10:25pm Nov 2 2010
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Honking outside of the alley seemed to break up the fight as the others darted away climbing into a car and spinning out of the parking lot, leaving Eric curled up in a ball on the ground. He groaned placing his hand in the dirt and pushing himself up to his feet. He braced himself against the alley wall before attempting to walk to his car. He lost his balance and crashed to the ground once again, groaning out of pain. Eric felt something drip down his lip and so he brought the back of his hand to his lip only to wipe away the substance. He glanced down noticing the crimson blood on the back of his hand. "Damn it" He hissed shoving his hand in his pocket and pulling out his phone. He pushed himself up and leaned his back against the wall as he pressed the phone to his ear, using his other hand to grip his side not noticing the red leaking threw his white shirt. Eric stiffled a groan as he heard a familar voice on the other end of the phone. "Mi...I--I need you t-t-o...." He growled into the phone before sighing. "Club--alleyway...hurry" he whimpered into the phone shutting it before the other could reply. Eric felt like crawling into a ball and dying. His ribs hurt, his stomach hurt, his legs hurt, his face hurt... hell everything hurt. It wasn't long before Miz {Wolfie!} came and quickly rushed to Eric's side. He let out low whimpers picking up Eric carefully and taking him to his car and driving him back to his own appartment. Eric was in no condition to drive and Miz would happily come back for his car with a friend once he made sure Eric was alright. {You may skip to the next day if you want. ^.^ }

10:53pm Nov 2 2010
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The next day, Andrew was actually up on time, having set his phone to go off for him. He didn't have much to do around this place so he was outside and waiting for Aiden early. When he did show up Andrew had been walking circles waiting for him for 30 minutes. "Morning. Did you wait long? Sorry, I couldn't find my keys." He apologized, waiting for the still limping Andrew to get into the car. Andrew hissed, then sighed, closing the door behind him. "Yeah, 30 minutes. But it's fine." He said, laying his bag into the floor board. "Hey, get me to school as soon as possible. I'm going to take a shower at school, the house doesn't have any running water." He explained as Aiden went. At school, Aiden and Andrew went their separate ways and Andrew got a shower and a change of closes after two days of wearing the same clothes. He took the dirty clothes over to the gym and washed them there, using her surrounds to the est of his abilities and then went to clas$. The rest of the day went y slow, he had completely forgotten about his bruise, but it was still clearly there. The throbbing wasn't there to remind him anymore. The only thing that reminded him were the stares that he got from both his fellow clas$mates and teachers a like. And each time he would threaten them with a bruise of their own. The last cl*censored*$ and the one that he had been dreading going back to since he left yesterday finally rolled around and he sighed as he walked into the room and went straight to his seat and sat down beside Aiden. "Hey, guess what?" Aiden asked, looking over at him freely. Andrew started to notice that the clas$ was extremely loud today. "What?" He asked, looking over as well. "Mr. Dashaniel isn't here today." "What? Seriously?!" He asked excitedly, looking to the front of the clasroom. Nope, he wasn't up there leaning on his desk like he did so often do. "Awesome. Maybe we don;t have detention after all?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:11pm Nov 2 2010
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A rather tall and slim orange hair neko seemed to dance into clas$ after the students. She made her way to the board and began writiting out her name. "I am Mrs. Nakata. I will be your teacher for the remainder of the days until Mr. Dashaniel is feeling up to comming back to work" She chimmed letting her tail flop rather haippily behind her. "I do take this is an odd thing, having a sub in a clas$ that you all are used to havng your teacher but let me tell you we'll have a little bit of fun instead of being straight and serious all the time" she smirked placing an english book down upon the desk. "Do any of you know exactly what your lesson plan was? Like the area you all were covering?" She asked curiously looking out at them. "Please settle down children...I would hate for you to get in trouble on the first day. Remember, I may be a sub, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to punich my students" she said with a serious tone to her voice as she dared a girl near the front to speak another word. It wasnt a minute after that that she giggled flpping threw the English book. "Oh dear...I think I remember some of the fellow teachers talking about shakespear or something like that? Then I guess we can start one of his famous writtings. Hamlet I think would be good for you all. I bet you all are tired of Romeo and Juliet by now so why not twist things up a bit, Hmmm?" she asked walking to the front of the clas$ and sitting on the front of the desk facing the students. "Turn to pages 854 please." {You might want to inturupt her to ask any questions. lol. She has a....weird oddly bubbly personality that can easily get on people's nerves. lol }

