6:47pm Mar 12 2011
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Andrew gowled when Jake bumped him, not even bothering to say anything to his apology. t hadn't meant anything anyway. Nor did he listen to what he said to Seth either, he just continued to change. He threw his clothes into his gym bag. Seth looked up at Jake and his greeting, his frown automatically a happy smile once again and his ears perked. The fact that Jake hands were on his hips hve him small chills but ignore them when Jake spoke. "See ya." He repsonded simply, leaning into the small, quick kiss and then watched him go. Andrew had finished dressing and putting things away and was now staring at Seth, waiting for him to realize that he was doing so. Seth sighed and glanced at Andrew only to flinch when he realized Andrew was staring hard at him. "What?" he asked, "It was just a kiss!" He defended himself. "Just a kiss..." Andrew responded, "Your boyfriend better watch himself of I'm gonna knock his *censored* out." Andrew told him angrily. "H-he's not my boyfriend!" Seth gasped. "Oh? Well, he still needs to watch himself." He turned, grabbed his stuff, and headed to his next clas.s, Seth followed after him quickly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:52pm Mar 12 2011
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Jake had arrived to English clas.s first and slipped into his seat. The seat that was originally Aiden's chair obviously but he had no idea about that. All he knew was it was his seat and he was near Seth. That was one of the reason's he took it when he first came. His tail flopped behind him glancing at the clock mentally noting around the time his little suprise would show up. He'd be in deep trouble within the next few minutes to an hour so he wasn't really worried. Eric focused on Jake curiosity hit him noticing him really early. "You okay kid?" he asked only to get a chuckle and a nod from Jake. "Oh yeah. Just....minding my own buisness" he shrugged glancing out the window. Eric just sighed turning around shuffling papers behind his desk. ( Fail )
9:28pm Mar 12 2011
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Andrew was surprised that Seth was still following him, even after he had been so mean to him a few minutes ago in the changeing rooms. He really wasn't trying to be mean to him, he just didn't like Jake. That was all. And he wanted Seth to be careful around him. He stopped at his locker, quiet seeing as Aiden's had been right next to his and took the time to look over at the now, presumably, empty locker before getting the things that he would need for his next clas.s which was Mr. Dashaniel's. "It'll get better." Seth as.sured him quietly from behind. Andrew huffed, "...yeah" He slammed the locker a little louder than he would have liked and continued to Eric's clas.s. Seth continued after him, his ears lowered. He soon past Andrew to go into the clas.s first, seeing as Andrew was hanging around the door a little too long. They were some of the last in, if not the very last. Seth went to his seat. Andrew stopped at the doorway, surprised tp find that Jake was sitting in Aiden seat! That.... b******! How could he sit there? Why would anyone sit there? Why would Eric allow him to sit there?? He frowned, but continued, not wanting the attention that standing in the doorway would give him. He sat down, not looking at Jake or anyone else. He rested his jaw on his hand and instead looked out of the clas.sroom and into the halls, ears lowered and tail laid simply arcross his lap, waiting for clas.s to end.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:48pm Mar 12 2011
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Jake watched Andrew and Seth come into clas.s with a variety of other students. He just sighed and slunk down in the seat stairing randomly at Eric who seemed to be scribbling down things on a paper randomly. He didn't look like hew as in a hurry. Maybe that was a good thing. Jakes ears did perk however when the bell rang indicating clas.s was starting and he watched as Eric perked up glancing out at his students. "Good afternoon, clas.s. I hd a test prepared for you today but I think i'll hold out on that until everyone has had a chance to catch up on things. Instead I have a few as.signments that you will be able to work with a partner and find the answers. It is sort of like an elementary exercise but it will work for today" He nodded his tail flopping behind him. "Please pull out your books and turn to page 678 on the different poems and structures, read while I p*censored* these out" he nodded grabbing a stack of papers and beginning to pas.s them down row by row. "Take one and pas.s it back please" he nodded walking back up front and leaning against his front desk. "if you have any questions please contact me. I shall help as much as possible but it is a pretty simple exercise" he shrugged grabbing his English book and began flipping through it.

