2:28am Mar 8 2011
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Seth watched Jake simply sweeping motion that he did with his arm and his eyes fell on those that were watching him. He smirked a little, tail curling slightly though he did manage to stay in character as Jake had done a few moments ago when he had notices. Maybe if they were good enough they wouldn't have to do this again? Andrew saw where he was supposed to come in a did so, stepping forward casually. Seth glanced in his direction, a bigger smirk on his face and turned back to 'Mercutio'. "Well! Peace with you," He said with a wave of his hand, dismissing him. "My man is here..." He purred. Every gay guy hopes to say this at some point in his life and it was in the play in front of at least a dozen other people. Andrew continued to walk slowly, they had one more line together and then it was him and Seth.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:37am Mar 8 2011
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Jake flattened his ears against his head as he walked forward a few steps before stopping. "But i'll be hanged, sir, if he were your livery" he spoke his tail curling bheind him as his eyes looked towards Andrew for a split moment before turning back to Seth. "Mary, go before to feild, he'll be our follower. Your worship in that sense may call him 'man'" he huffed side stepping so he was out of the way a little. After all these next few parts were strictly between Tybalt and Romeo. His only job was to side on the side lines and listen to them coral (sp) before he stepped in once more a little bit before his death and his and Tybalt's fight scene which he really anticipated.
3:04am Mar 8 2011
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Seth watched Jake move away and moved so that he was only facing Andrew now. "Romeo" now, his enemy. "Romeo!" He called to him, flicking his tail. "The hate I bear thee cannot afford any better term than this! You are a villan!" He challanged, waiting for Romeo's reply. There were snickers in the back ground. Where there snickers before? Or was he just noticing them because he knew that others were watching now? 'Romeo' looked at him and sighed, casting his eyes down and back up after a brief moment. "Tybalt..." He sighed, "The reason I have... to love thee... Doth much excuse the appertaining rage..." He said, then turned a little ways away from Seth, preparing to leave. "To such a greeting:... 'Villian'? I am none. So farewell. I see thou know'st me not." He said, turning away now. "Boy," Seth returned with a hint of a growl and a sneer, making Andrew stop in his tracks. "This will not excuse the injuries that thou hast done me... Now turn and draw!" he commanded, taking out his plastic gun once again and holding it correctly this time. Andrew looked at him with slight apprehension on his face. "I do protest... I never injured thee." he responded but places his hand over the pocket with the hilt of the gun exposed. "But love thee better than thou canst deivse... Till thous shalt know the reason of my love." "And so, good Capulet," He took out the gun and held it in front of him much like Seth was though he looked like he actually knew how to shoot the thing if it came down to it. "A name which I tender as dearly as my own..." He let some pressure off of the bit of plastic and the gun pointed down, a sign of submission. "Be satisfied."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:13am Mar 8 2011
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Jake's tail swayed behind him enjoying the scene of Andrew and Seth. It was amusing not to mention really good. Although something bothered Jake. Seth was a little more open with Andrew. Where were these emotions, these feeligns when they were speaking to one anouther? His ears drooped forward slightly but he had no time to wallow at the moment. With Andrew's last words 'Be satisfied', Jake or 'Mercutio' stepped foward a low growl comming from his throat. "O calm, dishonourable, vile submission!" Jake growled focusing between Romeo and Tybalt. "Alla stoccata carries it away." He added walking forward, reaching back as he did so to grab his gun and aim it directly at Seth. He placed his finer on the trigger and had it at a semi angle like a gang member would but that didn't mean he dind't know how to shoot it. This position was mainly for show. He stopped in his tracks pointing the gun at Seth's head, his eyes cold and a frown upon his face. "Tybalt, you rat-catcher, will you walk?" he asked his tail swaying madly behind him.