11:28pm Nov 2 2010
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Andrew frowned at Eric's replacement. Way too happy and all over the place. "Uh, we were actually doing Edgar Allen Poe." Andrew poke up from his seat, making everyone look at the interruption. Andrew flicked his ear, as if flicking off the stares. Do these people have to stare at everything all the time? "The other teachers are behind." Andrew scoffed. He actually knew what they were doing in clas$. Just because he didn't do it didn't mean he didn't listen. He leaned forward in his desk, resting his jaw on his fingers challengingly. "Romeo and Juliet is a clas$ic, and personally I don't think I'm ever going to be tired of it. Hamlet isn't all that different if you take the time to look at it." Aiden was staring at Andrew, when did his friend become a poet? Between the time of haras$ing his teachers and getting pushed around at home? "Family conflict, tragedy, betrayal, mortalities... suicide. The only difference being Romeo and Juliet is more of a story of love and Hamlet of death. And do you really want to be teaching a bunch of emotional teenagers about killing each other?" He leaned back in his seat once again. "Where is Mr. Dashaniel anyway? You're more annoying than he is." He flicked his tail at that, meaning it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:45am Nov 3 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm Nov 3 2010)
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Nakata froze listening to Andrew speak. "Hmph" she seemed to snort while watching him. "Well arn't you the little English Major...." she retorted before taking a deep breath. "Poe is so dark and sad. His motive was purely horror based on his life and his losses. Poe masks pain with love and seems to place a grotesque fear in people's hearts but with Shakespear you have love even though it is masked with death. Personally since Mr. Dashaniel isn't here we are going over shakespear like the rest of the teachers. I don't care if you have already covered it or not you will put up with what I teach until your teacher comes back" she seemed to snap before hopping off the desk and putting the book down near her. "And if you must know, to satisfy your curious little heart..." She sneered over at Andrew before sighing. "I could lie to you all and say a teacher's convension but that wouldn't do any good seeing your other English teachers didn't go. Or I could say he moved out of town for a few days to visit a funneral from a death in the family, but seeing as he was disowned from his family that doesn't really fit now does it?" She seemed to rant watching Andrew. "Truth is he was attacked last night near the bar. He refused to get medical treatment, now he's resting in his home. He is unable to make it to work to teach you all so I have been told to step up and do the job" She sighed. "If you ask me he desurved it...but you won't get why from me. Go around and ask a random teacher how they feel, I bet you they will say the same. Havn't you noticed a sense of peace in the school today? Everyone is much more cheerful and relaxed. There are no more sneers when they pas$ this English room" She said spinning around sitting back on the desk. "Any other questions?" She asked placing her hands neatly in her lap, waiting.

6:26pm Nov 3 2010 (last edited on 6:39pm Nov 3 2010)
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Andrew smiling, getting excited as she spoke. He hadn't fought with a teacher verbally for a few days now and the suspense might kill him if he let this one opportunity pas$ him by. His tail curled high, and over his shoulder, showing his pleasure and his ears pricked forward. "Yes." He replied sweetly, a few giggle spreading through the clas$. Andrew was back and ready to rumble. Adrenaline rushed through his body at his clas$mates' support, like throwing gas on a flame. "A lot of Poe's work deals with those that are different, and are isolated from the rest of the world, something that was personal to him and I respect him for. Shakespeare mainly touches love that was lost which is almost the same as death and if you ask me... something far more grotesque." Andrew spoke, resting his hand on the palm of his hand. "And, it you would be so kind as to point out the difference between masking Death with Love and masking Love with Death?" Andrew asked, raising his eyebrows. The clas$ was quiet between Andrew and the sub's little battle of poetic wits. Andrew didn't like the fact that Eric was beat down outside of a bar, and wondered just which bar it had been. If he wasn't busy he would have taken the time to think about that subject more as something else connected. Sneers? The other teachers sneered at this clas$room. "And while you're trying to process that." Andrew added, pointing lightly. "Would the reason behind Mr. Dashaniel's as$ault be that he's Gay?" Andrew asked, not even bothering to beat around metaphorical bushes. Apparently this information was news to some members of the clas$ if not all and Andrew made a note of a boy in the back emitting a small squeak. "Because if it is, and that is the reason you and apparently other bastards in this school think that he deserved it. May I point out to you that many believe that Shakespeare had a homosexual affair with one of his actors? A man that you're obviously supporting over a clearly straight man such a Poe." Andrew flicked his ear. He had absolutely nothing against Shakespeare's work, but he like Poe more. "And if you've read Sonnet 20 there are some things there that would definitely indicate that Shakespeare could have had a Homosexual affair." Andrew pointed out with a wave of his hand. "Am I going too fast for you? No? Good." Andrew asked briefly before he continued. "ANd I was wondering why you... a sub that I've never seen around this school before would know of Mr. Dashaniel's orientations or even care?" With that, Andrew was done and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. The whole clas$ seemed to look from him to the sub, waiting. After a few moments Andrew spoke again. "I'm done." He said sweetly, flicking his tail.