10:02pm Mar 12 2011
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Andrew sighed, the whole day ruined. One period a substitute teacher had actually called Aiden's name on the roll sheet and everyone had looked at Andrew waiting for his reaction. In other clas.ses Aiden't seat was left alone. This was only a little better than someone sitting in there because you just knew that that chair was empty. Through out the day random students had asked how he was expressed their apologies for Aiden. Andrew was very sorry he'd come back to school today. It had only made him feel worse than being bored all day would have been. And on top of all of this Andrew hadn't gotten much sleep at all. He sighed, his thoughts taking control as the rest of the clas.s did as they had been tok and got out books and pas.sed back papers.The rustling didnt disturb Andrew and he pas.sed back the papers without realizing that he had done so. - Seth did as Eric said, getting out his own book and take a paper when Andrew had pas.sed it to him. This was one of his more... boring clas.ses. He crossed his legs, leaning delicately on his knuckles and looked down at his paper. His own tail swayed beside his slowly as he listened to Eric at the front of the clas.s.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:21pm Mar 12 2011
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Jake got his paper and pas.sed the others back seeming to mind his own buisness. His tail swaying behind him as his ears were perked forward reading the questions and tryin to find them inside the poems or answering the question about certain poems. He needed to keep his ind occupied or he'd get way to excited about the certain event he had planned. Speaking of said event, a man dressed in a black suit walked into Eric's clas.sroom holding a rather large bouquet of poppies. The poor man had to look around it just to see the teacher. "I'm looking for a Seth" he spoke only to cause Eric to stumble slightly at the randomness of the event. "Sir...We do not accept presents or flowers during clas.s!" Eric spoke standing up waiting to have to force the man out but a chuckle caused Eric's attention to Jake who was smirking. "I'm sorry Mr. Dashaniel, but money and love speaks louder than education and you yourself have said this is a boring, elementary as.signment" Jake spoke motioning his hand to Seth and the man walked forward laying the bouquet upon Seth's desk. "Enjoy sir" He smiled bowing to the student before leaving the clas.sroom. Eric's temper only seemed to rise as he glared Jake wanting to ring his neck. "Jake!" he snapped his tail bristling and ears pinning against his skull. "Your staing after with me today! We will talk then" he huffed, his face actually turning red out of pure anger. Who did he think he was! Inturupting his clas.s. The nerve of that kid. He growled sitting behind his desk glaring at the said student who only seemed to shrug off the so called punishment conversation. Sure, he could stay after clas.s. No big deal. All he wanted was for Seth to be happy. Speaking of said boy, Jake turned to Seth and smiled warmly. "My apologies for everything i've done to you. Again my intentions were not to harm you so I had those delivered to you along with the lovely note and a suprise hidden within he flowers." He grinned madly curling his tail behind him a little excited and pleased with himself at his actions.

12:50am Mar 13 2011
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Seth looked up when someone said looked up to see his huge bouquet of poppies. He inhaled sharply and his ears perked. They were so beautiful! And his favorits! He looked at Eric and listened to him complain about students not allowed to recieve things during clas.s. He smiled at Jake when he mentioned love over powering education. He was so sweet... He reached out to take the flowers when they were placed on his desk. He smile spread across his face, this was something that he would have never expected to happen to him. Especially from a boy that he really liked at school. He began to gently move flowers out of the way, looking for the surpise and the note that Jake had mentioned. He found the note and pulled it out, setting it down to read. Will you go out with me? Check YES or NO. His heart jumped into his throat and his spirits soarded sky high. Of course he would go out with him!! He check the 'yes' happily and then went on to look for the hidden surprise and soon found that as well. It fell from a poppy's stem onto his desk top with a 'clink'. He picked it up, awestruck. It was beautiful as well. He slid it onto his finger and looked at it for a moment. He thne picked up the note and flicked it at Jake with a wide grin.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:08am Mar 13 2011
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Jake laughed lightly at Seth enjoying seeing he liked his suprise. Although for the teacher, not so much. Eric was fed up with Jake just from his first words. He made his way over to between the two boys and actually snatched the note from Jake's desk before he had even teh slighest chance of reading it. He crumbled up the peice of paper before letting out a huff. "Looks like you'll have to find the answer later" He snapped glaring down at Jake who growled and actually slamed his hands down on the desk and standing up to confront the teacher. "Sit down Jake!" Eric hissed his tail swishing rapidly behind him. "Do not protest me or you will be sorry" he growled down at his student glaring down at the student. Jake growled back pulling his ears against his skull before actually slinking down in his seat. "I thought you had better tact than this, Jake. For a rich kid you sure are a brat...." Eric spoke spinning around and tossing the note in the trash and turning back to his clas.s. "Get back to work..." He spoke letting out a low sigh and sitting on the front of his desk, his eye glued to Jake. The said student was also glaring at Eric both seeming to loath one anouther at this curent moment in time.

