blushing now and was embarras.sed for maybe the first time in his life to be drawing attention to himself in front of the whole clas.s. He blinked quickly, biting his lips as Jake then prodeeded to walk around him then put his hand on his hip and his tail around his leg once again as he had done only a few minutes earlier. He pulled his arms into his chest and his breathing was shallow. He at least tried to concentrate on ehat he was saying but he missed a few words in his small high. His lips met his ear and tingles pas.sed quickly down his spin and down his legs, making him think that he just might loose his balance or footing and just fall. He closed his eyes, making a small noise of surprise as air blew into his ear from him starting to speak once more. He didn't even hear the words this time. Something about enlightenment and then he kissed him! He actually kissed him! Unfortunately this all ended too fast and Jake moved away as if none of this had just happened, leaving Seth behind. The world came back to him as he started to recover and he could breath again. He opened his eyes and his face was almost completely red along with his ears might be able to melt a lock of ice. "fine with me.." Andrew said. He was completely unfased by the exchange between his partners, he hadn't felt any of these things so it has only taken a few moments. unlike Seth. To him, it had seemed to be an hour before Jake had stepped away from him and toward the stage. Said teen to a step forward and his knees seemed to not be working and he fumbled, grabbing a threatre chair for support until he could move again. He eventually made ot up on stage and managed to stand beside Andrew, waiting to hear what the plan was goingto be. What scene they were doing and who was going to be who.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:40am Mar 7 2011
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"Hmm. Well the fight scene would be easiest. Less words and we have the whole stage to move around. We can even use props so i'm sure swords are here somewhere" Jake spoke glancing around the stage looking for props of some sort. "It should be easy. Plus we can work off of just three. Hmm. I call Mercutio just cause I love him. So we'll need Mr. Romeo and Tybolt...." Jake spoke up wondering if he'd get in trouble if he used the chair within his little performance. He loved performing. Theater was something he was good at. He could easy become someone else and it just gave him a sense of joy. There was no better feeling than standing upon the stage and hearing the cheers after a performance. Although this wasn't a regular performance. It was just an exercise. He would have to talk to the theater teacher to see if there was a production in the making. He wouldn't mind getting into theater once again. He sort of missed it.
1:06am Mar 7 2011
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"That leaves.... Tybolt and Romeo..." Seth spoke looking at Andrew. "Yep." he responded, "I'm Romeo, problem solved, come on Tybolt, help me find some guns..." He said without even waiting to see if Seth had caught all that as he turn to go over and look for some plastic guns. "Wait, guns?" Seth asked and followed him, tail curled behind him. "Yes. Congradulations, you can pay attention." Seth frowned at the bac of the other's head. ANdrew went over to the pile of 'weapon's the teacher had provided along with a range of other props that they could use. He shuffled around a moment before finding three guns. One even looked like alex's but.... less deadly. He gave one to Seth, stuck on in his back posket and went to give Jake his. "We;re putting a little modern twist on out scene." He informed the other. Seth looked at his gun for a moment, not sure how to use it. Little did he know that a person from the yearbook had came in and was now taking random pictures. Seth looked at the gun and put his thump through the hole provided. He then heard a simple click, meaning that he just shot himself in the face. He frowned at the plastic in his hands. And people actually had real models of these things? Andrew had also watched the whole thing and the look on his face said: seriously? He went to help Seth, taking the gun and turning it in his hands and putting his index finger though the same hole again. "Of this had been real, your stupid *censored* would be dead right now." Andrew said flatly and pulled Seth's finger bad to make the gun click again before walking away. Seth frowned again, this time discouraged that he'd done it wrong apparently.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:21am Mar 7 2011
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Jake watched his two partners exit to go look for guns only leaving Jake there to chuckle. He'd heard of the modern spinoff of the old romeo and juliet and he actually quite liked it. Guns were always fun to use but swords were extremly fun too. Though judging by Seth shooting himself in the face, swords weren't a good option. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Seth putting his gun in his back pocket as well not even studying teh thing. The prop was useless at the moment and would only come into play later. He wasn't big into studying it since he knew how to shoot a gun. The things wern't that hard to figure out...or well....for him they wern't. "Okay...The stage is ours so. Feel free to move around...have fun. Be the character. We'll start with Tybalt entering and picking the fight or...arguing really. Romeo you shall enter later. Bonvolio is a moron and we'll skip his parts and just improvise. So...Seth, Tybolt...." Jake spoke standing up straight and motioning to the male adjasent from him. "Be my guest and start...." He smiled taking a step back slightly and going over his own lines in his head. He had nearly all of romeo and juliet memorized minus a few parts near the end.