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:01pm Nov 3 2010
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Nakata let out a small “Hpmh” once Andrew was finished with his rant and back talk. “So I meet the famous Andrew” She chimed with a warm smile. “Ah, my dear boy. Do you have something against love or those who you have lost over love? Shakespeare touches those bases because it appealed to the audience. They were in a form brilliant at the time, cl*censored*ics such as Poes work. Shakespeare died famous….Poe died a pathetic drunk, delusional man. I respect Shakespeare for his work not love interest. I respect the tragedy in shakespeare’s writing but for some reason I can’t quite push myself to respect the works of a drunken, delusional man” She sneered standing up tall. The orange neko’s eyes seemed to turn into cold slits as she glared at Andrew preparing for her next set of words. “The fact that he is gay was the reason he was beat up outside of the club not to far from this school. He was looking for someone and got into the wrong hands. Do I care, No. Why? Because he ,of all the gay people in this world, has found a way to screw up every relationship breaking countless hearts” Her voice had a slight country accent to it as she pressed on with her words. “My brother was the one to find him last night. Broken, beaten and bloody. You see Andrew…I don’t hate homosexuals, I hate those who toy with other’s hearts. Use them then cast them aside. And with your comments it only makes me wonder if you are next. If he looks upon you as prey. They say he was looking for someone, a student. Could it be you? Are you, Andrew, falling for your English teacher? Is that the real reason you care so much about defending Poe and casting down others?” She asked with a slight smirk resting upon her lips. {Oh yes...she went there. lol}

9:55pm Nov 3 2010
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"Aww... you've heard about me?" He asked happily. The clas$ burst into laughter. "I guess you could say that." Andrew replied once the cl*censored* was quiet again. "But more like... I don't believe in love." Andrew said with a shrug, "Love is nothing more than a temporary infatuation you have with another person. It's not real and will eventually fade. Love is magical? Well, magic is an illusion. Well played tricks to entertain the foolish." Everyone was quiet, what Andrew said was obviously... unbelievable to hear. So it was unexpected that Andrew would suddenly chuckle. "You're trying to hard to insult me." He told her, trying to get over her futile attempts. Then sighed, and got serious once again. Thoughtful. "A heart breaker huh? He said thoughtfully. "And you didn't answer my question." Andrew replied, "All I learned was that your brother found Mr. Dashaniel last night." He cocked his head slightly. "No, I'm not 'falling' for the most annoying... pain in the as$ gay English teacher. Nor do I ever plan to 'fall' for any other guy. For anyone for that matter really." He told the sub plainly. "But I'm starting to wonder if you're the person that got her heart broken. Not me." Andrew rold her. "Were you or are you still in love with Mr Dashaniel?"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:11pm Nov 3 2010
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Nakata seemed to listen to him before shrugging. "At one point in time, Andrew. You will fall in love and that love will betray you or hurt you in such a way you couldn't even fathom" She retorted before leaning back against the desk. She was growing bored of this battle. She now knew what the other teachers talked about when they said becareful of Andrew. So much back sas$ over nothing in particular. What was this kid trying to accomplish? The orange neko only let out a low hiss like laugh at Andrew's question. "I love that *censored*? No. You have it all wrong dear child. It was not I who had fallen deeply for that blonde hair wh0re of a Neko" She sneered sitting on the desk. "Twas my brother who fell and fall he did. It's been months since those two went out and been months when he caught Eric cheeting on him with a wolf. Digusting sight it was but it broke my brothers heart. I was the one to sit there and watch my brother wither away, day after day" she sighed looking up at the ceiling. "So I don't feel sorry for him at all. I enjoy seeing his pain although I was not physically able to see him. I'm sure he looks like hell and I applaud whom ever attacked him" She said simply returning her gaze to Andrew. "Are you happy, child? Now that I have spilled my discuss and my brother's life story to you?" She asked seemin rather bored.

