11:43pm Mar 8 2011
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Seth didn;t understand what was going on at first, the thought that jake wanted to steal him away for a secret kiss didn't even come close to even thinking about crossing his mind. When he looked around for whatever he was looking for, which happened to be the coach, he looked to, leaning a little but straightening up and looking at Jake once again. What was he talking about, couldn't look for a basketball in front of everyone else? His put his hand on Seth's chest for the second time today and Seth actually stepped bac instead of falling back. He was pushing him again! The back of his heel hit the wall, making his trip backwards and his back and head hit the wall harder than he would have liked or that Jake would have anticipated. And then, before Seth could recover of react, jake's lips were crushed against his in a very... unpleasant kiss. He closed his eyes tight, his tail swinging in a bit of a panic and he raised his hands up, unsre what to do with them. "Nngh~!!"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:58pm Mar 8 2011
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Jake pulled away from the kiss, his tail dropping as well did his eyes. "If you do not like me then say so..." He spoke quietly, ears drooping forward at the very thought. He didn't want to be rejected. Not now. "I mean...you shouldn't watch me all the time and expect me not to take notice or even....act upon it" he added focusing on the neko in front of him. "You taunt me Seth. For once, I can not really....swade you" he frowned shaking his head. "For years i've come and gone. Broke hearts and toyed with a few but you....I get near you and you nearly trip over yourself just by the sight of me near. I fist thought it was your heels...but your quite an expert in those things. I like it" he spoke a smirk finding it's way to his face. "I didn't know if I should act upon these little urges or hold myself back....but it wasn't until Andrew came around that I took notice to how you cling to him. I was nervous at first....yes I was nervous. But....you two are merely friends. I saw it in his movements and yours" he explained takin a step back so he wasn't pinned against the wall. "What is it you wish Seth? Do you wish for me to leave you alone?" He asked his multi colored eyes stairing into Seth's awaiting his answers.

12:26am Mar 9 2011
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Seth was allowed breath and he took it, looking at jake. He was actually a little disappointed, he was hoping that he would be a great kisser. Or at least a decent one... that was awful. He frowned at Jake, listening to what he had to say. He was glad that he'd picked up on him liking him, he wasn't trying to hide it. But maybe he could have done a little bit of a better job about it? Made it even more clear to him? He chuckled a little, looking at the only boy that had ever made him feel the way he did without even touching him. He tilted his head a little. "It's not that... You just surprised me.. and.. I kinda hit my head..." He explained. He then reached up and put his arms over Jake's shoulders. He wrapped his own tail around Jake's legs, just under his hindquarters. "I want you to kiss me again..." He said bluntly, coming right out and saying it. "And you can pin me... just make sure the kiss is worth it..." He stated with a michefious smirk and ears perked.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:37am Mar 9 2011
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"Pinning isn't for just kissing. It's for other activities" Jake chuckled placing one of his hands on Seth's waist before he brought the other up and rested it on Seth's cheek. He gazed into the other neko's deep green eyes before stepping forward pushing his body against his. "Sorry about your head. If you want, I could kiss it better"He teased pressing his lips against the other neko's nose chuckling to himself. "I suprise a lot of people with my actions but my intentions were never to hurt you. Stun you maybe...but never hurt you" He added this time pressing his lips agaisnt Seth's with a litle more love than force. He never liked the forceful kissing anyway. Too rough but then again...he's never really done it before except Seth. Sure he's kissed guy after guy but he just had an urge for Seth. Thus the reason for the first kiss. Now that he actually knew Seth wanted it he advanced a little more lovingly. A deep slow kiss upon the other neko's lips that revealed his true emotions for the one who always wore heels. He rewrapped his tail around Seth's leg tightening it just a little as his hand snaked it's way up from his wiast to his chest. He needed somewhere to rest his hand and Seth's chest seemed like a good place in his mind while his other rested upon his cheek.

