12:31am Mar 18 2011
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Andrew watched him go, again slighlty disappointed that Reed hadn't really started anything. And he said that he acted tuff! He should go around trying to start things that he couldn't finish or even try to see through to the end. He'd get himself killed one day acting like that. Once Reed was a good bit away he closed his door. he didn't care if Reed as long as he didn't mess with him anymore. He reached down and locked the door, glad that it locked from the inside and not from the oustde. He then turned back to the bed. He had homework to do and he didn't have time for stpid people.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:52pm Mar 18 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:49pm Mar 18 2011
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The next morning, Eric's alarm clock went of earlier than normal causing the English teacher to actually accidently knock it off his night stand. He huffed getting up and unplugging the stupid thing. "Ugh..I hate getting up in mornings. Why can't I just sleep?" he frowned yawning. "Mmm...Coffee" He grinned sleepily remembering the coffee pot in the kitchen. He pushed himself up to his feet and made his way to the kitchen not bothering to call upon Andrew. This was teh day that he was leaving for about a week. His stpid teacher's convention. He really didn't want to go, but he had no choice. Plus Andrew wanted time alone and he wasn't about to kick the boy out. He liked Andrew. He liked him very much.
10:16am Mar 19 2011
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Andrew hadn't finished his homework last night, exhausted and unable to understand the work that had been given. And then he didn't sleep much dispite his exhaustion. his nightmares returning once again and waking him multiple times in the night as the nightmare had done time and time again before. No, he woke... to the floor. He turned in his sleep, a little too far to the right and tumbled from the bed. "Hmph!" The breath was knocked out of him. He tried to move, slowly, but he was tangled up in the blanket as well which only managed to piss off the upset teen. "FFFFUU*K!!" he finally managed to get himself free and up onto his feet. There was no hope for sleep now.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:25pm Mar 19 2011
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Eric's ears perked forward hearing Andrew before huffing slightly. He pulled his ears back and continued to make his way into the kitchen putting on a pot of coffee and leaned agaisnt the counter. He huffed once more allowing his tail to sway behind him. His eyes traveled up to the clock notiing the time in the back of his head. So he was to leave in about an hour or so to get to the airport to catch his plane. "I don't wanna go" He sighed throwing his head back to look up at the ceiling. This was going to be a long week. Studying at night, keeping himself up, going to boring lectures all day that consists of nothing but psyco-babble. "Ugh..." he mutered turning around to the fridge and pulling down some begals. He placed one in the toaster and jumped up, to sit on the counter to wait for his little breakfast and coffee to be ready. ( I fail )
5:59pm Mar 19 2011
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(( You're not fail! Im fail cause Idk how to get this started ): And I totally woke up that way this morning Dx )) Andrew, taking his anger out on the blanket for pushing him into the floor and then tieing him up, kicked the cloth back onto his bed with a growl. What a wonderful way to start out your day. Pain coursed through the shoulder that he had landed on and he was still a little short of breath. He looked over at the clock, again ma dthat he was even awake this early. He could have tried to get some sleep if he hadn't fallen into the floor! He sighed, flicked his tail a few times, and then turned away from the clock and the bed and the abandoned homework toward the door to leave the room. He found Eric, as he had expected him to be, in the kitchen waiting on coffee. He knew that Reed pissing him off last ight really had nothing to do with Eric, that Eric had been out before Andrew had even gotten out of the shower and probably did not know what Reed had done last night. But he still managed to find himself mad at the man. Mad that he had even let Reed into the house last night after he'd gone and risen Andrew's hopes of being able to talk to Eric after days of silence. And he didn't know why he cared so much about talking to him, he never did before. Not in the house and certainly not at school. But he did and that was just making things worse for him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:47pm Mar 19 2011
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Eric's ears perked as he turned his attention to Andrew. "Morning sunshine" He spoke his tail flopping on the counter behind him as he turned his attention back to the coffee maker. "You sleep okay last night? Don't remember much after you left for your room..." he spoke pulling his hand up and running it through his messy hair. "heh...I guess I was exausted or somethin" He muttered talking to himself. He shook his head lightly hopping down off the counter and walking over to the toaster. He watched as his begle pop out of the toaster and grabbed it putting it on the napkin he had snatched. "Ouch" he muttered shaking his hand and began applying butter. "Want some breakfast before I leave? I have about an hour before I head out" he noted with a nod.