2:59pm Mar 13 2011
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Seth leaned back in his seat, he'd never seen Mr. Dashaniel this angry! Not even when Andrew used to be himself and act out in the clas.sroom and argue openly with him. Jake didn't even do anything! He frowned angrily at his teacher, not understanding why he had desided to be an *censored* today of all days and ruin everything. His tail tip twitched and he didn't say anything or do anything to draw any more attention to himself, not wanting Eric to come and hurt his flowers or something along the lines of that. - Eric's little outburst brought Andrew back to the present and back into the clas.sroom with the rest of the students. What had he missed? He leaned out of the way of Eric's tail, not wanting to be slapped around by the thing and looked over at the two of them argueing. And then watched Eric go back to the front of the clas.sroom. He'd never seen Eric act out this way and wondered what was wrong with him today. And figured that it probably had something to do with him in some way. He sighed as well and went back to waiting for the clas.s to end. If Eric was going to go postal on him as well, Andrew really didn't care today. It would at least be a change from what usually happens to him and what happens in school.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:46pm Mar 13 2011
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The English clas.s seemed to go on forever but to Eric's releif and probably the whole clas.ses, the bell rang indicating the period was over. He sighed and stood up watching student's leave his clas.sroom but focused on in particular. Jake. "A word, Jake" He spoke out causing the Siamese neko to stand and make his way over to the front of Eric's desk still not all that happy. "Jake...you can do what ever you want outside of this clas.sroom I wouldn't care. You can throw rose pedals in the hallway and I just simply wouldn't care, but the moment you brought it into my clas.sroom....I care. This is not for wooing your boyfriend, and yes he is your boyfriend now. The note said yes. Just please keep your love facade's out of my room and we will be fine. I don't want you ever bringing whom ever that man was to give your little love gifts" Eric spoke pulling back his ears. "I hurt Seth so I wanted to apologize big, I see your clas.s is not up for a romantic mood. Someone must have really hurt you Mr. Dashaniel" Jake frowned curling his tail behind him. Eric just huffed and shook his head. "Jake...Just go....I'm tired of going around with you. Next time you disrupt my clas.s you will be out of it" He spoke watching Jake huff lightly and turn around exiting the room. "Stupid teacher" He mumbled under his breath as he disapeared into the hallway.