12:53am Mar 9 2011
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Seth perked his ears, listening to jake' words and he was surprised by them. He was flirting with his so and after what seemed like forever that seth had a crush on him. A major one. He was over the top happy. Jake's lips were on his again, this time softer and far better than the first and he kissed Jake back happily. He pulled himself closer, their bodies touching, and closed his eyes to consentrate on his kiss. And not only was Jake actually a good kisser but he knew exactly where to touch him, the places that were extra sensitive at the moment and Seth loved every bit of it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:01am Mar 9 2011
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Jake ran his thumb gently across Seth's cheek. He too closed his multi colored eyes to focus on the kiss and imagine the boy standing infront of him in his mind. Even though he'd prefer him in his heels and normal form fitting attire, Gym clothes worked aswell. It was still Seth no matter what he wore. Long pink hair, beautiful deep green eyes. The prance he had when he walked whether he knew it or not. Seth wasn't the only one keeping tabs on the other. Jake had weeks of studying him and he liked what he saw. He could honestly say he had never met someone such as Seth before. Never in his life. The siamese neko deepend the kiss seeing to block out ever single sound around him except of the other in front of him. His undying attention was focused on Seth and the kiss. He allowed the hand on the male's chest to slip down before findin the edge of Seth's shirt lifting it ever so slightly so the palm of his hand was resting upon the other's bare skin.
7:37am Mar 9 2011
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Seth didn't Jake's roaming hands, he actually like it, or the fact that they were making out in the gym behind the bleachers. Probably one of the least romantic spot in the entire school. The most unromantic being the bathroom. Andrew cursed, having missed the basket and it fell from the backboard to the ground with an unpleasant thud and bounced a few times away from the playing teens. He went after it, loping lazily, but really wanting to chase it across the gym. He finally bent to pick it up and held it at his side as he straightened. This is when he noticed a couple beside the bleachers, out of the way from anyone that would see them. He frowned, his ears pulling back over his head and he flicked his tail. He recognized the two. Seth and Jake no less! Kissing! What was wrong with Seth? Jake nearly knocked him off the stage in Theatre half an hour ago. Now they're playing tonsle hockey together. Disgusting... he might add. He took the ball in his hand, without thinking, and thucked it at the back of Jake head. "Oh!" He called when the ball made contact. "Sorry! Throw me the ball?" He asked, doing his best not to laugh.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:38pm Mar 9 2011
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Jake was so focused with Seth that he had forgotten where exactly the two were and the fact that others were playing just a few feet on the court. That relization hit him though as soon as the ball made contact with his head causing him to crush his lips and face into Seth not meaning to. The siamese neko let out a groan pulling away from Seth. He unwrapped his tail from the other neko's leg, spinning around focusing on Andrew. His eyes narrowed into slits at the kid before he grabbed the ball chucking it back at Andrew with as much force as he could. Damn kid. He was having fun and Andrew just ruined it. Jake then spun around to focus back on Seth his ears falling against his skull. "I am so sorry" He frowned glancing back at the court. "I don't think your friend has very good skills if he's throwing balls at my head" He hissed lowly reaching forward placing his hand on Seth's cheek. "We should probably get out front though...." He spoke dropping his hand from Seth's cheek. He didn't want to go out front and try to play basketball but he'd have to sooner or later so he was counted here today. Disapearing on the coach wasn't good but maybe he could have a word with Andrew. A baskeball didn't just fly around the bleachers into someone's head. The dinamics of it was physically impossible if Andrew had been on court playing when the ball escaped him.

10:23pm Mar 9 2011
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Seth took a quick step away from Jake, holding his lower face. Why was thins happening to him today? He closed his eyes for a moment, resisting theurge to make some kind of noise of pain and tears appeared in the sides of his eyes. he blinked them away and glanced at Jake, watching his throw a ball toward Andrew which caught it and took it back to his team player and they began the game again. He released his face when Jake turned back to face him, though his lips were throbbing from being srushed between his and Jake's teeth. "S' ok.." Seth replied, a frown on his face. "Ok.." He added, not wanting to go back out but figuring it was probably the best thing to do at this point. Eventually coach was going to notice their absence and he didnt feel like getting a lecture or into trouble today.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:37pm Mar 9 2011
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Jake's ears flattened against his skull as he focused on Seth still feeling really bad. He took a deep breath and just shook his head allowing his tail to sway behind him. His eyes traveled to Andrew watching him play for a minute before simy huffing softly. He was beginning to loathe him. Messing up his kiss. "Come on....We can make out later. There's plenty of time for that and more" He grinned toward's Seth trying to show him that what just happened didn't bother him. "I really, really don't want to go play basketball" He frowned reaching over and grabbing Seth's hand gently. Even if they couldn't make out who said he couldn't hold his hand? Technically there were no rules nor could they get in trouble for it.