10:39pm Mar 19 2011
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"no, I don't want any breakfast." Andrew replied simply. He was not in a good mood and 'sunshine' wasn't even close to being funny. Not to him at least. "You don't remember much because you fell asleep and left Reed sitting there with no one to mess with but me." He said, his tail flicking. The thought of said neko irritated him beyond belief. "Why was he even over here? I thought-!! " He caught himself, he was aboutto say that he thought they were going to talk last night. But he didn't want to show Eric that he really cared about him ignoring him for the past few days. He was standing a little off of Eric, not sure what else to say that wouldn't give away the fact that he wanted to be ok with Eric again. That this relationship was really the only one he even.... came close to caring about anymore. He hid it well. His posture and facial ex pression being those of anger rather than anything else.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:50pm Mar 19 2011
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Eric's ears perked up causing him to frown at his student's words. What was up with him? "Well i'm sorry I fell asleep, Andrew" he huffed. He turned his full attention to Andrew now a little confused. Why was he so angry? What had Reed said? "He was over here because he's my boyfriend, Andrew. He likes to spend time with me and I him. I kicked him out yesterday before you got here because I was awaiting for you to show up. He came back over to see if you arrived yet and when you had I let him in. I'm sorry I fell asleep" he sighed his ears falling back against his head. "What did you think though? And how was he annoyng?" He asked his tail seeming to stop swaying behind him.
11:30pm Mar 19 2011
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Andrew listened to what eric had to say about Reed, but the very fact that Eric was even deending the scum bag only succeeded in pissing Andrew off more. And he uaually hated when Eric called him 'kid', but now that he kept saying his name it made him want to punch Eric's lights out. What was wrong with him lately? He laid his ears back at the word 'boyfrien'. It threw him off for a moment, Eric being so open about it and saying it so easily made him feel... weird. And he sudden;y wanted to avoid talking about what he'd 'thought' at all costs. "He was just asking me to beat him to a bloody pulp. Thats how he was annoying." he responded, not really interested in that particular matter at the moment. "Show up?" he asked. "What do you mean, 'show up'?"He was talking about David showing up yesterday. "If you hadn't have let David take me out of school you wouldn't have had to worry about me 'showing up'." That was another thing! He couldn't believe that he'd let David come in and take him out of school like that! And then he didn't even stop or look back when David was walking him out of the school. Of course he couldn't tell Eric about how that made him feel either. He couldn't say anything! Not being able to say anything made argueing very difficult for the distressed teen.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:39pm Mar 19 2011
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Eric growled slightly his own ears pinning against his skull. "If you won't tell me what Reed said I can't do anything. I'm not about to tell him he can't come over anymore. Why should I do that? You have your room, lock yourself in it if your that upset with him!" He snapped feeling the weird urge to protect Reed. What had he done wrong to Andrew? Why did he hate him so much? This wanted to make him call said boyfriend but he didn't have time for that. He didn't have time for any of this. Mr. Dashaniel only seemed to sigh as Andrew snapped at him about his father. How he just let him take him away. "What choice did I have? He's your father. I can't deny him rights. Your not in my custody! He knew that. I had no authority there. All I could do was threaten him and I did! Do you think I want you to go with your father? Do you think I didn't care that you were walking away with a potentional crazy person! Your mom kidnapped you. You don't know how worried I was while you were with your father! I had no control over anything" He growled, his tail thrashing through the air behind him. What was up with Andrew? He woke up mad today. Hell he was beyond mad. The kid was pissed and Eric had no clue why exactly. He didn't think he had done anything wrong.

