1:14am Mar 14 2011
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Andrew straightened up and moved away from the couch, also wishing that the weekend would hurry up and get there. He'd been back to school one day after he had been out for moths and he was already wanting to get out. He used to love school. It would let him get away from home, give him a break from all te yelling and fighting and the lonleyness. It would give him something to look forward to. Truth be told he had been looking forward to being a trouble maker. Acting out in cla.sses, picking on other students, getting a laugh and getting noticed. Thats what he did. And now... he didn't do anything and at the same time did everything. Did everything the teachers told him, what others told him to do. He'd become a totally different person. And everyone was staring to notice. After a single day back. "If you want..." he sighed. Actualy, now that he thought about it, waking today was going to be cold. Seeing as it was getting farther into the winter and all. Maybe riding with Eric would be ok today.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:28am Mar 14 2011
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It wasn't long before Eric got dressed and went into the bathroom fixing his hair. He brushed his teath, cleaning up a little bit before exiting the bathroom grabbing his car keys and breif case. "Oh, Andrew..." He spoke reacing into his pocket and handing the boy a key. "There you go. So your not locked out. Sorry bout yesterday. If I would have remembered you didn't have a key I woulda came straight home" he apologized opening the door and leaving it open for his student.
1:33am Mar 14 2011
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"Don't.... worry about it." Andrew responded with a bit of a sigh. That had become a habit of his lately. Escpecially in this house. Sighing. He reached to take the key from eric and he dropped into his own pocket. He'd out it somewhere else later. He then followed him out of te door of the apartment building. He had kinda forgotten about yesterday. But now... he had to think about it and it was goingto just piss him off. he wished Eric hadn't mentioned it at all.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:49am Mar 14 2011
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The car ride was rather short but it felt like forever becaue no one was talking. Eric was silent not really sure what to say anymore. Before he'd have a lot to say and talk about with Andrew but ever since he was drung then got shot and they both had their little yelling match things only went down hill. Whatever progress he thought he had made that night was gone and it only caused things to go a hundred steps back. Eric parked in the parking lot turning off the car. He unbuckled his seat belt before glancing over at Andrew. "I'll drive you home today so you don't have to worry about walking again. In fact i'll do it everyday till I leave friday" he informed climbing out of the car and going to the side seat opening the door to retreive his breif case. He didn't want Andrew walking in teh cold weather. He wasn't going to be that cruel.
2:21am Mar 14 2011
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Andrew climbed out of the car and closed the door behiind him once he had pulled his book ba out of the floor board. He'd said that Eric didn;t have to worry about locking him out yesterday, now if only he didn't worry aout him walking in the cold. He'd donw it before and he could do it again. "Ok." Hre responded instead, seeing no reason to aruge with him about something so useless anyway. - Seth pulled in early today, making sure he got a good spot toward the front of the school. He parked and got out, locking the doors behind him and starting up the steps and into the school, his bag over his shoulder and his phone and keys in his hands. ANdrew hadn't called him yesterday so he had a.ssumed that he didn't need anything. And he hadn't had a chance to give Jake his cell phone number yet either. He smiled, just the thought of Jake made his heart race. And now they were dating. He couldn't help but be excited about it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:40am Mar 14 2011
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Eric watched Andrew before sighing and making his way into the building. He wasn't going to waste time outside of the school. He needed to be inside setting up and thats just what he was going to do. ----- The same red porche that pulled up yesterday, pulled up in front of the school letting Jake out. He nodded to the driver before spinning around and hrowing his bag over his shoulder. He wasn't all that happy from what had happened yesterday but things could get better. Maybe it wouldn't be as rough today. Nor would he be as rough. A sigh escaped the neko as his eyes traveled up to the roof of the school building. He wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to travel up today and hang out before school. He still had a few minutes but would it be worth it?
7:53am Mar 14 2011
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Andrew climbed out of the car and closed the door behiind him once he had pulled his book ba out of the floor board. He'd said that Eric didn;t have to worry about locking him out yesterday, now if only he didn't worry aout him walking in the cold. He'd donw it before and he could do it again. "Ok." Hre responded instead, seeing no reason to aruge with him about something so useless anyway. - Seth pulled in early today, making sure he got a good spot toward the front of the school. He parked and got out, locking the doors behind him and starting up the steps and into the school, his bag over his shoulder and his phone and keys in his hands. ANdrew hadn't called him yesterday so he had a.ssumed that he didn't need anything. And he hadn't had a chance to give Jake his cell phone number yet either. He smiled, just the thought of Jake made his heart race. And now they were dating. He couldn't help but be excited about it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:45pm Mar 14 2011
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{[ Copy and paste post? O.o }]
4:15pm Mar 14 2011
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[[.... I have no idea what happened o.o I had a totally different pot this moring D;> ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:59pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 1,825
{[ Awww. You can Edit if if you want to }]
5:08pm Mar 14 2011
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Andrew watched Eric o and frowned. What had he done that was making Eric act his way? He hadn't done anything wrong, hadn't said anything, done anything.... broke anything. He couldn't think of what he did to deserve getting ignored. He'd only saved the guys life and took him to the single most awesome club within a 250 mile radious of here. He rolled his eyes, "Whatever.." He breathed and continued into the building. He couldn't help but go slwo, he didn't want to go back into hat building after yesterday, afraid it would happen again. And then he'd really be out of luck. - Seth wondered through the school, talking to a few girls here, snapping at a few boys there, and generally putting himself out there like he usually did. Lots of the people he talked to asked about the flowers, and he would responded that his new boyfriend had given them to him. Few noticed his ring either, bu that was fine. Though he never gave out Jake's name. He figured that he would spread that in case Jake wanted this to be low profile. But that was going to be hard for Seth, he wasn't a quiet person and he was too happy about dating Jake to not tell people about it. Soon that gossip was around school, much to the pleasure of Seth. 'Whos Seth dating?'