4:25pm Mar 13 2011
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Andrew had been one of the first ones out of the clas.sroom, his stuff hadn't been unpacked so he didn't have to waiste time packing. Seth on the other hand was packed quickly and followed Andrew out, his pack and flowers in hand. "What was Mr. Dashaniel's problem today?" Seth grumbled, following Andrew down the hall, ignoring the looks he was getting from his flowers. "Don't know.." Andrew reponded, uninterested in Seth and his talk. He knew that he was going to have to walk home today and it was still a cold outsde. He pushed open the door and held it open for Seth and his flowers. "Well, are you riding home with him? You can ask him then." Seth said, walking past. "No, I'm walking." Andrew responded. "He's making you walk in this weather?" Seth asked, surprised. "Not making me...?" Andrew responded. "Might as well be. Whats his problem?" Andrew sighed, still moving. "Fine. I'll drive you." Seth said and looped his free hand in Andrew's arm and pulled him along before he had time to argue about it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:46pm Mar 13 2011
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Jake frowned pushing past students and actually huffed taking the side walk away from the school. His mom could pick him up away from the school today. He didn't feel like waiting around. He was tired of school and the people in it. THe one who he'd come to be with had already left so why stick around? ------------------- Eric sighed grabbing his car keys and immediatly left the shcool building. Once inside his car he went the opposite way of his home, heading towards that club Andrew had showed him the other night. Just as he was on the road his phone rang causing him to grumble and place it up to his ear. "Hello?" "Eric, Darling where are you?" Reed's voice called on from the other side of the line. "I'm heading your way....You do have it though right?" Eric asked only to get a chuckle. "Don't underestimate me, friend. I have it and you shall see when you arrive. I just want you as my payment" Reed grinned his tail curling behind him. "I promised you didn't I?" Eric asked huffing into the phone. "Something the matter dear?" Reed asked straightening up. "Rough day at work, that's all" Eric answered watching the road. "I'll see you in a few minutes, Reed. I have to go" he spoke hanging up the phoen not giving his old friend time to asnwer.

5:14pm Mar 13 2011
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Seth drove Andrew all the way to Eric's house without a single word spoken between the two of them. Andrew had held the flowers in his lap, so that was the only scenery he'd had. At least it had smelled good along the way. They pulled up in front of the building and got out, Andrew set the flowers down in the front seat and pulled his bag out of the floorboards. "Look like Mr. Dashaniel isn't here yet." Seth stated, "Guess not." Andrew responded, not seeing Eric's car. "Well, call me if you need anything..." Seth respoded and got back into the car with a wave. Andrew waved back and turned on his heel to go up to eric's floor. On the way up Andrew thought about everything that had happened to him today and was on thefence about going back to school again tomorrow. He reached the floor and walked down the hall to eric's door and reached to turn the knob. It didn't budge, making Andrew stop. "*censored*...." He stated, wiggling a little. ".... of course....." He was locked out. He growled and dropped his bag by the door and continued down the hall to the window at the end of it to wait for Eric to deside to show up and let him in.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:29pm Mar 13 2011
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Lots of time had pas.sed before Eric even thought about his home. His car pulled up and Eric stepped out into the darkness along with anouther figure, Reed. Eric turned to him grinning before actually running into his building, Reed chasing after him. It didn't take long for Eric to race up the stairs to his floor but as soon as he pushed open the stair well door to his floor, Reed tackled him causing Eric's back to hit the far wall. "Umph" He grumbled wincing slightly. "Ugh...Reed" Eric sighed focusing on the man now pinning him to the wall. Reed's tail curled around Eric's own before he crushed his lips into the school teachers'. Eric reached up placing his hand on the side of Reed's neck before the red neko gave a low growl deepening the kiss. This would have lasted longer but Eric pushed Reed off of him. He needed air plus he wanted to get inside the appartment. Spinning around Eric froze before he could even make a step towards his door noticing his student. "Andrew..." Eric spoke, his ears falling back againt his skull. "Oh dear, was the child locked out? Tis sad" Reed spoke shaking his head making a clicking noise with his tongue against his teeth. "We should really get you a key now shouldn't we?" Eric asked walking up to the door unlocking it and pushing it open for his student.