12:27pm Mar 20 2011
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Andrew frowned. Lock himself away in his room... That was it. He didn't want to have to lock himself up in his room anymore. It wasn't even his room. He was tired of hiding himself away because of some stupid boyfriend that didn't even belong there. He was tired of being here in this apartment with this man. And its not like Eric would actually do anything to Reed anyways. They were best friends. And now they were dating. All Andrew wanted to do now was to go back to 'his' room and shut himself up in it until Eric left. This wasn't helping anybody and it certainly wasn't making anyone feel good about themselves. At least Andrew didn't feel good about taking everything out on Eric. And he was making him mad, he could obviously see the way that he was reacting. He knew that Eric was right about his father too, that he wasn't a real guardian or whatever he thought of himself as being. That David could have easily had Eric arrested for kidnapping technically. He knew all of this but he also thought it was all wrong. He knew that Eric didn't really try his hardest back there. He's seen Eric do more and he didn't even attempt it with his father at the school and he was pretty sure that it was becasue he's been avoiding him for some reason and/or he was about ready to kick him out. "Excuses," He replied automatically, without even thinking about it. It surprised him that it even came out of his mouth. He didn't know what he wanted to do and desperatly wanted and needed to talk to Eric. But instead he was standing here yelling at him for.... no reason. He was so tired and confused he didn't know who to blame it on anymore. Himself, his parents, Eric, Aiden...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:42pm Mar 20 2011
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Eric's ears perked a little bit before falling against his head once more. "You know what. Enjoy my home. I'll get out of your hair" He growled actually moving past Andrew with a slight huff. He walked back to his bedroom and slamed the door to begin packing. Why did Andrew have to do all this? He thougth they were doing fine yesterday. He finially spoke to him but now, this morning, he was yelling at him. How could in one night them go even further down hill than they already were? Eric took a deep breath nearly throwing his clothes in the open suitcase on his bed. "Working hard....keeping him happy, having a home"He growled tossing his jeans in the suitcase before taking a deep breath. He couldn't keep doing this. He had to calm down. Packing angry would only make him miss things not to metion what he mght say or might be over heard by a certain student. The teacher took a moment to sit on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He took deep breaths holding them for a count of five before letting them out. A little anger techneque he learned from the councelor when he was young. "Okay" He whispered to himself standing up and beginning to pack once more a little more calmly. He'd be gone for a week so he'd need a weak's worth of clothes. That woudln't be so hard.

10:43pm Mar 20 2011
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Andrew moved out of the way so that Eric could move past without bumping him, that wouldn't be good. He would bump back and whether he was upset with Eric or not he really didn't want to start a fist fight with the only person he could or even tried to stand anymore. He heard the door slam. Once the door was slammed he waited a few seconds, his anger quickly dissolving and he wilted before he went back to his own room and closed the door silently. He didn't need to take up the whole apartment. Like Eric said it was his. He sighed and leaned against the door before sliding down it and sitting on the floor like he had seen Eric do a few times before. He ran his hands through his hair, wondering what the hell was wrong with him and wondering why he couldn't have got over whatever had been wrong with him before he had gone into the other room and started something with Eric. And right before he was about to leave for a wekk to! Perfect. Not only was he going to be alone for a week in this place but Eric was going to go away mad at him. Not to mention that he just ruined whatever good mood that Eric had been in and the posibility that he would have paid him any attention.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:07pm Mar 20 2011
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It didn't take long for Eric to pack up his suitcase when he was a little bit calmer. He emptied out his dresser and zipped up the luggage, placing it by the door. He staired at it for a few moments before goign over to his closet pulling out pictures and tossing them on the bed and a few records from the top of his closet to burn when he got back. There was no reason to keep the past when all it does is come back to haunt you. He had momories for that he didn't need momentos. "Dang it" he growled bringing his hand up and glancing back at the suitcase. So he really was leaving. A week was a long time to stay gone, especially when he was leaving Andrew. Eric quickly slipped on a different pair of clothes he hadn't wore to bed last night. Once he was dressed he grabbed his car keys shoving them into his pocket and snatched his bag. He opened the door only to see Andrew's closed. With a slight growl he walked out of his room glaring at the boys door but seemed to stop at it. "I'm leaving Andrew" He sort of snapped, but his voice was softer than it had been before. "Have fun" He spoke before heading towrds the front door. If he didn't leave now he'd be late for his plane and his boss would not let him live tha tone donw if he missed it.