6:46pm Mar 7 2011
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Andrew moved off to the side and out of the way so that Jake and Seth could do their thing. It was good, he didn't want to attract more attention to himself at the moment. He'd had a good amout earlier in the day. Seth didn't want to be Tybolt! Didn't Tybolt kill Mercutio as some point in time? He had to 'kill' Jake? He dreaded that already. Not only was he shy to even be around Jake, not he had to talk to him and do a play for him. The topic, Romeo and Juliet, a play he didn't even like all that much. But he was determined to look good in front of him, especially after he'd messed up a few minutes ago in front of him. "Gentlemen! Good den. A word with one of you?" He started, wondering if they could modernize the way that they were going to be speaking since they were using guns instead of the weapons used in the origanal play.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:59pm Mar 7 2011
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Jake focused on Seth and smiled hearing his line. So he did know the lines and it actually excited the youg neko. He used the stage to his advantage and actually paced slightly focusing on Seth, his ears perking slighlty as soon as Seth spoke his lines. He made them fall though as he turned his body towards Seth as he was called to attention going from himself into the character, Mercutio. "And but one word with one of us? Couple it with something...Make it a word and a blow" he spoke his ears pinning against his head and his tail flicking wildy behind him out of agrivation. Mercutio never liked Tybalt and it clearly showed so he was going to put as much of that into this as possible. He was going to act like this is a real play not just a clas.s exercise.
9:37pm Mar 7 2011
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Seth watched 'Mercutio' pase in front of his easily while he just decided to stay where he was. He knew that Tybolt was 'prince of cats' and the he was cocky enough for 3 men. So he simply placed his hand on his his and curled his tail, holding himself to look as arrogant as possible. "You shall find me apt anough for that an you will give me occasion..." He responded, taking a single step forward toward the other actor on stage with him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:04pm Mar 7 2011
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Jake let out a huff his tail flopping behind him before he stood tall looking upon 'Tybalt'. His eyes seemed to size him up before he shifted slightly on his own feet. His eyes seemed to narrow upon Seth as he opened his mouth for his line. "Could you not take some occasion without giving?" he asked his ear twitching slightly against his skull. Jake did have to admit Seth was good. Not the best he's seen though, but good enough. At least he wasn't shooting himself with his own gun like he had done earlier. He didn't think this was going to be any fun but actually it was turning out pretty good even though they were three sentences into it.
1:53am Mar 8 2011
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"Mercutio," Seth sighed, unsure if he was really doing a good job with this or not. "thou consort'st with Romeo...?" he seemed to ask. Andrew crossed his arms where he stood, surprised that these two were using the actal words from the play. His taikl flicked watching them. He could tell that Seth simply wasn't enjoying himself, whereas Jake was going all out. It almost made the caracters a little bit more realy. Mercutio being more lively and freespirited and Tybolt weighed down and arrogant. Maybe they didn't notice? His part was coming soon.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:12am Mar 8 2011
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Jake seemed to snort as his ears perked forward a little bit, his tail falling limp behind him. "Consort!" he snarled rolling his eyes. "What, doust though make us minstrels? An thou make minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but discords!" he huffed whipping his tail behind him as he shook his head. "Here's my fiddlestick; here's that shall make you dance." He spoke spinning to face Seth again. "'Zounds, Consort!" he said with a dead serious face before turning away once again walking towards the front of the stage but pausing. About a dozen eyes were focused on them. The whole clas.s seemed to have stopped what they were doing and started paying attention to the three on stage. This seemed to excite Jake as his eyes lit up with amusment and just pure joy. He had an audience! Even though he was excited he made sure to stay in character as he spun around facing his two partners. He straightened up before speaking again. "Men's eyes were made to look, and let them gaze" he paused moving his arm in a sweeping motion towards the on looking crowd to sort of secetly address to the other two they had an audience, even though these words were spoken in the play, but were sort of directed to Benvolio who they did not have. "I will not budge for no man's pleasure, I." he nodded standing up straight his tail calming it's whip like motions behind him.

2:12am Mar 8 2011 (last edited on 2:14am Mar 8 2011)
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{[ Retarded Lag making my post double. >.< }]