7:32am Mar 10 2011
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Seth looked back at Jake, watching him calm himself down before he spooke again. His ears perked and tail curled he waited until he was ok and done speaking before he said anything. All of this was nearly too much to handle! Seth wanted to pas.s out but didn't think that would add any more attraction points to the situation. Jake just holding his hand made Seth's heart pound and made him feel a little light headed. "I don't know how to play basketball." He admitted, "Too many rules when the point of the game is to throw that orange ball into that net." He said, looking at what he was talking about while Andrew and his team played.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:21pm Mar 10 2011
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Jake looked back at Seth before smirking. He brought his shoulders, shrugging as he spoke. "Neither do I. I was never good at sorts. Plus your not playing, Seth. Your hurt remember?" He asked his ears falling slightly from the thought of their previous clas.s. He needed to make up for that and also for what just happened. He'd been hurting Seth all day unintentionally. Something had to be done to make him feel better or at least himself. "The couch wouldn't let you play anyway. He doesn't want to risk a further injury...." he added pulling Seth forward gently towards the bench. "I'll sit with you as long as I can until I get yelled at to go lay. I say next time we 'forget' our clothes and we can sit on the bleachers together and write sentences" He chuckled his ear twitching slightly.
10:33pm Mar 10 2011
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Seth was relieved that Jake didn't know how to play basketball either, made him feel not so odd and just one thing that the two of the seemed to have in common with each other. "Yeah, it's kinda hard to forget." he replied in response to him being hurt. His shoulder was still sore and he wondered just how bad it looked underneath his shirt. He let Jake pull his forward, tightening his grip on Jake's hand slightly so that they weren't seperated yet. He wondered if this was just a one time thing and that tomorrow Jake wouldnt act like this toward him. Or even next period, he would act like he had been since he got here. Avoiding him and flirting with every other guy he pas.sed in the hallway or sat beside in clas.s. "Sounds like a plan." Seth giggled behind him, it would be nice to spend more time with jake, then maybe he wouldn't be so shy around him or nearly have a heart attack when he was close or hen he touched him. Whether by accident or intentially.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:51pm Mar 10 2011
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"Sorry" Jake frowned slipping onto the bench pulling Seth next to him. He watched the other people on the court play basketball before just sighing and shaking his head. "So, Seth. What do you do after school besides study or homework?" he asked curiously bringing his tail up and curling it around himself. "Me, personally, I hang out at the house for a while being bored out of my mind or just sit on the roof somewhere within the town. It's quit liberating at night to watch the stars and get lost within the beautiful glowing orbs surrounded by darkness" he spoke his ears drooping forward slightly. "You see...we just moved here as you know already. Friends are hard to come by when I don't know the next time we will be moving. And someone like me sort of....thrives of people. I have a drive to be liked, to be known, but around here. No one cares and it's.....annoying"He huffed glaring at the ground kicking it with his shoe lightly. "Dad's a constant worker and my mom is... well she's your typical blonde headed bimbo. Which should say everything you need to know. I guess....what i'm trying to say is; it would be nice once in a while to have someone to hang out with and just, kill time" He spoke looking over at Seth.

9:57pm Mar 11 2011
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"I dont really do.... anything." Seth replied, looking across the gym as he sat down on the nech beside Jake. "All I really ever do is homework and study actually, so I can go to a good college." He admitted, he was serious about his future and about what was going to happen to him in a few years. Unlike some teenagers that were going to have a rude awakening. "I moved here from California this year." He informed Jake. "I left everything when I did. My clothes, my friends, my home, and my family and just came diwn here with some clothes and my car." He said. "I did it cause I didn't want to be another.... blonde bimbo." He said. He was slightly uncomfortable with the words that Jake used to describe his mother the way that he did. Because he used to be like that. He glanced over at Jake. "So," He smiled, "I dyed my hair and moved down here for an education and to make something out of myself. They wanted me to be a model because I'm pretty and blonde and rich." He told him. "Well, my parents are rich anyway..."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:09pm Mar 11 2011
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Jake listened to what Seth had to say before sighing, innerly slapping himself. How was he supposed to know Seth was blonde. His hair was pink for gods sake. "Oh..." he spoke frowning lightly. "Well you could become a model if you wanted to. You are pretty and you have all the key qualities thats for sure" he nodded with a smile. "Eh...I guess I fall into that rich category aswell, although this time....Thsi time it is me too. I have a trust fund that you wouldn't beleive but I don't really want it. I thrive off poeple. Attention, love, hatered....just anything I can get. I don't chane who I am but that's how I differ from my parents. My dad cares very much for who we are and how people see us. My mom is just clueless. She's always out, always annoying and half teh stuff she says wants to make me scream which is why I get away as much as I can"he shrugged. "That's the reason you'll find me on the roof somwhere just chilling and relaxing. I don't really care about my grades because I know my dad will just pay off whomever to get me where ever they want me to go" he frowned lookin down at the ground. "I'm pretty sure i'll have to go into buisness financing or somethig stupid" he added bringing his tail down and curling it around Seths'. "N one really knows the status of me yet. I hide it very well or try to. I get here an hour early every day and just sit on the roof. Mr. Dashaniel knows I have a porche but he's the only one besides you that is. You ever....get the feeling your trapped?" he asked curiosuly turning and watching Seth curiously.