3:18am Mar 8 2011
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Seth was almost scared of Jake once he advanced, so much so that he almost completely forgot that is was his turn to speak. He cleared his throat silently and turned to face Jake instead of Andrew. "What would'st thou have with me?" He asked, his own tail quickly, but curiously instead of in an acted rage. Andrew looked between the two of them, lowering the black plastic in his hand and got ready to step bewteen them like he was supposed to do. He wondered if Seth was going to be up for this seeing as he had a major crush on Jake. and he was in heels no less.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:27am Mar 8 2011
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Jake's breathing picked up as he let out a huff not even lowering his gun as he began to speak. "Good king of cats, nothing but one of yoru nine lives" he spoke; his hand tightening on the gun. "that I mean to make bold withal, and as you shall use me hereafter, drybeat the rest of the eight." His tail seemed to calm it's swaying motion behind him as he took a deep breath. "Will you pluck your sword out of his pitcher by the ears? Make haste....lest mine be about your ears ere it be out." 'Mercutio' finished his line and his eyes not moving from Seth. It was almost the fight and almost his death. The one part he so anxiously awaited. He had spotted a chair earlier before they started that he could easily use in just a few minutes and boy did he plan on using it. What fun is it to die when you can't use the whole stage?
3:36am Mar 8 2011
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Seth tried to glare, but didn't know if he had pulled that off seeing as it was Jake he was glaring at. "I am for you." he responded and pointed his gun at Jake instead of at Andrew, moving his entire body with it. This is when aAndrew stepped forward and tokk Jake wrist and pointed it away from Seth. "Gentle, Mercutio, put thy rapier up." He stated a little quieter then the two before him had spoke. His tail swung loosely behind him. Seth lowere his gun, looking at the back of Andrew's head.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:43am Mar 8 2011 (last edited on 3:45am Mar 8 2011)
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Jake turned his wild gaze upon Andrew, his ears perking forward slightly. He was quiet a minute before he put his free hand upon Andrew's chest pushing him back, and pulling his wrist free. The black plastic in his hand dropped to the ground making an ominous sound clinking against the wood. Once Andrew was out of his way his eyes found their way to Tybalt again. "Come, sir, your Pasado!" he snapped walking forward and actually placing both his hands on Seth's chest and pushed him backwards with a little more force than he intended. Although, he was acting. He sometimes could get carried away.
7:41am Mar 8 2011
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Andrew moved back, catching himself before he stumble and fell and made a scene of himselfand simply watched Seth and Jake. He was surprised the Jake hit Seth with the force that he did, he probably didn't even need one forth of that to move Seth... Seth obviously wasn't epecting the fact that Jake was going to try and fling him off of the stage. So when he did push him thwew was really nothing hodliong him to the ground. Not his aticipation of the push, his heels, or his small girl-like frame. He yelped, eyes wide from shock and fear of falling off the stage. Seth hit the edge of the stage hard, his shoulder hanging off of the edge. The breath was knowed out of him or he would have whimpered and his rolled to his side a little and looked up at Jake from his position on the ground and thought he looked so much taller and started thinking about the ways he would make him pay for this. "Watch it!" He called to him angrily, "That hurt..."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:57am Mar 8 2011
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Jake was suprised himself, as he watched his acting partner fall in front of him. He sort of felt bad becuse it was his actions that caused it. He pulled his ears back slightl as his tail flicked madly behind him. He made his body language scream 'anger' although he looked down at Seith with sorry and sad eyes. "If your angry, then shoot me. My intentions were not to put you on the ground. For that I am sorry." he spoke quietly. Sure he was out of character a littel bit but he just knocked over a friend! Though he'd address it later which probably wouldn't make the said teen on the ground happy.