7:30pm Mar 13 2011
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Andrew really wasn't in the mood to be patronized, babied, or generally interacted with or talked to in any way, shape, or form. So Reed's words were like salt on Andrew's wounds. He stood up. Plus he didn't really like Reed anyway, you could say he hated the guy. He could remember that much from the night he got drunk. There was just something off about Reed, Andrew could feel it. Kinda like a drunk with a gun. "Awww...." He responded with a sneer as he got up, taking his back with him. His whole posture screamed anger. From the way he stood, to his tail and ears, and especially his eyes. All of these things would put up red flags to normal people. "You brought the *censored*hole home..." He cocked his head to the side a little. He was talking to Eric but his gaze was on Reed. He might be living with Eric now and he might have been clean for over a year now, but Andrew still wasn't the person you wanted to mess with when he was angry. "'Tis sadder...." Andrew finished, copying Reed's words. With everything he's gone through today with the students attacking him and asking him about Aiden to the clas.ses themselves, and then Jake on top of that with the whole Seth situation. He wasn't having a good day to say the least. He moved past Eric, not bothering to look at him, and moved toward the room that he'd been given. He was begging for Reed to start something. Anything! Then he could take out all of his frustrations on him and not have to worry about regreting it later. Not to mention all of this was on the fence of when his own mother first brought a guy home with her after his dad left. But he wasn't even going to get started down that road.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:50pm Mar 13 2011
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Eric paused at Andrew's angry mood before sighing. He followed his student into his own appartment before freezing as Reed pushed past him. "Come on kid, don't be li---" "Shut up Reed" he frowned shoving him out of the door. "You've had your fun tonight, now leave" Eric spoke grinning weirdly. "Wha? No fair" he pouted shaking his head. "You'll be fine Reed. We still have a few days before I have to leave. So...for now, Reed. Good night" Eric spoke going to close the door but Reed stopped it causing Eric to sigh. "Yes Reed?" he asked only to be cut off by a kiss. "Day you leave....got it" Reed spoke pulling away grinning. He soon disapered down the hall causing Eric to shut the door and plop down on the couch with a huff. What a day.
8:14pm Mar 13 2011
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Andrew had closed his door and stood against it. He was both disappointed that Reed hadn't been able to go through with whatever he was going to say, and relieved as well. Disappointed becasue he could have beat the ever living daylights out of that wannabe that Eric had brought home with him. And relieved because he was sure that he would have regretted beating up.... Eric's boyfriend or whatever he is. His friend. Whatever. He sighed and put his bag down by the door and walked over to the bed to lay down. What an awful day today had been. And all because he'd been stupid enough to go back to school. And for what reason? Because he was bored? Nice. "Ahh..." He sighed, rolling over to face the wall rather than the door. "Kill me now..." He murmured.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:03am Mar 14 2011
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Eric groaned slightly laying his head back against the couch, stairing up at the ceiling. He was exausted and hadn't really planned to go clubbing with Reed. Somehow though, that idiot found a way to get him to go in and just have fun. "All for Andrew" he muttered to himself grabbing a pillow and curling up with it, laying on the couch. He didn't feel like walking back to his bed. His legs hurt and right now his head was spinning from the one drink he had. He wasn't drunk, just tired that's all. He took a deep breath shutting his eyes letting the darkness take him to unkown dream lands. ( fail ) >.<
12:35am Mar 14 2011
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Andrew didn't mean to fall asleep, it just happened. The quiet of the room and him finally able to relax was the perfect combination for him to fall asleep in. Though the relaxation wasn't for long and he was soon plauged by the nightmares once again. The next morning he woke rather early, sitting up in his bed with a sigh and looked to his alarm clock. It was actually around the time that Eric should start waking up. He got up and went to the bathroom to take a quick morning shower. He showered quickly, got out, and got dressed quickly and then headed into the living room for unknown reasons. He found Eric sleeping on the couch. He sighed and went to the back of the couch to lean over it. "Hey, you slept on the couch...." He stated simply, putting his hand on Eric's should to shake him gently. "Get up or you'll be late." He added, hoping that he wasn't going to have to put forth any actual effort to get his teacher up to go to school.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:45am Mar 14 2011
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Eric was sleeping soundly and was sort of hanging off the side of the couch when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Andrew's voice soon came through the darkness causing the teacher to groan. "Really?" he asked, his eyes still closed. Why couldn't it be the weekend already? "Fine...fine. I'm getting up" he spoke sitting up and rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. His body acked slightly from the night pervious before just shaking his head. "Want me to drive you?" he asked curiously yawning and standing up heading back to his bedroom to get dressed for the day. It wouldn't take him long. All he had to do was to throw on a change of clothes.