11:50pm Mar 11 2011
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"Yeah." Seth responded, wrapping his tail around Jake's tail as well. He did sometimes feel trapped, thus the reason that he 'ran away' from home to this small town. Seth felt so close to Jake right now, he didn't know that Jake felt that way. Especially after seeing the way that he acted all the time. Then again he acted that way too. He was so wrapped up in Jake that he didn't notice that the cl*censored* around them was heading into the locker rooms early to get changed and ready to go to their next cl*censored*es. Finally the couch blew his whistle, forcing others that weren't getting ready to go to stop what they were doing and head to the locker room. Andrew came up then, pulling Seth up by his uninjured arm and pulling him along to the lockers rooms without the slightest hesitation or apologies to Jake. He didn't like Jake already. This wasn't going to go well... Andrew drug Seth into he locker room past other boys, to their lockers before he released the pink haired neko with a jerk, making Seth pout. "Hey!! That was really rude! I was having a conversation before you-" "Seth, have you lost your mind? Do you not remember Jake nearly pushing you off of the stage earlier? Or that he never paid you the slightest amount of attention before? I should know becasue you've been telling me this all day!" Andrew yelled in a whisper as other started to get changed and few were even leaving already. The bell would ring soon.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:11am Mar 12 2011
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Jake was about to say something but jumped when Andrew came and stole Seth away from him. This only caused him to frown and get up himself going into the locker rooms. He moved past Andrew and Seth going to his locker and immediatly stripping to get dressed in his orignial clothes. He kept quiet as he got dressed. He focused in his locker stairing at himself in the small mirror placed in the back. Different thoughts ran through his mind trying to figure out the best way to go with this. Andrew was beign difficult. That was twice he had inturupted Seth and him. He wasn't enjoying this very much but just then an idea hit him. Maybe he'd back off if he apologized to Seth? Reaching into his pant pocket he pulled out his cell phone and texted something really quick to an unkown person. With a confident smirk he hit send just as the bell rang for next period causing the siamese neko to frown really not wanting to go sit in a desk for hours but...he had to. ( I fail )
12:09pm Mar 12 2011
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Seth whipped his tail aggitated at Andrew, who was acting so weird all of a sudden! He never cared about his personal affairs before now! What was up with him? "It was an accident! And he appologised to me already. You would have know that if you had given me time to tell you." Seth argued. Andrew scoffed and then turned to get read. Apologising wasn't going to be enough for Andrew to just give up and let Jake have his way with Seth. Seth was pretty thick and Andrew didn't think that he knew what he was getting himself into with Jake. "Whatever, Seth. Just watch yourself." He mumbled.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:00pm Mar 12 2011
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Jake sighed lightly glancing down at his cell getting a confermation text. He nodded lightly before perking up and walking forward. He moved through the locker room moving past the other guys. He made his way up to Andrew, nudging him slightly before smiling politly. "I'm sorry..." He spoke slightly eyeing the boy before turning his full attention to Seth. "Seth" Jake greeted placing his hands on his waist staning behind him. "I'm gonna go ahead and head to English. I have to go by science and pick up my work. I sorta missed clas.s this morning. I"ll see ya in clas.s" He smiled kissing his cheek before spinning around and exiting the locker room getting out of Gym.