6:50pm Mar 8 2011
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Seth took out his gun and 'shot' Jake, the gun made a 'click' 'click' noise as his finger pushed down on the trigger. He really wasn't interested in playing Romeo and Juliet anymore and he looked over to Andrew with big eyes. Andrew sighed, he'd been having fun, but he moved to give Seth a hand and to help him up onto his feet and his odd heels. Seth's shoulder hurt and so was his pride and everything else that the high heel wearing male had dropped when he hit the stage. And most of all, he'd embarras.sed himself in front of Jake even though he'd been the one to hit him. "You ok?" Andrew asked, ears perked at his damaged friend. "Yeah..." Seth replied, regaining his balance and pulling his shirt down. His dark jeans had picked up dust and dirt that had been on the stage. His face was an unnatural shade of red and he wanted to cry though he wasn't going to.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:55pm Mar 8 2011
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Jake frowned watching Andrew pull Seth to his feet. Being killed wasn't fun any more. The whole play lost it's spark the moment Seth hit the stage. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Seth. " I'm sorry. I get carried away when I act. It's just my pasion" he apologized pulling away and kissing his cheek. " Still friends?" he asked curiously.
His tail swayed slowly behind him felling bad. He didn't know Seth didn't have balance! His eyes traveled to Serbs feet noticing the heels before a smirk fell upon his face. " nice heels" he admitted tilting his head sideways. Why hadn't he noticed them in the first place?
8:47pm Mar 8 2011
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"S' fine.." Seth mumbled, looking up at Jake. From pushing him down to holding him, what was up with this guy? He perked his ears at him to catch whatever he was saying. he couldn't really concentrate on anything past Jake's hand. He watched Jake look down at his feet at his heels and couldn't help but smile. Sure, the girls would comment on his boots, but a guys hadn't set done that. "Thanks.." He he replied, his ears swiveling at the comment. He couldn't stand being this shy around someone! He'd never been shy around anyone before! Why now?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:31pm Mar 8 2011
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Jake smiled warmly before his tail curled around his own leg. "I should hang around you more often. Why havn't I?" He asked mainly talking to himself now but shrugged and focused on Seth. "You have any more heels like that?" He asked curiously his tail uncurling from his leg to sway behind him. He straightened up and stepped foward next to Seth before pressing his lips to his ear. "Douts thy wish to kiss thy fair lips?" He asked/whispered into the boy's ear, his tail curling around Seth's. "You may just get that chance" he spoke softly his ears perking foward walking past Seth and toward's the exit just in time for the bell ring which indicated that they all had Gym next.
10:01pm Mar 8 2011
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Seth was dazzeled, tingles running down his spine and chill bumps appearing on the back of his neck and arms left him with a slight chill. He then watched Jake leave him silently, wondering what was going on. He was so confusing. Andrew rolled his eyes, he didn't get these guys. They were way too girly and easily pushed around, as previously demonstrated between Jake and Seth in ther little 'fight'. "So," he said, coming close to Seth once again, "You still like him? Even after he knocked you on your *censored* in front of the entire clas.sroom? You know that is probably going to be all over the school in a matter of minutes...." He voiced his thoughts to the blonde in front of him. Seth frowned at the door that Jake had disappeared though and then up to Andrew. "I think so..." He responded, which only made Andrew isgh and walk past him to walk off of the edge of the stage to get his things and go to his next clas.s. Gym. And Seth had that clas.s with him too... Seth took the stairs and followed Andrew out of the Drama room, he was carrying Seth's stuff since he'd hurt himself in the fall.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:19pm Mar 8 2011
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Jake had arrived in the Gym first. He had already listened to the teacher yell out to all the students to dress down or prepare to write two hunderd sentences on why they hadn't brought their clothes to clas.s. He sighed heading back to the men's locker rooms and going staright over to his lock on the far end near the showers and begining to turn the lock. Gym wasn't his favorite subject. He sucked at it. Drama was his thing, physical sport...not so much. Who knew what the coach planned for today. There were so many stupid sports. Volleyball, kickball, tennis, track, dodgeball....it was all so retarded to him. The only thing that Jake could acomplish was to be hit with the fricken ball no matter what the sport. Even if the sport didn't have a ball one would still find it's way to his head or body. A sigh escaped the siamese neko as he pulled out his clothes and set them on the bench. He kicked off his black boots and put them in his locker and the next item to go was his shirt. He had his back towards the door facing the shower trying not to pay attention to anyone else in the dressing rooms. He could only imagine what bruise or hell that the couch would put him through and that was exactly what was running through his mind. What off season sport were they goin to be forced to play to test the conditions.