10:20pm Nov 3 2010
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"No." Andrew replied, leaning back in his seat, "But you obviously don't want to play with me anymore and I've successfully wasted this clas$." He said flatly, bored as well. There were two more minutes left in the clas$ and his lust for a fight was somewhat quenched and he could go back to work tonight and actually have something to do rather than sitting alone in that house. He turned to Aiden, "Hey, you driving me to work today?" He asked, ignoring the sub now and forgetting about the fight that had just happened. The rest of the clas$ took his example and start the talk to their neighbors and pack up.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:29pm Nov 3 2010
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Nakata watched Andrew before glancing up at the clock. She took a deep breath before shutting the English book beside her and took a seat in the chair listening to the bell chime indicating it was the end of the day. "Have fun Andrew. Do tell Eric I said hi" She said with a slight shrug leaning back in her chair. Today may have been a day waisted but tomorrow would be a different story. She planned to go to her house tonight and make up a few papers to pas$ out to the clas$ to see just how much they knew in this course. {fail}
3:14pm Nov 4 2010
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"Whos Eric?" Andrew asked as he and Aiden and the rest of the posse filed out of the clas$room with the rest of the students. "Uhh..." Was Aiden's reply as he to to think through all of the sudden and loud noise that came at the end of the day. "I think that 'Eric' is Mr. Dashaniel's first name." "Oh." Andrew replied, he'd never bothered to learn, or ask for Mr. Dasaniel's actual name. He'd never been interested in knowing really. "Why does she think I'll be seeing him anytime soon?" Andrew asked with a frown, puzzled. "How should I know?" Aiden stated, he and Andrew slowing loosing the rest of the posse as they went to their own rides home. "Are you?" Aiden asked curiously, "Hell no!" Andrew barked, his ears suddenly flattening and his tail flicked once in agitation. He was happy that Mr. Dashaniel was was out. That meant a little while of peace and quiet, unless Andrew wanted it otherwise. "At least we don't have detention!" Andrew said happily, a little more pep in his still sore step. He let a small purr escape his lips, thinking of relaxing without having Mr. Dashaniel show up and no detention. Aiden purred at Andrew's purr, "You're happy." He said with a smile. "I am!" Andrew replied as they went outside. [[ lol fail! I know! ;C ]]
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4:08pm Nov 4 2010 (last edited on 4:10pm Nov 4 2010)
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{What to do. What to do. Hmmm. I may bring in wolfy if Andrew goes to work. Try to lay a guilt trip on Andrew or something. I"m not sure. I can't have my beat up kitty walking back into the club the very next night....although that would be brave of him. lol. And Stupid. And for some reason. I have this sudden urge to play this serial killer. Like a graphic rp over Rmail. >.< *Curse the saw movies* }
4:13pm Nov 4 2010
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[[ lol That would work >:3 lol Wolfy: You did this Andy:... ;~; Damn Really? i've never seen any of the Saw movies o.o;; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:22pm Nov 4 2010
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{Le-gasp. You have never seen Saw? O_o. It's a really weird (Not sure I would call it cool because a lot of people such as my friends are mad at them) because they put people in situations where they have to cut of their own hand, kill another person, and just commit something they would never do in a million years in order to survive. Hehe. Okay so I have a quirk when it comes to watching horror movies. I like to see serial killers go after their prey. Donno why, I just find in entertaining. *Shrugs* And aww. Poor Andrew but knowing him he'll find some back sas$ comment and make mr. Wolf mad (Who's name is Miz I think. lol) }
6:59pm Nov 4 2010
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[[ Yeah, I know what Saw is and what its about >,< I just really don't want to watch things like that o.o;; I like other movies like that xD Saw is just a bit too much for me <3 And you know it >;3 lol Andrew is always a pain and always will be. ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:43pm Nov 4 2010