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:25pm Mar 14 2011
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Jake slipped through the double doors of the school, making his way through the hall secretly. His multicolored eyes spotted his victim and smirked actually slinking forward up behind the boy. He brought his hands up covering Seth's eyes and beginning to purr into his year. "Guess who" He chuckled lowly, his own tail wrapping around the Neko's in front of him. He wasn't going to let yesterday bother him. Eric had said he could do anything he wanted otuside of the clas.s but not inside the clas.sroom and he could handle that. Maybe that was a little too much but he got his point across.
5:34pm Mar 14 2011
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Seth stopped to prevent himself from falling over, and placed his own hands over the ones covering his. You'd see this game played in plenty of movies but no one had ever done this to him before. He smiled and wrapped his tail aroun Jake's auomatically. "Jake..." He purred back, recognizing the voice. - Andrew spotted the new 'happy' couple but didn't stop, figuring that he would get onto Seth at a later time about who he chose to hang out wih or not. Instead he continued down the hall to his locker to change out books and get the stuff he would need for clas.s. Little did he know that his teachers were watching him, noticing that he was suffering from the loss of his friend, and was planning on looking in on him every now and then before they decided whether or not they should as.sign him a counselor's office visit.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:57pm Mar 14 2011
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Jake grinned and pulled his hands away from Seth's eyes. "Ah it's so sad you got that one. I wanted to suprise you with your hint" He chuckled purring as he placed his lips to Seth's neck kissing it once. "Oh. Iheard from a little birdy you were dating someone but know one knows who. Must I beat up this secret boyfriend of yours?" He asked smirking a little. He found it amusing the rumors were going around but figured it wouldn't be long until people found out by either spotting them, or them telling their freinds. Not that Jake had any,, but still. Things wouldn't stay quiet for long.
6:32pm Mar 14 2011
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Seth turned to face Jake, putting his arms around his shoulders lightly, that way if Jake wanted to move them he could do so easily. "Sorry," He apologized for spreading the rumor. "But they were asking about your flowers yesterday." He stated. "They're beautiful by the way, thank you." he said happily. "Poppies are by favorites." He added quickly. He'd always loved poppies and their simple beauty was what had caught his attention toward them. His own were currently at home beside the front door where the sunlight could get to them. And he would see them every time he came home.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:44pm Mar 14 2011
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Jake grinned nodding lightly. "That's fine. Speak what you want to your friends. I don't mind" he spoke his tail curling tighter around Jakes. "And i'm glad you like them i'm also glad they are your favorites. I had no clue" he chuckled shaking his head. Randomly, Jake leaned forward kissing his new boyfriend, gently and lovingly. He brought his hands to the boy's hips and just hugged onto him enjoying hte closeness between them.
7:12pm Mar 14 2011
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Seth moved into the kiss eagerly, ear ears lowering out of the way as he pulled Jake closer with his arms that he already had around Jake's shoulders. He closed his eyes, not wanting the distraction of everyone walking through the halls to disturb him. But he ended the kiss reluctantly, though he kepts his face close to the other male. "They're watching us..." He said with a bit of a chuckle and a smile on his face. Not that he minded them watching really, just that there were quite a few people in the halls and two boys kissing wasn't really the.. 'norm'. Even in modern society.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:18pm Mar 14 2011
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Jake smiled warmly before shrugging. "Does it matter? At least now they'll have their answer" he smiled kissing Seth's nose. "I thought you enjoyed being the center of everything" He added, his ears perking forward slightly. "Besides...who are they to judge? I'm pretty sure each has their own little secret, not saying our relationship is a secret. Just...they can't say anything" he spoke tilting his head a little bit. "What matters is I care for you and Being with you is my way to say that." Jake wasn't really one to care waht others thought. He liked the attention yes, but could care less if they objected. This was his life, no thteirs.
9:19pm Mar 14 2011
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"I don't mind..." Seth replied. He wasn't quite sure why he'd stopped in the first place. But what Jake had to say to him was probably the best thing that anyone else had ever told him in his entire life. Now he really didn't care if anyone one looked. He pecked Jake's lips quickly, "Sorry." He responded lightheatedly and then prodeeded to make his own kisses on Jake's neck. Looks like he was the kind of person that moved quickly in a relationship as well. That made Seth feel a lot better about making out on the first day. Whenever he was in a relationship he just dove in
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:41pm Mar 14 2011
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The day seemed to progress normally givin Jake and Seth more time to hang out in and inbetween clas.ses. Though just like everything, the day had to end sometime. At the moment the last period bell rang inicating everyone go to their last clas.s and Jake proudly did was he was told walking hand in hand next to Seth. They wern't really going their seperate ways. Jake was deturmined to stay next to his boyfriend as long as possible, no matter what. He smiled kissing Seth's cheek walking into Eric's clas.s but sort of on a stand guard for being yelled at, although Eric wasn't really paying attention. He was busy shuffling papers on each student's desk seeming to be lost in thought.