10:46pm Mar 8 2011
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Seth and Andrew arrived soon after that, together, and went to their lockers. Andrew's being on one side of the bench and Seth's being on the other. He set Seth's stuff down on the bench between them and turned to his locker to get dressed. Andrew crossed his hands over his shirt, gripped it, and pulled it up and over his head, his hair falling back around his shoulders and he threw the shirt into his locker and pulled his gym shirt out. Seth, on the other hand was going going slower, struggling with his sore arm. He glanced up and spotted Jake changing. At this point he walked quickly around the bench beside Andrew. "Seth!" Andrew hissed, pulling his shirt dont over the top of his hips. "Will you go away? Theres plenty of room for you to change... over there!" he pointed, going for his pants. "I know! I want you to do something!" Seth responded, hiding behind the shirt in his hands. "What?" Andrew asked. "Look at Jake and tell me if he's hot or not..." Andrew huffed, unable to believe that Seth had seriously just asked that of him." What?! No! You! Whats your problem? Get off!" He realized that Seth was no clinging to his forearm. Seth slumped back over to his side and changed rather quickly, putting on a pair of high top converse so that he didn't fall again. Th coach cam in and shooed the boys out, saying that if they weren't dressed they'd go out naked. Andrew and Seth made their way out. "I can't play. I hurt my shoulder last period..." Seth outed to the teacher who let him off and he went to sit on the bench while ANdrew went to grab a ball. He loved playing Basketball.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:56pm Mar 8 2011
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Jake was a little taken off by the fact the coach had came into the locker room. He huffed throwing on his shirt and his pants and slipping on his tenis shoes. He threw his clothes in his locker before exiting the locker room. He stopped though when he got outside and noticed Andrew grab a Basketball. Oh this was not going to be fun. His cordination sucked so smirking slightly he looked around noticing Seth sitting on the bench. Why wasn't he playing? A frown fell on his face as he grabbed a random ball throwing it for no reason before smirking at teh couch. "Hehe....ball" he smiled weakly running after the ball that happened to roll next to the bench Seth was sitting on. He dodged a few balls already being thrown around on the court before actually catching Seth's hand as he sepped beside him. "Come help me look for my ball near the edge of the bleachers...please?" Jake asked with a serious face sort of glancing back a the coach who was paying attention to someone else causing issues.
11:09pm Mar 8 2011
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Andrew rounded himself up a group of guys, their group of admiring girls sat behind them on the bleachers, close to eth though he was a little farther away from them. Andrew divided the guys, picking guys for his team and the other guy did the same and this all hppened quickly. The groups were four on four and they bagan. Seth watched Andrew, a bit of admiriration left for him. If was a little hard to let go of feelings for someone. But they were slowly fading. He knew that Eric loved Andrew and that Andrew had definate felings for him as well. He also wished he could play sports. He could play.... badmitten. Really well. And he was decent at Ping Pong but those were hardly sports. He glanced up sharply when Jake grabbed his hand, ears perked. He'd made contact with him so many times today. More than he had since he'd moved here. But Seth wasn't complaining. "Uh... ok?" He responded, who needed help finding an orange ball? He got up to follow Jake.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:27pm Mar 8 2011 (last edited on 11:28pm Mar 8 2011)
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"Thanks" Jake smiled warmly leading Seth over so that they were hidden behind the bleachers. He let go of his home and glanced over trying to see if he could spot the couch but didn't. A smile came to his face as he spun around to face Seth. "Thanks again. I couldn't....do this infront of everyone and quite honestly. I nor you would have enjoyed it as much" He spoke rather lowly turning around and placing his hand on Seth's chest pushing him back against the wall. At least this time he was in flat shoes so no tripping or falling. Once Seth's back was pinned against the wall, Jake stepped forward and tilted his head slightly. He pressed his lips forcefully agaisnt Seths' as his tail slowly wraped around Seth's upper thigh just being as close as possible to him as he kissed him. He had been waiting for this moment all day.