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{Oh. Hehe. Sorry. >.< } A loud knock came from the outside of Eric's door. A groan escaped the black neko as he managed to push himself off of his couch, wincing as he made his way to the door. It took him a few minutes to open it but managed to look face to face with Miz, his wolf friend. "What are you doing here?" he seemed to hiss obviously not in the mood to be bothered. "I wanted to talk, Eric" Miz explained pushing his way into the appartment without hitting his sore and injured friend. "Miz I am not in the mood. I want you out so I can rest in peace without having to worry what your mind is possible thinking" Eric growled, his blue eyes glaring at the back of the wolf's head. Miz lowered his ears and dropped his tail turning to Eric. "You think that lowly of me that I would take advantage of you in this weak, sad state?" he asked, pain filling his voice. "Don't you dare bring out that sad puppy thing upon me" Eric said slowly making his way to the couch and slipping into it, relaxing against the cushions. The black neko pressed his ears against his skull as his eyes focused on the wolf, who sat adjacent from him. "Why were you at the club?" Miz asked leaning forward. "What are you the police? I can't go have fun?" He asked curiously raising his brow. "Seriously Eric...why? You have like a ton of work to do for your job why would you waste time to go to a club and virtually do nothing but sit around and stare" Miz frowned sitting up straight and crossing his arms. "Fine if you must know you stupid mutt, I went to apologize to a student. The very student that works there. I seemed to have made him feel slightly uncomfortable in clas$ the other day. I was going to tell him I'm retracting myself from his life. No more shall I try to speak with him about things other than buisness. Although I wanted to let him know if he needed anything i'm still here to help" Eric shrugged. Miz stood up and sighed. "You were always an idiot when it came to doing things Eric" the wolf sighed glancing at the door. "Leave me alone, Miz. Please just go away. I don't want to be bothered" The black neko growled pointing to the door. "Fine. Fine. I'll see you around then" Miz said waving his hand towards Eric then quietly left leaving Eric alone to wallow in the past events.

8:51pm Nov 4 2010
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As always, Andrew made Aiden stop a little more than halfway to work and let him out. Whether he was sore of not he couldn't have his friend take him to work, if he did Aiden could possibly show up and get him fired. He didn't think that Aiden could do that but he couldn't be too careful. "Bye." Andrew told him friend, pulling his bag over his shoulder and walking away from the car. "Bye! Be careful." Aiden called to his friend and then turned the car around and headed back. Andrew walked alone to go, it was quiet as usual but he could manage, he was used to the quiet. And it was already starting to get cold. He stuck his hands into the pockets of his thick jacket, he had started bringing it since that night Eric had shown up at work. His fingers slid past something that caught his interest. He grabbed it and pulled it out, seeing now that it was the card that Eric had given him the other night. I was a business card for the school. It had the school name, a few important people's numbers and faxes printed in black ink on the front. On the back was Eric's cell phone number and street address in his handwriting. Andrew didn't realized that he had stopped to look at the little white piece of paper until then. He put it back into his pocket and continued to work, this time he got there well before the club opened and turns out... his boss had found out from someone that he had spilled the drink and had to pay for it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:38pm Nov 4 2010
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Miz walked down the hall of Eric's appartment building. He bit his lip as he quickly decended the stairs. He had plans on going over to the bar and talking to said student that Eric was going to apologize to. Afterall it was the kid's fault his friend got beat to a pulp, hell it was even outside of the kid's own club. Who could be greedy enough not to care or feel sorry. The wolf made a quick movment to slip into his car and make his way down the street. He glanced at the clock wondering if the club was even open yet. It was fairly early. He took a deep beath and slowed his car almost parking on the side of the road. He growled to himself laying his dark ears against his skull. Did he really want to face this kid without Eric's permission? Hell did he even need Eric's permission? This kid was the reason his friend was hidding in his appartment bruised and battered. If it wasn't for him he wouldn't have went to the club and gotten attacked. { Fail }
10:03pm Nov 4 2010
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After a while of getting everything that hadn't yet been or needed to be set up, set up, the club was nearly ready to be opened. Andrew was opening the storage room and the money box. "Hey, everything ready Parks?" Alex asked as he went along picking up things. "Yeah, let in the flood gates." Andrew replied, rubbing down the bar table, making sure it was clean. The bright lights were turns off and all the neon, flashing, strobing, and roaming lights were turned on, and the music began to play as Alex went on hitting buttons. Then he went and unlocked the doors for the customers to come in. [[ mine was fail-er D: ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~