11:35pm Mar 20 2011
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Andrew pulled his hands out of his hair long enough to hear what Eric had said to him through the closed door that he was leaning against. He wanted to get himself up out of the floor and go and apologize to Eric. To go and tell him that he was sorry that he was being such an *censored* this morning. But instead he stayed where he was and let ERic go, his pride not letting him get up and do what he wanted. "Bye...." Was his only response through the closed door so he wasn't sure whether Eric had heard him or not. And he kinda didnt want to see him go anyway. He had a problem, he could secretly admit to himself, with watching people leave him. And he might just ask him not to go and leave him here. So he sat quietly in the floor in frnt of the door, waiting to move until he heard the front door close so that he knew that Eric was gone.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:42pm Mar 20 2011
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Eric glanced back at Andrew's room before sighing. His ears hadn't picked up the 'bye' the kid had spoke. Instead he thought he was ignoring him which only made the older neko's heart drop. How had things gotten this bad between them? This caused him to sigh and actually open the front door walking out of it. He shut it behind him and slowly made his way down the hall and into the elevator to go down to the bottom floor to fetch his car. Later today, Reed was supposed to be bringing Andrew's suprise; his brother's car. He hoped that would make the neko happy and a little more relaxed. he didn't want Andrew walking in the cold weather knowing it would only get colder while he was gone. Eric couldn't just leave his car there and so now was the perfect time to give him his suprise. If he even wanted the stupid thing. "What ever" he frowned reaching the first floor and walking out to climb in his car.
1:35am Mar 21 2011
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Andrew heard the door close and he stood up and moved across the room to see what time it was so that he could decide whether to start getting ready to head to school or if he had a little while to relax a little bfore then. It was almost the time that he would usually get up so he decided to just go ahead and get ready to go. Jumping into the shower really quick and putting on some clothes. He knew that he was going to have to walk today so heading out a little earlier was a must. He picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder and headed out of the front door himself, locked it behind him, and headed down the hall. Outside it was still could as it was moving into the winter time and this morning ANdrew could actually see his breath as it came out is a white cloud in front of his nose. He pulled hood up over his still drying hair and pulled his jacket closer and began to walk towards the school. Not only was the walk cold, but it was long. At least it gave him time to think and to clear his head with a little fresh air. He preferring not to think anymore for now, at least until he got to the school.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:58pm Mar 21 2011
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It didn't take long before Eric was at the airport and currently boarding the plane to his trip. He glanced down at his phone before switching it off and shoving it into his pocket. If someone called they could leave a message. It wasn't important, nothing was important at the moment. All he cared was getting on teh plane and going to his stupid convention where multiple tests awaited him. ------ At school, Jake slipped out of his car and walked up to the school enterance. His tail swayed behind him as he awaited for his boyfriend to arrive. Meanwhile he walked into the building heading to his locker shoving his bag into it. He didn't feel like toting it around all day. It could stay there until last period. All he needed was his english book but that was the last clas.s of the day. So it wasn't that important during the beginning of the day.
5:37pm Mar 21 2011
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Seth pulled up in his own car a few minutes later, fabulously dressed as usual. A dark colored, long sleeved, deep V neck shirt that sort of hung on his shoulders to light colored skinny jeans and his ever present high heels. He turned off the car, and sighed since he was going to have to leave the warm comfort of his car and walk across the parking lot into the school. He pulled his bag onto his shoulder anyways and opened the door. The only thing really keeping him from staying at home was the promise of seeing Jake. He got out and made his way quickly into the building, escaping the cold quickly. Andrew, on the other hand, could only just see the school building from where he was walking. He sighed, looking back down at the road as he went, shoving his hands deeper into his hoodie pockets. He wondered how cold it was going to get over the week and if he should get a thincker jacket. The one he was wearing was the thickest he had and he was still cold. He picked up the pace and actually stated jogging. This would warm him up and get him to school a little faster than simply walking would.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~